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Just buy the cheapest thing available in JL on click n collect each time you use it /s


Cheapest thing in John Lewis would still probably knock me back £25 to be fair.


There is gift wrapping for £2.50 which can be collected in store for £2.50. All day parking in the centre of Liverpool for a fiver. Bargain!


Take it back for a refund afterwards


I assume so. I have picked up here without receiving a fine.




It absolutely isn't a pick up area. Just because you haven't been fined, doesn't make it okay.


Bet you used to remind the teacher about the homework.


Are you ok?


Perfectly fine. Just pissed off by entitled drivers who think they can go wherever they want and put people at risk because their convenience is more important than other people's safety.


Seems more that that bro. Either way I hope you feel better soon.


there’s still clearly mark road there mate who’s at risk from a stationary car picking people up


Taxis are always there like, but my husband will usually park by the doctors on Argyle street when he picks me up.


The taxis shouldn't be there, and will soon be being dealt with.


When? I am genuinely curious, I used to work for Liverpool One and even they would call taxis for us to that spot. Same for all of the businesses around, it seems to be an unwritten taxi rank by everyone. Wouldn’t it be better to adapt the location to make it a recognised taxi rank?


Absolutely it makes sense to build an official taxi rank somewhere down there – but doing so was explicitly ruled out down there to avoid interfering with the buses and to protect pedestrians. It might be better down by the Hilton, or further up by Maggie Fu on Hanover Street where people currently dump their private cars in despite it being loading only.


Alright Rambo


Average John Lewis employee


Oh yes, because not wanting to be run over by an idiot driving their car where it doesn't belong makes you an employee of the next door store. 🙄


What difference does it make if they’re there to drop something off compared to picking something up? Both obviously in cars?


Because it's a car park for the store. Totally different use case.


No it isn’t. It’s an entry/exit for the collection point around the corner. The car park entrance is about 100m away.


Yes, a car park for the collection point. Don't be pedantic.


So what’s your problem? That they’re pulling in for less than 60s? That’s pedantic mate.


They're not pulling into the car park. If they were, it wouldn't be an issue. I've seen at least five separate occasions where pedestrians have either almost been hit, or tapped by drivers turning around on the entrance slip. Eventually, someone is going to be seriously injured or killed. The point is that it shouldn't be a risk of happening in the first place because if drivers could just follow very basic rules and not use it as a pickup area, there wouldn't be any risk of pedestrians being hurt. That's literally why there is no pick up area there. If it was safe, they'd have put one in.


You sound like a fun chap


Why? Because I'm sick and tired of entitled drivers thinking they can get away with breaking the law?


If she's next to the courts meet her on redcross street( left at tesco off the strand) there's stairs next to the courts she goes down and she's on that road. Alternative place if you're worried plus traffic on hangover and duke sucks now


You could have posed this as "is it fine or is it fine?" And I'm disappointed in you.


Yes, you can drive up to the intercom and they just drop a bollard and let you in to the area.


As long as you can show a receipt for your girlfriend they can't do anything


Taxis often get tickets there. And it is illegal to enter that area by going directly ahead from Hanover St (that is buses and cycles only) you must enter from Price St off Paradise St. The problem is it’s illegal to be on pavement and wait. You must be between the bollards and have to do a three point turn in that space. If you wait there you will also put yourself in danger of a ticket for obstruction Much better to use Red Cross st as others mentioned


Yes, it’s okay and you won’t receive a fine.




You won’t need em chief - believe in the power of parking anywhere, you got this. Stick it to the man! (LCC)


I’ve done it plenty of times


Picked up and dropped off here multiple times, never had an issue 👍


Tell her to catch the bus.


It’s fine to drop and pick up. Bit of a three point turn needed and if your sat in the car just drive away if a warden comes. People are soft and start talking to wardens. The fines don’t count until they are stuck on your window so they are happy for you to stay ranting at them as it buys them time to do the job 😩


I ambulances go through there


There is a barrier their and sometimes it's managed by JL staff.


If you are picking up hookers unlikely


Just next to that is a thing called a Bus Station. From there you can get an 82, 80, 75, 500, 27, and many others, which take you to various areas of Toxteth within 15-20 minutes. Liverpool is the most dangerous area in the UK for cyclists and pedestrians, and a large part of that is down to the volume of needless short car journeys in the area.


I’ll die before getting on the Sheil Road Circular. Nah but in all honesty it’s only temporary while she recovers from an injury, I usually walk from Toxteth to town myself for work when I’m on my office days.


I'll wind my neck back in then sir. And yes, the 27 is a bad bus.


Plugs wanting to meet in proper open spots nowadays /s


Depends what your picking up 😂


I've used it for picking up loads. But if you need to wait longer there's a little loading bay across the street with a 30 min max stay, next to the Vibe.


If you’re a dickhead


What harm is he doing to anyone?


it blocks access for people who have a genuine purpose to be there. Seen it many times, taxis block access and it causes havoc on a roundabout with buses


Putting pedestrians at risk, and damaging the pavers. There's a reason it's not a pick up location. If you can't follow simple rules, you shouldn't be driving. It's no wonder Liverpool's drivers are amongst the worst in the country when simple concepts like this have to be explained to them.


You are allowed to drive on there. It’s John Lewis pickup spot. The bollards lower for access for deliveries to L1.


Yes, you are. However, that's not what is happening when you pick someone up there. If you go into the John Lewis car park, it's clear to pedestrians that vehicles may be maneuvering inside the bollarded area. That's not the case on the entrance/exit roads outside the bollards. It's a narrow area, and drivers are often only focusing on not hitting bollards, so aren't looking out properly for pedestrians. As for deliveries, yes, but those flags have extra support under them to account for the occasional delivery truck going over them so that the ground doesn't mean leading to them cracking. That's not the case for the flags either side of the entrance to the John Lewis pick up where you frequently see drivers trying to turn around.


Fact check. Liverpool does not have the worst drivers in the UK. They in fact don’t even appear in the top 10 in this category. Source https://www.passmefast.co.uk/resources/driving-trivia/news/worst-drivers-in-uk


Fact check. Liverpool drivers kill the most pedestrians in the UK: [https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/liverpool-named-britains-most-dangerous-28933153](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/liverpool-named-britains-most-dangerous-28933153) Liverpool (and surrounding boroughs with the exception of Halton) drivers kill and serious injure the most cyclists out of every metropolitan counties in UK. [https://www.wacm.org.uk/54.html](https://www.wacm.org.uk/54.html)


Fact check. Data is over two years old and is not representative of current trends.


The first one is literally for this year. Just because it doesn’t meet your narrative doesn’t make it incorrect.