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Why are there so many dangerous unhinged people in public places?! We have got a mental health crisis in our hands.


A homeless dude shouldered me off my bike over the weekend. Crazies are everywhere.


I’ve seen two homeless penises and one butthole without ever asking.


I’ve seen two homeless penises and one homeless man who hung himself from an overpass on the 101


Holy shit that’s bleak


Only 2 and 1? Consider yourself fortunate. Thats small potatoes compared to what I’ve seen.


How do you know they were small?


You don’t get to see the big ones for free.


i spit out my drink with this one,take my upvote!


Same guy.


How many with asking?


There was a mf homeless who got on the bus and he was hanging his shit in plain sight.


Make sure you file a police report if you can, a paper trail and statistics can help lead to action even if you don’t accomplish anything re your assault.


I thought about it but they're just gonna tell me I shouldn't have been on the "sidewalk." I rode the sidewalk on the 134 overpass on Fair Oaks in Pasadena. Its a pretty busy overpass, and the east side of the overpass doesnt have ramped curbs, safer to just be on the sidewalk. I saw the guy ahead of me crossing the median on foot, he probably didn't see me, I was going super slow. When I was about 15 feet behind him he got all startled and jumped, he was carrying a couple bags of cooking oil. I dunno. When I slowly went to get passed him he just launched his should into me, luckily I didn't fall but I scratched my leg on the pedal as I was knocked off. I turned to him and asked "we got a fuckin problem?" he didn't say one word, not one peep during this whole thing. I just kept riding my bike home.


I get it but the underreporting of crime in LA is a problem and you should make a report, even if it doesn't come to anything. At a minimum now there's a record of an assault under that bridge and there will be more motivation to keep it safe there.


they should really have an email for this. i hate interacting with cops.


Report them or beat their ass. That's the only way to solve this issue.


Thanks for giving the full info here. I bike this area almost daily and will keep an eye out to avoid this.


That’s terrible.


Was this in Pasadena?


That sucks im sorry that happened to you, what neighborhood were you in if you dont mind me asking, not that it matters. I could see that happening anywhere in LA.




And $24 Billion missing to help them, but not one peep from the news or politicians.


One time the only seat on the bus was next to a guy that was repeatedly hitting his head on the window. I sat next to him and when he got to his stop he pushed me into the isle, told me to delete “all the emails and stop being a bitch about it” and then ran off in a hurry. Lol.


The supreme court is debating on this right now. At the heart of it are court cases preventing people from being forcibly hospitalized, and court cases preventing police from enforcing public camping bans. Add to that a failure to enforce drug laws (local DA rules) and allowing theft without consequences (prop 47), and you get homeless, mentally ill people who melt their brains with drugs and live on petty theft and misdemeanor assault. Eventually one goes nuts and stabs someone.


Yea that Martin V. Boise needs to be struck down and something else in it's place. It's waaay to restrictive and is part of the reason things have gotten worse. People ask, "Where will they go?" And my response is, "Would you ask that same question for me? For anyone else?" Living in LA isn't a right and lord knows if it comes to it I'm gone as well.


it isn't illegal to not have a house. so if someone can't afford to live in a apartment/house due to mental illness or something else, and they can't be on the street, what you're going to see is camps


I feel like it’s also inhumane to do virtually nothing while these people rot their brains and bodies away. It’s not a housing issue. It’s a mental health and drug addiction problem


Like I said before, if we assume all 75,000 homeless people are mentally ill and drug addicted - even if we WANTED to lock them all up there's physically no space. The prison system is already past capacity and the mental health facilities are no better.


You can start with the worst or more manageable cases. But you have to start somewhere. Build facilities over time as you start to find treatment/rehab plans that prove to work


If you think the Supreme Court allowing cities like LA to take more action will actually lead the city of LA to make changes, I have a pier to sell you. The city council/mayor believe that "compassion" for the ~~homeless~~ uNhOuSeD is letting them live in open air drug encampments and die on the streets.


This is why homelessness punishes the poor tbh. You can’t even take public transportation without fearing for your life.


LA county is an outdoor asylum. When you close all the asylums (thanks Reagan) the street becomes the new asylum


You’re mostly right but Reagan? He has been dead for how many years now? How the homeless population look 4 decades ago? We need to hold politicians of **today** accountable and to make the right decisions for the problems of today.


He closed all the state run asylums as Governor of California. Elected officials can have long lasting effects. It is a fact that the reason we stopped keeping mentally ill people off the streets started with Reagan.




yeah Reagan had shit policies but we need to stop blaming someone who hasn't been president for 4 decades for these issues. Blame today's politicians for not doing shit and letting all these fuckers out to hurt others.


sure, i agree with you. but also, as a solid side note: fuck regan


We can blame all of them. But we can especially blame Reagan for a lot of things. He was a piece of shit and I would spit on his grave if I had the chance.


modern squeal heavy automatic gaping lip tap crowd long clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bc we literally live in Gotham now. No but seriously the mental illness+homeless problem is reaching a new level of danger. There needs to be a serious conversation about implementing more pragmatic approaches to get these people off the streets and help.


Reagan era political vestiges


Homeless and not enough facilities for people who need help with drug and alcohol abuse, mental health and behavioral health


You mean like the mental health crisis created by methamphetamine use? The same meth that CA voted to decriminalize? That kind of mental health issue, or were you talking about Ronald Reagan in 1980? I mean, it’s only been 40+ years. CA voted for this.


There's more homeless people than there are beds in prison or the few mental health facilities we have. making it criminalized again would not solve anything.


Requiring substance abuse programs as an alternative to jail worked. Drug diversion programs work. Even the vaunted organizations/grifters of the Left (ACLU and SPLC) agree on that point. But, California nitwits voted against reasonable and helpful drug laws and that’s why we’re where we’re at. The people that voted for Prop 47 are the tools of the cartels and CCP. The people that voted for Prop 47, doomed a significant portion of a generation. The people that voted for Prop 47 are now the loudest voices in the room when it comes to rescinding the, wait for it… the laws they voted for!


"tools of the cartel and the CCP" I think I see the first candidate for forced mental health services right here in this thread.


lol. Educate yourself: https://www.newsweek.com/report-chinas-opium-war-against-united-states-opinion-1763540 Even the administration of grand pappy Joe concurs with this assessment.


Maybe because it's incredibly stressful trying to make ends meet and have a home and feed yourself in this dystopian capitalist landscape?


I would prefer less slashing. Ideally no slashing.


Unless it’s Slash from Guns N Roses


We only need one Slash 🎩🐍


There is an acceptable level of slashing. That level is 0


Perhaps set -1 slashing as a stretch goal.


Jfc, what the hell is going on out there?


FYI, Metrolink is not operated by Metro but it is funded. That is all.


Both sides of an argument are “We don’t want police interference in our lives” and “We want police safety presence in dangerous situations”. Somewhere between there is a public safety discussion that needs to be agreed on.


I think the compromise is having the appropriate police “interference”. That’s what needs to be agreed on. Saw a post earlier about police having a chat with each other near a metro while unarmed personnel were on the platform. Not sure how legitimate that was but I wouldn’t consider the police being “present” in that instance. 


I’m really truly not sure if there is a realistic solution at this point, most of the people who are homeless but mentally stable live in the RV shanty towns or parking lots. The people running around stabbing people and living in tents that look like human bird nests are very mentally ill, building more housing doesn’t help this demographic among the homeless. To solve this particular aspect of the homeless crisis, we may need a very carefully crafted “you get 2 government funded attempts to become stable” or that’s it, you go to a monitored medical facility for 5 years before you can apply for release again. Unlike jail it doesn’t go on a record. But this opens the door for so much screwed up over reach, and would cost so much money. So yeah I’m not sure what is realistic. There isn’t a solution that doesn’t involve locking someone( who’s probably had a very sad life ) up. :/ but what are you supposed to do? Obviously this guy stabbed someone so he goes to jail. But how do we prevent this from being regular?


Yes. And locking them up to where? There are jails and no mental health facilities. It’s like having a hospital where all the patients are treated for appendicitis.


Exaxtly. People who don't work in or know much about the mental health system have no idea how strapped and stretched it already is.


The number of police officers isn’t the problem. It’s the QUALITY of policing that’s the issue. Ask how many folk call the police for help only to have no one show up. Police budgets have only increased since 2020.


Fuck this sub and suburban folks who live in safe places telling those in the inner city what they need. I'll take more cops all day. LA City and County are massively understaffed with how large the place is. FACT: Myself and other black/brown residents of South Central overwhelming stated we wanted MORE police before, during 2020 BLM, and after, yet that's not on the news. But Echo Park purple hair Suzi tells me whats right for my community.


It really do be Echo Park Suzy with the goofy ass hair telling folks what brown folks prefer. That and the fucking infantilization kills me.


A lot of the people who know the least are talking the most, and yes, it's worse these days.


You see it a lot recently in politics too. I'm NOT a Trump fan, but the way this sub talks about being living in rural America is kind of disgusting. They defend their views as "correct" simply because they know better than those "uneducated farm people, in middle America". God forbid people who live differently than you, have different needs/politically ideology than you


I absolutely want more cops that are well trained, calm and actually care about public safety. The cops we have currently could not give less of a shit about anything other than themselves.


Years ago an officer who patrolled Skid Row told me that people there never want the police around... until they are in trouble and need help.


Yeah I think urban safety and police presence and awareness is a way different animal than say, a smaller town where policing is seen as intrusion into private life. With all the “sovereign citizens” bleating about their human rights now I imagine being a decent cop has gotten even more difficult.


That somewhere between is all anyone really wants, but no one with power wants to have that conversation because they can’t use it to grandstand for re-election


Christopher Blattman's Why We Fight has agreat example of Canadian Fortresses and their presence even changing the culture of safety 3ven years after they were shut down. Noted by changes depending on distance from it.


That take is either naive or disingenuine


Naiesque or disingenuine.


I use that station 5 days a week. I need to be more vigilant.


Metrolink so much more chill than Metro but obviously problems exist everywhere


Metrolink is pretty safe from my experience too.


What is this, Nextdoor? If I wanted to follow a crime blotter I'd set up citywide alerts on Citizen myself.


Citizen app isn’t a source. Anyone can report anything


“Why can’t we have better public transportation?” “cars are evil” Nobody ever tried to stab me in my car. Metro is a joke in LA


These are both from the past week: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/apparent-road-rage-brawl-on-busy-los-angeles-freeway-caught-on-video/ https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/gunmans-girlfriend-pleads-guilty-in-oc-freeway-shooting-death-of-6-year-old-boy/3398639/


People get shot in their cars. I never got shot on the train.


People get laid too but that’s never happened to you either


Your momma entered the chat


LOL gottem


Never got shot on the train. So far.  Not that im saying cars are better, but I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if someone got shot this week or next. 


I'm not the biggest fan of train safety here but you're acting like road rage incidents don't occur all the time here. People drive insanely aggressive and road rage shootings happen damn near every week. The trail just ended for that 3 year old who was shot in a road rage incident. But let me you guess, you just tune that out?


There are different risks. No one also has ever cut me off or side swept me riding a train. We have safety issues in many aspects of our society compared to other developed countries, don’t trick yourself into think you’re safe just because you’re in a car. I’m pretty sure there were over 500 people in La who died in car accidents last year, and thousands who were permanently injured and disabled. I personally know someone who has died as well.


Nah nvm y'all can't fucking read.


Drunk or reckless speeding drivers can be incredibly difficult to control…. We had that nurse speeding through 100mph a couple yrs ago. You aren’t dogging that.


>Sure I might still have an accident over something out of my control but I have much more agency over my self when commuting. Was right there in the post, but go off. Cars bad I get it.


A city as developed as this. Having as chaotic, poor, and sporadic public transport is bad. You should get it. Especially when it improves the lives of our lower income citizens.


Classic "I'm a good driver" mindset lol. You know why I don't drive past 12 on weekends? The amount of drunk drivers blowing red lights is insane. God forbid I get on the highway late and get hit by the weekly wrong-way drivers too


Did all y'all miss the part where I said even then things are out of my control? Yall really don't be reading peoples posts huh? Just queue up whatever response you got after seeing a few keywords?


> I can see aberrant drivers and avoid them. lol no you can't. Everyone thinks they can, but that's not reality. When you drive, you have the illusion of control. People are just terrible at risk assessment.


Nah you can clearly see the maniacs dipping and dodging through traffic. LA drivers are very predictable. But like I said even the best driving wont save you. That bring said I much prefer it to the Metro even though this sub find that thought to be abhorrent. No need to project.


That's cool for you and all, but I've had a road raging driver try to attack me and my wife in my car, whereas the most annoying thing I've experienced on dozens of Metro trains is "showtime!" and the smell of piss.


Try to attack you unprovoked? 🤔 Always 2 sides to a story. EDIT: lots of regards in here.


I "provoked" him by honking at him after he cut me off. Then I turned into my parking lot, and he followed me. FYI, kind of a dumb position to think there's ever a justification for road rage, let alone getting out of the car to express that rage.


Nope, no justification. Like i said, always 2 sides to a story.


You’ve never been shot at while driving, I take it. Danger lurks around any corner.


How do you grocery shop if you are afraid of public places


Let me compare murders and stabbings with the metro to grocery stores. Hmmmmm


Compare traffic deaths between transportation methods too while you are at it


Something less terrifying about a car accident and being stabbed to death


Why? Also have you ever heard of road rage homicides


Let’s also compare usage. 8 million a people drive in LA. Less than 100k on the metro. I’m not saying driving is the safest thing in the world but the metro isn’t practical for people and is filled with crazy drug addicts who I prefer not to deal with work to make a 30 min commute via car take 55 mins via train and bus


"Metro isnt practical for people" ??? Holy Fucking shit this is the dumbest shit I have read this year. Metro is safer than driving the end




metro is such a joke. dangerous as ever


This is Metro*link* not regular Metro


Thank you because some people think they are the same company


both just as shitty nowadays


This is the Metrolink Ventura County line, I ride this line 2-3 days every single week and honestly it feels as safe as a library. Not even close to the situation on the light rail/subway.




nah, it's good thing someone got shanked, right? SAFE


Metrolink is a joke. There's a dude who lives in a strangely modded van at the Downtown Burbank station. He's been there for years. Not really a big deal if he didn't consistently harass riders. He shouts nonsense and racial slurs at people constantly. I found his Facebook (his name used to be written all over the side of the van) and he posts paranoid things about "Mayans" and also seems to be very anti-train. His posts seem to be increasingly paranoid, and I think it's a matter of time until he hurts someone.


I'm pretty sure this is fake..? literally not reported anywhere else lol


Cue the metro apologists in 1...2...


Metro and Metrolink are different.


I mean yeah the crime should be dealt with, doesn’t mean trains are bad policy


Never said they were. I'm in favor of trains. I'd love to use them more. But they're not safe.


Because cars are safe. Lol look up statistics between different transportations


You’re way more likely to get into a car accident in a car than you are on the train. Less likely to be stabbed though. /s I like the metro but I wouldn’t feel comfortable with any female in my life riding alone on it. People love to downplay the dangers of it just because they’re pro public transport. Which I’m also in favor of but let’s not lie to people.


> I like the metro but I wouldn’t feel comfortable with any female in my life riding alone on it. Are you comfortable with a female driving alone?


Thanks for the laugh. You’re exactly the kind of person we’re talking about. Yes we all know you’re way more likely to get into a car crash than be stabbed on the metro. Did you know you’re way more likely to get into a car crash than be bitten by a shark? That’s how you guys sound when you bring up car crash stats as a defense of a stabbing on a train.


> Did you know you’re way more likely to get into a car crash than be bitten by a shark? > > That’s how you guys sound when you bring up car crash stats as a defense of a stabbing on a train. No, that's not a valid analogy. No one has to pick between driving or going into the ocean. Usually, if someone is deciding whether to use metro, the alternative is to go via car.


Yes but we aren’t taking about the likelihood of the train derailing are we? Why is it a good analogy in your mind to compare an auto accident to an assault? Wouldn’t it make sense to compare the likelihood of me being assaulted in my own car than on the metro? It is just as silly and irrelevant as a shark attack man. I hope you can see why people think you lot can be goofy about this stuff. I’m all for public transportation and I took the metro daily when I lived in Dtla. Let’s just be real about it. It is dirty and not that safe. It can be a lot better. But how do things get better if we just pretend they’re good like your group seems to want to do anytime a violent act happens on the metro.


> Yes but we aren’t taking about the likelihood of the train derailing are we? Why is it a good analogy in your mind to compare an auto accident to an assault? The choice that most people make is between different modes of transportation. If you want to get somewhere, should you take metro, your own car, or Uber/Lyft? The comparison between the different modes of transportation are very much relevant because that is the choice you have to make in daily life. A shark attack is not relevant because no one has to go out into the ocean to get to work. No one has to decide "should I drive to work or go swimming in the ocean? Which one is safer?" > Wouldn’t it make sense to compare the likelihood of me being assaulted in my own car than on the metro? If you are driving, then being assaulted in your own car is the least of your worries. An accident is much more likely, and much more dangerous, than an assault. Why would you ignore the bigger risk and only focus on the smaller one?




That dude lives terminally online lol. He can't see the bigger picture. I love public transportation. When done right it is so relaxing, not driving, being able to stare out the window and enjoy the City view. I think the bigger picture is the amount of uneasiness people get when riding on Metro trips is like 5% of my trips. Some homeless yelling, piss on the seat, fights breaking out, someone lighting up. Whereas my car trips I'd say only like .05% of the time something eventful happens.


“The meth smoke doesn’t even phase me, ya’ll are too sheltered.”


This is Metrolink commuter rail, I have ridden this exact line hundreds of times and literally nothing ever happens, it’s not like the light rail/subway it’s basically as safe as public transit gets


Cue the bad faith posters who only make posts for shit like this https://old.reddit.com/user/4FXT/submitted/


These train apologists are just out of control. You couldn’t pay me to ride it at this point. I love my fucking car and will take the daily risk of an accident over getting stabbed to death for no reason. Fucking nonsense.


But I thought Karen Bass said public transit is safe?


I will take her word for it once she rides the Metro to work every day.


Way safer than cars




So you are justifying being cool with stabbings on transit? Jesus Christ. Car accidents and plane crashes are truly accidents. Stabbings are not in the same category.




Homicide is not the same as a car accident. Completely insane to argue for homicide. Lol


Homicides happen in roads too


How does he look like? The guy holding the weapon


Kid should’ve had his own knife to defend himself. Way safer than riding a car anyways! /s


If everyone had knives, then it'd be safer because then the good guys could slash the slasher. /s


Was it definitely a mentally ill person?


Where's the idiot who claims that it's not metro related since it didn't happen INSIDE a bus or train?


Mandatory curfew for every person under 21 after 9 on weekday and 12 on weekends


How about mandatory curfew for all mentally unstable stabbers and murderers, 24/7? A teenager should be allowed to take the train if they have no car. Stop victim blaming.


We should reopen the mental asylums too I agree