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I think I lean more towards the GBA; the sprite work, and the charm of it all.


I’ve only played the ps2 version and… I still prefer the GBA chain of memories haha. If we’re getting the same worlds from kh1, the new art style allowed it to remain fresh.


The entire layout was different and there are different environmental interactions that simply didn't exist in kh1


the music, design, play, and overall quality of gba com remains lightyears ahead if its time and is arguably one of the most important story leads of the series. its my favorite by far


The sprites are top notch and add to the charm of the game.  The combat also works better in a 2d setting.  This game never needed a remake. 


They definitely could have remade it but keep the 2D sprite version of the original and update it for modern hardware.


Imagine a 2d-hd remake similar to the new dragon quest 3 one


The first time I did Cloud's three card combo and he didn't immediately kill everything on the screen and instead missed most of his attacks, I got so sad.


They had to because the story was important most fans had a ps2


GBA. Gameplay was built without a free gcamera in mind, sprites are fantastic, music builds great atmosphere with no voice acting, and you don't have older Sora's voice coming from kid Sora's face. Axel is a bit edgier, too.


In the PS2 version Axel's dialogue is the same, the English localizations of the GBA and PS2 are both awful, probably the worst in the series. Old Voice, Young Body is also an English Dub specific issue, though it can't really be helped as the English VA for Sora was simply too old by Re:CoM was released in English In Japan Re:CoM originally was a bonus that came with KH2FM


I've just headcannoned that it took a few weeks for sora to reach castle oblivion at which point his voice already changed. i mean it was kinda cracking at the end of kh1 but yeah its quite the change


"You're st^upid !" Is what comes to mind when I think of his voice changing.


I mean really they just messed up and waited too long to re make the game and haley was already going through puberty.


The axel in that version voiced the character in the Japanese dubs till he died


Axel actually cursed in the GBA game. I hated that they changed that entire part in the PS2 version.


Yeah. He straight up stabbed Vexen in the back.


Oh good lord, KH2 voice with KH1 face indeed. Just odd and for some reason, works better with DDD.


The one on youtube called "full movie"


I love Kingdom hearts with all my heart, but damn do hate Chain of memories gameplay.




I will never forgive them for making chain of memories playable in the remixes but not 358/2.


And we have a winner! 🏆


Your comment just struck me **so funny** because that’s legitimately what I *just* did!! I’m in the midst of replaying all my favorite childhood games, Kingdom Hearts being my latest venture. I had only ever played the 1st KH, but my hubby was kind enough to buy me the PS5 “KH 1.5-2.5 ReMIX” edition of the game, which came with ‘KH Re:CoM’ (and others, but you prob already know this). Well, I just-just finished KH1 and went to go onto Re:CoM all excited, aaand… !!! **I found it sooo awful** :( I really tried my best to grind through, but even after watching YouTube tutorials on how to better play the card system.. I still couldn’t get on board with it. I can see why some people like the game, and I might’ve been one of those people *had* I tried it originally on Gameboy… but nerp. That’s not how it went down - I hated every second of it, haha! But that 3hr “full movie” on youtube sure was good!


GBA by a mile, it wasn't meant to be blown up to PS


GBA, and it's not even close. The combat wasn't made with 3D in mind and doesn't work for the remake. Also the card combat never clicks in the remake because you see what looks like regular KH, only to have card stuff mucking everything up.


Gba without a doubt, love the sprites in the game


GBA 100%. I felt the move to 3D was clumsy and clunky. Dealing with a more traditional KH camera while also managing cards never worked well for me. I like seeing the whole battlefield and not having to bother with the camera, it allows you to pay more attention to your cards and what all the enemies are doing.


PS2, when you conquer the battle system the game really feels fantastic. I get the argument of the 2D vs 3D plane, but personally I always preferred 3D. Learning how to use Blizzaga to wipe the floor and gaining access to Lethal Frame just feels so much more satisfying to me. ReCoM has a ton of abilities/sleights that never reappear in the series, kind of a shame because some of them are legit awesome.


I tried to learn it 2 years ago and put it down out of frustration. I just picked it back up a couple weeks and finally figured out the card breaking, sleights, room synthesis and I’m having the time of my life.


Blizzaga in the original CoM is totally horrible, you barely hit one enemy with it


GBA plays better but the atmosphere and cutscenes of the ps2 are better


GBA. Spritework is fantastic and I think the game feels better to play, especially because enemies can't just snake a cardbreak while in hitstun.


The GBA version even if only because it's the only real KH spritework we ever got. Plus they really stretched the GBA to its limits to make for an extremely high quality title. I'm a bit biased since it was my first KH game and I've always been a huge fan of handhelds, but I just think the whole package works exceptionally well.


GBA. The entire point of CoM was fitting a KH experience on a GBA, which obviously couldn't handle an action RPG like KH1. Every single design choice was made with GBA limitations in mind. You can definitely learn how to play re:CoM, but having to fight the camera while also navigating 3D space and flipping through your deck to get the right cards out while you're being bombarded with attacks just makes you wonder why you're not playing KH1.


I like how they worked the limitation into the story looking back they pulled it off well


It half hearted though. At first Donald and Goofy cant roam around freely because they're cars but then later in the story thats not the case and it's not explicitly acknowledged or explained why it doesnt apply anymore. It's explained Sora cant fight without the cards but you never ever see him shuffling cards around in cut scenes during his fights. The only aspect that remains consistent with the cards is needing them to advance the floors.


The original one is MUCH better in pretty much every aspect.


I have a lot of nostalgia for the GBA version and I love the sprite work, but I’ve gotta give it to Re. The consistency graphically for the rest of the series can’t be understated, and despite being the “older” Sora voice HJO does some great work in this. I also really like the gameplay in 3D, it feels good to play. Plus an actual Zexion boss in Reverse/Rebirth.


The PS2 version because they did so well remaking it for that system.


GBA for Sora and PS2 for Riku. The game was constructed for GBA and everything shows that. All the changes to make it PS2 game created a clunkier experience and totally screwed the difficulty. In return for getting one harder final boss for Sora every other boss basically became a joke and the A.I. is overly borked by stuff like Sonic blade.  However Riku’s combat was so bare bones non-existent that the PS2 version is way better for him. That being said the additions to his combat absolutely ruin his difficulty as well. Riku used to be the much harder campaign a fitting post-game reward, now he is basically just a power trip and his bosses have fallen from grace even harder than Sora’s.


I have the most nostalgia for GBA. The game is gorgeous and the card system works really well on it. But I also still really love Re: CoM too. The cutscenes are really good and the combat actually translates very well to the 3D world once you get used to it. In short, I love both.


I prefer the remake.


Definitely the GBA version on the go in small bursts.


GBA is the better version. The gameplay just doesn't translate well to a 3D format


At first I hated it, but then after a day or so playing it on my GBA I was having a blast


OG easily and there was a certain charm about playing it on the GBA.


GBA, purely because it’s novel and I think it looks really great to this day. Days in comparison looks like garbage.


GBA easily


Gba all day


PS2, started with the gameboy version amd didnt even know there was a PS2 version till many years later, and had to play it on emulator


GBA, and not only bc of nostalgia bias but because the battle system was made with a 2d plane in mind and thus you can hit like 5 different heartless with the same attack


GBA version plays better. I think porting it to 3d kinda ruins the gameplay itself though I get why they did it.




I played the GBA one earlier this year. I went from hating CoM to absolutely loving it. Some of the most fun I've had in KH. Re:CoM on the other hand, oof.


GBA and it isnt even close


I like that the PS2 version has voice acted cutscenes, but gameplay wise the gba version is so much better it's pretty crazy. The amount of spell combos that can't be replicated in re is pretty nuts. Chain of memories is probably when Sora is at his strongest in terms of magic, cause he never gets that wild again. Also, Sonic blade all day all day all day


Both. I do wish they would’ve released like a hi-def remaster of sprite version tho. I don’t like one more than the other but I do appreciate them both for their own art style.


GBA, it was way more emotional


It’s so funny this thread pops up today because I legitimately just started Chain of Memories on PS5 with the All in One collection last night and my first thought was “wasn’t this game 2D?”


GBA cuz it was the last game to have HJO's tiny pre pubescent voice.


The thing is for Japanese sora he always sounded older even in KH1 so it sounded more natural when the voice actor returned for REcom but for HJO it just sounded weird


GBA. I'm actually thinking of trying to get a sealed copy of this game for "collectors" purpose. I played this game all lot as a kid, and I absolutely love the sprites for the characters. I've been playing Re:CoM and I still prefer the old over the new.


Gba, the game was just designed for it. I had the hardest time finishing the first level on the remake/ps2 version since I'm not the biggest fan of card games in video games. But on the gba version, I'm progressing faster since the game feels more natural and levels designed for what will be a portable experience.


GBA, sprites look great, and the battle system feels more balanced.


The GBA version for sure






I just played through on the PS5 and loved it on the console, but I had never tried that way since beating the gba version years ago and hearing console was bad. I think both work pretty well, but I honestly preferred the console version. The Ansem fight on Riku’s story in particular was a lot of fun.


Yeah I like the console version too. I played both, but the cutscenes for the console version win me over.


GBA the remake is nice but it just feels..off


GBA all day. It’s a lot more somber feeling.


The remake all the way for me, it just plays better in every aspect + life improvements that are really missing in the original, voiced cutscenes (I don't mind text boxes tho) and more quality in the sound (although the sprites are cute)


Neither, it's CoM


I like both so much


I didn't play the original but the PS2 version has extra cards the GBA one doesn't. The Organization and 358/2 Days cards are exclusive to the remake and I'll tell ya. Roxas, Luxord and Demyx are busted if played right.


GBA though the cutscenes in PS2 are good (but blurry) it just doesn’t have the charm of the GBA sprites, also Sora’s voice is bad in this game (NOT THE DIRECTION BECAUSE IT IS AMAZING) as he sounds like he’s from KH2 which is why I’d prefer if they only voiced cutscenes where Sora wasn’t in it or they just pitch shifted it a bit


The sprites on the gba are very charming, but Re:CoM’s voice acting is what made me appreciate the story.


Re:chain was a beautiful mixture of the card system and 3D kh1 combat. I never played the GBA version but i loved Re: so much and never understood all the hate it got. It took a lil getting used to but by the 2nd-3rd world, i was itching to get more cards, find sick combos and just optimize my deck for maximum efficiency. It was a nice twist of card & 3PP gameplay executed well enough to enjoy, at least for me.


I prefer the ps2 version, but my nostalgia is always for the original


So much easier to farm moogle points on the GBA version


Y’all discussing fr,meanwhile I play KH on an emulator on PC😭


GBA. Entirely because Axel gets to say "hell" which they censored in the other versions.


They also censored vexen's original death too where axel stabbed him


the GBA is the better experience. I know RE brings in better cinematics, but on a whole the GBA brought in this fantastic charm for a GBA KH re-experience. The card system also makes infinite more sense and works better


CoM was my first KH game. I will day Re:CoM is much more accessible, has more secret cards, and has voice acting. As long you don't care that KH1-looking Sora sounds like KH2 Sora, go for it. CoM holds a special place in my heart but it isn't worth it if you have access to the remake


GBA played better, but PS2 had the cutscenes (obviously).


GBA was my very first kingdom hearts game and the spritework is irresistible


The PlayStation version is definitely easier to play because you have better controls to work with, however, the sprites in the GBA version are just so great. However, when I played the PlayStation version for the first time, I was so excited to hear all these characters that I've seen on my game boy being voiced. This is also my first Kingdom Hearts game.


the GBA version for gameplay overall, but the voicework and some of the new music tracks like Lord of the Castle are some of my favorites in the series!!


GBA. Always. I hate the remake because the game wasn’t made with the classic visuals/controls in mind so it just feels like a chore to play and control. The only plus of the remake is the cutscenes/voice work.


Started my entire KH journey with Chain of Memories on the GBA….


Honestly the ps2 version bc without it we wouldn't have gotten vexen being murdered in HD and larxene slapping namine also "I'm me he says"


GBA. The remake feels rough. Lots of attacks and abilities were not translated well and the game feels unintentionally harder as a result. Certain attacks that used to be strong can now miss and Sora can get spam locked by certain attacks. Music is missing in certain scenes that had them in the GBA version. Some characters feel flat in some scenes and Micky's voice actor really seemed to struggle with the voice this go around. There are some good things though. The music used for the first Marluxia fight is really good and the 2nd phase of his final boss fight has some really cool mechanics. Some of the stuff added to 1.5 was cool but it feels like more could have been done.


GBA. RE Chain of Memories is tedious to play.


Oh GBA CoM, no question I would have been way happier to have gotten a pixel remaster of Chain of Memories rather than the game built in the 3D engine. The sprites were so charming and it was a really interesting way to build a KH experience on a handheld with limited graphics and controls.


Nostalgia me says the GBA version because it was my introduction to KH. But I love having the voice acting and controls of the ps2 version better lol.


GBA, card mechanics work better in 2D I feel. Also the fact that you get to fight the members in castle instead of pillar island


Im srry but none wtf was the meth behind this game?


Neither, I hate it with every ounce of my being.


PS2 by a mile. The deck menu in the GBA version was way too awkward.


I was really blown away by the ps2 version after enjoying the GBA version a lot. It's the only time we've ever been able to wield Soul Eater and play as KH1 Riku/Dark Riku and I loved that aspect. Unlocking him in the GBA ver was a huge surprise and I really like how he plays in the ps2 release too. Fantastic music to boot, Graceful Assasin is one of my favorite KH tracks to this day.


I like them both but the Re:Chain version was easier to play and I liked the details put into it.


The Re version is much better!


Visually, GBA Gameplay, PS


GBA,PS2 lacks soul


GBA off virtue of being built for the GBA and actually playing pretty well on it too. ReChain tries too hard to be COM with a 3d coat of paint but it’s either the most insufferable experience or absolutely broken no in between


Never played the GBA version of it but I imagine it’s more fun


Much as I love Riku's duel sleights and Marluxia's third phase, I still prefer GBA. Its painfully obvious how poorly some of the game's features translated into a 3D environment. I also think Lexaeus accidentally got turned into a jobber in PS2. I get the idea is to flex how powerful Ansem is, but dude just getting one shot after a transformation sequence is wayyy less satisfying than his "aight, fuck you, I'm dragging you to hell with me" suicide bomb.


Definitely the PS version but I haven’t tried Ty GBA in 15 years. This is making me want to get it out and try it again.


I love both of them so much it's hard to chose lol


The ps2 is the better version but the nostalgia of the gba verison gets me.


GBA all the way. I just find that the card system plays a lot better and more enjoyably there. Plus there's a lot of Charm that got lost in translation.


The ps2 version was so hot when it came out, i was never a fan of the gba game but it grew on me Seeing this released like vice city and liberty city stories made for a good time


The gba version. Sprite work was awesome. It was also the first kh game I played so I'm pretty biased.


Never played the GBA version but the re:chain of memories version was soooooo boring and tedious, but I like all the organisation XIII cutscenes.


We only had the GBA version in Europe until 1.5, but I like them both the same more or less. I like the presentation of Re:Com more, especially when you get the full PS2 cutscenes of the darker moments in the story, but I also like Ragnarok to not be dogshit, so it's still a toss-up. As an aside, CoM is the only GBA game I've got where I still have the box and manual.




The GBA version. It's definitely heavy nostalgia, but the sprites, the simple but complex mechanic of crafting the perfect deck for many situations, the 2D gameplay, the music (though lack of voiceover for the cutscenes iirc, though it has Simple and Clean at the end) through the GBA speakers, just the whole "simplistic" game feel of it on the GBA. I still like the PS2 version, don't get me wrong, but the gameplay feels very at home on the GBA


PS2. The KH series was always felt like it should be cinematic. I enjoyed the GBA version though


Re:COM is more fun to play for me, but GBA is a bit more charming. But, of course, GBA doesn't let me spam Lethal Frame and Sonic Blade, so I mean PS2 is the clear winner there.


Re. Because if I have to suffer through the card combat I at least want the joy of voice acted cutscenes.


GBA for me, but that’s just the nostalgia talking haha Remember putting in like 50hr+ in the game


Ps2. More free range of movement and it's much smoother. Not to mention HD cutscenes and voiced cutscenes.


I like the greater freedom to position sora to get the biggest effects out of his spell. For example I can cluster everyone together and use blizzaga on them and it takes less time to cast spells on the ps2 version




GBA com being my intro to kh I gotta give it to that version


GBA, no *ass backwards lock on system*, sleights that feel a little less overpowered, rooms respawn their MP and HP drops, the pixel art is much more refreshing than re-used assests.


Only played CoM on the collection of the ps3 and kinda hate the card system but from what i had saw of the gba version it looks pretty charming


I’m biased since I haven’t played the ps2 version. CoM on gba was magical. Sucked into the story, the music, the everything.


I personally like Re:com more. But I’m biased in the Riku gameplay. It was pretty great being able to use his dark form and powers. Only other game that was even close for me was a mod for KH3 where you play as Riku all game


Playing it for PC now and I can only imagine it being tolerable on the GBA


Tbch? GBA


The GBA version. Re:Chain of Memories is really, really, awful.


GBA for life >>>


never got to play GBA, I like the pixelated style more, but I do love the 3D rendition as well


GBA version playe better.


GBA 100%


Neither of them. I’m still mad they ported it to PS4 instead of Days.


I know I'm gonna be one of those annoying posts that doesn't make a choice, but both have their charms. The spritework of the gba and certain aspects of battle were definitely great in the GBA version, but the ps2 brought us back to the beautiful 3d sprites we are used to, changed how certain battles worked to make them more interesting, and brought voice acing into it (though yes sora has his older voice as it was years later when it was recorded). Things I wish they would have kept in the ps2 version like how judgement raid worked in the GBA version, or the smaller battle room sizes to make it just slightly easier to make sure your moves hit the enemies they were aimed at would have been nice, but the things that I enjoyed that they changed though in the 3d game like the sense of scale when platforming was easier to see and maneuver around, Enemies on maps were easier to dodge when your not wanting to fight or are trying to get advantage on before the fight, some of the moves got better because you could actually use a 3d space (coughs blizzard, cloud not stacked, and sonic blade aim). Also, like I mentioned before, I liked the changes to certain bosses to make their fights less about just breaking cards and more about strategy against them like we got in kh2fm. It also made certain enemy cards actually be useful and made some of the hidden stats that you could read but not see physically on attack cards like recovery from being broken or how far a thrust can go actually be measurable. But some of the things in the original GBA game that they changed also made the game more accessible to some players who were able to grasp some of the more basic concepts of the cards. When all you have to do is move up or down to hit an enemy, or use an "aoe" attack that because of how depth of field was calculated, covered more of the field they do in the 3d version, or just use the original judgement sleight that actually homed on to the enemies.... (idk why they either didn't fix that in the hd version or just kept it in the first place in general) made the game much easier for a younger kid playing on a handheld system. The pixel art of the maps also made it feel charming and like you're on a very different journey than what you experienced in KH1. I have played both versions many times, and though there are many similarities, it's hard to say they are the same game. The experiences you have in each version are fairly different, especially because of how you controlled them as well because of the amount of buttons were available to you or the place you played it because one was portable and the other wasn't. It just shows there's a version out there for people to attach themselves to for many different reasons, and for those it doesn't reach, the community there to help out and maybe give another perspective that the person hadn't thought of.




GBA for gameplay, PS2 for story beats. (Vexen’s death was brutal in both, but the voice acting for it in re was so good)


I prefer the original because the game play matches the simplicity of the game boy it was intended for. But I am seriously a huge fan of playing as Riku and facing his past mistakes one after the other in a beautiful boss run style story 😍


For some reason the GBA version felt like a console game idk if that was just me


sora's story is more interesting to play in gba. riku's story is more fun to play in the remake.


GBA is so charming, and just more pleasant to play. But honorable mention to the voicework that was done for the PS2 cutscenes


GBA. The mechanics work better, the gameplay is more fun and manageable.


Gonna be honest, neither. My tiny brain just couldn't understand this game


I played the remake for the first time over the last couple of weeks, and I'm upset that I didn't play it sooner. I haven't played the original in nearly 20 years, but I have it in my game folder in a hard drive somewhere with my gba emulator. I'll probably play the original again whenever I inevitably get the steam version of the others. That said, I think I like the gba version more.


GBA. The gameplay was clearly designed around the limitations on GBA. Carrying over the design to the PS2 version made no sense. Also, the effort made on them doesnt feel the same. The GBA version feels like a premium game for that system. It was the best level experience you could expect of a GBA from the graphics to the music. On the PS2 it feels like a budget title with all the re used assets from KH1 and 2.


GBA. The very reason the card system exists is to make the most of a game console that had very limited buttons. No X or Y, no analog sticks, no second d-pad or set of shoulder buttons. The cards were a way to have a multiple command system (e.g. Attack, Magic, Items) without having it be a menu you have to wade through. The screens in CoM being 2D also make a decent amount of sleights work better because of how generous the range is. Strike Raid and similar moves can catch practically everything on screen in CoM but need to be very specifically lined up to make them work in Re:CoM. Plus I really like the 16-bit sprite artwork which is quite charming, and the music is very enjoyable in spite of being on the GBA which basically had no dedicated sound chip. The conversions sound quite good for GBA, and the tracks that originally came out in the GBA version sound pretty nice on it. It's still a GBA, but it's definitely one of the better sounding GBA games out there. I do like the additions they made in PS2/later ports, with enhancements to the system, but I still feel it "fits" better on GBA. And I wish they would have re-released the GBA version together with Re:CoM so you could have your pick of the one you preferred.


I like both, but I did play the GBA version years before I played the ps2 one. So, nostalgia and bias are stronger there.


GBA The remake (XONE)/made me ragequit so many times and it is by far one of the worst games I ever played


GBA overall, but the cutscenes and added third phase of the final boss in Re:CoM are sick


Pixel art is my jam.


GBA. Its gameplay system is awesome when there’s no z-axis lol. I cannot stand Re:CoM, it is by far my least favorite game in the whole series.


while i prefer the gameplay of the ps2 version, i do love the gba one more, simply for the nostalgia factor.


I know the GBA version is technically more impressive given the spritework and all that... but I dunno, I feel the PS2 version having full cinematics with voice acting does elevate it a bit more for me in terms of story and characters. 🤷‍♂️ I mean, hell, it's the reason why I ended up **LOVING** Larxene, her cutscenes are sooo good, she's just such a mean but cute bitch! 😭


GBA was better. A charming demake with a better script.


I like the cutscenes in the ps2 version Yes, including the voice acting


Haven't played the GBA version, but it can't possibly be worse than Re:Chain.




PS2. Lol can't go back to playing GBA even though back in the day it was crazy good !


Definitely GBA


GBA; the remake suits for cinematic like 358/2 Days & Re:coded.


I'm kinda split between the two. GBA was more charming but I never felt the need to use sleights and like they were never worth it to use, except for Rkku who was OP in every sense of the word in gba, and Dodge roll didn't really feel like it dodged through anything, then again I was 8 or so when I played. PS2 was cool to see in 3D, had better sleights but in a way it made the game boring because once you unlock lethal frame there was little reason to use anything else except for stacking a bunch of fires for marluxia. Made the game too easy. Sora having the old voice with the younger body was jarring (both in this and in DDD) and Riku no longer felt OP (which might not be a bad thing). Rikus duel system was great but was easy to abuse, and the easy spam-to-win double jump slash he had in the GBA version no longer was a thing in the PS2 version. I generally did not like his movement in dark mode in the PS2 version. Honestly I wish the remake would have forgone the card system and used rikus level up progression for Sora as well (HP, attack for Sora instead of card deck cost limit, and sleights instead of dp for Sora.) or just use the regular main games leveling system. I like the cards but it became too OP in remake and I honestly didn't like having to grind for high level keyblade Cards from chests so that base combo attacks didn't feel useless, which is what pushed me to spam lethal frame and fire since you could just spam a technique over and over who's damage was the same regardless of cards used. Riku felt more balanced in this aspect since you could boost his attack stat and choose to either focus on sleights or regular attacks depending on preferred play style. Dodge roll also felt useless since a lot of the enemies attacks auto target unless card broken. Each game had their flaws and charms but I lean more towards PS2 for Sora's playthrough and GBA for Riku's. Edit: now that I think about it, I would've liked a system for Riku's dark mode similar to using the dark chip too much in MegaMan battle network 4. If you use it too much, it can start draining health or you lose control of megaman while in dark mode because the darkness takes him over for the duration of the form. Would of liked to see this with Riku to show an actual downside to using dark form too much.


I prefer PS2 mostly because (at least for me) it's easier to control. Combat can be a *little* funky sometimes, but I enjoy everything about it waaaayy more to the gba version.


The manga.


GBA, the combat system wasn't designed for full 3d and some of the sleights really show it when it was ported to that engine.


GBA version dog walks PS2 version


GBA should've been the only version till now when we got a 2d 3d remake


im not sure which I prefer, all I know is that the normal gameplay of walking around the map and fighting random battles works WAY better in the original


Both are great in their own ways, but it is reasonable to have the game be remade to be in line with the console titles. Otherwise, it would've ended up being like Re:Coded and 358/2 Days.


GBA version. The mechanics make more sense in 2D than in 3D.


Seems to be a hot take in recent years but PS2 by a mile. And I'm pretty familiar with the GBA version, played it on launch, helped friends at school understand the system and how everything worked, played it like 4 times before KH2 came out. But a lot of attacks feel really bad and jank, some not wanting to hit their target at all. The same is true for PS2, Cloud for example is a lot more useful on GBA, but overall I find the PS2 combat more polished. Also my decks are always built with sleight spamming and it's just nicer to whip them out constantly with triangle mashing than L+R mashing. Riku feels more refined on PS2 as well. I do LOVE the sprites on GBA and might prefer it to the models, but that's not enough for me to consider it the better version.


Anyone else agree that the Re: could have done a lot better as a 2.5D/Isometric fixed camera game? (Please don't hurt me lol)


GBA, The 3D version of the game was just a miserable experience for me


the manga


Re: it might not hold up aswell but it's the first time we see sora do new stuff in 3d other than just press X. the mixes between magic and physical attacks like with lethal frame are just really satisfying


Definitely GBA. so many hours, so difficult for my little kid brain to understand…


The gba version i find a lot more charming, i really dislike the combat in recom but love it in com for some reason even though they’re so similar.


I really disliked chain of memories lol


i loved the gba version. i tried playing the 3D remake and didn't enjoy it as much. the charm of the original one is just so good.


None of them because I don't like action rpg, which are basically pure RNG and grinding.


Rn I'd have to say the ps2 one only because I haven't played the gba one in like 15 years now on my old shitty gba whose backlight was broken and had to play it next to a light 💀


People saying GBA have tiny hands or haven't played since they were a kid.




GBA and it's not even close.




Both are great in their own way, and I think that the OG is easier because of the slower attack rate of enemies. However, I much prefer the remake, because it's just more fun and nails the characters, especially since this is the best story/characterization in the whole series.


GBA tho the PS2 board goes hard as fuck


For Sora: Original For Riku: Re:Chain


I only played Re:CoM, but I do look forward to playing the GBA version eventually. Though I am a bit sad to find out that "Lord of the Castle" and Marluxia's final form in the remake isn't in the GBA version, as I felt that was a HUGE highlight of my first playthrough of Sora's story!


the art for the gameboy version is so raw man


The one i can feasibly play.


PS2. the GBA version plays at a snail's pace by comparison


The remastered version better


chain of memories on gba was my first kh game


I hate the both equally. The GBA has more charm and I think the gameplay is easier to grasp but it’s harder to do the really cool stuff The rechain stuff is wayyy cooler but I can tell a bit more when corners are cut, no fun sprites, org battles take place not in just the straight up hall ways, and yes there is more sick ass moved that are final fantasy references true…. But they are all worse than spamming Blitz and Sonic Blade


Ps2 plz