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No, but I’m surprised there isn’t one for Morgan hale and Emily huskinson


Morgan Hale has been everywhere but her honeymoon post wedding. Kinda sus about her "wealth." The wealthy people I knew took a month long honeymoon all over the Pacific Islands. (Bora Bora, Fiji, etc)


I’m sure the people happiest of all that Morgan has gotten married are her parents. I’m sure they’re tired of footing the bills as they have her entire adult life for everything. Just because your parents have money doesn’t mean it flows to you all the time and they are clearly very generous with her. But her sister lives in a regular but nice house in Dallas nothing like the houses that their friends live in. She has a regular job and I’m sure they all do really well but I’m just saying, they’re not rich by any standard. Emily lives in a house titled to her father that he bought many years ago. It’s in a gated community in Irving. Very nice place. She’s done some remodeling in it as she has posted it online. I think Emily does really well in her business and she has grown it. She seems very successful .I thought the post about Morgan leaving her comfy corporate job where her sister works and becoming an entrepreneur was really funny. I’ve read Kait and Morgan refer to themselves as entrepreneurs not influencers. Morgan posted after her wedding that she was gone every weekend but without her husband. It made me think about when Emily was married before, but she couldn’t stop her girl life and transition to wife life. Emily’s husband often acted like a fraternity boy, but by all accounts, he’s a nice guy. But she just could not stop being the girlfriend to all the girls and they have now moved into marriages and relationships and Emily is still alone after her recent break up. Her ex-husband Ryan did have a funny Instagram account called my high maintenance wife. I thought it was hilarious would even be a funny show but I guess Emily didn’t see the humor in it.


This is spot on!!! Mean girls since high school. Morgan always trying to catch up to Emily and riding on her coattails. The fake kardashian voices kill me


I miss the High Maintenance Wife IG 😂


They were funny


So emily is old money? 


The other poster is accurate, she’s not old money.Her dad just had a very high position and was in ownership at an oil company and made a lot of money the same way all those guys do. But no, not old money just rich dad who was poor when she was born, he was just starting out in the business so he is self made.


I dont think old money per se like the Vanderbilts. It looks like her dad made a lot of money from when he worked as a CEO for an o&g company.


Didn't Emily get engaged recently in Italy?


Yes, she did. Unfortunately, according to another poster somewhere I think under Katie’s post, they mentioned that Emily caught her fiancé actually in bed with someone while she was out of town and came home. She scrubbed him from her Instagram and she did make a post stating that she values loyalty and integrity. Some other posters have mentioned he was known as quite a cheater already.


Oh wow. That's terrible!


Yes, I feel so bad for people that are cheated on. Especially when you’re newly engaged and so optimistic about the future. But better to know now than after they were married, that would be even worse.




I’m like 95% sure that I read that Emily’s dad works for her ex fiance Blake. The Vinson family is the definition of old Dallas oil money


I do remember that they are connected. I think he does consultation work because he’s retired, I do feel like I read something about the two companies doing something together. I also think Emily‘s dad might’ve invented something that he has a patent on. She hasn’t mentioned anything in a long time that was all from a long time ago when the mom was still alive. I was curious if the Dad is dating again. I hate that Blake really screwed up because he and Emily looked to be like a nice couple at Lisa . As far as it looks go they kind of matched up. But if you can’t trust somebody, you’ll never be peaceful so no matter how much money they have or what their connections are if it’s not worth it. I kind of thought we’d be seeing them back together at some point she’ll probably end up, married to some billionaire someday.


Katie who?


I mean Kait


Apparently she got full body lipo, whatever that means. and obviously an entirely new face.


Can someone confirm that Morgan got ozempic? How else did she lose all that weight soo fast 


What’s going on with Emily ?


Recent boob job


It isn't her first, right?


I don’t know about that. I had noticed on a recent picture and I’m like oh my goodness looks like she said work done.




How old is she ?


Nobody in the real estate world respects Julia Wang. She isn’t anywhere as successful as she boasts to be. Real Wealth whispers.


Well she honestly seems like it . She has a nice house , nice car, and she goes on great trips.


Her husband owns a start up. So he seems to do well for himself. Also please everyone don’t let IG fool you. You don’t know how Much debt these people are in to flaunt their so called success it’s all smoke and mirrors. The wealthiest people I know are not flashy on social  media 


What do you mean by start up ? How do you know they are in debt ?


Please!!!! Someone from the randa page might know 


Julia looks like a man with the worst cosmetic filler I’ve ever seen in my life, that person should be arrested


She has had filler , but recently she got fat injected into her face .


WOW she should’ve done her research!! She looks like she’s sick or something 😭😭😭


The looks so Much older than what she is! 


The woman acts like she’s 12! She has a stylist but she sucks! Money can’t buy class sweetie! Also she’s always posting indirect jabs at Nan, a competitor brokerage. She was in Cabo and posted “be jealous” like oh yea I’m super jealous of all your Employees that are on a yacht with your annoying obnoxious self. 


Who is nan ?


Nan is a Houston brokerage where Julia used to work 


Oh okay . Did they not get along ?


Does anyone know what Morgan Hales father or mother does for a living?


Idk about the dad but mom is a real estate agent.


Theres now a HTX influencer snark page! It looks pretty new but ive seen her mentioned