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Yeah, I even have left the Netjeru *several* times - more than once in the last year! When I returned recently I felt really worried that this time I took it too far, that I upset the Netjeru and that They would want nothing to do with me anymore. But to the contrary: as soon as I turned to them a Netjer new to me came to me to work through what She made clear are *my* problems. She said she was sent by Aset (who's my main Netjer) to work with feelings of "being poisoned". They said that my feeling guilty is like being poisoned and working with Serqet would help me. And Aset said "not to sweat it and it's all part of my journey and the times away were necessary to work things out". They are incredibly generous and great-hearted like we can't even begin to understand. Of course that's not to say we should try to annoy Them, or that we can do whatever we like. And we should definitely never go against Ma'at intentionally! (I don't know how They would react then and I do NOT EVER want to know.)


I wouldn’t worry. It is extremely hard, if not impossible, to make a deity angry unless you’re actively trying. Even then, the deity in question will either peace out because they won’t put up with someone trying to piss them off or they’ll tell you they’re disappointed with your behavior. Dreams are just our brains taking our thoughts/feelings/memories, putting them in a blender, and spitting out a movie in front of our sleeping eyeballs. It’s how the brain processes and organizes information and it’s very healthy for us. The best person to interpret your dream is you, but I read this as you feeling guilty that you forgot to pray and take care of your cactus, and so you were afraid of what Set would think. Dont worry. Set is pretty chill and he’s not high maintenance. Just tell him you forgot and move on with your life with the knowledge that it’s no biggie.


this is a stupid question but do you know what netjeru might be high maintenance? this is me just me being curious and not really related to my question. i do thank everyone for their insight and beautiful words ❤️


Deities only give us what we can handle so none of them are technically high maintenance. Sometimes the lessons they give are hard and it can feel like they’re high maintenance but it depends on the individual and what the deity feels they need to learn. Deities are reasonable and understand that we’re only human.


I have cursed, slandered, and attacked the nTrw before. I am very volatile, and sometimes I say things that feel wrong for me to say but then I proceed to do it anyways. It's a *lovely* condition of having bipolar depression and other mental health issues. Be that as it may...I don't think they have left me. I think they have been disappointed in me, but never have they left me. If you ever feel like they did, just remember this: The nTrw are embodiments of nature and life, meaning everything around you can -- and is -- in effect by a nTr (or nTr.t). Chaos via Setesh, love via Hathor, the food chain via Sobek... they are everywhere. Even if you feel like they are gone, they are obligated to still be there.


Sobek being embodied in the food chain: I've never thought of that or heard of it, but it makes sense to me. Thank you for pointing it out 🙏


They can 💯 get upset, but in my experience it's not in that way. Not about a lack of prayer/worship. Let me explain. I'm the type of person that can't stay down for long. If I get depressed I usually get out of it quickly. (I'm very thankful for this and truly feel for those who do not have this experience.) One time I was in such a depression that I was ready to give up. Anubis, my patron diety, tried multiple times to help me out of it as he normally does. But this time it didn't work. He normally comes to me when I'm driving, and I remember the day I got out of this funk. I was driving, and Anubis was apparently so frustrated with me that he came to me, red glowing eyes and ominous voice and threatened to not be there when I crossed over if I didn't get my sh*t together. It worked. It was like I was shaken out of a horrible nightmare by that interaction. So yes, they can get mad/frustrated/upset. I have not worked with Set, so I don't know if he would be upset by not caring for his cactus, but in my case, I know Anubis would not get upset about that, it would only be if he saw me wasting my life (as I was) and didn't get the message. If that makes sense. This has just been mys experience however. Everyone's interactions with the netjeru will be different.


From my experience it sounds like Set was being humorous. A storm coming and your cactus falling apart because you forgot one time is something he would show you as a joke, kind of his humorous way of saying don’t worry about it.


Sometimes dream is just dream. Most of them are not sings from divine.


No wonder your husband is always with Ace. 😂