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KH1: 7.5 KHFM: 8.5 COM: 6 KH2: 9 KH2FM: 9 BBS: 7 Days: 6 DDD: 6 Coded: 7 KH3: 7.5


Your 1 & 2FM ratings feel so right to me. I personally think the fm exclusive bosses and data fights give it that extra .5 over 1FM


1- solid but the gameplay does not make me wanna go back to it and the story doesnt have the sauce later games get. 8/10 Recom- i dropped it over the gameplay but the story is imo very underrated. 5/10 and that’s the story hard carrying. 2- this is what all kh games still aspire to be. 10/10 BBS- i get that the gameplay is flawed, but it’s still very enjoyable and the story felt kinda abbreviated by the format but had some amazing moments. 9/10 3D- this one is unironically my jam, i like the combat does BBS’ idea a bit better than BBS. I like progression, optimising my dream eaters for all the effects i liked was very fun. I liked the story, especially that final segment, YX as a villain in this is more of what i hoped MX would be. For the first time i even really liked the disney worlds, fantasia is still my favourite one of all time but i was a fan of all of them. 9/10 Kh3- the gameplay is as good as the best in the series, once you turn off attractions. It looks absolutely beautiful and overall feels so polished. Problem being the story, now i like what was there, but it just needed more. The entire story seems so backloaded and it could do with being spread better in between the disney worlds. Give characters time to angst some more about terra and xion being on their side. Let MX be a proper looming threat and not literally just having him sit at the back of the line until after you beat the rest of his hims. Re:mind was stronger but still could only work with what was already there. But again, what we got wasn’t bad and the gameplay was peak. 9/10


Wow, a Dream Drop lover. I’m jealous. Wish I felt warmly about that game like you do.


Love this.


Honestly I really just miss the FF characters in 3. 1 and 2 were so good at using them and then just not having them for whatever reason in 3 was so depressing. I’m also in the process of 100% all the games and in the middle of 1 and I could not agree more. The game is a true game and feels like a really good story but holy SHIT the gameplay is so frustrating.


KH 8/10: timeless. only issue is that its really clunky. Great game otherwise KHFM: 8.5/10 improvement in every way. Only problem is that it wasn't kh2 lol KH2: I'd give this a 8.5-9. Great game at the time. My favorite. Only to be beaten by the final mix version KH2FM: Peak Kh in my opinion. 10/10 KH CoM : 8/10. this game was meant for the gba. KH Re:CoM: 7/10 its alright. a good port to the 3d landscape. but just doesn't feel as good as the OG KH BBS KH DDD: low 7. maybe mid 6.5/10. This one just wasn't as interesting as the others. It was only fun/good in the last section. Which is also where most of the story happens. Everything before that felt like a waste of time. And being forced to "drop" didn't feel like a good choice either KH 2.8: : 8.5/10 At the time I liked it a lot. Was short, maybe too short, but it was a tease of kh3. Also had customization even if it was very minimal. Still, looking back it was better than kh3 at launch KH3 : 7/10. The vanilla version of this game was pretty bland. Too much Disney and not enough Final Fantasy. I don't remember seeing a single FF character & the Disney worlds were pretty empty (looking at you Tangled + Frozen). It had its moments, but also like 3D most of the "story" was at the very last chapter. Everything before that felt lifeless KH3 Re:Mind : This added a lot of extra stuff that helped the vanilla game, including a critical mode. But was pretty much more fights & action and less story.


KH1: 8/10 CoM: 5/10 KH2: 9/10 358: 7/10 BbS: 8/10 Coded: 3/10 3D: 6/10 X: 5/10 DR: 4/10 0.2: 8/10 KH3: 7/10 MoM: 3/10 (My scores include DLC and remakes. As a side note I *hate* the Final Mix recolors of the enemies, there’s not a single one I like more than the original and I think it sucks we don’t get the option to swap back to the old skins.)


Here's my ratings. KH1: 8/10 CoM: 6/10 KH2: 10/10 Days: 7.5/10 BBS: 10/10 Coded: 6/10 DDD: 9/10 UX: 10/10 0.2: 5/10 Back Cover: 5/10 KH3: 10/10 MoM: 4/10 (fun gameplay, but boring story) Dark Road: 4/10 (good story, but boring gameplay)


Looking forward to both Missing-Link and KH4!


Kingdom Hearts - 8.5/10: Amazing first entry. It's a tumbler gremlin's crossover wet dream. Decent action gameplay and an artstyle that has stood the test of time. It'd be even higher if it wasn't for the fact that aspects of that game have aged horribly. The camera is dogshit, and I end up fighting it just as much as the heartless. Chain of Memories - never played it. Re:Chain of Memories - 7/10: I'm a sucker for deckbuilders, and this is a really unique way to do it. Grinding for sleights and creating decks to where I could combo sleights to cc an entire boss is just epic. Not the best KH game though. Kingdom Hearts II - 10/10: It's the best one. Nuff said. 358/2 Days - 7.5/10: Fun grindy action game that is a beat handheld novelty. It's real drawback being the hardware limitations of the console it's on. The melon version mod for this game is actually making me want to replay this game to see what'd be like to play it with modern controls. Birth By Sleep - 9/10: Three playable characters, a bunch of new worlds, a great story, gameplay that's comparable to its console counterparts, new focus mechanics, action commands, forms. It felt like a serious new entry, and it was on a fucking PSP. Re:Coded - 6.5/10: This game just felt extremely unnecessary. Dream Drop Distance - 8/10: Flowmotion is epic, and I loved it. Swapping between Sora and Riku was a great idea, and the whole game being their Mark of Mastery exam was a nest idea. The drop mechanic sucks, and removing it would make this game a 8.5 for me. II.8 Final Chapter Prologue - 8.5/10: Yeah, it's short. So what? That doesn't mean it was bad. It may be the most thematic and atmospheric KH experience ever made. The dread, confusion, and intrigue you as the player experience as you explore this liminal space is amazing. Kingdom Hearts III - 9/10: Gorgeous looking game with some of the best, cheesiest moments in the series, and an incredibly fun keyblade switching mechanic. The scale and scope of the new levels were amazing. The setpieces in this game just make it feel so epic. My friends and I still quote Woody. It only got better with Re:Mind. Melody of Memories - 8/10: I like rythym games, and KH music fucking slaps.


KH1 8.5/10 - Out of nowhere game that defined a whole new art style and mashup never quite seen before. First game to make me cry, although the camera and gameplay is a bit dated. KH:CoM 8.5/10 - I *love* card based battle games, but the square worlds and the simplistic nature of the navigation is very clearly a handheld spinoff level of depth KH2 8/10 - I realize I'm in the minority, but for some reason KH2 big open empty hallway worlds just rubbed be the wrong way as a kid. Really liked it, but wouldn't say it's my favorite Days 8/10 - Gameplay isn't the strongest but the story is *good* DDD 7.5/10 - Very cozy music and vibe with the sleeping worlds, but Sora begins to feel like less of a cool character and more of a doofus from this point on. KH3 5.5/10 - It had pretty graphics and the combat was improved after some updates and DLC allowing me to turn off all of the BS that they added... Even then, the story is atrocious and I had honestly lost faith in the series after playing it (I'm slowly regaining it back). KH4 needs to be *very careful* and I hope they take all the time they need to get it right this time MoM - Just starting it, but as a fan of the series, this game is *way* more enjoyable than I thought it would be! Re:Coded - The game I'm currently playing. I'm honestly surprised how good the combat is! The story... Well, it's not known for having a very impactful story. Very fun though, so far!


KH1 - 8/10 COM - 6/10 KH2 - 9/10 BBS - 5/10 Days - 6/10 Coded - 8/10 DDD - 4/10 0.2/3 - 7/10


KH: 9,5 RE:CoM: 8 KHII: 9 BBS: 7,5  DDD: 8,5  KHIII (with remind): 9


Two different rankings. One based on overall quality while the other is based solely on how much I enjoyed them. The rankings based on sound, visuals, story, characters, and gameplay quality * KH- 7.5/10 * CoM/ReCoM - 7.5/10 * KH2 - 7/10 * 358/2 Days - 7/10 * BBS - 7.5/10 * Re:Coded 8/10 * DDD - 8.5/10 * UX - 7.5/10 * 0.2 - 9/10 * KH3 - 7/10 * MoM - 5/10 * DR - 7.5/10 Based on how much I enjoyed each game * KH - 6/10 * CoM/ReCoM 7.5/10 * KH2 - 4/10 * 358/2 Days 9/10 * BBS 6/10 * Re:Coded 8.5/10 * DDD - 8/10 * UX - 9.5/10 * 0.2 - 8/10 * KH3 - 4/10 * MoM - 6/10 * DR - 8.5/10


1 - 10/10 This is amazing. Com - 6/10 Cool card gameplay. What the fuck is going on. 2 - 5/10 Cool combat, but why are the Disney worlds just a rehash of the movies? Feels less explorationy and more on rails. Also, what the fuck is going on?! BBS - Hey I kinda understand the plot a little. That’s nice. 7/10


|Game|Score|Opinoins| |:-|:-|:-| |KH: (FM)|8|It's a fun straight forward complete adventure. What else is there to say?| |KH:CoM:|7|The pixel art is gorgeous, the card system is fun to break, and the story is good.| |KH:ReCoM|6|BOO. NO PIXEL ART.| |KH2: (FM)|9|This is where the story went a little nuts, but the combat system is phenomenal.| |KH:ReCoded:|7|Story is whatever, but each world is it's own unique little gimmick and the level up system is really fun.| |KH:358/2 Days:|2|I don't like this game. The box is too small to explain why. It still has 2 points for Organisation 13 characterization.| |KH:BBS (FM)|9|Command styles are easilly my favourite combat system in the series. The characters are all stupid but I can live with that.| |KH:DDD|7|This is where the story went majoryly bizaro nutz. Flow motion was a fun gimmick but the pets hold it back.| |KH:0.2:BBS:AFP|10|Perfect. Combat is great, story is great, bosses are tuned to perfection, and there is explaining why Mickey didn't have a shirt... which is so needless as to be hilarious.| |KH3:|6|Still only played it once. Combat had too many long stretches of invincibility, most of the story is backloaded, and I don't like attraction flow. Am still planning to revisit but I just haven't found the time.| |KH:MoM|3|It's just a bad rythem game. I mean the music is GOOD, but the gameplay is scholck and the only story is a single new cutscene right at the end.|


KH1: 7/10 ReChain: 6/10 KH2: 8/10 Days: 3/10 BBS: 6/10 ReCoded: 7/10 DDD: 5/10 0.2: 6/10 KH3: 8/10 Both mobile games: 4/10 but not because it’s gacha but because the gameplay itself was boring and mindless and lame. I’m a Dokkan player so I don’t mind gacha so long as the rates on featured units are fair. MoM: 7/10


1- 1fm 6/10 2- 2fm 8/10 3-358/2 6/10 (only because of story) 4-COM 4/10 5-BBS 5/10 6- DDD 7/10 7-RE coded 6/10 8- 3with pro codes 7/10 9-MOM 4/10


KH: 8.5 KH2: 9.5 KH3: 7.5 KH (RE)CoM: 8 KH BbS: 8.5 KH DDD: 8.5 KH Coded: Can't remember very well, I have just played and beaten it once. However I remember having tons of fun. 7.5 KH 358/2: 6.5 - 7. KH MoM: 9 (Obviously ranking this game as a rhythm game, not the same as others titles). KH Unchained/X/Union: 4-5. KH DR: 3.


KH1: 9.5 COM: 6 KH2: 8.5 BBS: 9 358/2: 7 Coded: 5.5 DDD: 7.5 0.2: 8.25 KH3: 8 MM: 6.5 KHUx: 5 Haven't played the other mobile ones.


Kh1-7 or 8. Fun, engaging, a couple gameplay flaws but nothing unplayable. CoM original-6. Niche gameplay, but the graphics are good for the day. Kh2-9. Almost perfect, no notes. BBS-7 or 8. Great mechanics, worlds felt emptier than 2 or some others but the level design compensates. 358/2-5 or 6. Good story, but missions could get repetitive. ReCoM-4 or 5. Voices felt off, the gba has a charm to it this one doesn’t have. Recoded-4. Mixing up gameplay styles is a unique idea, but overall the game fell flat for me. Collections overall-7. Graphic updates are nice, but the FM recolored monsters never worked for me. 3D-7 or 8. The switching characters took getting used to, but great level design & combat was a blast. X/UX-3 or 4. Characters were engaging, but the gacha boxes & eventual level wall I hit hurt replayability. DR-3 or 4. No level wall like X, but too short. 0.2-5. Nice tech demo for kh3, would’ve been better as a bonus to kh3 than a standalone. Kh3-7 or 8. Amazing graphics & gameplay, world design is mostly excellent, story felt slightly rushed. MoM-7. Surprisingly more fun than I expected.


Kingdom hearts- 9/10 best story, good gameplay CoM- 6.5/10 good story, mediocre gameplay, unique, all text bubbles KH2- 9.5/10 fantastic gameplay that set the bar, very good story, best post game content (FM version obviously) Days- 6.8/10 very good story, handheld, expanded Roxas, multiple playable characters but hated all the text dialogue, repetitive, unbalanced and wonky Recoded- 6/10 lackluster bland retelling of old stuff BBS- 7/10 great story, poor voice actor directing, empty hallow worlds, repetitive, not a fan of the combat/command system but still good DDD- 8/10 best graphics since 2, best gameplay since 2, dream eaters were unique and fun for a 1 game mechanic, riku gameplay, decent story 0.2- 8.5/10 for what it was, short but good story, aqua gameplay was great, amazing graphics KH3- 9.3 incredible gameplay, great graphics, fluid, a mix of both great worlds and a bad one or 2. Love the intro. Second best post game. Khux- 9/10 for a gacha type of game, which understandably many don't like but I love. Excellent story, and a really enjoyable long-lasting phone game Dark roads- 4/10 does nothing for me tbh


In my personal opinion Kh1=7 Kh2 = 10 Kh3 = 9 Bbs = 7 Re:com =6 358/2 = 8 Ddd=6


The ones I’ve played. Just numbers out of 10 without further explanation: KH1 (FM): 8/10 Re:COM: 4/10 KH2 (FM): 9.5/10 BBS (FM): 7/10 KH3: 7/10 base game, 8/10 w/Re:Mind DLC MoM: 7/10 Very much looking forward to KH4 to see where the story goes.




KH1 - 8.5 CoM - 8 KH2 - 8.5 Days - 8 BBS - 7.5 3D - 8 KH3 - 8 Haven't got around to finishing recom or Coded but I didn't care for what I play of them. 


I've only played the first and a bit of Re:COM. The first game is a solid 8/10 in terms of gameplay and story. I tried Re:COM and the gameplay is garbage that I can go deep into. I didn't get far ahead because the gameplay is something I didn't think I'd enjoy or get used to. I keep hearing how the story is so good, but I'm sorry I'm gameplay >>> story. Good story can't make up for bad gameplay. 4/10.


Ratings are based on overall enjoyment, and also how much I want to revisit them, either in a playthrough or just thinking back on them. KH1: 9 CoM: 8 KH2: 6 Re:CoM: 7 Days: 9 BBS: 7 Re:Coded: 6 DDD: 5 0.2: 7 KH3: 8 If we're including "games" that are no longer playable, or were movies included in the HD Remixes, then here are my ratings. 358/2 Days Remastered: 8 Re:Coded Remastered: 3 Union Cross Dark Road: 7 Chi Back Cover: 8 I haven't played MoM yet, but I've been very happy with the series post-DDD, so I bet I'll like it a lot. I have beef with at least one aspect of every game in the series, but I think each game has something of value, even DDD and the remastered scenes from Re:Coded.


I try not to mess with decimals since it complicates things so: KH1 - 7/10 KH1FM - 9/10 KH CoM - 8/10 KH2 - 10/10 KH2FM - 10/10 KH Re:CoM - 8/10 KH 358/2 Days - 7/10 KH BBSFM - 9/10 KH re:Coded - 7/10 KH DDD - 8/10 KHUX - 6/10 KH 0.2 - 7/10 KH3 - 8/10 KH Dark Road - 4/10 KH MoM - 7/10


Not in release order, but here ya go. KH1: 8.5 KH1.5FM: 9.5 Com: 8.5 KH2: 8 KH2.5FM: 8.5 BBS: 6 Days: 2 DDD: 6 Re:Coded: 4 Re:CoM: 3 X/mobile: 3 2.8: 6 KH3: 7.5 I haven't played MoM. It might end up being the only one I skip. Just really doesn't seem like my jam (and Kairi deserves more than a rhythm game), but maybe I'll snag it on sale.


1. 8 CoM. 7 2. 7 Re:CoM. 4 Days. 5 BBS. 8 Re:Coded. 6 3D. 7 X (Browser Game). 7 UX. (Mobile Game). 4 DR. 7 0.2. 9 3. 6 3 (With Remind). 9 MoM. 7


khfm - 9.0 recom - 7 i gotta replay it, i really think i just didnt like the controls on my first run through but one of my favorite stories khfm2 - 10 khbbs - 7.5 days - 7 khddd - 8 kh3 - 8


kh1 - 8 ReCom - 4 Days - 7 kh2 - 10 BBS - 8 DDD - 7 0.2 - 6


KH1: 5 KH1FM: 6 RE:CoM: 0 KH2: 8 KH2FM: 9 356/2: 5.5 RE:Coded: 6.5


1: 9 Re:CoM: 7 2: 10 358/2: 7 BBS: 6 RE:Coded: 8 DDD: 6 0.2: 7 KH3: 6 KHUX: 4


KH: 8 KHFM: 9.5 COM: 6.5 KHII: 7.5 KHIIFM: 9 RECOM: 7.5 BBSFM: 7 DDD (PS4): 7 0.2: 8 KHIII: 8 KHIIIRM: 8.5 MOM: 6


Kingdom Hearts: 7.5 Chain of Memories: 7.0 358/2 Days: 7.0 Kingdom Hearts II: 9.5 Birth by Sleep: 9.0 Re:Coded: 6.0 Dream Drop Distance: 6.5 Fragmentary Passage: 8.0 Back Cover (Movie): 6.5 Kingdom Hearts III: 8.5


1.9/10? I might be a bit biased towards it but I believe it's the best game when it comes to Disney worlds Re:chain.6/10? I even forget this existed. I only remember the cutsene and almost nothing about gameplay expect for sonic blade 2.7/10 I think it's a bit overrated (might be my own bias because I lost my save file on Roxas's fight and had to replay everything) it feels like a expansion of 1 if you know what I mean Days.* Played a little bit but ds's chunky controls really didn't sit with me (though from what I played, the organization members gets to shine a lot) Bbs.6/10 I guess, some bosses are completely BS, the command menu was a neat idea, although a bit badly implemented, great story though Recoded. 6/10? I'm not sure if I can rate this consider I didn't finish like days but gone much far with it, command menu from bbs returns and I believe this game's version is what it should've been in bbs, mini games (which what made me quit) just sucks though, at least 20 tried on every single one and give up after realizing I have to play all of Olympus as a minigame. (Was losing it in wonderland minigame after spending a good few hours.) Ddd. 7/10 solid game with a somewhat hard to follow story, flowmotion was a cool idea (although after beginning didn't use it much and just gone back to what I knew)raising spirits isn't as hard as people making it out to be. (SOME TELL ME THE END CREDIT SCENE OF SORA AND THE SPIRITS CUTSENE SOUNDTRACK, I KNOW ITS HAND IN HAND BUT WHICH VERSION???) 0.2. 5/10? It's a tech demo, it lasts like 2-3 hours the new graphics are great after being stuck in polygon hell for game after game, although I believe it's story is weak in sense it makes bbs's secret ending less impactful 3. 8/10 pretty solid game, people love to shit on it's story but I believe it's fine, remind was fire! Finally kairi getting the screen time she deserves, play at critical though, it's pretty challenging but pretty rewarding aswell (got my ass kicked so many times)


KH1: 10/10 Re:CoM: 6/10 KH2: 7/10 Days: 7/10 (story 10/10) BbS: 8/10 Re:Coded: 4/10 3D: 7.5/10 BbS 0.2: 9/10 KH3: 10/10 MoM: 9/10 (2/10 story, it’s just a good rhythm game) Union Cross: 1/10 (10/10 story) Dark Road: -1/10 (waiting on Damo fandub for story, I like what I’ve seen though) Days/Coded movies: 4/10, wish we got remakes. Back Cover: 2/10, mostly original content and it’s somehow the most boring one. I feel like my rankings will turn some heads but I think this is mostly accurate. Also worth noting anything above a 5 is still at least a 7 or an 8 compared to other games. KH is my favorite series so numbers are adjusted to just be compared to other KH games.