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How about let's not and say we didn't.


How bout they raise the salary or benefits to attract people, all the rich fucks want our protection for free.


Man maybe that’ll help, but it’s not helping in normal jobs. The older generations told us that we’d be living in a van down by the river if we didn’t go to college, so everyone did. Now there’s a glut of college educated off college bound people and not enough people who have no degrees to work the jobs that don’t require degrees. You’ve got people with degrees fighting over $20/hr office jobs when they could just leave their degree of their resume and get a $30 machine operator job. Those people are unwilling to even search for that type of job though.


I mean that's fair though, the trades and such are harder work. In a just would I see the white collar working from home mostly, but those who travel or work outside paid better. Once educational and other factors are adjusted for that is.


Compensation is not the issue. A junior enlisted is making the equivalent of about $40k/yr when you factor in pay and tax free benefits; senior enlisted are generally over $100k.


That's chump change.


They already cut your dong off for free, what more could you want? Lol


As someone in a technical field that gets paid like 4 or more times as much as I probably would in the military, I very much would like to not be worried about this


We're not going to, this is clickbait. Vietnam taught us everything we ever needed to know about why we should never do the draft again.


Only if we do it Starship Troopers style...you vote for war, you go fight it.




Would you like to know more?


Service guarantees citizenship


Man that’s a bad idea. You will have Mercenaries and scumbags like Wagner and Blackwater from all over the world.


"When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived." I mean, if everyone is in on it, it's not just the mercenaries. Europe has countries that require its citizens to serve a few years.


Mercenaries thank you. I corrected it. Yeah but Europe doesn’t give citizenship to anyone who serves.


Perhaps not "anyone," but it definitely is a thing... In the US, there is Naturalization Through Military Service. I have a few friends (german) who became citizens that way.


I've known a few fillipinos that did that in the Navy.


Especially if you say anything in support of it on TV.


I did my part!


And men and women shower together


Umm you got to vote after you were no longer fighting in a war, check out the Ludlow amendment for what you seem to propose.


God damn I hated that book… I wanted to like it…but ugh.


> I declare war! >>What?!? >I declare war on..... him! >>What did that guy do? > I am going to make *YOU* fight this war for me. >> I don't think I'm comfortable killing someone.... > You will kill that man or go to prison.


Classic. Citizen vs. Government series on Reason is hilarious. C: Hello I'm a citizen. G: And I'm the government. C: My nephew just turned 18. G: Oh that's great to celebrate he can sign up to go to war. C: Uh what? G: Yeah when a guy turns 18 they have to sign up to go to a foreign country and kill people with automatic weapons. C: Okay yeah. Or I thought we could celebrate by having a beer. G: Oh no no no that is illegal. He's just a kid. Come on man. You break that law and we will prosecute him as an adult. We've prosecuted ten-year-olds as adults before.


Prison then. Or, if I'm now in the business of killing people, why not the guy who pretends he owns me? Our enemies are no more ignoble.


Maybe less military intervention?


0 military intervention unless we are attacked


Further to which, bases on the opposite side of the world don’t count.


Bases on the opposite side of the world shouldn't exist.


Saudi wont like that though, watch the price of gas go up 4fold when they cut off their production even more and starve everyone. Untill USA moves away from fossil fuels or increase their production somehow they have no choice but to keep supporting wahhabist Saudi Arabia.


The US already produces more oil than the Saudis. We only support Saudi Arabia because of OPEC and Saudi military purchases.


I'm ok with a draft, just not as it is today. I'd rather not have a draft than have what we currently do. In my perfect world drafted people could not leave the border. They'd be assigned defensive combat roles or jobs needed for the defense of the border. If a war on the other side of the planet doesn't have enough popular support for recruits than there's no business fighting it.


We still need to turn china into a parking lot first


This mindset is detrimental to the world


The CCP is deliberately spreading communism and authoritarian ideology worldwide and into our nation. They abuse the mechanics of the free market, and they have no respect for the NAP. They must be eradicated.


You just described most governments to some degree besides the communism part.


You don't understand what you're talking about


Shut the fuck up troll.




Unless we see an imminent threat to ourselves/the world, for example the Axis in World War II, every libertarian is going to tell you that troops should stay on *our* borders unless its a counter-attack of some sort. Although, accepting that our government is gonna spend the money anyways, it wouldn’t be uncommon to hear a libertarian supporting things like diplomatic foreign policies as a better use of money than militarization, for example.


The corporations should pay for their own security of the shipping lanes. They’re making the money from it they should bear the risk and liability.


When many of the initiators of problems are nation’s warships(such as Iran), this is unrealistic.


All of them. Put them on the border like the Constitution says. "But what about terrorists?" 1. We wouldn't have so many if we stopped meddling in other countries' politics. 2. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, enters the USA without being vetted. 3. Immigrants are to swear an oath of loyalty to the US way of life. 4. And FULLY integrate into our culture. No exceptions. No, "we're going to move there and make the USA exactly like the shithole we came from.: 5. No "multi culturalism." You don't like the culture here, STAY HOME. This would not only save the US Taxpayers about $800 Billion a year, but it would fix most of our social and political issues. The people rioting and burning small businesses "hate it here so much", they can go to the country of their choice. I'll drive them to the airport. No one is forcing them to stay in a "systemic racism" country. To quote Rome, "the barbarians are inside the gates." Multiculturalism doesn't work, we are a "melting pot" not a salad bowl.


I don't like your culture, I don't want it. Imma do my own thing.


That's cool, the problem is the large number of people that not only want the right to live in the middle of other communities, but also insist everyone else conform to THEM.


If that's your problem, then don't.




It doesn’t have to. It’s not our job to maintain their order.


Those werent failures (in the eyes of USA, not objectively), they did exactly what Saudi Arabia wanted them to do, which was the only reason they invaded in the first place.


Practice makes perfect


How about no drafts, no conscription. Voluntary forces is better than drafted forces.


I agree. If they can't get enough people to enlist voluntarily, maybe they should rethink their policies.


Yep. Bodily autonomy applies to men too.


Absolutely does


“Considering it costs about $15,000 to recruit each new member, the overall cost each year exceeds $2 billion.” I mean let’s save some money right??!! /s


That’s a drop on the bucket lol.


Well, in that case just send it to my bank account then… 🙄


I’m more saying that military spending is insanely out of control


Just the Tip of the Draft. To see how it feels


If you google the author he's also a huge "I'm a Vet, and I say get rid of the guns" guy, by the way.


Yea this is one random vet’s opinion that the us should do a limited draft in the oped section of military.com. A bit much to extrapolate that the military might actually do it.


Conscription is slavery. If you can't understand that you may well be a State Groupie.


The worst form of slavery at that. Consider what the forced labor consists of ...


If you really loved your country you would enslave yourself to the state and be forced to murder people


Noooo it's not slavery, it's duty it's different! Just do it or else, your sacrifice is for the greater good! You can't compare it to chattel slavery, it's different because c'mon you'll probably be fine and learn a new skill it's fiiine. All arguments I have heard.


It’s beyond slavery, it’s straight up murder/suicide in a lot of cases.




Would it be slavery if we drafted the welfare queens since the government pays them to do nothing already.


You want to take a random cross section of today's youth and force them to fight your shitty wars that your shitty foreign policy created? Go home, America. You're clearly drunk.


Random cross section wink wink. Because that's how drafts always end up working, right?


Lol, are you implying that the rich, well-connected elite wouldn't suffer the consequences of their own actions?!?!?! 😱


Hang on, my bone spurs are acting up again


Absofuckinlutely. There is no homeland affected war we need to be worried about. Just world-policing actions that for some reason American bodies need to be thrown at.


I think like two years ago they were saying that every base was like 20% over staffed. All my buddies in the military say they send everybody eligible to off base housing now. How can you be simultaneously understaffed and overstaffed? Which is it?


Probably over staffed for the current wars but under for the ones they want to add.


Sad but true.


China and Africa on the horizon.


Don't forget the super scary Iran and North Korea!!


If we don’t have wars how is Lockheed going to make billions of dollars?


Not overstaffed. There is a housing shortage. Bases don't have adequate amount of housing. The units are understrength and they still don't have enough on base housing.


But don’t many military personnel prefer to live off base anyway?


Some do. Depends on the base how many. Some bases hold drawings and lotteries for who gets on post housing. Some you can walk on and get quarters within a week. It's also depends on the local situation. Some posts have lots of residential areas right outside the gate, some there is very little and living off post means a 30-60 minute commute.


Sure, try that with an election year coming


Sure, I say we limit the draft to Joe Plenzler and people who agree with him.


I need a second passport


They did studies after Vietnam… or right at the end? And found out that draftees suck. They don’t want to be there so they don’t give a shit. So they want bodies and don’t care that those bodies won’t care about anything except trying to not die. So they foresee having a need for cannon fodder?


They need to mandate women sign up so it will get abolished the next day.


Unironically this. If every country drafted women in times of war, war would cease to exist. Countries would think *much* harder about receiving women back home mangled in pine boxes.




The draft is a bad idea. The only upside would be that nothing would put an end to the "we must support Ukraine" crowd faster than going to war with Russia and bringing back the draft.


Are you telling me they/them won’t rush to eat a grenade dropped from a drone in a trench?! Crazy /s


Draft will only cause civil war


Which is what they want because every current official is bribed and owned by China, and that's what China would want. Hence they like the idea of a draft.


You think those people who "supports" Ukraine will go get drafted?


They won't have to "go get drafted," they'll just be conscripted, as is tradition. I'm sure the majority of them signed up for Selective Service.


Not sure what is 'selective aervice'. Not from the us. I am sure a majority of those who cry for support for ukraine is only doing so because they believe it means someone else is dying while they get to virtue signal about their 'undying' support.


All biological males are required to register for the draft (aka Selective Service) when they turn 18. It's not really enforced though


If you have a driver's license, you've signed up.


Not in PA


Almost like their expecting something?


That's what I was thinking.


Though I'm older, my 2 nephews are prime age for this shit. Plus, if I remember correctly, the draft age for WWII was 18-45, so I'm still fair game


Russia just expanded their conscription to 30 year olds. They may be there before too long as well.


Conscription is slavery.


Only draft those who are related to those in office


We need a limited Go Fuck Yourselves, is what.


If your cause is just, there will be no shortage of volunteers.


Limited, but only to children of politicians. Quickest way to end these wars and start minding to our own damn business.


Limited like women only. That will put an end to it.


Sais one random Lt. Col. It's an option piece. The military doesn't want draftees. If recruitment truly gets dire, DOD will quietly push for a national change to pot policy. Fixing CONUS housing allowances would do wonders for retention.


Right, because America's biggest problem is that we haven't blown up and destroyed enough hapless countries lately.


... and a temporary federal income tax. You know, just to pay for the war.


The first time I ever questioned if this was a free country or not was when I learned about the Vietnam draft.


You know, this sub disagrees on almost all libertarian topics it seems. But I’m very happy there seems to be a unanimous opinion on drafts.


I’m very happy for the people that openly disagree and intelligently (mostly) discuss and explain their views. It’s refreshing. I’m sad that it’s so unusual now that it’s refreshing but I am grateful that it still exists. It seems there’s an abundance of “us versus them“ propaganda and very little actual conversation about the issues. Everyone is more concerned about repeating the same perspective as the side they identify with. Like a conservative republican couldn’t say that the Bud Light/Dylan Mulvaney can was not a big deal because it was just 1 can, not a whole ad campaign. And a liberal can’t say anything positive about Trump. In both these cases, they MUST comply so as not wrinkle the shiny narrative of their political sides. So, the vast majority of talking heads are not even remotely trying to report, much less discuss, the actual issues of the day. I’m just really grateful that I found this subreddit where real discussion occurs and it’s not so polarized. TY


It’s a shitty editorial. No one with any actual decision power is pushing this. No one who does the work in the military wants a draft.


Do we really want a bunch of left wing soy boys in our military? Basic will weed out 99% of draftees and we will still have a shortage 😂.


Or, hear me out, we could just, not have a draft?


The only time conscription is justified is if our homeland is invaded.


And in that case women should be conscripted too. Equal vote, equal sacrifice.


And at that point probably wouldn’t even be necessary




They could just pay more to have people risking their lives. Must be nice for the government to have “slavery” in your back pocket. And by “nice” I mean reprehensible.


No thank you


Moral would go from real bad to beyond hope


I have another solution: all elected officials who have the ability to vote us into a war are required to serve (guard or reserve) in a unit that will be in the front lines. Best case they vote against it, the other option is we'll be holding a lot of special elections.


Interesting how there are only White people in this photo. Almost like there is an AntiWhite Agenda.


Support is pretty minimal in the government, including the military. It would likely be career ending for a politician to suggest reinstating the draft. The all volunteer military has far exceeded the performance of conscripts.


American imperialism goes brrrrrrrr


No such thing as a *limited* government program.


People are not joining the military because of woke BS and a garbage government in charge.




Only if we draft women for combat roles too. Equal is equal


It’s almost like everybody thinks these wars are pointless except them


Here's what I think is going on behind the scenes: It's been very clear that President Biden's term has not gone incredibly well. Conservatives around the country are expecting a second Trump term in '24. Dan Crenshaw and other congressional conservatives, along with President Trump, are 100% set on declaring war via AUMF (Authorization for the Use of Military Force) on the Mexican Drug Cartels just south of the southern border ([source](https://crenshaw.house.gov/2023/1/reps-crenshaw-and-waltz-introduce-aumf-targeting-mexican-drug-cartels)). President Trump even said himself after watching the movie 'Sound of Freedom' that he's going to be taking a significantly more aggressive stance against cartel members and especially those caught participating in human trafficking ([source](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5041276/president-trump-calls-death-penalty-drug-dealers)) (which I personally don't terribly disagree with him about). Meanwhile, President Biden is dead set on further escalating the Russo-Ukrainian war with further shipments of advanced military hardware & weapons to ukraine, as well as sending additional American Military forces to Europe. [source](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/13/biden-military-reservists-europe-deployment-00106271) Also noteworthy, is that American military forces have sent a warning to Iran to stop the seizure of international commerce in the Strait of Hormuz. [Source](https://apnews.com/article/persian-gulf-tensions-us-armed-guards-57295a81dc45c9e0755bd6a83ece86d9) With all of this in the scope of our national American future, our government is giving us two options: War in Europe, or War in Mexico. Vote left, Vote right, no matter what we do... # our government is sending us back to war again.


When I graduated high school and attended college, I was forced to register with the selective service for the Vietnam War that was over for a few years by then. I didn’t like it then, and don’t now. I was young enough that I considered if the war continued I would have probably run to Canada to avoid killing other human beings needlessly.


>We need limited slavery for which the labor consists of potentially murdering anyone the state doesn't like


We’ve been doing ok without one


As the founders knew, and Vietnam reminded us, the best possible deterrent against war is if you are going to have to fight in it. If there hadn't been exemptions for the college kids of the ruling class, the war would have ended a lot sooner. That's why I'm in favor of replacing our professional army with universal conscription, no exemptions. If you're a conscientious objector, then you can serve as a medic or logistic support.


In the name of equity, let’s make sure we get all the women and senators’ children. Lets also make sure we have equal representation across all races and creeds.


Bruh try and make me go again mofakus. I ain't leaving my damn house to be enlisted again. I might be okay if I get drafted back in as an officer though. At least a warrant and I'll be fine I'll do some more time in.


With the job market so good, people aren’t enlisting at the same pace they used to.


>The Military may be preparing for a draft ...Source No they aren't. This is an editorial opinion fluff piece in a privately owned media company "news" website. Military.COM is not a government run site - it's owned by Monster, the job website company.


Limited draft sounds good if it’s directed at those receiving welfare. Make those people work for the money they’re mooching.


You are surely trolling


No I’m not. Send welfare queens to the front lines


Service guarantees citizenship. Not necessarily military but a public job to guarantee the right to vote. Voters need to be invested


It has been 15 years since I turned 18. I dont remember signing up for the draft. Were we just automatically enrolled or did we sign something?


Form was about the size of a postcard. If you're male, you were supposed to fill it out at 18. The only real consequence had been being ineligible for federal college loans, but even that isn't a thing anymore.


So you can just not do it?


There are programs that require you to sign up for it, and if you utilise any of the programs without signing up for it there are penalties. [selective service ](https://www.sss.gov/register/benefits-and-penalties/)


You sign up for it if you have a driver's license


I got my license the day after I turned 18. I just don't remember signing up for the draft. It might have been on some of the paperwork to get my license.


Draft my nutts


We have obligatory enlistment. It's annoying to do and they don't make it easy to do. If you get called in or not is a lottery. Fuck obligatory enlistment, fuck obligatory voting


Limited Military Draft? What are they planning? "low volunteer recruitment numbers" I wonder why that is, lol.


Maybe recruitment is low as shit because of the current government? I remember it starting to drop when the army did those “woke” ad campaigns. That combined with a hard left leaning potus is probably deterring your typical kids that would normally join the military, which are usually pretty conservative people. Plus, we aren’t currently fighting a war/conflict, which tends to be a pretty big draw for hormonal 18 year old boys.




Only if all can be chosen randomly with no passes.


Everyone that commented on how the military should function, is drafted first. Bet we’ll see a quick social change when someone has an impending deployment


Maybe if they made service more appealing, and worked harder at keeping already trained soldiers in service this wouldn’t be an issue?


I hope they do a draft. People will not wake up to the levithon that has grown up around them. Till little Johnny and jane are sent off to die in a war, they will remain asleep. Sadly....


I don’t label myself under any political party so I’m just asking because I’m curious. If you guys are so anti draft, what’s the alternative? Let the military dwindle out until we are weak enough to make a serious move on? My opinion is that something like that will happen regardless but idk for sure. I’d rather not have me or my family placed under an authoritarian government in the future nor do I like the feeling that our military is growing weak. If that means I need to go to war, so be it. The government is a shit show now but it sure as fuck could be a whole lot worse. What’s the alternative here? It’s obviously a problem but if you’re anti draft, what is your solution?


How about we scale back on the 750+ bases we have overseas. We spend something like 10x the amount of money on our military than the next 10 military spenders combined. If we cut down to 30% of our current we'd still be 3x more than the next competitor. We are safe. Frankly it would be impossible to take over America by any outside force. As some general in Japan said prior to WW2 he said there would be a rifle behind every bush. The only way to take over the US is from within by tyrannical psychopaths like our politicians from the last 100 years. The biggest threat to the US isn't Russia or China or Al Qaeda but the Bidens, Trumps, Powels, Fauci's and the people who worship them.


Those with Ukraine flags in their bios only 😂


Cool, his wife and kids will be first in line, right?


Terrifying that it’s even an idea being tossed out. I remember when the first person mentioned lockdowns during covid and I said no way how would that even work. The government cannot force biz to close. Now I never overlook these hints. Can a libertarian pothead join the Mennonite community? Asking for a friend….


Let's limit ing to those with some stake n the game, civic or military volunteers or those who can pass a basic civic exam... Something along those lines.


*Anxiety intensifies*


Hey, I want to defend my home with automatic weapons and deadly force. Sorry bud, that would be several felonies and a life time in prison... Oh by the way, we made some poor decisions and now we're gonna give you an automatic rifle and and require you to use deadly force or else it's several felonies and a life time in prison


Usedta be that Canada was an option, but that thought is just as scary as getting drafted these days.


Violates the NAP. All volunteer military is the only logical solution. If your recruiting numbers are shit, maybe that should tell higher ranks how shitty their war is.


Dude I was in. They can't keep military members for a reason. That's not to mention vets are killing them selfs in droves. They need to fix what's wrong with the military.


I bet people who are shocked by this, support sending aid to foreign militaries


"Yeah, let's just take the Libertarians and Conservatives...that should be enough"


What could go wrong? *Vietnam flashbacks*


Do we get to vote for the map?