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You are OK legally, but turn off your water heater and do with out hot water for a few days. You will become more understanding in a hurry.


Lol I have been there and dealt with it hence why I’m rushing it too. But to try to make contractors and companies change their whole schedule I think is overdoing it considering they didn’t even notify me right away.


It would depend on how much you discounted the rent. If they haven’t had hot water for a week, as long as it’s discounted the full 25% for the month, it’s acceptable. Beyond that, your commentary on ‘helping them build their rental history since they just moved to America’ reads as if you think you get to take advantage of them for that reason and they just have to accept whatever. That’s not okay.


No, I’m def not the type of person to take advantage of anyone. I didn’t put the whole back story but essentially my housing is not Section 8, they wouldn’t have found another place to rent without rental history. I asked them for a cosigner then once signed and asking for discount which i gave them to help them out. Then they asked me to help them with getting assistance from the county after signing everything. I helped them out of kindness and in fact i don’t make anything off of them. You obviously didn’t read the whole post/context which explains that I do my best to help my tenants out in a new country. How you perceive it is not my problem but anyone else would be happy someone is helping and working with them. And as a landlord who goes out of my way to help them get settled i would expect a little patience with something thats not in my control.


Quick question for you u/TheLoneliestGhost - where does the 25% discount come from for the lack of hot water? The tenant still has cold water and all other working appliances (assumption based on OP) and they aren't losing any portion of their unit. I understand a discount from market rate in typical circumstances but apparently these tenants are already paying a discounted amount. Just curious as to where 25% is required for lack of hot water.


Curious to know as well


Not understanding. We had a 40 gallon gas water heater in our house go out Saturday December 23rd and were at Lowe’s Sunday the 24th at open to buy a new one and had it installed by our HVAC friend by lunch time. Just replaced the one on our rental property this week- at it was also a next day thing with us at the store and our HVAC friend. And on top of that we had to replace part of the flooring that was damaged by the leak. BTW they were about 600-700 each.


Lucky you! I have a direct vent gas tank heater which i could only find at one vendor that was available. I also asked if we could change the type of tank but engineer said its not possible. Lowes had one but delivery was July 4th timeframe. I’m new to the gas heaters but I was shocked to see the price of this one. Also the condo association said we couldn’t damage the building in replacement (like to adjust the fitting).


Wow I had to google the difference as I had never heard of a direct vent- definitely not a roll up to the hardware store thing. And being in a condo probably adds on even more restrictions. Hopefully you’ll be set for the next 10-20 years.


Yeah, even installing is a PITA. I hope so, too. This was way more stressful to find and replace than any other appliance replacement.


I waited a month for my new water heater. Granted I wanted an oversized one and every place was out of stock. Yea a generic water heater you can pick up at the home improvement store but the specialty ones are scarce.


Take cold showers for a week and then ask the same question.


I have been in that situation. They have been too in their own home. Im not denying the issue or need. But rushing to get things done yourself when you aren’t a professional just delays things even more like when they can easily damage the tank.


Idk about VA, but in WA, there are time periods where deficiencies must be fixed. Also, time period for response plus actual fixing/restorstion. Like 24 hrs to respond and 48 hrs to repair (don’t quote me). It varies depending on what it is. Heat and power are probably the most critical. Anyway, check your regs.


Thanks! I have it in my lease too to respond w/in 24 hrs and fixes similar 48 hrs. Larger repairs are like 10-15 days in VA. Edit: my only goal is to fix it asap but just weird hurdles with this one outside my control.


My policy is to not charge rent during the days when there is no hot water.  Since in my state hot water is legally required for habitability, a tenant would be within their rights to ask for a hotel room for those days.  Thankfully I have never had anyone ask.  However if you already discounted the rent when you didn’t have to in order to be nice about something, then I would subtract that from however much you discount the rent for this issue.   Also, I wouldn’t expect a tenant to put up with things that I as a homeowner put up with.  Just because I am willing to wait a week or more to get a reasonable deal on a hot water heater doesn’t mean they should.  


Thats a good idea about the rent discount. I also don’t either which is why I ordered it first thing once vendors opened up. Happy my tech is willing to go out of his way to fix this asap.


Yeah it’s so hard to get contractors there in a timely manner! 




According to Virginia law, hot and cold running water is a requirement for habitability. Legally the unit breached habitability for that period of time.


"HVAC engineer"? WTF?! You go to Lowe's or Home Depot, buy a water heater & any plumber who isn't drunk should be able to install within 1-2 days. If you found out Friday night, I would think Tuesday through Thursday is reasonable. It should have already been done.


It’s a direct vent gas water heater. It’s not in the stores or available immediately. Google it and lmk if you see on available for pick up today. It is done now.


My area has 2 in stock (albeit, the low-end model), but you win with that one. That's a specialty item. The mid-range ones at Lowe's/Home Depot are all a 2 day delivery. "Welcome to post-COVID supply chains". But seriously, they're not HVAC engineers :)


Shoot, if my HD/Lowes did 2 day delivery i’d be bouncing off the walls from happiness. Cause it would have been solved asap. Also, idk what they go by but in my head it sounds nicer to call the HVAC guy an engineer lol.


Offer them a rent credit for each day they went without hot water and also for picking the new tank up. They should have been offered a hotel/alternative with hot water or urged to utilize their renter's insurance, maybe offering to pay their deductible. Let them know the importance of reporting maintenance issues too, particularly


No, I wont be offering to pay for the pickup because the guy installing was going to do that and he was risking the tank getting damaged since he doesn’t know anything about HVAC here. But I will let them know about the importance of reporting repairs immediately and not hiding issues from me.


Our water heater went went out Friday. We had it replaced by Saturday.


1 week is a bit excessive. In my personal opinion a hot water heater is a 24 hour issue. You should have had it changed on Tuesday. If you can’t change a hot water heater or arrange for it to be done in that amount of time then you’re bad at your job. It’s not an emergency situation, but it’s a pretty serious inconvenience. Also $3,000 for a hot water heater is absurd for a rental property. Why did you pay that?


It hasn’t been a week. Its in the comments but the tank is a speciality tank only available at vendors. HVAC Supply Vendors don’t open on weekends and I bought it as soon as I found one available (special fit in condo).


Ah, well, got it. If your condo has special rules then you probably should have just paid for a plumber to do the work and gotten it done on Wednesday instead of Friday.


What kind of special water heater is this that costs $3000?


It’s a direct vent gas water heater. Those aren’t sold at HD/Lowes, unfortunately.


You shoulda just offered a hotel for a couple of days.  Cheaper than buying that water heater.  


It would’ve ended up being the same cost 🤷🏻‍♀️


2k for a hotel for 4 days? that's 500 a day? really??? you said you coulda gotten one for 1k, but paid 3k. that's 2k. and you got it done sat instead of mon/tues which is 4 days at most (being super generous here).


Whoops sorry i was thinking of something else. Long day. Yeah a few days would’ve been cheaper. Like $500-$600 based on rates here at a motel. Hotel would be higher.


You are in the right for this one.


You acted promptly to their request. They need to take responsibility for knowing their was a problem and waited to report it. You can call most HVAC companies and they need to go to a supplier to pick up a new tank. Depending on the size tank, they might have to call around to find one. Keeping them in inventory can be too expensive until it is needed. It is a holiday weekend, so these suppliers were likely closed. Write a letter to the tenant stating the actions you took and how you went about resolving it. You upheld your obligations in the lease by taking prompt action. It was a repair you could no do on your own. What you offered to do until the repair was completed. If they owned a home and paid a mortgage, they would be in the same position as now. I do think they are being too demanding and ask them to stop texting you. Sometimes you need to be firm with people and not let them get the best of you.


How is this tenants responsibility? Sounds like tenant contacted landlord the same day.


hours later after everything was closed


Again, it’s the same day how is that tenants fault?


If they needed something fixed ASAP to maintain habitability of the property, prompt communication is REQUIRED by the Tenant upon noticing the problem. Not waiting hours, even if it is the same day. Then complain constantly about it to the LL why it is not fixed.


i didn’t say it was their fault but knowing something is broken/leaking they should advise the landlord ASAP. If you read the post she said she wasn’t able to find an equal replacement at 10pm on a holiday weeekend


Ok champ…..




He texted me after 10 pm at night. Got there around 10:45 pm. He also had spoken to the neighbors during the day about it.


I had a similar situation, mine was leaking all night and they let me know after I left the house for work, the next morning. It happens…you handled it the best way you could


That sucks. I hope nothing was damaged. Yeah, did the best i could.


whole flooring needed to be replaced 😑


Omgggg 🥲 sorry to hear that


Thanks for reassurance. I think anyone who has dealt with a gas water replacement would understand the challenges of getting one that fits in the unit properly. You’re right on the dot. Suppliers were closed, techs are busy since summer is starting here and NOVA/DC is humid. I got lucky finding one in stock. I will do what you said: be firm with them and write a letter.


As others suggested, discount their rent or utilities for a week as a goodwill gesture. Did your tenant threaten you during their rage in those texts in any way?


I would have gone with the $1000 unit and made tenant wait. Put him up in a cheap motel for a lot less than 2k. He has a responsibility to inform you immediately of any water leaks . His negligence could ended up costing you more money Entitlement is unreal.


Yeah I thought about that after I bought the tank lol. I also offered to buy them a electric hot water shower/tank thing. Lesson learned but also wasn’t so stressed about the money vs getting it fixed.


I hear you . You are a responsible and good landlord. Be careful about being too accommodating as it can fuel entitlement. Reminds me of one former nightmare tenant who called me 2 days before Xmas and asked to get a handyman immediately out to unclog disposal. She was hosting a big family dinner the next day and the water level of the kitchen sink was getting too high. Disposal was clogged for a few days prior but she called me at last minute expecting some sort of miracle Told her no one was answering their phone and she would just need to wait until after holiday . I ended up evicted her for other transgressions.


Thank you🥹. You’re right, I’m thinking about it now. It’ll probably be my last year with them. Wow, that’s just unreasonable on her part to expect that. I think the actions start to add up and become bigger transgressions. Kind of like a test to see what I can get away with. One day they complained about having bleach stains on their clothes from the washer. Turns out wife didn’t select the water level based on load so they were washing more clothes in less water. 🤦‍♀️


A tenant who complains incessantly and often unnecessarily is just too costly for me to have. The headache is not worth it and they are on borrowed time. No good deed goes unpunished. I consider myself a firm but fair landlord. I will get stuff fixed in a timely manner but I will Also investigate the source of the issue and discuss with my tenants ways to avoid issues arise especially if blame is on them In my case, tenant had excessive food and a bone stuck in disposal which is on her. I told her I will take care of it this time but the next time she clogs disposal due to misuse, I'm billing her for the service call and repair. She was not happy and said it's my responsibility to fix issues. She is right. I fixed the issue - her and kicked her out


Yes, you are a reasonable and fair landlord. I like your approach and think i need more boundaries with them. Lol you did well, sometimes it’s just the tenants aren’t the best match for us. I also think cause I’m a younger (28F), older tenants try to act like I don’t know anything and pressure me.


I have been a landlord for 20 years and have seen it all. In my experience, the nicer and more accommodating I am, the more tenants will take advantage so I'm now firm and assertive. I agree that, unfortunately, you may come across as too nice and eager to please and perhaps gender plays a part


Wow, that’s a long time. I’ve bet you’ve had some very interesting encounters. You are probably right 😅.


The key to success in being a landlord is vetting properly . Tenants will make or break you and it's critically important that you know how to screen properly. If you want to hear more about my experiences and how I find great tenants , send me a dm


Yes, I’d love to learn from your experience!




Thank you! I didn’t mind paying for the tank cause I’d rather just resolve it now. This makes me feel a little better.


I would not discount the rent.. Calmly explain the issue with getting parts and repairs, especially since COVID. Repeat. I am not familiar with VA but even the most tenant friendly area would feel you are doing what is reasonable or even above. You mentioned just moved to USA. This may just be a cultural difference. He may be used to squeaky wheel gets the grease. Calls may stop now that issue is resolved and he might act like your best bud next time you see them.


Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. I appreciate you validating me supporting them as much as possible. You’re probably right on the dot. They just moved from the middle east as refugees so most likely don’t have an understanding of how appliances and installation work here. The wife said the dryer didn’t work to find out they had closed the vent of the dryer off (facepalm). Thank goodness it’s all resolved.


I work with refugees from that area and they can be extremely demanding and impatient. I’m not sure why or what that behavior gets them there but it seems to be a cultural trait. Our agency is usually outfitting (for free) their first apartment with everything they need and I’m amazed at how many times I’ve been contacted because they absolutely must have a microwave and electric kettle right this very second despite having a working range and tea kettle. We rely on donations and despite being clear that those things are in the works they seem to think calling, texting, whatsapping me over and over all day long will speed things up and it just distracts from the work we are trying to do. I have to turn my phone off when I’m not working because they will call incessantly over the smallest things. I think the poster above is right that it’s a cultural issue.


Wow, props to you for supporting them. It can be a challenge working with different cultural mindsets while trying to help at the same time. It definitely is a cultural thing. I believe most of them have this idea that everything in America is quick and easy to do. I agree, it distracts time and energy from getting the actual job done. Chunk of hair fell off this morning from this stress lol. Good that you set boundaries.


My brother’s life was saved several times in Iraq and Afghanistan by his native interpreters so it’s the least I can do considering!


Wow, glad he is safe and its beautiful to see the love go around