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This, and the armor changes affect Lifeweaver more than any other support iirc. We stay losing, but we don't give up


It is a lot of other support to be fair. Nerfed Kiriko’s heal because devs wanted her to be used as a “dmg support” but then went ahead and nerfed the sht out of her damage by taking off 2 tap. Mercy is complete and utter ds right now because of heal damage reduction too. Moira got her damage nerfed as well They are nerfing supp so much it is almost getting to the point where I wanna start playing dps- which is probably what they want.


as a hardcore LW AND Sigma main, i’m conflicted…


That's how I feel in general about maining LW and Rein. The fun in playing Rein is pinning, shattering, environmentals. The fun in playing Lifeweaver is ruining Rein's fun.


I'm going to be honest, I'm both a sigma male, wait sorry sigma main, and a wifeleaver main and I'm ok with this change, you can still pull people out, so it's not the end of the world


not even sigma mains asked for this 💀 that’s one way to buff one of the better-performing tanks 🤩


time to remove the practice techs from the LW workshops XD


those will indeed get shelved as soon as i get on my pc unfortunately. what a shame the main reason i started the workshop was to practice denying flux. i still have slight hope (copium) this will get reverted though! (in season 40+ 🗿)


I actually don’t know why they would take away one of his few situational techs away but damn this character already REALLY needs some kind of rework. I would honestly settle for a (MASSIVE) decrease in the time it takes to switch between heal and damage. One idea for a soft rework that I think would be so cool is just to make his thorn-heal interact like Sojourn’s railgun, where he can charge a blossom by doing damage to release a heal at its max just by tapping primary fire


I'm a Sigma main (I'm on this sub cuz I also enjoy Life Weaver and learning stuff for other characters), we don't ask for anything because we're terrified if we draw attention to our character he's gonna be the next target for completely unneeded nerfs. This change is absolutely goated for us.


i’m afraid they set sigma up for some extra nerfs if this ever gets reverted (i’m already seeing a lot of streamers overreacting 😭) hope that’s not the case! 🫶


Yep that's got me worried. I think Sigma has had almost exclusively nerfs since OW2 came out. I think there's been a couple buffs/rebuffs but he's been pretty much net negative I think. I still miss the Accretion -> 2 Orb Combo so much.




I didn't like reading that :(


sorry babs😔😔😔


Love direct nerfs to an already underwhelming support hero, props to blizzard and also buy our new Porsche colas skins too! - Blizzard probably


I dont think you know what the word direct means


It’s not a direct nerf


*Direct* No wonder you're a lifeweaver player like the rest of them here




Bruhhh what the fuck. This is genuinely so annoying, like cancelling Sig ults was something that gave LW somewhat good value, how do they manage to constantly make this hero's utility worse even when they aren't actually touching him?


Don't worry, us Sombra mains got ya guys covered. Like his ult will still get stopped most of the time. It was a fun tech but it wasn't mandatory.


I was bout to post this lmao. Yeah, this is some bs.


This is such a a dumb change regardless of how it affects LW honestly.  It literally removes natural counterplay and forces you either eat the guaranteed damage or counterpick! Yay!


We've reached Z- tier


they keep indirectly nerfing him when he’s already weak af compared to other supports… also cancelling sigma’s ult requires a pretty quick reaction time cause there’s only a small window where it can be cancelled - i feel like that skill should be rewarded


Im assuming this affects tree but does this also affect the lw petal jump tech?


I'm assuming you mean just lifting up and jumping. This tech works because sigma's ult has a limited vertical range and has nothing to do with LoS, so it should still work. However, you won't be able to actually cancel it in any way with tree or platform


I hope they revert this cause it only really nerfs weaver and cancelling up with tree was an actual skill based tech (plus ult for an ult). Also the going through walls thing is downright stupid!


Not just weaver that is affected, the ult can now reach through walls and even hit multiple floors at once if they are close enough. The change has big chances to be reverted because of that.


devs just can't stop catching Ls


Devs be like "Lifeweaver was supposed to be a brain dead healbot, how many more tactical nerfs do we need to give you?? Here, take a healing buff."


Just when I could finally react to it :(


I’m going to kill myself. Tbh, maybe tree canceling flux was a bit overkill because LW already counters him so much by just existing. Still, they couldn’t have fixed the way tree works by itself without having to make the whole flux go through walls? 😭


I guess the plan now is to save tree till after you land to burst heal the damage


Every patch I’m convinced more and more they’re doing everything in their power to slowly make this game worse


Bro what? Don’t be silly, most of this patch is really good. Weird take


Bro what? Not a weird take it’s a pretty common one lmao. There’s a lot of unnecessary changes that happen. Blizzard only cares about your money not their games


It’s a really weird take. This patch isn’t bad at all for example. The one before wasn’t either. The one before that wasn’t either. Also your logic isn’t even consistent with itself. Blizzard only cares about my money? Okay, then why would they make the game intentionally worse if that’s gonna result in me playing less and not spending? Like nothing you’ve said actually has a logical basis, it’s just emotional nonsense. It’s a bad take and a weird take.


Damn they got you deepthroating that blizzy glizzy huh? It doesn’t matter if they make the game fundamentally worse. It’s free to play and people who are casual players will still pay for skins and battle passes. They thrive on micro transactions. If you haven’t noticed for awhile they stopped putting as much effort into making it better. But boy you can purchase any mythic skin now for 12 dollars!


Nah bruh. The past couple of patches have been good, and usually have a couple of the things the community does ask for. I've been playing competitive games for a LONG time, and I have seen much worse patches than what Overwatch gets. And I also NEVER seen a patch for any competitive game that the community was 100% happy with. To say they aren't trying to make the game better when they added credits to the battle pass, changes to the mythic system to make it so you can whichever you want, clearer competitive progression, trying to implement a streamer mode, looking to combat MnK on Console, much more frequent communication not only discussing what they are working on, but the intent behind them and what they are planning for the future... etc. They are genuinely trying and listening and you lumping the dev team with the corporation that has absolutely fucked and is absolutely fucking the game is so disingenuous and unfair to the people that actually want to give us a good, fun game. To my knowledge a decent bit of the dev team are newer people, people who are now getting shit on for a pve debacle they never even promised. And you keep bringing up people in this comment section being unhappy with the patch notes. Of course they will be. It's a fucking MAINS SUBREDDIT. All they do is bitch about everything. Whether it's about other characters, or their own. Any nerf is a massive direct attack and another reason the game is "dying" even if it isn't a direct nerf. Lifeweaver interaction got nerfed. Que outrage. I love Lifeweaver and I'm fine with this. It didn't seem right and now it's gone. Do I think the balance of this game is perfect? Fuck no. Will it ever be? Fuck no. Is it perfect in any other game? Fuck no. I think there is so much they could be doing with Lifeweaver that they aren't, but I'm not gonna let it make me so miserable and cynical cause a video game character is mid. Like if you feel this strongly about them not caring and the game is bad and the balance is bad, then just STOP PLAYING. Stop engaging with the community just to shit on the game and trying to reaffirm your opinion with other people who are just as cynical as you are. Go talk about something you like.


I’m sorry, but this is massive cope. Blizzard team doesn’t even play or review the content in these patches it seems because with every update we have a new game breaking bug that should not have made it to live. Plus, they pushed out those white sojourn and sym sprays. That gave me proof they don’t have any QC.


I’m sorry did you have an actual argument? I mean I made a pretty clear point that your claim doesn’t make sense with what you claim has happened. That’s not deepthroating, that’s called being able to think. If you can’t refute that then sorry, you’re wrong. If you wanna throw around crap like “oh he’s deepthroating” cause I used logic then just say you’re an idiot and shut up.


Re read bozo


Wow, editing your comment after I replied to try and look like you had given an actual argument… that’s pathetic. Why would they make the game intentionally worse as you claim? Sure some people will still spend money. More people will spend money if the game is more fun. So you claim that all they care about is money and yet you also claim they are doing something intentionally that would make them less money than they would otherwise. It’s not even an argument, it’s a fantasy. Don’t edit your comments after you act like a knob and get called on it. That is the most embarrassing thing I have seen today, grow up.


I edited it cause I hit reply before I was finished… you replied in like 2 seconds lmao. things happen. But have you been under a rock? Most of the player base agrees a lot of the changes they make are unnecessary. Constant changes to abilities, major nerfs and buffs that weren’t needed. Bug issues that haven’t been fixed. False reports, cheaters, the list goes on…. You’re out here going so hard for a company that doesn’t care about you just your money. Edit: it’s clear even in this comment section people aren’t happy with this unessary change


Wow you’re really trying to double down on this? You didn’t edit it until after I responded a couple minutes later. That wasn’t an accident, you just realized you looked dumb with that response. Stop trying to pretend it was some mistake, you were being smarmy and it didn’t work out for you. As for the second part. There has been no survey that asked what players think about recent patches. The claim “most of the player base agrees a lot of the changes they make are unnecessary” has no real evidence behind it. What’s worse tho, is even if that was a factual claim and not an emotional claim based on nothing but your own experience, it still wouldn’t support your original claim that “blizzard is intentionally making the game worse” because regardless of what the community feels about the necessity of a change or not, has no effect on the intention Blizzard has when making said change. Claiming they are making it intentionally worse because the community thinks a change is unnecessary is completely logically inconsistent. I’m not going hard for a company at all. I’m not defending blizzard from legitimate accusations, I’m refuting straight up fantasy from an intellectual lightweight. Very easy to see how the two are different.


im going to fucking kill myself




Tbh, the “logic” behind why this gravity manipulation was cancelled by the tree never made much sense to me. Loved it! But didn’t make sense haha. I always thought what should happen is enemies are lifted like normal, except his teammates the tree. Also, random thought, a floating tree sounds hilarious 😂




Gee, wish they'd implement this for Blizzard lol.


Zarya's Grav also got its radius increased. Do we still sometimes petal out of that, or nah?


i barely play lifeweaver but i really hope they make him much more proactive instead of healbot that doesnt die and gets no impact when people burst his teammates, stuff like this is not helping


I don't care who Blizzard buffs, I not paying taxes.


Never should have been able to tbh always felt like a gimmicky interaction Big tree stops gravity, sure


There’s no way there’s a character called Sigma


Nothing like removing an ult v ult exchange that requires skill to pull off and can be easily avoided by one ult being placed with a bit more consideration(ahem flux) Anyway yeah let’s goooooooo new patch We are just going to ignore the looming shadow of the armor changes for now…..


I mean, poor Sigma deserves to Ult every now and then.


where does it say that LW can’t cancel the ult?? it only states that this provides some counter play to an already counter playable ult


lifeweaver cancelled the ult by blocking the line of sight to the centre.. since that no longer cancels the ult lw can no longer cancel the ult..


ohhhhhhhh that makes more sense when you put it like that, thank you!! that sucks cuz it was nice to have that counter play against sigma… damn


So before this, if the ult circle was on the ground, with people in it, and LW used tree to block LoS it cancelled the ult? I didn't even know that was a thing but honestly it doesn't sound like it should have been


You had to get the timing just right, when the circle appears but before anyone is lifted, it was pretty hard to pull off tbh. They changed it so it won't get blocked by a stupid lightpole or whatever small piece of terrain could be in the way if the sigma was unlucky enough, blizz probably didn't even think about lifeweaver when they decided to make that change. But now he can ult around a corner, break line of sight immediately after and get the full value from behind cover. To be honest I thought he could already do this, but I don't play him.


I mean to be very fair I’ve yet to be in a game where a lifeweaver has used this tactic + his ult is very avoidable, I think this is a fair change


Cause you shouldn't play him he is literally the worst support. I mean at least know he's not a total throw pick be happy with that. Just learn any other support.


Pov lw can no longer cancel 1 underperforming ult


Flux was never bad wtf u on about.


Verry gold opinion


I mean to be very fair l've yet to be in a game where a lifeweaver has used this tactic + his ult is very avoidable, I think this is a fair change


"Can't catch a break" Currently the most op support loool


How is he the most op support when Kiriko is the game?


40% win rate last time I checked Least played support "Most op support loool"


Skill issue


Weaver is only op in bronze through gold because you can force your tank back into position when they overextend into otherwise guaranteed death


Never been bronze so incorrect


"Never been bronze" "bronze through gold" hmm


Haven't been gold or silver since the game inaccurately placed me there 8 years ago


wouldn't he be flooding the t500 leaderboard if that was the case 💀💀💀


Last season I bothered to play ranked I peaked top 12 with him as my third most played. Not a character issue, skill issue 💀💀💀


Still doesn't make him the most op support but go off I guess


He outheals everyone, easily. He has a solid 40% chance of killing any non-overpowered dps who sneaks up on him. He has a free escape option. He can undo an entire death/respawn/travel back to fight. Literally his only weaknesses are long range and tanks.


>He has a solid 40% chance of killing any non-overpowered dps who sneaks up on him. he has a below half chance of killing someone that isn't playing a meta character in ranked... my autistic ass fell for bait again didn't I https://preview.redd.it/znr206kt6i0d1.jpeg?width=1232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b8c76caee95d6662cd9aa986be81a9efb864db


I kill majority of dps that dive me


>He outheals everyone, easily. LW does 55.2 HPS at max charge. Kiriko has 76.5 HPS if you also include her short reload. >He has a solid 40% chance of killing any non-overpowered DPS who sneaks up on him. Kiriko can do the same. She can also kill people at mid range. And long range. Oh and she has a 2.5x headshot multiplier. She also has a tinier model. >He has a free escape option. Kiriko has two. One of them heals her, cleanses her, and makes her invulnerable. The other lets her instantly TP through walls. She can also wall climb. Like 3/4 of those things that LW is “good” at, Kiriko can just do it better.


I can't be bothered to respond to this super long post so I'll just say lifeweavers consistency > kirikos theoretical best. Source: Every game I've ever played as LW. Also Kiriko only has 1 escape.


LW has the lowest win rate and the lowest pick rate. Clearly, his “consistency” isn’t enough. The only thing he’s the best at is overall healing, but only just barely, and the current state of OW doesn’t reward high healing like it used to. Also, I’m counting Kiriko’s suzu as an escape tool. She also has that wall climb.


I agree the wall climb is excessive and honestly forgot about it. She definitely is op, but lifeweaver is more so. As I've stated before, general win and pick rates are due to people not knowing how to use the character/skill issue. He's pretty much the only character that heals so powerfully and consistently that healbotting is still relevant. If you don't have a (competent) LW on your team, you've basically decided healing doesn't matter.