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They didn't go in to get the flamethrower, they went in to try and find Dallas. All they found was the flamethrower.


Still must've taken a lot of convincing, and been a truly nerve-wracking experience, going back into those ducts, right there where Dallas was killed/taken ('SPECIAL EDITION') by the Alien. I'm sure their eyes were glued to the motion tracker, and at the first faint blip of another approaching signal, they were *OUT*.


Well, they didn't know that Dallas didn't actually torch the beast, but dropped his radio or something in the fight. They needed to know what happened, and probably felt they needed Dallas back. (Parker in particular wouldn't have been thrilled to have Ripley as senior officer, and I doubt Lambert or Ash felt different.)


Parker does get into heroics-dude tried to punch the damn thing after all, I doubt anyone actually needed to ask him.


Parker was indeed the toughest of the bunch, sure. But still though, *whoever* brought up the idea of, "Going BACK into the air ducts, where Dallas met the Alien", to get the flamethrower back, I can only imagine the reactions from the surviving members, Lambert & Parker, even Ripley, since it was probably Ash's idea. *"Go* ***BACK*** *into the air ducts, the cramped, small space where the Alien killed Dallas at, just to retrieve the flamethrower back??"* _____________________________________________________ FUCK that...


Promise him a bonus and he's more than happy to do it.


Let’s talk about the bonus situation!


Parker: "What the hell is this sticky, white shit?" Ripley: "Focus Parker!" Parker: "Hey Ash, you been jerking off up here man?" Ash: "Well, actually I..." Lambert: "WILLYOUJUSTHURRYUPANDGETTHEHELLOUTOFTHERENOW??!!" Parker: "Hey, I found the flamethrower! I think I also found Brett's hat too..."


Lol Parker does this several times, he also testified to seeing the Xenomorph killing Brett (this fucker was big man!) Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always felt like Parker had a sort of “invincibility” cheat for majority of the film. He constantly says he is going to do stuff alone, there is even a pet where Dallas instructs Ash to go with Parker for something only for Parker to say he wanted to do it alone. It’s almost like the Alien has no interest in killing Parker until *after* Parker tried tackling it to save Lambert. I feel like the logical idea in these situations is to never do anything alone... But Parker is like “nah”


I think it makes more sense if it was Parker and Ripley who both went in to the vent to find Dallas.


As someone else said, he didn't go in to get the flamethrower, he went to find Dallas. They certainly didn't know Dallas was dead and as we learn in the directors cut, he wasn't (if you want to consider that canon). Also doesn't Parker say 'we' as if ~~Brett~~ someone went with him? I think he does.


I’m fairly sure Brett was not along on that particular venture.


He clearly says 'we', 'we found this lying there, no blood, no Dallas, nothing'. I just watched it back. He clearly didn't go alone then. ~~He's telling this to Ripley, Ash and Lambert and the only person not there is Brett. It makes sense that if someone isn't there to hear some information it's because they don't need to be told, because they already know.~~ ~~He wouldn't have taken Lambert because she's an absolute mess. He's telling Ripley, and she reacts as if she didn't know so it wasn't Ripley. So it's either Ash or Brett. It's more likely to have been Brett because Brett and Parker are a team and Parker doesn't trust Ash.~~


> He's telling this to Ripley, Ash and Lambert and the only person not there is Brett. That’s because >!Brett was killed by the alien!< before Dallas went into the air ducts, at least in the version I watched. I’m not sure what cut you reviewed?


Oh shit I forgot. Fucking lol That's funny and actually embarrassing, I do actually know the film really well and have seen it about 20 times. My brain just didn't connect the dots for some reason.


So I'm guessing it was Parker and Ash then?


I guess so, but it's kinda hard to tell from the scene.