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I saw a pic from a restaurant bathroom in Japan and they had two soaps one for "Before eating" (unscented) and one for "After eating" (scented), that seems to be the way to go, if you care about your diner's experience.


One of my favorite things about Jiro Dreams of Sushi is how the restaurant has no bathroom. Just love that so much I can’t even properly express it.


I'm sorry, I don't understand this perspective. How is that a good thing?


No yeah what?


Mom taught me not to shit where I eat.




Not trolling. I genuinely appreciate the next level of cleanliness that they have by not having a bathroom in the restaurant.


That’s like going against code violations in my city in terms of serving food and drinks you would or beening fine if the health department come alone. But then again in my town everyone hates the new health person


That's against code in most, if not all of the u.s. I believe. Sit down joints must have a restroom. 


That's gott be breaking some labor law, too. Plus ADA stuff.


True I was just writing so I don’t have to get into the full details of that. Due to its 2:32 am and zoned out for the day


Oh, fellow east coaster, eh?




Yeah I probably just won’t go there then…


A whole meal there when I went lasted about 25 minutes. You need a bathroom break every 15 mins?


Why is that a good thing? Im so confused Plus that would break so many laws/bylaws/health codes in basically any first world country


Japan isn’t first world? Anyways, Because of the level of cleanliness. Everyone having to use the public one that’s close but off site from them just gives one more layer of sterility, zero chance of the guest smelling the bathroom. The employees never having to taint their own cleanliness by cleaning the bathroom either. Kind of shocked this isn’t more obvious.


Tangential but a friend of mine spent some time touring east Asia and despite eating at all kinds of sketchy places in Vietnam and Cambodia only got food poisoning in Tokyo.


I just love that movie so much.


I hate scented soaps anywhere and especially in restaurants. The lingering smell can absolutely ruin a food experience.


The worst is that pink shit


I defy you to get over five fucking bubbles out of that crap. Like washing up with kids play slime. Your not saving enough money to be so damn dirty.


Do you think it's the bubbles that do the cleaning?


He stops washing his hands when he’s done counting bubbles


emulsion provided by the bubbles helps provide a consistent spread of soap, it's an absolute necessity and does in fact contribute to cleanliness, it also contributes to lifting off materials


Sudsing is largely psychological and is there more to "prove" the soap or detergent is working. They contribute to cleaning but it's minor and largely unnecessary. Many soaps and detergents (specifically dishwashing liquid) are specifically made with low to no foaming chemicals because they can interfere with cleaning. Freaking out because your hand soap isn't foaming is poor science education.


A million times, yes


The almond smelling soap? I love that shit


Came here to say that.


If the soap smells gross ( I give it a sniff before lathering) I just wash it down the drain. Yes, that pink soap is the worst!


Unscented and skin friendly please? As someone who suffers from contact dermatitis some of the really commercial scented crap absolutely causes my skin to break out. I've taken to carrying water wipes and hand sanitiser everywhere I go so as to try and avoid some of hand soaps regularly used in public bathrooms.


O’Keefs working hands is magical if you haven’t tried it. My hands also get wrecked from the constant hand washing with the shitty cheap soap at work and the stuff fixes my hands in no time


A little tip from a almost 30-year veteran, dry your hands after washing them. It was second nature for me to just barely dry them enough to get gloves back on in a hurry but they started cracking so much that I had to medical tape my knuckles and cuticles so they wouldn't crack and bleed. For some reason I started making a conscious decision to take the extra couple seconds to make sure they are completely dry. They started healing quickly because they weren't constantly chapped.


I always fully dry my hands because I don’t wear gloves, I just have pretty sensitive skin and the cheap shit soap at work ruins them, good advice though


I've gotten to know which bathrooms have better soap, but, yep, gotta carry sanitizer for traveling. I usually risk it, but certain times of the year, it hurts too much to have my skin on fire.


This is a huge oversight. FOH and BOH don't talk.


Moisturizing soaps are bad, too. They don't rinse off completely, leaving contaminants on one's hands. Very bad if BOH has to use it... I'm stealing merdeposting. Absolutely love it!


"Moisturizing hand soaps work just as well to kill germs as any other hand soap on the market. According to the CDC, any soap (even those that aren't antibacterial) is effective as long as it's lathered and scrubbed on for at least 20 seconds prior to rinsing." [clicky](https://www.health.com/home/best-moisturizing-hand-soap#:~:text=Moisturizing%20hand%20soaps%20work%20just,20%20seconds%20prior%20to%20rinsing.)


I can't stand scented soaps or colognes/perfumes. This cook that used to work with me used to drown himself in cologne. I had to give him shit for it so he'd stop wearing it around me. It gives me a terrible head ache. I don't even use scented soap at home. My sense of smell is a curse sometimes.


I was actively hoping to lose my sense of smell ... just for a vacation... from COVID, nope. I buy my own soap for my workplace, and carry some in my purse too. Headaches and the skin peeling between my fingers like a goddamned sunburn. I don't work in food, but with truck drivers, and thankfully our work culture is mostly to actively shame people for smelling like a teenager with AXE.


I hate that stuff. It's one of the worst product categories, fragrance wise. Most people use tons of products with fragrances and don't really think about it at all. I just need my hands *clean*, not to smell like synthetic flowers from 5 feet away. I've never understood the logic there. Agree with the urinal cakes, too. If you keep the bathroom clean, you don't need to try to cover up odors with something that smells maybe even worse. Also, scents are often banned or kept to a minimum in places I've worked because you need to be able to smell and taste the food. I'm really sensitive to fragrances like that. They make my eyes turn red, lips swell a little, and my mouth start watering. I have to rinse my nose with water, which isn't super sanitary if you don't have the right water on hand. I used to have to ask people I'd travel with to take a bottle of my fragrance free soap in to bathrooms with them, or otherwise I'd be stuck inhaling that stuff for half an hour. When it's the only soap available in a restroom I just don't use soap.


I can definitely see your point, though I've not got much to add, as I work in a dive bar. I do like your use of merdeposting though.


It’s fucking classy


happy fucking cake day


I get this in other peoples houses & restaurants fairly frequently. My hands get close to my face when I lift my utensils or a glass & my food smells are covered up with strong, manufactured scents that put Axe body spray to shame. It would be even worse if it were handheld food. Everything, everywhere doesn’t need to be scented. 🤢 🤮


I just went to a restaurant and was taking a bite of my cruffin and wondered what that perfumed scent was…the hand soap I had just used…ugh


Yes especially when it smells cheap Clean bathroom that doesn’t smell like piss or cleaner Handwash that doesn’t make customer smell like they sprayed cheap perfume


Oh, at first I was like dint worry because foh doesn't wash their hands. Then I read and it made more sense. Explains why you see scentless soaps in some spots. At least helps I guess.


Bring alcohol wet wipes and thoroughly clean your hands after washing. Or just being your own soap in a tiny little bottle on your key chain. You don't need a lot of soap for your hands. Couple drops. Tiny little contacts case or whatever does fine.


Dr bronners has that small unscented one it is expensive but it’s concentrated so you can take some out and add water to stretch it!


Yuuup. Don't need water. Just squeese two or three drops. Unscented baby sensitive. I use the insensitive ones for handwashing, handwashing clothes (socks...), and body wash.


Yuck Ive returned food and drink for this reason


I like scented soaps and perfumes and colognes.


Especially at work. I like when my food runner applies mango juul pod scented hand lotion 2x/night, that I can smell across the pass. I like being able to tell the shitty manger on duty is coming around the corner cuz I can smell them before I see them. /s