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Actually, Maleficent says hell in Birth by Sleep.


The tron world in DDD, they also say hell


Yeah was gonna say this is not the only moment


Maleficient mentions it once also. I think she says something like “behold all the powers of hell!”


That line always gave me chills watching the film.


Even better: In Greek dub Maleficent says “I am HELL ITSELF!”


That’s amazing haha


It does feel a little different when they're referring to the place


Hell and damn are both technically not curse words in a lot of the world also. It's a big american thing to censor it sometimes but not always. A lot of animes I've seen even ones aimed at younger audiences have no issue using those 2 words as they generally aren't seen as bad words.


You can generally say one "naughty word" in a piece of media and not have it effect your rating. They dont always use it but it's like they get a freebie


You get one tier-two swearword pass, use it wisely


Hell isn't a swear word, it wouldn't effect ratings


It is considered a mild swear word so that's why it's almost never used in children's media and they use "heck" instead.


Hell is used in the majority of media. Turn on Disney channel And you'll hear characters have zero problem saying what the hell or stuff like that


Not in most G-rated and E-rated media, though, especially from Disney. You're probably talking about Disney shows with a higher age rating because there's no way you watched House of Mouse and Mickey said "hell."


I just looked it up and hell is allowed in any TV ratings and E video games. Pg and E10+ adds in damn/damnit, pissed, crap, and a few others. So yes technically Mickey mouse could say hell, he just doesn't because if you've ever watched kids shows, there's literally never going to be a situation that calls for it lol. Hell isn't a swear in America. Also the Kingdom hearts is rated E10+ which means they could say hell along with most of those others anyway


Honestly you could get by using the word fuckeroni if the guy doing the ratings is like at the end if his shift and too tired to catch it


I remember when I got this game on the GBA as a kid. The cover said rated "E" for violence and mild language. I couldn't believe there was a swear word in KH and couldn't wait to find it. As soon as this scene showed up, I knew this was what they were referring to.


Things have changed over the years. A lot of the fans that played KH1 or gba CoM back when they were first released probably remember when words like Damn and Hell were considered swear words.


Commit it to memory — Axel


I love how that's technically the first time Axel said his iconic catchphrase (before it was changed for the PS2 remake) and yet it sounds like something you'd see on a "I put the original script through AI and translated it 5 times with Google Translate" video.


Look how they massacred my boy.


He’s doing a dramatic anime mastermind pose because this was written when we didn’t know if he was a good guy or a bad guy.


I remember KH2 prerelease stuff in magazines framing Axel as the new Ansem… funny that.


Axel said hell! Commit it to Memory!


Those days were he committed it to memory instead of getting it memorized


Are we just forgetting Maleficent in Birth by Sleep like that? She literally quotes her movie line in the Aqua Enchanted Dominion.


Is hell actually that big of a swear word? That's crazy.


It's a curse word in the US, but its the lowest tier one. It's NOT something a child would be saying to their grandma for example, or their teacher or anything. But "what the hell?" isn't going to get you suspended from school. It also depends on context. Hell the location is okay to say, but using it as a curse is not okay.


It really isn't though if it was anything more it wouldn't have been kept in the game. The series uses it a couple more times down the road


In America? Yes. In the rest of the World? No.


No it's not a swear word here either


So why does it get censored in so many kids shows? "The bad place, H-e-double-hockey-sticks, what the heck, etc."


It isn't a swear word, it doesn't effect ratings and it was used numerous times in the series, including by maleficent, Hades and even once in tron and flyn


I was gonna say, it seems people are making it a bigger deal than it needs to be.


Back when the game came out it was one of those words that was considered a swear. Not on the level of Shit or Fuck because even adult shows couldn’t say those words without it getting bleeped out. But it definitely was considered a curse word when I was a kid. You can even look to the GBA games rating listed it as E for Fantasy Violence, Mild Language.


Everyone talks about Maleficent saying hell but no one talks about Sam Flynn “Yeah, well that's a hell of a way to live.”


Ahhhhh yes! My favorite line in the entire series! The reason I have so many playthroughs on Chain of Memories! 😂


Sora says "What the hell are you people?" when Axel kills Vexen in CoM.


He actually doesn’t, he says: “What the… What ARE you people?”


I see, I was misremembering it then. Thanks for clarifying.


I love Axel was written in the GBA game as if he was an overarching conspirator who's going to dethrone Ansem' lol


Yeah. I mentioned this in the other thread. Someone else said Maleficent in BBS said ‘hellfire’ though.


Pretty sure Maleficent also says it in BBS.


Not the only time but it is the first


When will we get to visit Hell in Kingdom Hearts?


You sort of did when you entered the Underworld in KH2 🤷‍♂️


Maleficent says it, it's said in tron once, and Hades also says it. That's just off the top of my head so I'm sure over the course of this series it's been said probably a dozen times


It’s about time you gave me one FUCK of a show


One Dark World of a show 🙂.


Odd. I can’t see the comments on this post for some reason.


There was like no PG-13 people in the production room when they were working on these lines


I’ve always had it memorized.


E10+ can do that


He appears to be yelling at the chair. (This is why he’s my favorite.)


Just a reminder I can say “Shit” three times….. two times because I just said it


A spin off where you only play Axel. That would be a dream come true. I love him.