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Did it with a cousin & my niece years ago when they were younger. Its great being able to bond & share the experience. I feel like its harder now with how much gaming has evolved


Some of my earliest memories are of my dad playing legaia on the PS1, summoning the seru When I got older it was one of the first game I played and fell in love with


Legen of legaia was my first game ever my mom had one game a d thus was it me and my br9th till this day have not beaten it. I've been following the remake since it started because I'm excited I have multiple copies of the game I'm 30 now brother is 32 we are dying to play your version. However I have no kids but if and when I do I have 50 old game systems and 100s of games they will experience


It's hard because turn-based RPG is a old genre that not fits pretty well the new standards, and the problem with Legaia is that as much as I like it, the combat system is a bit overwhelming (you have 3 almost the same characters, which the only difference is the statuses, a broken magic system, with pretty long battles sometimes). De


I've thought many times about making a spiritual sequel to Legaia, but I lack the skills to do it on my own and the time to learn. 🤷 Still, for newer gamers it's gonna be a slog to get through the endless random battles of the original version. Hell, as much as I love this game it was pretty grindy even for me back in the 90's.


I grew up watching my parents play it on the tv, and have recently started getting into the game again myself! I basically grew up with the technologies, games, and movies my folks did haha.