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I'm feeling this game is a long way out


I like how people genuinely believe, based on nothing, that the game is releasing between any second now and late 2026.


A few reasons: 1. Hello Games usually doesn't like building up unnecessary hype. 2. They had been working on it for a few years before the showcase. 3. They don't have to build the whole engine from scratch, and the have a lot of work from NMS behind the game. 4. There's a Steam page for it already. 5. They really want it.


> Hello Games usually doesn't like building up unnecessary hype. Ehm...


Yeah that was it's own issue back in the day. But they definitely try to keep things under wraps until they think there's something ready to show. Especially now that they don't have Sony breathing down their necks anymore and they want a good reputation for themselves.


Thankfully they aren't as under Sony's thumb as they were then


Clearly you weren’t around for the NMS hype build up


That's kinda why they don't build hype anymore.


They're not under Sony's thumb anymore, as other people have mentioned already. You could tell Sean Murray was never happy during his interviews back then.


^^^ OMG my almost the same look Reddit Avatar buddy 😂 I chose mine cause I have the same colours in Xbox NMS - & the Bonus Content Xbox green ❎ helmet - it's why I'm wearing the cardboard box as a helmet instead.


I don't think it's years and years away. Hello games have gone on record saying they learned a lot from the nms release saga and they would know to avoid very lengthy release hype trains. They'll want avoid GTA6 as much as possible, so I'm hopeful Q12025. I'll caveat this as Ive commented on here before that I thought it was going be Q12024. So clearly I know nothing 😂😂😂


GTA 6 is a completely different beast that I can still imagine will have a huge impact on all genres around its release date.


I am waiting for gta6 like i am litteraly ready to close my store for when it releases and take the less income for about a week just to play it. However if lite no fire releases in the same window. I will definetly play lnf first.


Good things are worth waiting for I suppose.


Last Campfire, Hello Games’ other game, dropped the first trailer a year before the release of the game. I’m assuming a similar timeline here. That would put it Christmas 2024. If that was the case we’d probably get an update this month. If not, we’re probably looking at a mid 2025 release. My two cents based on absolutely nothing.


I like your idea of looking at the timeline for their marketing and release of Last Campfire. They may follow the same timeliness for LNF. That's the best thing we have got to go on.


My personal theory is this game will not release until after the 16th NMS expedition which I’m anticipating may be the “final” update for NMS before they put all their effort into LNF.


It would be lore accurate for sure.


And very sad :(


Hope we get a taste soon. Starving for something.


That last picture is reminding me of how NMS generates terrain lmfao


Hah ha! No joke, that's just bleak. I pray they've done a better job with terrain variation.  One of the worst things about NMS is not really knowing where you are within a planet simply because there is no distinction between areas. This is the thing that worries me with procedurally generated worlds. 


Anyone else noticed how the shadows in both NMS and LNF are weirdly very dark? I haven't seen anyone else talk about it so I guess it's purely a me problem, but I just wonder why shadows in bright daylight are almost pitch black. Just look at the picture with the boats, the scenery looks perfectly fine but the dragon, boats and player are too dark somehow.


I read similar comments when the trailer hits and i didn’t notice it till someone pointed it out Perhaps its their art style? but we can always ask HG and Sean why they decided to use very dark shadows.


Your name is True as heck - why the Beep are Expeditions including Adrift Always PVP on - it's a longer than usual Mind-beeping one - & then any random multi-player troll can decide to gank you for fun?




My favourite pic is the distant structure glimpsed for a few seconds it's like a Huge cross between a narrow pyramid base with a round globe on top - all made up of roughly snapped together rectangles - no idea What it is but excited to find out. ^ Is there only one or many spread super far apart like a temple/shrine/base. And dragon mounts? Unfortunately it appears maybe even fishing isn't a thing (no idea where I heard this though). I may be mixing up StarField with Light No Fire.


You there will be sailing? :0


New footage?


No just screenshots of the quick snippets in the first trailer.


I also thought this. I do not remember the still of the boats at all!


Boats - where? Missed 'em will watch the most High-Res YT vid on slowest mode to find them. Boats I will want - But fishing in any game is my go-to-favourite thing. 🚣✅❓🎣🪝🤔 EDIT feeling dum - didn't realise there were 8 pics up in OP's message - Viking boats. And it appears they aren't that hard to spot. RE EDIT Ok just watched the much longer & more revealing 8k trailer - there is a 100 foot high glowing line faced sentinel looking robot/statue (it moves it's face). And yes Dragons are kewl mounts - But I wanna huge Azure Kingfisher to fly - that's in the game too, dunno what the Rabbit NPC's are about though? Interesting HUD health/status compass bottom left in the underwater scene - it shows an icon for a fish (yes game I am underwater - why do you need to tell me I am - implications of this are Quite disturbing - All Other Images of this have been excised from the trailer footage). I can think of about 3 different reasons to tell you current air/water/space conditions around your character & most are a concern.