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Uncle lazer better at burning bridges than making jokes


More like Uncle Icarus at this point.


you son of a bitch


Why would you fly there???




10/10 comment


i don't think there was a bridge left to burn. i am sure he was told not to come back to KT and now he is trying to play it off like it was his choice.


Someone tagged Tony in the next comment lol


And one of his pinned videos is him on Kill Tony




Damn Lazer is big mad that he got called out for stealing jokes out of the back of his dad's Playboys and then dropped by Tony. Imagine being that emotional about being dropped by a "free" show. And you know Mr. "Fuck Kill Tony" is definitely checking this sub like he always does. Everyone say hi to the hack!


not a fan, but really lost any respect towards him when he is telling street jokes about a carrot used as a dildo.


It wasn't even just that one joke. It was pretty much every story he told during each of his sets. I'm not a fan of his comedy. However, in all fairness, I did enjoy his podcast when he had a couple of good guests on. He had William and Michael Gonzalez on, and those episodes were pretty good.


He's more like a wannabe hack.


yikes, what jokes did he steal? i don’t doubt it. i tried but never could like that dude or his character.


Carrot joke on the Roseanne episode


lol maybe he could open for Carlos Mencia with that one


When did Tony call him out on it? I just watched the set but they didn’t say any thing about it


from who did he steal it?


google farmers daughter hot buttered corn joke


A few times he just retold street jokes and internet memes as his own (Tbf David Lucas did the exact same). Lazer did a joke about pulling anal beads out of a girls ass like he was starting a lawnmower. I’m almost positive that jokes older than the internet. I remember hearing my older cousins making that same joke in the early 90s.


The lawn mower anal bead joke I made a post about it you can’t look at my post to see it


Tony not a steal but he tells one person a show that they could be 13 or 73 or something in that format


If he is then shouts out to him. Big respect for shitting on Tony who is a bitch. Carrot story gang till I die 🥕


Stupid fucking story, wasn’t funny and wasn’t even clever


you just might be replying to Lazer himself rn lmao


I forget what magazine that joke was copied from. But yea, he told someone else's joke pretty well. And Tony gave him a chance when he probably shouldn't have.


What joke? I listen every week, but, I guess I’m out of the loop.


It was one of those passed around job site story jokes where Lazer pretends he was banging some chick, then put a carrot in her ass, then throws the carrot on the floor. Next morning, they wake up and the woman's kid is standing at the foot of the bed eating the carrot or something. Super hilarious if your a mushy-brained Lazer type.


That sounds like some Stern Show humor




So everything billionaires say is funny?




I'm sure I am but I have no idea how this relates to my comment.


We found his burner account


He's really trying to make "Carrot Story Gang" a thing lol. That must have been the joke that Tony finally booted him for.


we shouldnt mention him anymore on here


All of social media is just losers trying to find bigger losers to dunk on. It's miserable but goddamnit I'm addicted.


You...how could you...I...dammit you made me self aware


Expect a bunch of posts in a few weeks... Ughh...


RIP Lazer💀


Sometimes I think Tony saw Uncle Lazers personality and knew he would fall out, so he made an example of him by just letting him fail and giving him a stage to do so


I can understand the point he’s making, but he wouldn’t be where he is if it wasn’t for the exposure he got from kill tony. He should show some appreciation if you ask me


if dude thinks he is above a regular appearance on weekly show with millions of views he is in for a rude awakening


I mean he had Tony loving him and he fumbled it in more than one way I don’t mean drugs but the way he thought he was already on top when he was still working his way up probably turned people off


Lazer is to Tony as Shaub is to Rogan.


That's perfect


Scales about right


Water we dune hair? Uncle Lazer lame dude nevur met em


Shaub is better than Lazer and I can't stand Shaub.


I wouldn't go that far


He never even tried to write a joke. Anyone else that had Tony’s backing would have been writing day and night. (Ha! Tony’s backing…cuz Tony’s gay)


Had he played the game a bit he could have a career like the other regulars.


No he can’t. He’s a personality, not a comedian. He isn’t funny, every dumb retard thinks he’s funny cause he looks like a caricatures of a southern person, but when you listen to the words there’s no thought there. He was an oil rig worker, you really think he has any awareness on how to become a great comedian. Nope, just another “influencer” grasping for more than 15


He probably could have done something similar to Larry the cable guy when he was calling into radio stations. For example, next is uncle Lazers take on this weeks news or something. Where he puts his personality on display rather than trying to be a stand up


That is a very good analysis.


Who the fook is Uncle Lazer outside of kill tony


I mean to be fair he was already Internet famous for other stuff. He would be doing fine. He was also rich from working in oil


What exactly is the thing he's claiming to be good at?


He's good at being an Uncle Lazer. Honestly he's the best Uncle Lazer I've ever seen. Unfortunately, he's not a good comedian.




I was at the live show this week and Uncle Lazer was on it


What part so I can be ready to fast forward it.


Just look in Comments after the premier, someone always timestamps them.


To you he isn’t a good comedian. The KT sun is basically a hate page. The dude sells out shows out of state. That’s pretty impressive in itself


As someone pointed out yesterday, Carlos mencia is selling out shows rn too. Idiots will line up and pay for anything.


I can not imagine watching more than a minute of uncle larper. Has to be amazing b


Fucking Texas twinks.


He sells out shows now lol


They aren't great though. Does less time than his opening acts. At least that was the case when I saw him.


Uncle loser is a retard. He's a hack idiot, that thinks that acting like a goof while fucked up on Coke is a persona. If he really worked in the oil fields I bet his old Co workers think he's the biggest dumbass Mary there is.


rig workers probably see Lazer like we see a mirror


Lazer is a little girl compared to your average rig worker lol


I doubt they think he’s big. Dude shorter than Rogan and wears a size 6 cowboy boot


🎶Petite feet. Feminine step. Sounds like a laaaaady when he’s walkin’ in the room, he’s got…🎶 😂😂


Damn, looks like some bridges been burnt.


What a moron lol even if it’s free it’s amazing face time to get his name out more , def ain’t rooting for this toool


Right. Only reason he's saying "fuck Kill Tony" is because he gets so butthurt about how many internet people don't like him. Can't take the heat? Get the fuck out the kitchen bud.


Being a regular on a popular show plus all the networking he could do with a new established comedian every week is worth more than whatever he’s getting from Texas gigs.


Wow, this fucking guy Tyler is delusional. Like he’s a caricature of what he thinks a Texas redneck acts like. A millennial rip off of Larry the Cable Guy, without any actual material. Did anyone else see the video of a guy that allegedly knows him, calling him out for being a hack/a wannabe fuckboi, and saying the uNcLe LaZeR is a new character he made up? Tony basically saw this guy, liked his WWE persona, and force fed him to KT fans hoping he’d actually do something… it was obvious that he sucked after he was telling stories that were ripoffs of shitty old street jokes. Then there was the time he bombed and Tony called him out, for him to go on a rant about how he has more IG followers than KT, implying he was bigger than the show. We didn’t see him for a while after that. He was even denied entry to the club the following week because he wasn’t a guest nor did he have a paid ticket (I saw him and a lady walk up to the front of the line and get turned away, he was clearly upset when he was walking off). I mean I get it, KT doesn’t pay with money. But that much free exposure for a guy that’s been doing “comedy” for less than a year is priceless. I wanted to like him at first, but he’s clearly a drug addled megalomaniac. Fuck you Tyler.


Of course his name is Tyler lol


Ms. Barr fucked his world up by pointing out the truths.


Who gives a shit about this random arrogant grifter at this point. Let's face it we're all mostly here for William. Fuck the noise.


William is definitely the icing, I however like David Lucas's fat tits...am here for the cake!


I have some bad news for you, sunshine.


David ate the cake


Yeah I'm definitely not here for William. God no.


Lmaoooo please tell me if William is EVAAH GONNA STAHPPP the dumb music bit 😅 Also, I’m here for CAM!


I'm getting Iron Patriot vibes from this dude. "I'm too big for the show." Ten years later: doing rideshare while begging/cursing Tony in Youtube vids.


Would not be surprised if he claimed he said this because he fell off the wagon, got sober, then ended up on KT again to tongue Tony’s bootyhole 👅


Look at Babe Ruth over here.


I don’t get it. I’m Canadian 🥴


Babe Ruth was a baseball player who used to point to the outfield, calling his hits/homeruns. Basically saying your calling this ahead of time cause I could 100% see him bitching out (again) and doing this.


Man. My Aussie mind took it as slang Babe Ruth=Truth


He was literally kicked off the show for bombing


Not just bombing, but calling out Tony on stage, saying he has more IG followers than the show, etc *after* he bombed.


Uncle Narcissistic Hillbilly Faggot’s at it again smh I wonder if he’s still trending


Who said he was even good?? You can only go so far with a mullet, macho man randy savages voice, and WWE shirts from the 90s


"Fuck internships, they don't pay momma" is the logic he's following. He'd be toiling away at the oil rigs if it wasn't for KT. Dunning Kruger to the max.


It doesn’t pay, huh? I think there are some regulars who leveraged their time on Kill Tony more effectively than Uncle Lazer who might disagree. Burning bridges with the one show launching the careers of comedians who pander to a Texas crowd will probably be less lucrative.


Seriously. I mean Hans fucking Kim went from a van down by the river, to flying drones in pools with a Rolex. In a year.


Is there any confirmation besides this second hand post that they really had a falling out?


He said fuck kill Tony on here haha I’d imagine that is proof there was a falling out, especially since he hasn’t been on the show in a while.


Word on the street is he exchanges drugs for spots


The dude sucks at comedy


It’s probably because he lost to Hans this past Monday for the regular spot


a blessing tbh


Joe also can’t stand him ! I heard he told Tony to be done with him


Imagine blaming tony for giving you an opportunity then blowing it.


I genuinely think Brendan Schuab is funnier than Lazer. Like seriously


More likable too


Definitely not more likable. Not by a long shot.


Heard it bowlth ways b


Lets not go crazy now. Braindead isn't funnier than anyone.


Not like uncle loser is getting specials, though


idk hes probably fucking specials on the regular


Mark Normand voice: COMEDY!


I’d rather have no specials than gringo papi and whatever he called the first one


I can't stand Brendan but I've got to cosign this.


Did we expect any less from him?


But he’s not good though…


He was in Nashville last night. In the listing at Zanies Nashville, "Everyones favorite uncle from kill tony coming to town to share storys and good times for one night only. HIDE YOUR MOM. Youve been warned." I wonder how many tickets he sold. Also, kind of funny that he is like "fuck Kill Tony" and his bio literally says "from Kill Tony" in it. [Lazer in Nashville](https://do615.com/events/2023/6/22/uncle-lazer-tickets)


Kill Tony is responsible for his entire following — Lazer never would have been able to afford all of those fake instagram followers without the shows he booked from Kill Tony.


Now he fades even further into obscurity.


He’s a coked up dork, he wasn’t good enough to be regular and characters like that only go the way Larry the cable guy went or they get old and die out like I’m betting his will.


Yo fuck this guy


Let’s not forget, he’s also not that good at blowing the harp. He plays the harmonica like he tells jokes, just gets louder and more ridiculous as he continues bombing..


That dude isn’t funny, he’s funny looking


Uncle Lazer is starting a podcast with Carlos Mencia.


Best joke he's ever told.


He shits on the regulars further down in the comments. Some guy says “better than the regulars” and he responds “hahahaha” Fucking loser.


\-Bombs (*diversity hire*) Kim \-David (*Uncle Lazer level comedy / gay jokes*) Lucas \-Or William (*news article, random reference, insult redbans mom, yell, in that order*) Montgomery? Which one is your favorite?


Soo I’m no expert in comedy, just a pretty average spectator but an objective and observant one. I can respect when someone isn’t my style yet are obviously talented and palatable to others.. and by god uncle lazer (addressing full name cause I bet he searches it here) fuuuckkinngg ssuuucckkksss soooo hhhaarrrddd. Like really though. And I don’t even care if his podcasting is solid or he has a decent set at some club.. to me, if you’re lucky enough to have a bigass platform (KT) as many times as he has, and you don’t kill even one of those times, you just do not have it. And uncle lazer does not have it. He sucks. Pure and HARD


Yea there wasn’t a single set of his I liked. Kept thinking it would get better and it kept getting way worse. Then the last 3+ months of not even hearing uncle lessers name was pretty solid. I thought we all moved on wtf happened


What a fucking loser He would be absolutely nobody if not for kill tony. Not only the exposure but the fact tony went out of his way to get him on in a bunch of shows. I genuinely dont understand who would pay to watch this clown


But……..you’re *not* good


news flash bubba, Y'AINT GOOD


Well, he wasn't good at it... so yea, he's gotta do it for free.


Jesus Christ what a fucking moron


That'd be the choke-ane talking. It smells funny to me.


This dude sucks we gotta stop giving him clout. He wouldn’t be a thing at all if it weren’t for kill Tony and he still tries to hang around the crew . He’s been hanging out with kam the funny black comic. Hope he doesn’t taint his life with his cringy bridge burns


Sounds like the coke talking.


Back to being the funniest guy in the oil field.


I’m so shocked that he’s an actual piece of shit /s. Must have had a falling out with Tony if he’s bad mouthing Kill Tony like that.


He is joking


Burning bridges with some of the most powerful people in comedy, low IQ move for sure


Uncle Lazy carries invisible suitcases. Pantomime bellboy ass.


Yeah just like the Iron Patriot got too big for Kill Tony. They should have some random person wear a mullet and tell hack jokes like they did to the Patriot to prove he ain’t shit. Fuck Lazer


Guys not funny, just mentally ill


well guess its confirmed that the douche bag part of his character wasn't just an act


Goodnight sweet prince.


Fucking dipshit. Knew I didn’t watch his podcast for a reason. I’ve always been nice to him but after seeing that comment, nope.


He was the bottom of the regulars anyway, would rather see Jared Nathan any day


Tony must have told him he sucks. He’s sounds bitter. Don’t think he would be that arrogant for no reason.


Uncle Lazer and the iron patriot are going to make their own comedy club


This comment alone means he needs to come back on to get incinerated.


Cocaine is a helluva drug


"if you are good at something"


By that logic he should still be doing it for free


Tony was the last standing advocate for this hack. My wife and I were in Nashville and planning to go to Zanies then saw he was there so we went elsewhere.


uncle gayzer


I’m going to play devils advocate here and just assume this is just his character that doesn’t translate well to text on the internet, but could just be a clash of personalities and he needs to reel it back. I’m not a Lazer hater though, even though he has had disastrous sets, it makes for good entertainment. He’s way more miss than hit most of the time, especially trying stand up, but I like the hits and enjoy the cringe. He can be a good interviewer at times on his podcast, as well as having some entertaining stories, if you can get through all the dick and pussy filler.


If Ted Nugent opens a club, he'll get paid. I don't think he's getting paid.


Damn, he’s never coming back?






Dude was never funny


Fuck uncle Pedo, even David Lucas is more talented...and that ain't saying much...I'll take Jared Nathan and Aaron Belisle over either of those tools any day of the week, always crossing my finger for that Asian lady who sings as well


David Lucas's contribution to this show : Tony you look like a gay bird who's gay HAHAHA-HAHAHAHAHA"


Tony you're so gay ... that you're gay! n word *cackle laugh, insert joke that did semi ok from the week before


lmfao exactly. Besides he's the son of some fucking senator and still pretends to be hood.


Joking about enjoying moving into a richer neighborhood where he can call the cops on people that look like him doesn't really strike me as pretending to be hood.


Lucas is coming to my town, wish it was either of those killers instead


Damn, didnt even get a chance to “retire”


He needs to do tfatk. Itching to use my spider man gif


He's back on the devils dust it would seem. It's gonna take more than some cutoff wrestling shirts rhinestone boots big belt buckles and your moms lady parts are...(insert regurgitated adjectives here) in the long run


Watching the toxic Kill Tony sub fawn over and hate on people is equally hilarious and pathetic. Dude's doing just fine.


Well he had a good run.. eh he ha A run


Say what you will but I think we all should comment the shit we say on this post on his last post 💀


Straight outta oilfield :)


@uncle_lazer you go girl. Get that money. Company makes a dollar, I make a dime, but I did my nickel because… I never dropped a dime on my Celly.


Lazer didn't have very many great sets but how many does Hans have nowadays? Lazer is a great interview when he's not on mushrooms and ego.


Uncle Lazer is a curly haired fuck who will bang your momma.


It doesn't surprise me Tony's cheap, weasily ass doesn't pay people. But come on, Nicole Tran puts in more effort than Uncle Lazer and she doesn't get paid either. Both have about the same amount of appearances, or reaching it. ​ I'm interested to know if Montgomery, Lucas, and Wong get paid. The whole comedy scene is a big pyramid scheme so of course they'll get spots opening for big Youtube Comedians, but I wonder if that gives them some leverage when it comes to collecting checks.


I would imagine regulars get paid but golden ticket winners don't. That's how most comedy clubs work so I would assume killtony follows suit but who knows


I had a better time getting molested by my real uncle than I've ever had listening to Uncle Lazer trying to be funny.


He's right, those grapes 🍇 are sour anyway lol.


Uncle Lazer is a fictional character that sniffs gun powder for breakfast


I’m thinking something happened with him & KTony behind the scene. Lots of angst and hostility - and here we are wondering why and discussing it.


F u lazer ..you blow


Fuck Kill Tony? Blasphemy.


Yeah but sometimes you do something for free until you can establish yourself. If he's smart he'd keep doing KT for the exposure.


The only reason anyone knows him is because of Kill Tony. It pays in brand awareness and as a platform to improve his material. He’s still not that “good” to get paid for it monetarily on a show like that. Not a good look.


I’m ready for tony to bury him every chance he gets now


Another joke stolen: Joker said that in Dark Knight. His mother was too busy slangin’ puss.
