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There isn't a strong away culture in Spanish football due to the large distances and shitty connections if you don't live in Madrid. Allied to this is strong regional identities in some parts, and a national team that doesn't really seem to care about promoting support across the country - Galicia for example has had one national team game in over a decade, while they seem to play in Sevilla every other week. I'll be at Spain v Italy on Thursday though, can't wait!


I was one of the few away fans in the mid-00s for Malaga, mostly ex-pats in the group, sometimes it'd just be one bus load of away fans going to some matches, and we'd still feel cramped in the "away" section.


Why is they play more games in Sevilla than even at Bernabeu? They hardly play at Bernabeu do they?


Partly because Sevilla has La Cartuja, which isn't owned by any club and so I imagine is easier to arrange national team games at.


Tbh I'm surprised Caballero hasn't tried to offer up Balaidos for more internationals...although he probably want more lights stuck on the place.


It’s been branded the National stadium so that’s why. Though imo the Bernabeu or San Mames would make more sense (though idk how the Basque would like it)


lol the Spanish NT….at San Mames? I’m not even an abertzale and I know that would end terribly.


Haha of course / just really stating it more for the stadium which is one of best in Europe and worthy of being a “national stadium” if you will.


They would play in Galicia more often if Depor was relevant.


Doesn't really make much sense, Galicia still exists as part of Spain regardless of how Depor are doing in the league. Depor also get better attendance than some top division teams.


I get you though and I definitely agree.


Two main reasons of the top of my head.  1. A relatively large proportion of the Spanish population do not feel strongly Spanish, at least not strongly enough to actively support the national team. Particularly in Catalonia and the Basque Country, many people simply ignore the national team because they don't feel it as theirs. 2. Spain is a poorer country than many of its neighbours and many people are going through tough times. A trip to Germany to support your national team is hard to motivate when you're struggling to pay the rent.


I understand about Catalonia and Basque not supporting Spain, but minus them and you still have about 25 million Spanish. Also, yes Spain is poorer than their neighbours, but look at Albania, one of poorest countries in Europe and they still have big numbers of fans.


I would say most of those Albanians are living in Germany already, so not so much effort is needed. There are also Spanish living there, but maybe they don't consider this stage matches so important and will only make the effort to go to elimination phase matches, while smaller teams may not qualify and this is its only chance to see them play.


You would think the Spanish would have made an effort then for the Nations League final last year. Croatians outnumbered them 8 to 1 in Rotterdam. Unless they don't really value the Nations League.


Aren't Nations League glorified friendly matches?


Yeah, the group games for sure, but the final is a final so a bit more than a glorified friendly.


Basically no-one in Spain values the Nations League as a competition - it really is just a glorified friendly.


The Nations League is nothing more than a new way to sell players' health so UEFA and FIFA can get more money. Nobody in Spain cares about it.


Spain is in the Euro every time, whilst for Albania it’s their second Euro ever. It’s normal for their fans to be a bit more excited and want to see the team. Additionally, my understanding is that they have a much bigger sense of belonging to their country than us.


Galizia, Sevilla and whole south and north as well. Basically only Castilla mostly considers themselves Spanish, mostly- because not all of them are Castilians but came from other areas to Madrid.


You got it wrong , the support in Galizia may not be as strong as in Castilla but its there and much more than in Catalonia and the Basque regions. Andalusia ( were Sevilla is ) and the south the support for the national team is strong. There is simply not a strong away culture in Spain , not even in La Liga matches but than there is very strong home support.


I was today years old when I learned that Sevillans, Cantabrians and Murcians don't feel Spanish


I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that the Spanish national team is not as widely supported as other teams because of their history and internal divisions, for example a fair portion of Catalans and Basques are not supportive of the national team. I also think that a lot of Real Madrid and Barcelona supporters seem to value club football more highly than the national team (especially given that Spain only became successful from 2008). Great question! I’d really like to know the truth.


It’s funny how Catalans sometimes don’t support the national team yet in 2010, 6 of Barça’s La Masia products were integral to them winning the World Cup. I completely understand why Catalans don’t support the national team though.


Because they have a victim complex like no other.


This is the exact same post you’ve posted on the serie a page just changed the word Italian for Spanish.


Again same issue with French and Italian fans


Well the reason for France is quite obvious, the players on the pitch doesn’t exactly represent them.


Spanish teams come big to the finals tho but normally when they don´t believe in the team they don´t wanna waste time. They aren´t fans like the Tartan Army who goes everywhere because the Spanish are pragmatic people they only come to give support once they believe the team can deliver. If the Spanish team reaches Semi this euros the Spanish fans who will arrive in Germany will multiple 10 fold as Spain will start to believe. But lets be honest Spain don´t believe in this squad from the get go and the whole country´s feeling in this Euros was okay lets just go play and see there is zero expectations


B’cuz “La Roja me la trae floja”.


Lack of national feelings which are still somewhat associated with Franco’s dictatorship even though 50 years have passed. But many parties rely on keeping his figure alive as a sort of boogeyman to maintain voters enraged. Money should not be a problem since actually many of the most supported teams are not richer than Spain


I dont think is lack of national feeling, you only have to see results of last elections and tv audencies, I think is lack of organitation, there are not national team fan clubs (there was a try some time ago that ended in failure) and hooligans of laliga teams dont travel with the national team.


Spain doesnt have an away culture, even in la liga away numbers are lower


Vamos Catalonia for one


Pintxos/tapas/beer in spain = cheap. Pintxos/tapas/beer outside spain = expensive/not available. Questions?




Depends how n what do you meant as expensive. Tapas are free - they come with the drink. Pintxo+beer 5 € approx




May bad, I meant outside Spain. Edited.