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Release order. 


Release order is necessary for first timers, and the best overall experience. But for someone who’s already played the games, chronological can be a fun new way to re-experience them.


If you google the same question, you will find probably around 1000 other posts giving you the answer. Can we filter out these posts, please?


Isn't it still literally against the rules of the sub to make these posts still?


I feel like there should be a bot that just automatically replies to these


Are you on here THAT much?


Where is the corelation to my criticism and your assumption? I think I joined this sub 2 years ago and noticed it over the time.


Either you’ve been on here so much that you’ve seen “all of them” or you need to take a walk and find something else to get upset over. Homie is just asking a question


Nobody needs to be on here every day, to notice it. And even if I am, scrolling reddit on the way to work is a concern I should get out and take a walk? There is no need to attack me. I much rather have us be friends. Let's stop here.


Bro instead of just giving a semi-helpful answer you just got upset at OP. You’re wack


Release order helps relieve some jarring gameplay changes if you care about that. KH1 can be ROUGH after playing BBS first.


Tbh going from BBS to KH1 wasn’t a big deal, but last time I did BBS, KH1 before Ansem, Fragmentary Passage, Ansem final boss and going from FP to KH1 was awkward


If you already know the whole story, then really you can play in whatever order you want. Release order is just recommended for first-timers. Here is the order I am playing in trying to 100% the Steam versions: Kingdom Hearts 1 Birth by Sleep (Terra) Re:Chain of Memories (Sora) Birth by Sleep (Ventus) Re:Chain of Memories (Riku) Birth by Sleep (Aqua) Kingdom Hearts II Re:Coded (I’m emulating the DS version) Dream Drop Distance Fragmentary Passage Kingdom Hearts III I’m breaking up BBS and Re:CoM so I don’t get burnt out by either of them. It remains to be seen if that’s going to work. Edit: I’m just now seeing that you’ve never actually played in release order before. I think you might give that a shot, just to see how things organically develop and play out.


I might actually do that to get the BBS and Re CoM platinums, thanks


I didn’t understand the BBS burnout before my first playthrough until I did Deep Space for the third time in a row


First time playing i always say release order but for replays i think chronological is fun


I feel like all the replys and downvotes are coming out of people who missed the "re" part. This isn't a first timer asking this is somebody who's played the games before.


I prefer to play it by the year they were released. I already understand the chronology enough.


Release order. Alternatively: just play whatever you're in the mood for.


Here’s the order I did my replay DDD -> 0.2 -> KH3 -> BBS -> KH1 -> CoM -> 358/2 -> KH2 -> Coded


If it's replay then sure you can try chronological why not If we ignore mobile games then: back cover -> bbs -> 0.2 with kh1 at the same time -> first couple of weeks from Days until they say they leaving for castle oblivion -> chain of memories and then the rest of Days -> kh2 -> recoded -> DDD -> kh3


Release order. Start with KH1FM, then play Chain of Memories, then KH2FM, and then stop and pretend nothing else exists.


I’ve only ever played through the entire series once, it was out of order but eventually I did understand the story. I constantly go back to specific games because they are just so fun but if you already know the story then honestly just play whichever game you remember having the most fun with then go down the list. I have no desire to go through the entire series again while watching all the cutscenes, not yet at least, maybe when we get a KH4 release date. But for now I just pick and choose which game I wanna play and play it, skipping cutscenes since I already know the story, and just playing the video game. Breaking it if and how I can and having fun. If you already know the whole story pick the most fun one and just go down the list really.