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His claim that nobody likes Kate Bush is perfidious slander and I will fight him.


20 years ago, I worked for a guy who would occasionally declare a Bush-a-thon in the shop, and play nothing but Kate Bush for my entire 8-hour shift. So there's at least one person who likes Kate Bush.


There’s a guy in my shop right now who plays nothing but Lorna Shore. He’s played their new album every day since it came out. I offered to buy him their other stuff just to get some variety but he said he already has them. I’m going to break his speaker if he does it next week too


Had one guy do that with Protest the Hero. Non stop took the speaker over and played Volition every fucking day. I like PtH, but fuck man don’t blare it for everyone else constantly. I listen to albums non stop for a while and will listen to the same 2-4 albums every day for months sometimes. Difference is I do it myself and don’t force others to listen again and again (especially since everyone I work with hates my music)


It’s basically speaker wars in the shop right now. They banned headphones after somebody almost got run over by a forklift and now everyone has gigantic speakers. One guy blasts rap, one guy blasts conservative talk radio, I blast Last Podcast, and one guy blasts Lorna Shore and other metal. IMO it’s way more dangerous now than it was before because the overall volume is way higher.


That sounds irritating and fucking insane to work around lol


It’s incredibly annoying but my speaker is the biggest lol


Every man’s thinks thier speaker is the biggest one..


it’s not the size of the speaker, it’s the wavelegth of sound, if you what I mean


The only thing your missing is one speaker blasting death grips on top of all that. Then your set for never getting anything done ever again lol


I mean if you play rap, a true crime podcast, metal, and conservative talk radio at the same time it might just accudentally sound exactly like a Death Grips song.


Psst. Bone Conduction headphones.


> hey banned headphones after somebody almost got run over by a forklift and now everyone has gigantic speakers. Ah, a [Gina incident.](https://youtu.be/PvaV7zUV5rw?feature=shared&t=47)




Yeah, that kind of music is great in short doses or an actual live show but if I'm just trying to get my fucking shift over with and be productive, I don't need that going on in the back ground. Hey man, you like Atheist and Gorguts? sick, but I'm trying to stock shelves here and clock out.


No such thing as short doses of progmetal when the average song is like 8 minutes long lol!


You don’t wanna hear the Pain Remains trilogy for entirety of your shift? /s


Technically, you could have played a few Bush X albums.


i feel like kate bush especially is in some kind if renaissance among the youngins


She was on one of their progrims


I think it was Running up the Hill in Stranger Things? could be wrong as I haven't watched it but it definitely trended on tiktok and Instagram etc


Yep, my teenage daughter transformed overnight into a Kate Bush mega fan based completely on the inclusion of Running Up That Hill on Stranger Things.


I feel like new media's capacity to create new fans for artists past their peak is great in that sense, even if the system of trending audios and sounds is extremely tiresome


I think it was Metallica as well that saw a huge jump in streams after Stranger Things


To be fair her voice is amazing. Im grateful to z103.5 for remixing running up that hill when i was 8 years old and making me a fan of hers. Shes awesome.


I think it speaks to the quality of her music. It doesn't matter how you discover your favorite band. It moved you, and you became a fan.


Thankfully she wasn't in any of their pogroms. That'd be disappointing.


There’s a whole Kate bush festival in Australia every year. They call it wuthering heights day


Was this an actual opinion or was it an insincere piss take because he knew it would make people mad? This is Marcus we're talking about here so it can go either way.


She really lead the way for a lot of experimental female artists. I hear shades of her influence in Bjork, Fever Ray, PJ Harvey, many Riot and Sista Grrrl bands, Fiona Apple, etc… I feel like knowing about women in music, much less understanding the complete history of punk absolutely includes them, is extremely rare though for band t shirt bros. Since women are “biologically incapable of rocking” as Sarah Marshall of You’re Wrong About once joked. It’s SO true men think that way and really funny how entitled they are to their exclusive little narratives on the history of punk (and post-punk or art punk) music.


I mean, in Marcus’ defence, he’s a big Patti Smith fan. but he has a real blind spot/personal bias if she doesn’t see Kate Bush as being on the same level as a song writer. I get if he’s not a fan of her sound, it’s very melodramatic and 80’s synth, and not everyone like that, but to dismiss her outright is just dumb.


I feel like so many people “into music” though are really just into (almost always white) male dominated narratives of how punk started and grew. Patti is legend but so many incredible women of color and risk takers came before her that truly busted the doors down for her to walk through. Also I see NYC in the 60s-70s as this sort of blueprint for what everyone agrees punk is, and it’s a major character in Patti’s story and the framework for so much of her art. I love that era, don’t get me wrong, and so much was happening there musically at the time; but to me, punk is much deeper and so much more than 70s NYC.


Big Boi from OutKast has proclaimed himself Kate Bush’s biggest fan, famously. Love Marcus to death but his music snobbery is frustrating lol


I’m sure she’s popular in the states. But she’s literally iconic in the UK. For a supposed Anglophile that’s literally an insane thing to say.


Yeah where is he getting that??? I sing Cloudbusting at karaoke all the time and dudes especially love that song.


I love Marcus but I audibly gasped when he said this. I am a huuuuge Bush enthusiast


Bush enthusiast eh?




Oh I said what I said


I wonder what his thoughts are on Tori Amos? But more importantly, if he's a Radiohead fan. If it's a no on both, I may cry a little.


I’m like 93% sure he said on some LPOTL episode that The Bends got him through high school, cause I remember thinking “me too, man.” I’m a couple years older than the boys and that album came out just in time to carry me through senior year.


Bro did he really say this!? Fucking wild! Even if you discount her massive amazing back catalog, Running Up That Hill is one the greatest songs ever made lol


Ok yeah this is actually fucked up. He SAID that?


He said that? Is he stupid?


He had a girlfriend who blasted her nonstop, I think that's why he hates her.


Thank you for teaching me a new word today


I absolutely love Kate Bush.


For someone who embodies weird kinda cringe 90s energy so much, his vehement hatred for 90s alt music/nu metal is genuinely confusing. Then again him being the only person in a 100mile radius listening to CAN at any given time and place in Texas is also really funny and makes sense too.


He is into proto-punk, 70s and 80s punk and the post-punk that came out of it. It makes a ton of sense that he'd hate 90s alt rock and nu metal. The stuff he's into is anti-commercial. 90s alt-rock and nu metal were entirely commercial genres that pretended to be anti-commercial but we're riding the trend of angst and irony that characterized the 90s and early 00s. They're the sonic equivalent of Coca-Cola's [OK Soda](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK_Soda) or the Attitude Era in WWF/E.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 70 + 80 + 90 + 90 + 90 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I guess I'll go smoke a bowl to celebrate. Hooray for me!


Well this is fucking sick, good bot


But his favorite band of all time is Ween…(mine too) so I never understood why her couldn’t get down with some 90s alternative. He also loves primus.


Ween is pretty damn anti commercial. Primus as well to an extent.


I guess? They have songs in kids tv shows and in South Park and X files and shit (ween is also my favorite band)


As a dude in my 30s from a small southern town... Hating 90s nu metal and loving CAN is the most normal thing in the world for a guy like Marcus. "I'm dont identify with any of these people, im not like these fucking rednecks. I'm gonna get into cool under ground shit" Except no-one thinks you're cool so you move to a hip city where everyone knows every band you thought was obscure and then youre just like everyone else.....


No it’s not. Numetal is cheesy to a lot of people. And when did he say he hates 90’s alt music? Didn’t he say something insane like Soul Asylum are the most underrated band?


How can you hate Alice In Chains is beyond me.


I think he said he doesn’t hate them, but also just doesn’t particularly like them. Maybe I’m misremembering it though


He thinks they’re fine, I literally just listened to that episode lol and I feel like that’s fair tbh I’m pretty over this topic in general. He likes what he likes, they all rant about things, people have given him too much credence on music if the they’re this upset about his opinions imo. Like to the point that there are comments on these posts that I would find straight up hurtful to read about myself if it were me.


word. paranormal relationships are weird. no judgement here though, I’ve felt the weird pull of a parasocial relationship before. edit- imma keep it paranormal 😂


I think you made a typo with your first sentence for parasocial , though this IS the place to talk about paranormal relationships, too.


Paranormal relationships may be weird but hey no shame. As long as Bigfoot can consent (and I've seen the documentaries).


This entire thread and every thread about Marcus’s music opinions is overblown. The guy says he thinks a band is “meh” and a lot of this sub acts like he said explicitly that you’re bad if you enjoy them. A lot of accusations of Marcus being a music snob and dismissing other’s tastes seem to come from folks offended he doesn’t like the exact music they do, which goes without saying is pretty hypocritical.




Really wish the Internet in general would learn this lesson. It is 100% okay to disagree and move on.


Especially with an album and a song called "Dirt", you'd think the dirt king himself would love them.


I can understand not liking the heavier stuff but Jar of Flies seems right up his ally.


Unplugged album was great too


It's less his opinions and more the attitude he pairs with them that annoys me


That’s me too! I feel like I’m right back in journalism school with the guys who wanted to go into radio or write music reviews and they’re judging my CDs in my car and then my iPod


Kate Bush slaps and Marcus only bats about 75% with his musical taste. I'll die on that hill. He gets out of his depth pretty fast when he leaves classic punk.


He’s not really in his depth with punk either. Marcus is the classic smartest guy in the room who is now in a much bigger and smarter room and still thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.


Well put, the smartest guy in rural Texas highschool who moved to the big city where all the culture actually happened.


Valedictorian in a class of 11


He was the top 10 percent of his high school class


Sorry I'm being a worse snob here, but Marcus hasn't earned his snob stripes when it comes to his knowledge of punk rock. And he doesn't know shit about Texas punk rock in its heyday (Raul's era). Music snobbery and punk rock go hand in hand. It's because with punk rock there's a special delight in seeking out obscure stuff. Sometimes you hit gold. But this is true of vinyl obsessives hunting after any genre. Vinyl nerds who love earliest recordings are especially insufferable, looking for the crackliest, fuzziest quality recordings of Blind Somebody from 1923 and then arguing that it's the greatest piece of wax of all time and everything else is utter dogshit. Ultimately, it's all so silly because it's the same mentality as adults arguing about Marvel movies or sports or the best restaurants in town or whatever pet interest they are spectators for and not participants. Try to enjoy it and not consider yourself some gigantic authority on your passion. That said, a little snobbery is probably inescapable.


75% is *extremely generous*. I feel like he listens to music that sucks in order to be a contrarian.


As someone whose music he featured on No Dogs, that's fair.


Mort Garson in the flesh!?


hahaha you got it! I was working on another project (this time for Sheep) that I was calling "Lamb-tasia" but then I died.


Now it’s the silence for the lambs?


Lmao mah dawg


Meh man I think a lot of music sucks. I dont like it. A lot of the music I like I'd imagine a lot of people think sucks. You don't get to choose what makes your endorphins fire off.


I honestly think Marcus' taste is really niche and sometimes not so much in the good way. Music is hardly ever objectively good or bad, but he seems to hate anything remotely popular and only really likes his weird corner of the music world. Not that that's a bad thing, but when you run a music show and want to consider yourself having "good" taste in music, he should probably be a little more openminded.


He's the quintessential edgelord punk.


And I love him for it, I just don’t pay too much attention to his opinions about bands I like.


Yeah, this is the way. I kind of get why Marcus is how he is. He had music tastes very different from those around him whilst also being in a very rural and remote part of Texas so I imagine he must have felt pretty isolated music-wise and maybe even called out on it from his peers. It makes you defensive, especially at that young age. I went through similar. It's made him VERY passionate about what he likes, which is endearing, but he's still in that defense-mode when it comes to actively distancing himself from what he doesn't like or what he feels he shouldn't like. So I just take these opinions with a pinch of salt and ignore them


I honestly don't understand peoples need to share his taste. He likes what he likes and can for the most time explain why he feels that way. If I have one critisism it's that he can be pretty sweeping in condemnation and does not go into why he dislikes a band in particular which is where I might start to draw the line for elitism. That's partially the show formats fault though. Why the dwell on what you dislike? It's always funny when Carolina forces him to appreciate a pop banger on "no dogs..." like the Weather Girls - It's Raining Men having The Replacements SNL spot originally.


I don’t think that’s true, he likes a lot of popular classic rock and punk.


I stopped listening to No Dogs because they rarely cover any bands or genres that I like.


Well, the first season was entirely punk rock I think the genre thing is the new twist.


The first season was great! I love how they started the whole thing off with The Stooges. I can't remember when I stopped listening, but whenever I've thought about diving back in, there just isn't anything they've covered that piques my interest. I'm glad people enjoy it, and it's a cool way for Marcus to have fun with his wife. Carolina seems lovely.


She does but let’s not forget she’s a stand up comedian and podcaster of over 10+ years. It hurts to see women like her reduced to “wife” when Marcus says she works so hard in producing and researching.


She definitely does! I didn't mean anything negative by that comment. She definitely knows what she's talking about. I didn't know she did stand up. I would like to see that.


I've heard this comment on here before, and tbh, while I get people not liking his taste as being "snobby" or aggressive with his opinions, I don't see how his opinions are niche at all. If we go by what No Dogs has covered, its mostly mainstream rock, punk and alternative bands and bands I'd consider on the patrician music nerd-type side of thing starting only recently with The Monks and Amon Düül II, who I'll agree aren't exactly mainstream but I wouldn't put in a "weird corner of the music world" either. Just curious where you are coming from with this. The Velvet Underground, Stooges, Joy Division, Beastie Boys and basically every band they cover have an album on the Rolling Stone Top 500 albums, so not really what I'd call niche.


No Dogs needs to have public appeal to survive as a podcast. They’re always going to cover bands with SOME kind of mainstream appeal to them. This past Last Stream, Marcus went on like a 15 minute diatribe about some obscure 1940’s theremin player. One of Marcus’ favorite albums is synth music for plants. Even the most niche music elitists look at Marcus and say “that guy is niche as fuck”.


I kinda disagree. As far as listening goes, sure branch out and try new things but as far as having a the show as it currently goes I'd much rather only hear about bands/generes that they like or are at least interested in. I've listened to so many music programs/interviews where it's clear the presenter doesn't like or care for the band it's nice to hear the enthusiasm. Then again I like enough of the bands No Dogs covers and overall like music history enough to listen to the the ones I don't. Definitely more of a draw for me because I know deep dives exist in generes I don't care for and I don't check them out- even if they tie into a genere I like.


Oh you're right for sure. I like No Dogs how it is. Marcus covering what he likes. I respect and like his taste in music and don't want him to try to talk about music he doesn't like. He just has had some, let's say interesting takes in the past. I feel like he might be one of those guys who is gatekeeping himself from things he might enjoy because they are "popular". I feel like he's exactly the type of guy who would like Alice In Chains, as an example, but because they're like "top 40" for rock radio stations, they are overrated to him. Popular doesn't always equal bad. It's popular for a reason. He likes the underdogs though. I get it honestly.


I actually don't it's a popular thing. Nirvana, Beastie Boys and Guns and Roses are in his all time favorites. He also loves 80's Madonna. If I were to guess, I've gotten this feel he doesn't care for "sludgy" music from some off handed comments he's said in the past. Can't say for sure, but we've yet to hear his opinion on things like Melvins, Kyuss or Mastodon. Him disliking any of them would be a dead give away.


I was recently listening to an old ep of page 7 where Marcus is talking about how he’s trying to like Fleetwood Mac because Henry and Jackie love them so much and he just can’t. How?????? Marcus???? RUMORS!!!!!!


As a huge fan of The Mars Volta, I always feel personally attacked when Marcus says they are the worst band ever.


Musical friendship with Marcus ended, Henry is my new musical friend. (Henry said they were rad when briefly mentioning the Scientology harassment/Danny Masterson stuff)


Henry hates Portishead, you sure about that? lol


On the flip side of this, I love when he talks about the band Suicide. Up until the No Dogs series on them I was convinced my brother and I were the only people that liked them.


No Dogs helped me find so much more music. Culminating at a rather nice bar that was closing up and one of the guys took his apron off to show a Suicide shirt underneath and me exclaiming "Oh I love Suicide!"   To some puzzled looks for sure  But the bartender appreciated it


I always say "The band Suicide" to avoid confusion. >No Dogs helped me find so much more music. Same here. I have no idea how I missed The Damned and The Cramps growing up but I really regret not finding out about them much much sooner. Like I knew they existed but had never actively listened to them. If I had a time machine for a day my first stop would be to hand freshman year me a copy of Stay Sick and Machine Gun Etiquette.


Some years ago, one of my other podcasts I listen to (The Best Show) had a recurring but called the Frankie Teardrop Challenge, where listeners would see how long they could listen to Frankie Teardrop in spooky, dark places to see how long you could last before it was too much. Let’s hear it for Frankie.


Once back in college (about 20 years ago) we put that track on loop on my mates computer as he was passed out stoned and he's been super annoying all night. We also unplugged all his mouse/keyboards etc so he couldn't turn it off when he came to and just left it there running all night with that weird windows XP visualiser playing and he couldn't turn it off. I think we did him some real damage.


Oh when I was a kid my friend’s older brother used to do that with Careful With That Axe, Eugene. I smoked my weed and sat in the dark room until it was over and said is that all you got?


My brother is a big fan! He made me listen to “Frankie Teardrop” in the dark while we were drunk. 😅


While I've kind of moved beyond the whole "being bother of peoples strong music taste" I do think that Mars Volta comments is kind of harsh, maybe he was a big At the Drive-In fan and still salty about it. They're not my favorite, but I like some of their stuff. It's not like they're Dream Theater or some shit like that.


I'll maintain that Scenes from a Memory is a classic album and 6DoIT is great as well


The Mars Volta is absolutely one of my favorite bands of all time… their sound tickles my musical pickle in a way that very few if any are able to scratch. Also I see that apparently he’s not big on Alice In Chains… based on this information alone I’ve decided to not give No Dogs In Space a chance.


If you don’t like Deloused In The Comatorium your opinion is wrong. It’s that simple.


Totally fine album


You’re my guy


*well* ID rather listen to Wiretap Scars, change my mind B)


Lol he says that?


That's hilarious coming from a guy who spent 10+ hours talking about how cool the fucking Beastie Boys were.


Yeah! That's not nearly enough time.


Well the Beastie Boys rule and the Mars Volta drools. Read em and weep. Book em, boys.


The series was too short. The book is great.


Too be fair, I don't think there's enough time in the world to adequately cover that topic.


I haven't heard him say this. Is this a No Dogs statement? The first two Mars Volta albums are undeniably great so he's definitely wrong.


Deloused in the Comatorium is a fucking masterpiece. They got to weird and jammy later but their first few albums are great


As a fellow huge Mars Volta fan, that stung a little for me as well. But it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard someone say the Mars Volta is the worst band ever lol it clicks for someone…for others…not so much


Me crying everytime they shit on cheesy 90s bands like Third Eye Blind or Matchbox Twenty. Or the metalcore scene of the 10s with Atreyu or Bring me the Horizon.


Hey man I fuck with those 90s bands too no shame brother


Music taste is so subjective I love getting fake angry when someone talks shit about a band I like.


If you don't get down to Semi Charmed Life, keep it moving.


Yeah well maybe I want something else to get me through this!


Sorry to ruin your day/night - Atreyu (definitely) were part of the 00s metalcore scene. That’s when most of their records were released (plus they apparently broke up for a few years in the 10s). I lump them together with Avenged Sevenfold as a band from my teenage years I’m surprised are still around. Also, same about the 90s. The boys shitting on Live during the Snowtown Murders episodes actually made me listen to Throwing Copper (NOT their debut album, goddammit - it was their THIRD).


I saw Live with Bush and Our Lady Peace a few years ago. All 3 bands sounded amazing and were so high energy it almost made me feel less old lol.


Avenged Sevenfold swung hard into the prog direction. If you haven't listened to The Stage and Life Is But A Dream, you really should. They're some really creative albums.


Atreyu was very much early-mid 00’s.


Still haven’t forgiven him for shitting on Alice In Chains.


This graph is... fine.




Exactly, music is an art and there's a lot of different things you can try to do with art. To say one band is better at art because they try to be "anti establishment" or make political statements than a band who is just trying to perfect a catchy hook and burrow into your brain is silly. The only question is whether they succeed in what they are trying to do and the determination is largely subjective on success or value of that goal.


Why did you need a degree in music to realise that lol. Taste is always subjective, it's the same for food.


The degree probably helped drill in the idea that enjoying music is largely about the brains pattern recognition, that music unfamiliar is probably not going to hit someone if they don't know to recognise what's good about it.


I roll my eyes every time he shits on *BLACK SABBATH* of all bands over one rhyme he doesn't like.


I mean Eminem was able to rhyme orange and Ozzy can’t even rhyme masses… Edit: people getting very heated over this. It was a joke y’all!


litrrally who cares? rhyming a word with itself, or in this case, a homonym (masses as in a large group vs masses as in a religious gathering) is for emphasis. On ”Euphoria”, Kendrick Lamar rhymed ”record” with ”record” for four lines in a row, using three different meanings. meanwhile Eminem said ”that’s an awful hot coffee pot/should I drop it on Donald Trump/probably not”. yeah, that’s an inpressive multi-rhyme, but it’s an absolute garbage bar.


To be fair, I still get unreasonably angry about the lyrics to The Addams Family. "Their house is a museum When people come to see 'em They really are a *screee-um*" Bro. "Mausoleum" is RIGHT THERE.


Marcus lost some credibility with me when he offhandedly dismissed The Birthday Party in an episode. Can’t remember which one.


Kate Bush AND The Birthday Party?? GET THE NET


His dislike of AIC will never not upset me!


They literally have a song about bones! And it's good!


And an album called Dirt!






And it rocks.


His dismissal of the bands he doesn't like makes me never want to listen to No Dogs. I'm sure he's in his element there talking about the history of bands he loves but I just cant


Yeah, I'm the same. I'm weirdly super personal about the music I like, and I don't really enjoy discussing music taste or listening to the music I like with other people. So his negativity towards so many different bands would just completely put me off.


Can’t stop thinking about when he said Ringo was just an ‘adequate’ drummer


Ringo is the best drummer in the world, because he showed up every fucking day and asked John and Paul what they wanted him to play, and then he did it without being distracting. What does Marcus think makes a good drummer? As a guy who's organized a few bands in my life, Ringo is the guy i want.


If your favorite beatle ISNT ringo, watch get back. He is a fucking machine and constantly kills it from beginning to end.


Not only that, he had an incredible sense of when to shut the fuck up and watch. Anytime an iconic moment was happening (like Paul working out Get Back), Ringo was there and fully focused on what was going on. Ringo is all of us watching Paul create.


Marcus does seem quite confident about his taste in music….


![gif](giphy|131s7DE2m4UWwo) Me when every single band he shits on happens to be in my top 10


Music snobs are the worst. It's an art and subjective. Let people enjoy shit.


Has anyone listened to his band ? There’s moments that are decent but I wouldn’t die on a hill for his musical opinion


That's what I'm saying lol


Elitist punk fans are hard not to make fun of. Oh, you know of the best bands who disregard the concept of musical superiority? That’s awesome.


Except Marcus is veeeeeeerrry far from being an elitist punk. He barely scratches the surface of the genre.


Are you a punk elitist elitist?


Absolutely! Only the ACTUAL elitists for me!


As I’ve gotten older I’ve become more inclined to say that bands “just aren’t for me” as opposed to going on about how badly they suck like an angry early twenty-something. No point in crapping on things that clearly bring other people some kind of joy. Meanwhile, guys like Marcus are gonna talk down to Alice In Chains or the Mars Volta while also ranting about some obscure 80’s NYC punk band called Toilet Balls or some shit.


Hot take?...Ed has waaaay better taste in music than Marcus...and isn't pretentious about what he likes.


100% agree. Ed seems to have a broad range of really good music taste (mixed with some dad music taste) and every now and then brings up something thats more obscure but still good


Will never forgive his slander of Linkin Park


No disrespect but Linkin Park was a musical punching bag for a long time on the internet. This take isn't uncommon nor surprising.


I have to give him that one. Must be a generational thing.


As a fan of much of the weird shit Marcus likes, I get it... But my favorite band (Grateful Dead) is one he actively hates, so I get the other side too.


Marcus is sooooo smart! Just ask him!


I almost stopped listening when Marcus said that he doesn't like the E Street Band.


Thankfully I come to their show to listen about serial killers and spookems. I couldn't give a fuck less what the chucklefucks think about music or movies.


They made an offhand comment about bob dylan during the JFK episodes and it still keeps me up at night


This subreddit has an immense issue with hearing Marcus say he dislikes a band and turning it into him calling anyone that enjoys them bad people with poor taste. If someone has a strong opinion, it’s literally just that, an opinion, taking offense to it just goes to show how insecure you are with your own opinions. People hear someone dislike something they’ve made a part of their personality and then act like they got shot, it’s genuinely fucking insane.


Right!?! I feel like im going insane reading this thread. People just exaggerating or totally misrepresenting jokes as serious just to be haters. Chill out


damn do yall even like the hosts of this show


I kind of get why Marcus is the way he is though. Dude grew up very distant from most places and had very niche tastes (or at least niche for rural Texas!) that would probably have clashed with those around him. It develops you to get very defensive about your interests, like it's some sort of battle and can make you feel isolated. Means he is extremely passionate about what he likes but still in that mindset of trying to distance himself from what he doesn't like or what he feels he *shouldn't* like. So I see where it comes from, though it still puts me off listening to No Dogs honestly I went through similar but just started mellowing out of it in my late-teens/early-20s when started hanging with broader crowds


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.


This is hilarious, and agreed kinda true. Anyone know where Marcus stands with RHCP?


I can't imagine that he likes them.


I feel like 90% of the time he's fully taking the piss but people just take him deadly serious for some reason 🤷‍♀️


I’ll come out and say it, Marcus has some pretty terrible fucking taste in music, and he disguises it by acting like he’s appreciating the art behind the music, when in reality it just fucking sucks. Still love me some dogmeat tho


Marcus has shit taste in music. At this point, I disregard all of his takes when a band gets brought up.


lol at proud elitist. Give me a break.


Love Marcus and all but music elitists are some of my least favorite people. I have no desire to listen to No Dogs. I don’t understand people who think there is a right and wrong opinion about music. Let people like what they like. It doesn’t affect you. I hate bleu cheese but I don’t go around acting like people who do like it are wrong.


Marcus is a cool guy and I love most of his output on the podcast, that being said, he has terrible taste in music and has glaring knowledge gaps on many genres.


i love the guy, but his music takes are generally mid as fuck


I like how on the recent stream he pointed out that Desmond Child wrote all of Bob Jovi’s hits. He even said that Jon Bon Jovi didn’t write those songs when Henry asked. The truth is about half their biggest hits were cowritten by Desmond. The other writers being Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora.


Marcus has introduced me to new music, likes a lot of the same bands/genres I like, dislikes many things I also hate. He also dislikes things I love, shits on things that are good, and recommends music I think is crap. He is literally paid to be elitist about music on No Dogs. He also takes music way too seriously. All of those things. Taste is subjective though, so who cares? Who cares what anyone thinks about the music you like? I feel like so many people tie their musical taste so tightly to their identity that it feels like a personal attack when someone dislikes it. Just shrug and turn up your walkman or whatever you kids are into.


He’s just opinionated because he loves music. It is just his opinion in the end and shouldn’t be taken as anything more than that.


Not all lovers of music feel the need to ruthlessly shit on stuff that isn't to their tastes. It's almost insecure.