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“Independent Mathmetician” - so unemployed then.


Your unemployed friend’s resume update after having to redo his budget.


I’d assume it means he writes articles and other freelance work. Contract consultancies, that kind of thing. He seems to be the kind of guy the anti-science crowd would like to hear from.


If he didn't forcibly lose a clearance or isn't under fed'l investigation for something involving the Secret Service or Capitol Police, he prob still picks up DoD/related contracts despite being fired. That guy from Ancient Aliens was still working for a DoD contractor as of last season of Haunted Alien Ranch or wtf that show is. One of the majors.


I give myself mathematic problems to solve five days a week. I grade them myself. Then I do it again.


His substack is quite… interesting. I guess what 4chan would be like if everyone on there had PhDs. FYI, he claims he left the US Naval Research Laboratory because he refused to get a Covid vaccine.


Ha, my first thought was it was about abortion but that didn't make as much sense.


He kept asking for an abortion and they kept telling him "I don't know what you're talking about, we don't do that here, this is an office building dude"


Someone needs to tell him he makes a great case in favour of abortion.


Resigned over the natural right to free expression: I came to class wearing my dad's old KKK hood, my visible confederate-flag tramp stamp while spinning my red-white-n-blue titty tassles screaming "George Floyd was a hoax".


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s… and if you are interested in afterbirth, may I suggest the chili.”


It didn't add up.


That makes more sense. Well, as the rationale behind his senseless actions. In my head, the combination of bodily autonomy and free expression gave some wild possibilities...


Add a raincoat


Here I was thinking he couldn’t get an abortion and that’s why he resigned. I wonder what he thinks about that kind of body autonomy.


Your possibility is even wilder than what I could come up with :-)


These are interesting parts...actually more insane parts of his substack about being fired from his last job: As far as I know, the investigation is still ongoing, which is weird, because it could have been concluded in under a minute. All they had to do was ask me. See, I’ve always said that “professional” is just a synonym for “artificial”, and seeing as how I have no desire to be artificial, it follows that I strive to be as unprofessional as possible. The more unprofessional you are, the more human you are. That’s one reason students enjoy my classes. In their own words, I’m so insane that it makes them feel comfortable to be themselves, to voice their opinions or thoughts, and to ask questions. The classes I teach are absolute free speech zones. No one should be proud of having a balanced viewpoint on all matters, which is to say that no one should be proud to believe in nothing. Believe in something. If you believe the Earth is flat, the moon landing never happened, space is fake, whatever, believe in something. But if you believe Oswald acted alone, you’re going directly to hell when you die, and not even this religion can save you.


Well that paragraph really turned up the insanity.


Covid vax was mandatory for federal employees, by executive order. They threatened to kick people out if they didn’t get it. If I recall the gov never actually fired anyone for not getting the shot and the courts ruled that the order was unenforceable. But a lot of people quit or early retired anyway.


And probably was fired from the next job for bitching about vaccines


It’s not because he looks like Encino Man?


Oh thank god! I thought he was walking naked or something


Wtf is an independent mathematician?!? Does he not use a calculator or something?


He does math alone ![gif](giphy|ic1F7e9rw8VL6Xlm3O|downsized)


Does that make me an independent alcoholic?


Not unless you go to meetings. Now, independent drunk ... possibly


he does, but papa doesn‘t have to help him anymore.


Makes up the numbers as he goes along.


Serious answer: It technically IS a thing but like amateur astronomers, it's not usually considered a "job". You can submit your findings to the greater scientific community to advance the knowledge of humankind, but you don't really get paid for it. There might be some $ rewards for the occasional competition or big discovery, but unlike something like freelance programming, finding bug bounties, or certain white hat hacking bounties, you can't really make a living off of being an independent mathematician the same way. If it's for a "full-time" type of thing, it's normally more of a hobby someone does after retirement where they continue working on the math/science they want to work on. If it can be considered a job (I don't consider it in the traditional sense), you would be paid more in "prestige" as being an expert people can go to rather than in anything monetary. However, while it is a thing, I don't think I've ever seen anyone refer to themselves as an "independent mathematician" and go so far as to put it as a job title. They are normally in some nerd forum or meetup going "Call me bob" or "the [insert very particular field of math/science] guy". Edit: I forgot that there's also side gig contracts that essentially ask people to do a math proof for XYZ reason, but that's normally a "you have to have connections for people to seek you out for this short term, one time contract" kind of thing. Example: When the streamer Dream hired some random rocket scientist to write a proof about it being possible for him not to have cheated on his Minecraft speedrun. One of the speedrun judges writing practically a full research paper to disprove that aside, this is all to say that these contracts are not really like bug bounties where there are continuous boards available for people to take up a quick paying job and thus maintain a semi-permanent means of cashflow to make it a job. Which is why I wouldn't call someone being an independent mathematician more than just a hobbyist like being an amateur astronomer that contributes to the scientific community without sustainable pay.


This is a computer scientist, basically - note the “top voices in computer science” icon and research for NRL. That’s not advancing theory for theory’s sake, that’s devious applied shit. It says “writer” so I have to assume he’s mostly writing a book, plus the blog and whatever consulting he’s able to do. But I don’t think he’s trying to be, like, a solo version of a uni mathematician. But could be wrong!


The "top voice" badge from linkedin is meaningless. It is AI driven...based on how many answers you post and how many people like the answers to questions that linkedin AI bot generates.


He's a legit math/physics guy who probably just picks up contracts/freelance. Most of his papers are 10+ years old and seem extremely dated to me but IDK how novel they were at the time. I can only follow the Quantum Computing ones. I don't get most of the physics ones. And he's into a bunch of theoretical encryption stuff too. Which DoD loves that stuff. I'm assuming he's mentally ill or has a substance problem. I would imagine if he can remain coherent for a week or so at a time with proper medication/sobriety he would have no problems finding contract work.


Yes he has a legit phd in math from Tulane. However that does not make him immune to insanity.


Yeah you should check out one of his books sometime, lol he sounds so pretentious. An excerpt from one of his "about the author" pages: "After failing english in seventh grade, mathematics in eighth grade and being permanently expelled from school in the ninth grade, Keye Martin took some exams and enrolled at the University of New Orleans, eventually earning a degree in computer science while simultaneously leading a company that used to charge inflated prices for undisclosed services to some of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. He then used that money to live well above his means while earning a doctorate in mathematics from Tulane University." I also find it endlessly hilarious that Google lists him not as a mathematician or a computer scientist but as a fiction writer.


People can hire him as a contractor on job-by-job basis


He believes 1x1=2.


He has no record deal yet.


He answers questions on Chegg for $10


It's actually pretty awesome that he lets people know why he's independent/unemployed right up front. Saves potential employers time & energy!


I’m guessing he left the Naval Research Lab job because they required him to be vaccinated lmao. Probably just doubled down on that BS over the pandemic and quit his next job for not letting him be racist. Freelance ever since hahahaha Edit: another comment confirmed the vaccine thing lmao


I’m willing to bet real money that he wants to work someplace he’s allowed to say the n-word. 


He also posts more about covid being a hoax, the millions that covid vaccine killed, his love for RFK😀😀😀 Also Ruben is his admirer😬


Isn't RFK dead?


RFK Junior




Nope. He has admitted to having actual brain worms though


Sauce please




That was a fun read minus the suicide.


Thank you


The woke brigade got him 12 years ago. I mean he was doing environmental work in Africa. Sounds woke to me


Seriously do you live under a rock




Well fair enough then


Wow I thought only weird moms like RFK


As an employer...🚩🚩🚩


Which you'd gladly ignore. Guy is probably so smart you wouldn't care. It's like the old joke that the dev is peeing in the flower pot again but I don't care because he's running the company.


To be clear he holds a math PhD from a high but not top tier school (Tulane) and has mostly been promoted internally at a federal research lab. I’m sure he’s pretty smart, but there are a *lot* of people on the market with similar credentials


Doubt it. I'm not sure why I'm getting downvoted. The amount of absolutely crazy psychos running around in corporate America is astonishing. If you have enough skills you can do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want to say.


Guy is so smart he fell for dumbass misinformation and made it into his whole identity, to the point of letting it cost him multiple jobs. But yeah I’m sure employers are jumping at the bit seeing that he quit his last two jobs because he drank the antivax Koolaid a little too hard.


You're a fucking moron. This isn't about the vax though. And yes the vaccine was disinformation. I remember Kamala saying she wouldnt take it because DJT was involved in it. Then tried to pass a law to force people to take it. And the removed one of them from circulation although I don't remember which one. Again - you're a fucking moron.


Lol what a way to tell on yourself. You clearly got mad at this post, and came to the comments to argue with people calling him dumb.


checked his post history, it was as expected. he even calls biden braindead unlike trump.


Keep doing the lord’s work soldier 🫡


Found Keye Martin’s alt.


Coming out swinging huh. Look, a company or college is going to look at your public and professional commentary as a sign of character. If I had two of these guys and one of them subscribed to conspiracy theories then he clearly isn't as smart as the other. These same chuds were against the basic decency of wearing a mask and social distancing. Even if we ignore the vaxx topic there's still a strong indicator that they view mild discomfort as a priority over public safety which, again, is a huge red flag. You need to be willing to work within the bounds of your employer.


I have never in my life heard that joke. Why would a developer pee in a flower pot?


Ask the guy who posted the comment, aka The Flower Pot Pee-er.


Is this a sex thing


Back in the early days of the web, it was a comic. I knew a guy one time that lived in a trailer in the company property. He ran the website for this company. They hated him but couldn't get rid of him.




I was an independent mathematician today at Walmart. I was trying to add up how much a cheap bologna sandwich was with a lemonade and if I had enough cash. My math was right on, but could not get both sandwich and lemonade. Went with sandwich. Thirsty AF. Fuck this guy


Wow ...just wow


The bigger issue I take with this is that photo implies he's a lot younger then mid 40s or so which is the lowest age I could see with this career line-up.


He is much older that what he shows on his linkedin profile. Check out the image gallery on his linkedin page. There is a twitter post from him about his wife dying. Followed by another post about anger against covid vaccine and shutdown !!!


Bodily autonomy from a white guy = Anti-vaxxer Free speech = Oooohhh hateful mother fucker.


wish I had the ability to take a stand like that. at least he's standing up for what he believes in.


Is this guy fr fr? This isn’t a troll?


Asked to “resign.”


Steep career trajectory for a genius ⛷


Why do people post this shit. It’s so easy not to post this shit.


He’ll eventually land at a right wing think tank generating junk studies with pre-determined results.


Sounds like he fell down the rightwing pipeline


Soooo is this sub just bullying people or what? We’re making fun of this *very specific* guy because he quit his job for ethical reasons? Im as big on the vaccine as anyone but having bodily autonomy concerns and sticking to them isn’t enough for me cancel somebody. And that’s what this feels like — not true criticism, just blind “other”-ing


This is about linkedin lunatics. If you think what this guys posts on his professional linkedin profile publicly is normal and ethical...then you might need to reassess your position. Bodily autonomy does not exist and should not exist if you work in healthcare or USA defense dept...just cause your personal non scientific opinion about how vaccines work against virus is contrary to nobel prize winning scientists.




This one is not too bad. Maybe it's actually good.


No way. If he is a decent mathematician, he would have dived into the rigorous statistical odds between dying from covid with the vaccine and the low risks of fatal sideeffects from the vaccine.


He's still alive 🤷‍♂️


He is alive perhaps because he has " pure blood" 😀 Jokes aside if we had these brilliant independent mathematicians, scientists and free thinkers in 1950s, we would not have eradicated polio.


How unfortunate.