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I watch demon slayer for animation, whats wrong with that.....cant wait for juicy animation in trilogy!


the trilogy is gonna kill me if we gotta wait a fuckin year per movie


Pfft... you should've been there waiting 3 years or so for each of the Evangelion films. A Demon Slayer movie with only a year's interval would be a godsend.


The animation really is every satisfying feeling you can imagine lol, just absorbed through your eyes


I just saw animation from today episode i almost passed away ngl :)


Me too... It was soooo good!!!!


Honestly, I rarely care about animation quality, compared to story, BUT... when animation is this quality though, holy shit it's so satisfying


Set your heart ablaze Overcome your limits Flame Breathing, Esoteric Art: 9th form… RENGOKU!




I’m not really sure why, but Set your heart ablaze legitimately brought me to tears. So powerful.


I felt the same way. It just epitomizes the whole message of the series for me. The whole theme of human perseverance and struggling in the face of adversity. ‘Even against overwhelming odds, even with no chance of winning, grit your teeth. Stand tall and give everything you have.’


🥺😞😭 every time I watch it


Art, not arc.


Ah, right. Typo. Thx


You're welcome.


It's called anime for a reson


saying that makes no sense. Anime in of itself is just a shortened word for japanese animation. And not all anime have the same quality of animation, so try to keep the smart ass comments to yourself unless you actually know what you're talking about next time


Why are you being so aggressive to someone who is agreeing with you. Fucking chill out mate


Yeah lol




Man you definitely had a bad day


100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and 10km run would make him feel better instead of insulting random people


This is kinda sad to see


Do you think that he'd be able to do all that in a day? /s


You’re the only one who’s being a smartass here buddy, idk what you’ve got going on in your life to give you such a huge chip on your shoulder but I hope things get better for you and you chill out


He is going though edgelord phase of his life, cut him some slack


Dude you may need to step away from the internet


I'm sorry if my comment offended you. I don't think you deserve that much down votes, something may have happened or maybe is happening to you and that's why you reacted that way. Try to relax and do something you like or maybe talk to someone to see if it helps :) I will keep most of my comments for myself from now on, also, I was agreeing with you btw. Good luck and have a nice day.


Man you're being positive to someone who doesn't deserve it, I salute you for that


You're my hero now


He's my hero too


Mad respect for being so polite to someone so mean to you


Great way to handle this, massive props to you


Genuine human


Good on you


Guys thanks for all the good comments, y'all made my day


You a real one for sho


I respect you


You are a good person


Hey hey calm down bud,no need to be aggressive👍


They were agreeing with you, why were you so hostile?


Bro is agreeing with you and you give him this??


You need to step back from the computer. You have some serious things going on upstairs you need to tend to




It’s not even the animation that’s visually the best part, it’s the compositing and VFX.


Yuichi Terao has always the MVP.


As someone who likes Demon Slayer. It is carried by the animation. That's not saying it's bad, but things do prevent it from being the best. The story and pacing are some of the biggest problems I have with the series.


Agreed, I love it now but tbh I’d never heard of the manga before the anime came out, and even then I only decided to watch it after the hype for episode 19 exploded


What about the manga then? Clearly, if it sold so well pre adaptation with still images and average art, it isn't really carried by it


How well did it sell before the first season? And how big of a spike in sales happened after episode 19 aired? “Sold well” isn’t exactly much of a statement if not backed by an exact number.


200 000 copies in 4 weeks, for one volume. + even if the sales spikes, when they take it to read it, it means they don't only like it for the animation--there is none


I will agree that 200k in 4 copies is pretty decent. But I have to disagree with the latter. Just because people opted to start reading the manga doesn’t mean that the animation didn’t carry the series. It just meant that the anime got folks invested enough into the series to know what might happen before it got animated. By no means is the demon slayer story bad, so it’s normal for people to get invested in it especially after the top tier anime adaptation (animation and sound design were always on point with demon slayer).


Though I would say before pre adaptation, the manga was selling well. But, after the announcement on the adaptation on 2019, the manga has boosted immensely from the announcement. From 1.8m in 2018 to 12m in 2019. At 2021, it is stated 150m copies have been sold In total. I’m not going to undermine the manga’s achievement. But, the anime surely boosted the popularity of the manga In a whole.


People tend to forget, that anime is actually a big promotional work for the corresponding manga and it's merchandise. Unless it's a movie, anime usually doesn't make a real profit on it's own. Demon Slayer is no exception. That's why they do the movie releases pre season beginning.


Even when the anime is a terrible adaptation, it always boosts the sales


I read the manga, it’s ok. The fights are amazing and cool to read, but it had way too many issues for it to be amazing. I honestly would have thought it was amazing if they actually found proper ways to finish the upper moons instead of coincidence


I love demon slayer but the anime is defintely carried by the animation. The entire ending of the manga felt rushed, too many hashira died, and there are many inconsistencies regarding demon slayer marks.


The animation is amazing but I doubt thats the only reason of lot of people watch🐍


It’s not even carried by animation. The story is superbly executed, the music is incredible, the voice acting is peak.


Demon Slayer is a straightforward story executed well with plenty of rewarding character moments - A perfect story to get into when you don't want to do mental gymnastics. Even I don't rate DS highly in terms of the overall plot and characters but slandering this series for being simple is just absurd and screams elitism from people who consider themselves the "fans" of mind-bending stories with twists and turns or character-driven stories. What's even more infuriating is how DS power system is being clowned on by citing the examples of some other complicated power systems involving a lot of mechanics like nen, cursed energy, chakra etc. While having them is great, you don't need that always. Imagine sitting on a Sunday afternoon with snacks to watch a simple show as a casual fan and you don't even understand what's happening in a fight.


Maaaaan. My favorite part about demon slayer is that Tanjiro isn’t this typical overpowered shonen character. He struggles immensely every step of the way and yet he pushes through for the simple wish of returning his sister back to her normal self. Yes the story is simple but I always loved the pacing of the manga. The author did a great job condensing the training arcs and putting time into developing each characters. The story doesn’t get withdrawn for the sake of serialization and it ends where the story concludes. It’s not common for a shonen jump manga to get such a definitive ending due to the intense competition to continue the serialization.


Berserk fans are crying in the corner


Makes you wonder how much bigger Berserk would be if it had an adaptation of Demon Slayer's caliber.


Bersek is big and influential, it's just that the ultra violence may be a big turn-off. An adaptation like game of thrones could work though


Don't forget the characters!


Of course!


Tbf thqt just means the anime is doin alot of the heavy lifting


Exactly, the haters just call it mid because of it's "simple" story.


it is simple but i like kny nonetheless


Tbf some DS fans preach the story like it's one of the best in any anime which I'm sorry is kinda dumb. The story is simple and works fine enough as a backbone for the show but the main reason the show does well is bc of ufotable carrying the anime with fight scenes


Not really--the story is also a big reason. Otherwise, it wouldn't have sold so well as a manga before animation and with average art


How are you getting downvoted for speaking facts?


The story may be simple but the execution was great.


Many are too stupid to make understand a simple story can still be great.


I don't think i've ever seen people saying that DS story is amazing at all. All the fans i know admit that the story is okay at best, but it's amazingly executed by Ufotable and the voice actors. Even the non-fight scenes are very memorable thanks to the voice actors doing an amazing job.


The soundtracks really standout to me and elevate it above most anime IMO


I disagree with that take too, but that is an incredibly weak, superficial, and frankly childish argument to make.


Well, except Mappa with AOT, CSM and JJK. But I love this show as I love the others!


The explosion in the latest episode of demon slayer was unlike anything I've ever seen


seriously, only demon slayer can integrate real life explosion mechanics to a completely different art style


Idk about Mappa with Aot bro, Aot hard carried with its storyline, Wit studio did a much better job with its animation.


My man did not watch the battle of heaven and earth


It can't be compared on the same level, but other aspects made up for it. Direction being the clearest.


Hard agree, MAPPA was a huge downgrade. I do like what they did with CSM though


I love those shows but I don’t think its close animation wise.


Their animation is less flashy but that’s mostly down to the style of the series. Animation quality is more than just bright colours


It is most certainly close. I personally like mappas animation more than ufotable's


Ufotable is much better on a frame by frame basis (as in each frame looks really really good bc of bright colors and sharp contrasts) but mappa does a much better job of more fluid animation which winds up looking better during the actual fights


Who cares about such people? :3


Tbh you're not helping very much to counteract their point woth this post.


Cope harder man this is a sick scene


That's not what i am saying they are all perfect and KNY is not bad even the Manga but saying that doesn't really show anyone how well written it is.


Why is it wrong to say it's carried by its animation? It's true you know. The story is not that good compared to other anime, but its animation exceeds a lot of other anime. Also, did you have a bad day?


This brilliant level of production quality, I’ve got goosebumps watching today’s episode.


Animation is an anime is important


Yes, but not the biggest point either. Even if an anime has THE best animation ever, if the story is the worst ever, it's still trash


I think it’s a weird argument that an animated show is carried by its animation. That like complaining a song is carried by its music. 😆


I dont hate demon slayer at all. However I do believe the anime goes over the top with the actual source content which is absolutely fine. Hell, it makes the immersion for manga readers like myself better but that doesn't mean we can hate on other shows too. Not everyone got ufotable for a studio right? I mean look at jjk bro. Mappa goes crazy whereas actual manga is alright but not as detailed as the animation.


Ds is what i call a squeleton of an anime its has no extra fat or anything outright bad but nothing great either about it Its a squeleton no extra fat but not much meat either That make sense?


Tbh, it is really carried out by the animation. The story is good, I've read the manga too. But it's a bit hard to understand if you see the manga. But it's catchy, the main problem is that Demon Slayer is too short. It's a good anime to recommend to non-anime watchers but if it had an average animation, I don't think many people will be watching it


Why are you using animation to prove that the anime isn't carried by its animation? Also what's your age so I don't have to bother with reading your arguments? From your other comments here you seem to be underage, lol.


The music is pretty freaking amazing too. Writing isn’t great to be fair, but the overall plot is really interesting and is executed in a very suspenseful manner so overall a huge W. Comedy is forced a lot though which is a negative especially when the MC is constantly made to be dumb or naive, but that happens in literally all popular anime so can’t really judge separately


My biggest issue with the writing is that they seem to feel the need to exposit everything. I don't need tanjiro to tell me he has been training and swinging his sword a lot, just show me a training montage and the seasons changing and I'll get it


Yeah that drags a little bit, but isn’t inherently bad imo coz the story in itself isn’t very big so they add somewhat cool scenes in training. What’s annoying is the constant filler comedy scenes that are rarely funny, and will make tanjiro to be an idiot which he clearly isn’t. Atleast when the show needs him to not be. He is the weak link imo just like how Yuji wasn’t very interesting till very recently in JJK.


Another big writing issue I have is how they set up for a really interesting character in nezuko and then treat her like a weapon or a dog for the rest of the anime. They take out the need for writing by giving her a gag and they take away her free will and possible struggles and conflict by hypnotizing her


I never thought of her as a serious character so never had this problem, but i totally agree now that you pointed it out. They seem to prioritize more training montages and forced comedies rather than developing nezuko which is kinda odd. I do feel the show is targeted at a much younger audience in general so maybe the need to keep them engaged? The characters they do focus on are often fun so they’re definitely doing a lot right as well


That's exactly the issue, they have the two characters who can be most developed and have the same motivation but rather than developing them both they sideline the girl and literally stuff her in a box when she's not being fan service, motivation for others, or acting as a deus ex machina. It would have been so great to see her struggle with becoming a demon, she can have plenty of positive and funny scenes too but it absolutely sucks that the girl in the group is immediately made into a tool rather than a character


And that’s one of the reasons why I love the anime that and the characters. ⚔️


not a hater or jealous opinion to say that at all. you gave three extremely good reasons why it's carried by animation right here.


![gif](giphy|4OV1bLOIWwIXRxpXlN|downsized) I respect your opinion but personally I will stand by that statement


i mean it is carried by its animation. The Story is really nothing to write home about and the characters fall into literally every stereotype, also every Arc ends literally the same way: flash boom bang, Tanjiro gets badly injured but fights on, sad sad Demon Backstory, ded Demon, haha funny Tanjiro need to heal up. Demon Slayer is easy to digest, its very simple to watch with enough to enjoy about it, but without the animation it would have never been on anyones radar. Its not bad by any means its just not great either


Today's episode went crazy with the animation


That doesn't even make sense bro


Imma go Hinokami Kagura on their a** (verbally of course)


But the animation is exquisite


I’m sorry my favourite anime’s studio doesn’t take a year to release a movie that’s half of previous season followed by only 10 episodes even though it is basically the only big anime they have by a long shot


I’ve just watched the entire series in one go after reading the manga, yeah the animation carries heavily, forgot how much dialogue there is and in the anime the tons of words said by the characters really slow down the action in a way that actively harms it. Not to mention the 3 or 4 backstories each character seems to have during a single fight.


That's why it took me so long to get through season 1, the inner monologue was a bit much


Ain't nobody 'jealous ' lmao. It's like people can't criticise things without being 'haters'


This is the demon slayer sub lol. Anyone not preaching it as peak is apparently calling it dogshit


for real people like these make it harder to say you actually like the show


I've had several instances where I bring up that while DS does it's fights really well the relatively poor writing detracts from a lot of the weight of fights (like come on ED district fight animation goes hard but good lord is it just asspull central plot wise) but people take that as "demon slayer garbage terrible show" and not "I enjoyed watching it but it has problems"


As a fan of the show, it is carried by animation. The animation is 75% of why I watch it.


I don’t know why people get upset when others say DS is carried by it’s animation. It has the best animation on the block so of course it’s carried by it. The story isn’t bad at all, but when people will remember Demon Slayer they will remember it because of the animation and cinematic experience.


People also love the characters, the music, the humor, the heart…it’s just not accurate to say the animation alone carries it. Sure the story is simple and straightforward, but there’s so much more to it than, “oo pretty water”


Realest post today 💜


demon slayer is technically carried by the animation if wasnt for unfoutable probably would nt be so popular and jokes on you my favorite anime is fate stay nigth (which is a terrible adaptation by the way)


In fights, maybe. But in terms of any animation outside of the fights or the set piece moments, Demon Slayer's animation is stiff and bland. Animation is more than just fights, Kyoani is a great example of incredibly expressive character animation; you get a sense of who these characters are just based off of the way kyoani animates them. You don't really get that with Demon Slayer.


Jokes on you, my favorite anime is fate/stay night unlimited bladeworks or hellsing ultimate


Completely agreed.. this animation will go UNDEFEATABLE in anime history


don't think so with the technology that will be coming in the future.


People just like to hate on something that's popular. The manga is amazing and it had no sound, colour or movement. Edit: Lmao the fact that this keeps getting downvoted just proves OPs point.


Imma be real never have i seen such a gap between an anime and manga quality wise unless it was in reverse quality wise like cgi berserk


i dont know, as someone who prefers anime with a lot of plot twists and an intriguing story, KnY fell short for me, but thats just me, to each their own


Yeah that's fair. I also enjoy lots of plot twists so I can see why this may have missed the mark for you. Do you have any shows you can recommend?


tbh no not a lot, theres Monster, 20th Century Boys, maybe the anime with Ayanokoji, im sure u already know Attack on Titan, i havent watched a lot of anime bc i dont have that much time, so i read manga


Thank you, I love AoT. Monster is on my list too.


its a little slow though, im on the 30th ep and things are a little uh, how do i say this- level now, though it was insanely nail biting till 22-24 ig


The manga is NOT amazing 😭


The manga is not amazing. It's good. It's solid. It definitely hooks you in and you want to keep reading, but the story itself isn't groundbreaking and the art is not a masterpiece. Demon Slayer is one of my favorite animes right now, and when it blew up after episode 19, I read the whole rest of the manga that weekend. It wasn't finished yet, but was getting there, so I waited with baited breath for every chapter until it concluded. Demon Slayer was good and fun, and Gotoge did a great job, but it wasn't amazing. Berserk is amazing. It has the best story of any manga, and every main character actually feels like a real person with dreams and agency. The art is pinnacle. Miura has created single panels that are a work of art all their own. Despite how badly I wanted to see what happened next, I would often have to just stop and stare in awe at the visuals. Not everything can be a masterpiece.


Sure buddy, lets get you to bed.


I get you're probably a huge demon slayer fan, but let me say that the series has many issues. Lack of character depth and growth, not enough good character moments and interactions, often a lack of suspense or hooking factor, every breathing style basically does the same thing, world building and characters are lacking, i could go on and on, but there's no need


I'll just say one thing in it's defence. Its not crap like the lot of the amazing shonen out there which are dragged out and contain shit load of character moments and absurd developments. Its short and sweet. Rushed sure, but its good enough. And no im not a huge fan.. but few series have made me and most cry and feel the emotions that KnY has done.


JJK is one of my favorites and it clears in pure 2D animation. Animation is more than just flashy colors. Demon Slayer is definitely good but it is not the best.


People think simple means bad nowadays even though the story is very good and the characters are great. I love anime like AOT but not everything has to be so convoluted to be great.


I believe that the story of Demon slayer is Good enough that it is not boring. Characters are the STRONGEST point of Demon Slayer, Every Major Character has enough depth to them that we can understand them. World Building is WORST AND WEAKEST part of the Demon slayer, For example, Many people in DS verse don't even know Demons exist. The world literally does not have any reaction to demons. My above statements might not be enough to describe DS in detail but I have enough knowledge of Story writing from Novels, Manga and Anime that i can judge that it's story is good enough to be enjoyed, even for newbies. The Demon Slayer Anime's current popularity is largely due to it's Animation but It's easy to understand story also helps it a lot. Trust me, When i say that many people will stop watching this Anime and EVEN HATE IT if Ufotable hadn't stayed consistent with their Production Quality (The 7DS effect).


It has an underrated story,I was so angry when I saw the little girl betraying gyomei in his backstory I stopped watching and did like 50 push ups randomly


I think they just cant appreciate a story if it isnt some groundbreaking new thing that has never been done before. Or they just dont like new things


People who say it's "carried" by animation are definitely exaggerating too much, but it's animation is definitely a big part in why it's so popular. The animation adds a feel that makes the show more vivid and enjoyable. That doesn't mean it'd inherently be bad or mediocre without great animation, but the animation is 100% undeniably a huge boost that the notion of it "carrying" the show is in some way true. The notion is wrong in trying to say that animation is it's only quality, but it is correct in that the animation is a big part of it.


The thing is people dont understand a history doesnt need to be super complex to work.


Idk about carried but the shows animation is what made me and the others start watching this show.


Tbh I pay no mind to people who say it’s carried b animation because I know they can’t appreciate the story so it’s no point arguing with them!


My favourite anime is Attack on titan and I would argue that it has even better animation than Demon Slayer, although both animes animation are top tier. For me personally, Demon Slayer is carried by characters and drama. I just can't forger Gyutaro saying to Daki - we are not siblings anymore, I'll go that way and you go towards the light


"The anime is carried by animation" "The manga is carried by art" "The story is carried by writing"


There’s nothing wrong with a simple and straightforward story. Not every manga/anime has to be this complex myriad of emotion/redemption/revenge/philosophy/political issues, etc. Demon Slayer does what it does and it does very well. One thing I do like about Demon Slayer that makes it stand out in company with the likes of Attack on Titan is that your favorite character is not guaranteed to survive. Watching the Entertainment District or Mugen Train fights for example, I was on the edge of my seat because I did not know if they (the heroes) were going to make it. Where as watching Dragon Ball, Naruto or something like it, you aren’t really all that worried. And yes, Demon Slayers animation is top tier.




Who cares about the haters🌌


I mean just look at what happened to 7ds, shit animation practically killed the series. I didn't even know it ended until I heard of 4kota. Anime carries a series by a lot, or can bring it down by a lot, too.


Who cares. It’s a compliment. People can’t understand action show doesn’t need 7 layers of plot twist. Sometimes people just like amazing visual to have a good time


Not necessarily. With that being said, they really outdone themselves with this episode. And now we wait for the first movie next year or the year after.


I mean, yes duh! the story is okayish, and who wouldn't want this animation for every series


tbh besides action scenes, the animations are pretty mid especially the chibi ones. I loved it in the manga since it was cute and a breather from the more serious side of the story but the anime just does it "for comedy" every 20 seconds or so that it wears the novelty off.


Demon slayer is the first anime I've ever watched so idk but I think both the animation and story / characters are very compelling!


One of my fav animes is fate zero which is literally the same studio that does demon slayer. So im definitely not jealous. I just think that for an action anime there are stuff that i personally believe is much better. Not to say kny is bad its just allright when did mid start meaning bad. Mid is easily a 5/10 or 6/10 which by no means is bad. Any anime thats a 5 or above is pretty good imo.


Is this just a kid getting mad? The anime is pretty good and has great animation. Good critics reviews, good audience reviews. I don't see the issue


People can't simply appreciate a normal simple and short story that doesn't need you to go through hours of reading and information for you to understand a little part of the plot so they go and dunk on a simple anime who happens to have great animation


.....How's this counter the argument though...? You're proving our point by just posting on how good the animation is, which we've already conceded to....


Real af⚡


a guy said one piece has better animation than demon slayer


The plot is definitely one note and not really that original. But I enjoy it even if I agree that it wouldn’t be as popular without the animation (that’s not a attack that’s just a fact)


The last fight of the Entertainment District arc is better than the entirety of JJK season 2


The last fight of ED arc is 2/3 of the fucking season lol. And no it doesn't beat Itadori vs Mahito from a writing standpoint nor does it bear sukuna vs jogo/mahoraga from an animation standpoint. It's up there animation wise, but not better




People complain that the special effects aren't real...It's an anime, none of this is real


The manga is so much more better (we don't count the fact on how internal organs and heavy gore is just non existent except for blood and cuts) (atleast out do corpse party like it's literally an anime about demons. I wanna see some mangled corpeses with organs hanging out of them or something not red paint on a 14 year olds face where there were spikes lodged in)


“doesn’t animation”


It has something more important than animation, and that is good directing. Legit only anime that has made me cry


When? I never had enough time or noteworthy moments to get attached to any characters besides *maybe* rengoku and even then it wasn't really sadness just "damn guess I won't get to see him fight more"


I'm not really talking about the actual story, but more about the actual directing. For example, in Rengoku's death scene, they are very competent at evoking an emotional scene through the music selection, animation, and cinematography. A lot of people say Demon Slayer is carried by purely its animation, and this is entirely false. The music choice is always appropriate for every scene to set the mood in addition to the animation. That's the mark of a good director behind the anime


Yeah the music slaps too. I think people generally lump all things fight related in when they say animation


When I watch My Hero Academia the day before 😂 with fights with less animation, 20 minutes of flashbacks and monologue and then get the upgrade of watching Demon Slayer ![gif](giphy|Hkoamb0iCaQbZmM9ok)


Random ass stray


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Me watching kaiju no 8 have the ugliest character models in the history of anime adaptation


True but atleast its animated well imo


Berserk 2016. And like every generic garbo isekai disagree


People still on this shit, huh


The art in the manga is like the single thing that makes it decent.