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vaguely remember that episode, but probably blends in with others where he goes to new york appeals court and california extradition court love those episodes where he's in different courts


It’s was the us Supreme Court and personally I don’t know hopping that they confirmed the conviction


We don't know. And naratively it really does bot matter. Jack gave the nine wise souls in Washington everything they needed to know to render a just decision. His job is done


It's never discussed again, but I say no. They're not going to rock the boat and piss off another country. It's a minor miracle he got to trial at all.


They never addressed what happened. Years later Jack mentions something like “remember the time I sued a Chilean senator?” But it’s never revealed if he won or not. I think he lost, and that contributed to Adam leaving, as he was already under a lot of pressure (as far as I remember, it’s been a while since I’ve watched this season).