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Your first thing is to chant Japa and work to 16 rounds a day and follow the 4 relative principles. Set up a a basic altar. Get as many of srila prabhupada books as you cant and start reading. Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya caritamrta alone will keep you busy for a lifetime. Not to mention all the other amazing books available. You can get yourself to the point of deity worship when you get more experience. There i many many podcasts to follow too. [Wisdom Of the Sages](https://www.youtube.com/@WisdomoftheSages) and [The Late Morning Program](https://www.youtube.com/@NamarasaPodcast) is a good start and just search youtube for the many many Hare Krishna and Iskcon channels ran by temples, Gurus and devotees. Again there is a life time of videos on YouTube of classes and live streams. [Mayapur TV ](https://www.mayapur.tv/)allows you to watch temple programs live from all over the earth. Seek out ISKCON and Hare Krishna groups on facebook. There is LOTS AND LOTS of them. Start following ISKCON pages and groups. Many temples also have whats app groups for live daily zoom calls. Online devotee association is easier than ever these days. I know many devotees who dont live near temples and are fully committed. This should be more than enough to keep you stared and get you deep into the teachings and lifestyles. You can always save your holiday money and use it to visit temples as well. There is lots of festivals where you can go any meet people. All the best. Hare Krishna. #


Boom! Great answer.


Hi thank you. Yes I have bhagavad gita 'as it is' plus pocket version which I love. Also a couple of other versions. I follow lots of pages and groups and will check out mayapur.tv πŸ™ I've just received my tulsi beads and japa bag and will start chanting. Hare krishna


Haribol! Thank you so much for your advice 🩡🦚 Special thanks for MAYAPUR TV Wow πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


Your 🏠 home becomes the temple πŸ“ΏπŸ¦š [https://krishna.org/theres-no-need-to-leave-home-and-join-the-temple/](https://krishna.org/theres-no-need-to-leave-home-and-join-the-temple/)


Never forget that krishna is within you. And within all living things (even plants). As long as your actions are nurturing your own growth and the lives around you then you are on Krishna's path of karma yoga. Krishna is not the kind to give strict commandments on how to show him devotion. If you have him in your mind and heart then that's all it takes.