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Rakguls as a kid I was terrified of turning into one


I loved those days, naïve gameplay, before learning a finite number of things were actually programmed


Minecraft came out when I was in 7th or 8th grade. The magic of being able to change the environment snd just "build" has yet to be recaptured. I still play it now and then, but I *know* the game so it's not as magical. Growing up sucks lol


I can only imagine how hooked you must be on the rabbit chase of a survival builder that would give you that rush again. I got into WoW beta tests as a 16 year old, played regularly for years, met my wife there. I have been chasing that MMO high for years, rarely getting even close. Played a lot of Minecraft, can only imagine what kind of pure cocaine could it have been if introduced at a right age.


That's actually how I felt about Star Wars Galaxies when it comes to MMOs. I was just a kid but man was that an awesome experience and playerbase


I don't like the Rakguls just because the poison effect is annoying when you probably don't have that many antidotes yet


This I was so afraid of them as a kid I stopped playing the game for a bit to avoid them and tried to find every other way around the underworld bit I could before giving in and completing it


"The only way out is through."


I think I must have been too old when it came out to hit quite the feelings some here describe, but I do have a memory of fully expecting to trounce the pack chasing the people in at the gate, but getting wasted instead, and subsequently approaching all of them with extreme caution and being really nervous about the tight quarters of the tunnels. And the decision to put that shine on them, like they were slimy, was a good one; bit unsettling.


I still am despite knowing better


Straight up like I haven't played since I was ten and it is pbecause those scary rhaks man. I stayed up all night light side then all the next day dark side on a 5 day rental. Never played it knowing how to switch attack 🤣


bendak starkiller with all my level ups saved for when I jedi


Energy Shield, Concussion Grenade, Plasma Grenades. If you can survive the first grenade toss you will find that he’s very susceptible to Concussion. Just make sure every 4th grenade is a concussion grenade and he literally can’t move or attack the entire time.


He’s surprisingly easy once you survive the first wave of grenades


Hated Star Forge Deck 2 with it's endlessly spawning enemies on my first playthrough. My fault, I tried to make a well-rounded character and eventually could do almost anything but poorly. Duel with Malak was fun though, spent a lot of time running in circles waiting for Force points to restore.


Heh. My first character had been rifle focused because I just wanted to play a Republic soldier. Was very crabby when I turned into a Jedi halfway through and was expected to use lightsabers. Ended up with a similarly 'meh' combatant that spent most of the fight dying and coming back while Zaalbar killed everyone. Finally boss fight made me go solo and that sucked. Fortunately, I had the entire game's worth of stims and health packs I'd refused to use. Actually trying a playthrough on the mobile version where I plan to stick with a rifle and battle armor even after becoming a Jedi. Focus on the couple powers that go with armor (I think heal does if I remember correctly). See how it goes. Maybe I'll even skip the powers and just be a hapless Republic soldier everyone won't stop insisting is a Jedi ;) Biggest concern is Sith bosses and mini bosses potentially having a really high deflection.


I hope you learned a valuable lesson about getting a liberal arts degree


My first few playthroughs I easily beat Malak, until I decided to experiment with a consular light side build. I was extremely powerful in a group with Canderous being the melee tank and Mission doing stealth attacks. But I had nearly no power by myself being a support fighter. Never again am I making my character entirely for support, only consular build I do now are dark side ones when I can get force storm


Honestly Twitch from #1. With no understanding of the mechanics I went straight for the arena & gave myself 2 vibroblades, can't tell you how many saves I reloaded haha. Replaying it now it always surprises me how easy that fight is




Kath hounds. Because you have to walk back and forth between the enclave and the rest a couple of times and they always respawn. And trigger when they're still half a mile away from you


Force speed and force jump help with that


Twin Suns


This is the one fight where on replays I'll "cheat" by filling the cantina with mines ahead of time, I never particularly bother with gearing up Atton and the fight seems impossible.


It's not so bad if you jedi up attention before hand and use shields. Also mines if your really having trouble


Honestly, feels faithful to canon. Atton has a bad feeling and laces the bar with a shitload of mines. Nobody stops him - a cantina on nar shaddaa has seen worse. Then he loads up on juma juice, knowing he has his back covered.


Hiding behind the bar freezes their AI allowing for grenade spam and free blaster shots. If you haven't gotten him to Jedi yet.


> if you haven’t gotten him to Jedi yet I don’t think I’ve ever got any of them to Jedi. This is why I think the game is so broken. Short of deliberately grinding , it seems near impossible to do it.


It really isn't near impossible. You just have to talk to your companions, which is something you should be doing anyway.


Bao-Dur is more of a pain than he's worth to get to jedi tbh.


That's fair. He's probably the one exception, in that you really have to make an effort to maximize conversation opportunities with him. That's more a side-effect of his conversations being so few (many were cut, as I understand) than the game mechanic of Jedi-ing companions being difficult, though.


Oh yeah I agree, I got him to jedi once, and I needed a guide just to maximize his influence gain because you need like, every optional conversation to proc.


Okay. I think I change my answer from Calo Nord to Twin Suns.


Twin suns? Atton with leftover armor and vibroblade annihilated them in like 30 seconds wdym


I agree with this, it’s not even that they are difficult to kill. They just aren’t fun to fight. Kath hounds also apply to this for me.


I feel the same way, but I just don’t understand why we get this feeling. It’s turn based combat, so there shouldn’t really be a tangible difference between fighting troopers and fighting spiders or hounds, you’re just pressing the same combo of buttons over and over, it’s not like in an ARPG where some enemies can have a mean unblockable attack that is difficult to see coming. And yet there is a clear difference, I don’t know why


It likely has to do with the design, sound design, and their hp/ damage resistance. Or at least that’s it for me.


The spot trigger sand people patrols on tatooine with the stun batons


They usually appear just after I've half blown myself up trying to disable the droid trap around that guy


First tarentatek was a nuts encounter after reading all the datapads especially.


Calo. Nord.






I think the second encounter depends on where you fight him. He’s far easier on Tattooine imo.


I like fighting him on manaan. It's just a corridor. Plant mines at his end before getting the star map and save up grenades


That’s funny. One other person said he’s easier on Kashyyyk.


Hes easiest to fight on Kashyyk imo, less goons to worry about, once you bring down Calo the wookies are easy


Funny. One other person said he’s easiest on Tatooine, and another prefers Manaan.


One thing that's worse than Kinraths are the Kath Hounds outside.


An Indiana Jones KOTOR crossover meme? ![gif](giphy|Nszyj17J4fUKmIwQwF)


Rancors. So glad they only appear 3 main times (not including the mini rancor on the last planet


How about just all of Kashyyyk?


The frequent turret fights were a chore.


Marl Twitch and Bendak, they are all very punishing on a lower level run, so lots of time running in circles is needed


Zakkeg, while making sure Davrel survives.


Kath hounds when I was a kid always felt like a chore littering the plains


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^manckey: *Kath hounds when I was* *A kid always felt like a* *Chore littering the plains* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That was my brother-in-law's speeder


I friggin love this


Calo Nord. He isn't especially tough as such. But my god during my first playthrough running into him in the Shadowlands was very much not fun and held me back for a while.




Doesn’t force heal cure poison on tier 1? I find them to be pretty squishy and easy to mow down.


Oh, not that I found them hard, they just freaked me out. I hated the way their legs curled up when they died… 🤢


Are Kinraths really that bad? I seem to remember shredding them fairly easily and quickly and them not doing much damage. Calo Nord always gave me trouble, tho.


Not hard to kill, just creepy.




Technically not a real enemy, more of a quicktime event, but the damn sharks on Manaan. Little me was scared of sharks when younger lol.


I still have issues playing that section because I paused once with the camera in a way that made it look like one was coming up behind me as a kid. It freaked me out because I have thalassophobia. It was already knocked out. It took me 5 minutes to finally unpause.


That fight in the base when you're light side trying to get the prototype swoop back always caused me problems. Also, in 2, that fight outside the czerka base.


Not an enemy but the monkey on kashyyyk bottom floor


The dude who jumps you in the desert after getting what you need from the cave. Cato Nord I think was his name? I was woefully unprepared for him and had to cheese it by somehow running past him