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I think you ring it when an angel gets her wings. I've never seen anything happen either.


That's only around Christmas. Has opposite effect after new year I believe.


Doesn't do shit for the few days between the two either.


Yes the angels name is Heather she's in the walk in doing a line off of a carrot


I used to hide this thing from the head chef all the time. Easy way to make them lose their shit.


Taking it apart to tape the clapper is also a fun one.


I gave one of these to friend to bring with her. She takes it out whenever she's standing in a line but nobody is there to help like a reception or Check-in desk. Happens a lot at clinics because she's short and they can't always see her over the "privacy" shields. Months later she comes back. She loves it, because it works just like if they'd left one out everywhere - except restaurants. I nodded and said, "I know, where do you think I got it?" We both laughed at that. then she asked me why not restaurants. I said "i figured you might ask, but this is more show and tell." So a week later I took her to a restaurant between services and then held out my phone and played the printer noise when nobody was at the bar. Three people appeared and then looked confused as there was no ticket. I nudged her and said quietly "The bell doesn't work here because we're trained by a different noise." she nodded and said "over here". As far as I know she still has that bell in her purse today. It's been like 8 years. She does takeout mostly though so she still only has the bell. #šŸ›Žļø


>played the printer noise when nobody was at the bar. Three people appeared and then looked confused as there was no ticket. Pavlov's line cook.


you need to ring it with a swat from a metal spatula


If used correctly, itā€™s a fine FOH irritant.


I've seen FOH get so irritated with it, once one of them came into the kitchen and dropped it into the fryer. Luckily, we had a backup...


I once had the owner tell me she didn't want to hear the bell again so I chucked it in the sani bucket. Proceeded to do so every shift for almost a week until she was on the floor again and came up asking why I hadn't rung the bell to let her know food was up.


Schrodinger's Bell


I had a FoH manager take mine. He gave it back when he realized the alternative was my pissed off, sweaty, sauce-stained younger self walking out and yelling for a server every time a table's food was sitting. What did you think I was making all that noise for? Funsies?




They'll do anything but just run the damn food


One of my first kitchen jobs was working at a restaurant on a pier as the kitchen AM, very touristy and could seat 400 plus a takeaway window. We were perpetually understaffed, so the restaurant manager thought it would be a good idea to get a bell for the takeaway to get our attention. First one got yeeted into the ocean after about an hour, the replacement I just took apart and removed the bell.




If I had gold, you would have gold now. Yas chaff


Working kitchen has taught me I should always be ready to dispense trollface stickers or "U mad bro?" stickers. I had some trollface ones a few years ago, but I never figured out how to implement them to great effect...


Had one cook beat the hell out of the bell every single time from the first touch. No ramping up, no escalating, just **wham**, **wham**, **wham** from the second the food was up. After a long, hot, hard day, he did it again. I walked up to the window, picked up his stupid bell and dropped it in the soup, literally. He wasn't happy but my fellow waitstaff was. Ended up having to get the owner involved to get his heavy handed reign ended. Switched to a silent light system. Tom was an awesome cook but an utterly miserable bastard. The only person there who was a bigger bitch than he was was his sister, a waitress. You could get her to chill with white chocolate Reeses. He didn't have an easy-to-ascertain safety valve like hers so I tried to chill him out with The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble double album, set of CDs. Not sure how much lasting good it did, but Tommy *was* seen smiling a coupla times after that... lol


Knew a guy who would drop the bell in the fryer to clean the caked grease off of it.


.... did it work? Cuz if its stupid and works, its not stupid..


Absolutely. Just make sure you have an all metal bell.


it would work if you are trying to contaminate your fryer oil


Friend worked at a local clam shack.Owned by a lady that was successful in real estate. Her son ran the clam stand. One day my friend was working and the son got a call from mom. They had a heated conversation that left the son rather off the wall with anger. My friend said the son swore at the wall phone then ripped it from the wall and proceeded to fry it in fryolator. He stormed out after that leaving my friend to clean out oil and change.


>I've seen FOH get so irritated with it, once one of them came into the kitchen and dropped it into the fryer. Did they at least bread it first?


As FOH this is so correct! One of our cooks likes to just ring it multiple times sometimes to annoy us when the ā€œruleā€ is just once per tray. We got into it one time because he was ringing it incessantly and I said ā€œThereā€™s a line to the door (not exaggerating) and every table is full of course thereā€™s fucking food up!ā€ Weā€™re still cool though lol.


This is the technique Iā€™ve seen employed. Also, points if you smash it super hard each order up. I have to explain to my cooks. Itā€™s a communication tool, not a weapon.


FOH here, I *love* the bell and ask my chefs to ring it loudly. Please let me know as soon as my food comes up so I can grab it before it dies in the window.


Mine gets so mad when I look at the slide to see if my food is ready. Iā€™m like bro chill. Iā€™ll take Whatevr is ready to walk. But I want to know when my food will be ready. I donā€™t want someone running my shit. Let me do it. Until then dont worry Iā€™ll run everyone elseā€™s too. But if my food is next damn sure imma wait n take my shit. Iā€™ve cooked before so I have a pretty good timer of when my shit will be ready if Iā€™m early a minute Iā€™m not going to find a task and let someone else take it. Imma wait


You are a beautiful and perfect creature. I wish all my servers were just like you.


you have to time it incredibly well. you chuck it out the door into the dining room mid service right as the door swings closed...


If you like it, you better a ring on it!


It's the Official FOH Phone Text Sound Maker, right? That's why they all check their phones when you ring it?


I had a server who left her watch sound on and her text notification was the exact same ding as a distant kitchen bell. Always knew she got a message when a server walked through the doors looking at the pass and there was no food up


When the second hand strikes at the exact mark ending your 8hr shift you slam on that thing repeatedly. It symbolizes your dominance in letting the whole kitchen know that you've fulfilled your legal obligations for that day, and that you are no longer obliged to render further services. Just make sure you promptly report for duty the following day. Follow me for further advice and inputs on professional kitchen etiquette.


Whatā€™s the best off-label use for a ā€œticket stabber?ā€


Easy. It's your low key friend and best bud. He's always there for those rare opportune moments where it's only you and your mortal rival on on the same shift. After you stab him to death with it for all of his accumulated minor transgressions against you throughout the years, you can then pierce it deep inside the raw beef in the freezer - thereby concealing any and all evidences of your sweetly executed revenge. Pro tip: This will also give you plenty of time to transfer to another kitchen in another part of town were nobody would ever find you, cus nobody ever knows the staff in any kitchen any way. Matlock hates this one trick. Shout out to the OG Matlock. They don't make TV shows like they used to.


What's the proper way to wear a Chef Coat?


Bro, Keanu Reeves already tried this prank on me, ok? Stfu and get back in The Matrix. We have a war to fight if we want real steaks again. Let's ride.


I was out to eat at a place before the dinner rush. We were the only ones there. Wait staff and bartenders were all chatting at one end of the bar. Our food came up in the window, which we could see from our end of the bar. No one reacted to the bell the first three times. The chef started to tap out the drum solo in YYZ. I gave him a thumbs up, said I was a Neal Peart fan as well, and he brought our food to our seats. We started joking about how only chefs can hear the bell. The manager came over to yell at him for going on the floor in his dirty apron.


Isn't that the thing a chef throws around while food gets cold at the pass?


My last head chef was a really chilled out guy. It was pretty funny seeing him throw it in the bin because food was dying on the pass. I miss you, Matt. One of the best chefs Iā€™ve ever worked for.


I was so close to binning this one today. Shout out Matt




At my old job it gets you yelled at by the exec Chef because you brought it in from home in hopes of getting the attention of FOH.


*ding*... *ding*... *ding**ding**ding**ding**di**d**d*... HANDS! , FUCK!




You need to yell SERVICE really loud to have some effect.


It's easier to yell "WHO WANTS FRIES?"


A noise only a chef can hear clear through the chaos. A noise known to no other.


It summons the concierge at the old timey hotel




It's meant to piss off the bartender who knows her food is up and none of the lazy ass servers will run it while they bitch that she's taking too long to make the 30+ drinks they just rang in.


But they're busy talking about the two servers who obviously hooked up the night before


I feel incredibly validated reading that


You are not hitting it enough!


They're magic; every single time I've seen one appear in a kitchen, it mysteriously disappears.


Kill it with fire. Throw it in a compactor. Run over it with a bus. I don't care what you do just murder the damn thing.


Found the wait staff!!!!


Nope! BOH lifer, but my FIRST chef I ever worked for had one and abused it. I'm totally jaded


I learned to play "jingle bells on it" when the wait staff hears it.......


About 10 years ago, the kitchen I worked in had a gong hanging from the ceiling, and when servers didn't respond to the bell by the third "ding" we'd smack the gong with a 12" rubber spat. You could hear that shit from outside the damn restaurant. Every server would come into the kitchen fuming and "I heard you the first fucking time" even though the food had been sitting in the window dying.


It's been a while since I laughed so hard at a reddit comment


I know what it is. Itā€™s the first thing you throw out of the kitchen when you first get there.


I believe the lore goes that someone needs to yell HANDS for that device to work.


Get yourself a clown horn, one of the ones that you squeeze and it goes honk, and when you let go it makes a loud squeak, it makes the ding work way better, I swear. Also, the wait staff LOVE IT.


I use it on dnd night to get everyone to shut up and focus, never used one in the kitchen though...


I worked spot with a huge red button that made a loud beep in the dining room and lit a light behind a small reserve bar. It was glorious.


Some of our lazier servers have grabbed it from the window and stashed it away before. That's when they find out that I can bellow loudly enough for the restaurant 3 doors down to hear me. One of my coworkers has multiple times threatened to bring in an old school bell he got his hands on and wire it up in the FoH on the ceiling where they can't reach it. šŸ˜‚


Mine works if I don't stop hitting it until someone magically appears in front of it


Itā€™s for when you roast each other, or a FroHo


Wait around a while and see if anything happens


It is said that, in Ages Past, you could summon a Server with that ancient device. Alas, like Excalibur, it waits for the day that the hand of the chosen one will ring the chimeā€¦and a Server will answer the Call. And on that day, the battle cry will ring the halls: ā€œOrder Up!ā€ It is a dream I have.


It goes ding when there's stuff.


My dog knows that. Ding ding! She rushes in and cute-sits with mad tail swishes while looking around, trying to imagine what might be lurking on the counter tops. If it dings, they will come. And drool.


It's a doctor who reference lol


Chef here..It can get your grits kissed,I think.


Food runner summoning device. You can get a similar summoning effect for dishwashers by leaving out leftovers for extended periods of times


hmm it seems mine is faulty then, at least my leftovers are still functional


These have been known for being unreliable. The leftover method works occasionally for food runners as well


It's a genital stimulation device. The more you hit it, the angrier you get knowing out the back some prick is getting off at your expense


Pisses the GM off when pressed every 30 seconds! šŸ˜‚


Someone hid ours once and the chef almost exploded, so I presume it must emit some sort of calming energy.


Legend has it that if you ring it 666 times in a minute all the Karens in a 200km radius immediately turn to dust


I believe you use this to blow up Gustavo Fring.


smack it when you want coffee, then wait 10 minutes, and make it your self, while being told not to be behind the bar...


It works like a Boomerang apparentlyā€¦. Throw it as far as you can and I guarantee itā€™ll show back up!




Summoning Bell I believe. Hit the button and it rings.


A way to stay in tune with your music.


Kinda like drake this last week


It signals the food godsā€¦.


That's for Sledgehammer practice






I ding it 10x to get all the food in the window run.


you ring that to get servers to leave you alone


If you press it, it calls a server who will flick cannoli cream on your face and tell you to stop hitting the fucken bell. No one knows what it's actually for.


Its so the kitchen team can have some input in the restaurants ambiance. Nothing like the incessant background ringing of a bell to affirm your unconscious that you are in fact in a restaurant.


Not sure, but I do know that if a cook brings in their own, and then you as the FoH manager ding it fifty times in a row, it disappears forever.


We used to have one which everyone liked because it was easier to hear that than "Order Up!" when the diners full. After the owner got rid of it I'd holler order up twice then I'd stop saying anything and focus on other orders.


It's 1 of a pair of two training apparatus for young folks used during sex education.


The angry chef device, when they get mad and hit it with their tongs to make it ten times louder. And still no one comes


Thats the FOH attitude button. If you ever want someone to give you some lip you ring that


Keep slapping that shit until FOH shows up and then scream at them that their food is dying in the window.


Itā€™s a suggestion


They occur mainly in the Northern Hemisphere and Africa. Most were formerly classified in the genus Parus. Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Passeriformes Infraorder: Passerida Family: Paridae Members of this family are commonly referred to as "tits" throughout much of the English-speaking world, but there's a new thing called "women's liberation" which gives you women the right to choose, and now we just callout Garry when he's glued to his TikTok. Asparagus looking Mewxheadspace fuckers.




Itā€™s decent if you throw it at passing servers who ignore itā€™s cry.


It's the button that the new expo worker finds and annoys the line cooks for the next hour.


In our kitchen, it's a sure fire way to summon another ticket


It get people to come to the window and tell me stop ringing it. Then they walk away without the food I am asking them to serve.


Orderup pickitup! DING!


Iā€™ve been known to throw those away when no oneā€™s looking


I worked at a place where we didnt use a bell, we (whomever was putting the food in the window) was just supposed to holler FOOD UP. Kitchen was closed door. Anyway, a server once asked me to stop because customers could hear, and when servers didnt go get the food asap they got upset.Ā  True story.


When I ran expo I would throw my hand in the air and say "Can I get a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand" hold it as long as it took to get it ran.


Just seeing that pic made me have flashbacks to my FoH days when I was a food runner, I can hear the ringing in my head make it stop please. When I moved into the kitchen I used to ring the bell in the same sequence as Sooty's magic wand tap just so I wouldn't trigger my own bell trauma šŸ¤£Ā  Now my kitchen is upstairs so we have a lift and buzzer for getting the attention for the FOH.


Use to have one of those to call servers up to run food. Boss took it away when cooks dinged it on rapid fire cuz nobody would come get the now cold food


Best laugh I had all day


I was working in a corp-o job with my mentor who's an actual chef from fine dining. He mentioned these to alert our lazy wait staff that an order is ready. I brought one in. Wait staff loved it but he was worried it might upset the corp-o-rats so we ended up not using it...


That's fuqn phunny


I blast Run the Jewels during dinner service on repeat and change the lyrics ā€œRun that food,fastā€ your welcome


I hit it when I have a fire order and the FOH donā€™t come out and then they complain when they stay why didnā€™t you get me like I been trying for 10 minutes well yā€™all talk up a storm


You have to press the button on top really, really hard and swear a lot. Use the palm of your hand from about a foot up.


This is what you use during the annual FOH/BOH water gun team death match, to lure the more responsible servers into an ambush situation āœØ ...God I miss working at that job


I'm so glad the place I work we don't use these or buzzers or anything. If the food sits, it's on FOH, not BOH.


Guarantee you're still remaking it when it gets sent back though


Every time you press it, a server diesā€¦.


its like a stress ball


I can't imagine using one of these instead of staff pagers.


That's the BoH Family Meal Alarm. FoH is invited as long as there is a good bar or Karen story from yesterday.


Depends on how hard you throw it and what part of the serverā€™s body you aim at.


throw it at them.... it works better....LOL!!!!






"Hey chef, is the order ready for this table?"


We hear it. We're just ignoring you.