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I was thinking the exact same thing! At first I thought maybe one of them had a latex allergy, but no, apparently he’s just “careful.” It makes no sense considering that barrier protection is actually more effective than the pill. I found that whole situation so odd


Came here looking for this I am so confused


Abortion laws in America are scary so I don’t blame them for wanting to be extra cautious. No method is 100%, so using two different methods is best. Also we have no insight into Johnny’s past, it makes me wonder if he went through a tough situation in the past regarding condoms not working?


I’m pretty sure Amy has no idea what a vasectomy actually is either.


You can freeze sperm though and most are reversible but reversible is never a guarantee obviously. Some couple do it though


THIS!!! I'm listening to them like, huh?? am I missing something?? Unless he has a condom allergy, what is the excuse? Double up, if you're that worried about having kids. You have like superhero swimmers, or what? My goodness.


While I totally agree. Doubling up condoms is not advisable, the friction makes the two less effective than one.


Came here looking for this. It's the weirdest excuse and it feels like they are trying to avoid sex. If they do make it, he could always freeze his sperm and have a vasectomy.


I’m sorry but I feel like he’s on the downlow…


That she has to be on birth control before they have sex at all is very weird.


He has high standards girl 💅🏼


what if she’s against taking a plan b or something?


Condoms are very effective. And no woman should be taking plan b except as an emergency preconception. It’s can be very painful/uncomfortable for some.


Agreed, my two experiences with it were horrific.


obviously. i guess i should’ve elaborated. if a condom broke maybe she would be against taking a plan b




Has this got anything to do with the abortion laws in America? I’m not American so I don’t know exactly what the state laws are, but are young men really considering having a vasectomy as a form of birth control?


That is a good point. I live in Australia so we don’t have the strict American abortion laws either. I do feel as though Johnny isn’t very educated on contraception though, but he seems keen to learn which I admire. But it was quite jarring when he implied that he expected all women who are sexually active would be on BC.


Yeah, it was good they were having a conversation about it, but then the content suggested they were not very educated on the subject. I don’t want to just assume it’s a southern US state so therefore they are bound to be uneducated around sex and likely to leave it all in Gods hands, but Jonny did seem off track with it. It was good that Amy was clear about what she was and was not prepared to do with her body.


Also why is no one talking about the many ways for both partners to have fun even without PIV?


Right?! Maybe he had a past incident where a condom broke or something? But seriously any form of birth control can potentially fail..there’s people who have gotten pregnant with an IUD


Condoms have never failed with me. You can also combine with rhythm method. 


If you’re hyper worried about getting a girl pregnant use condoms and the pull out method. Plain and simple.


What's the rhythm method?


Menstruation and ovulation tracking


I got the impression Johnny is so obsessed with financial independence and retiring early (FIRE is our plan too) that he doesn’t want to risk sex and possible pregnancy with only one form of birth control. I assumed he would still be using a condom if she WAS on birth control.


I agree with the obsession with financial stability which I do somewhat understand. However it just seems really over the top that he won’t consider sex with someone unless they are on female contraception, to the point where he might not be able to marry Amy unless they can “sort something out”.


He seems very controlling


Oh definitely. He seems to have taken the desire for financial control to an unhealthy extreme.


Girl, i broke condoms. Wdym? They are not foolproof


I have been married 15 years and have ever ONLY used condoms and have never ever had one break. Also, you can pull out to have a double method. My husband is very well endowed (which might stress a condom) and we have sex a lot…. And if it did break, could you not stop and put on another? I have never been pregnant when I didn’t want to be. And I don’t have to dump hormones into my body.


Oh yea you definetly can. Well i'm a man. Definetly not as much experience. And i broke 2 condoms already. Last time i couldn't even tell it was broke tbh. My point: preseminal liquid can make you pregnant. If the condom break there's a chance. That's what Jhonny meant. He has a trauma for not growing under ideal circumstances, and thus wants his baby to have a secure future. Not hard to understand at all. I agree with you on the hormones tho.


Honest question— was she wet? Lubed? I cannot imagine a scenario where it breaks! (I’m sincerely asking.)


Yeah. Lets say i last longer than average so a condom has more time to break. Also i tend to use slim ones (but probably will change that after the experience) and non-latex in case my partner is allergic


Humble brag much


i've heard you should put on a new condom every 30 mins when your having sex for that exact reason! it not a big deal, keeps ya safe


Yeah. Or every 45. Seems to be in line with what i found out due to experience


I'm baffled. She says vasectomy. Are they both fearful of condoms?


I think she's said she has a health problem that makes her wary of using hormonal bc (understandable since it seems her health issues is related to blood vessels and she doesn't want to risk a blood clot). So I guess she suggested condoms and he said they're not good enough so then a vasectomy was suggested. Honestly I know she's said she understood where he was coming from....but honestly it's giving me he "tried to convince me to go on bc anyway even tho for all he knows it could literally kill me so I suggested a vasectomy if he hates condoms so much." I hope I'm misinterpreting though.


She said that Hormonal birth control would help…the doctor recommended it…idk tbh that whole thing is weird on both ends


She clarified in another interview that her doctor thought it would help but that there haven't been enough cases of people with her condition using it to be sure it would be safe. Which I understand. Imagine you have a health condition you manage really well and there's a pill that might help you manage it a little bit more but also there's like a 10% chance it could really fuck things up for you and/or kill you. It's a hard choice.


Oh I get it…I have chronic mental health issues so I do get it. I think the vasectomy is a WILD choice though cause if that doesn’t work then your screwed…I’m childfree by choice and we’re working on getting permanent birth control and the doctor even said that it’s not 100% reversible and that it HURTS to get reversed…I just think neither of them are actually listening to eachother tbh.


Can‘t they be intimate in ways that doesn‘t involve P in V


Seriously, there could be SO many other things on the menu!!


Yeah, I think a lot of straight men don’t view those as “real sex” 🙄


lol I tried to comment with Asuelu’s famous “condom comment” from 90 Day Fiancé, and the Mods removed it! Haha This sub doesn’t appreciate a good crossover, I guess! ![gif](giphy|CoSZHORpwK9wUNHjgB)


reminds me of a guy i had a situationship with who asked me one time after we had sex (with a condom on) to let him know when i got my period to put his mind at ease by knowing i’m not pregnant and causing his life to be ruined


He would use condoms He wants a second form of bc Pull out is risky Hormonal bcs suck Vasectomy reversals have a low chance of success Neither wants to use abortions as bc  God forbid a man takes the consequences of sex seriously  This subreddit is unhinged 




Not sure which side you’re on because this pic proves the commenter’s point. Producing sperm doesn’t mean you can impregnate someone. Planned parenthood puts the actual pregnancy rate at 55%.


Oh wow okay, I didn't know I'm not on any side, didn't know there were sides? Just seems like a couple trying to figure out their options


Yep 50% is the average. The 97% is from vasectomy reversal surgeons they want your business. Stats show 50-55%


The low chance of success is after 15 years. The fail rate is less than a percent vs 9% on the pill, 18% with condoms and 22% using the pull out method. 60-95% success of reversal for 99% efficacy of no pregnancy? Pretty sure that's a win.


That reversal success rate is too high. You have to look at the actual pregnancy rate which is lower (30-70%). If you want to have children in the future, having a vasectomy is risky. It’s really meant as a permanent birth control method.


Having to get an abortion due to a birth control failure resulting in an unplanned pregnancy does not = “using abortion as birth control.” That’s an anti-choice talking point meant to shame people for accessing abortions. Words matter!


there is also a difference between not taking enough precautions and birth control failure and for johnny, "only" condoms is not enough, which is why he is seeking a second option rather than taking the risk of having to put amy through an awful choice. but as I've outlined, there is no awesome second option so they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. and as someone who has accessed abortions & advocate for access, I agree with him


So you’re not taking enough precautions unless you use more than 1 form of birth control and therefore, you are using abortion as a form of birth control? If that is how you feel about the topic that’s totally fine but making blanket statements for everyone about where the goalpost should be is what I take issue with. I am also like Johnny where I’d be nervous with only 1 form if I knew abortion wasn’t an option. That literally wasn’t the point of my comment. My point was that your verbiage implies a lack of responsibility for having to have an abortion and we should try to use morally neutral language that doesn’t shame people


If you are THAT ‘afraid’ of the consequences of having sex WITH A CONDOM + pulling out, there is something wrong. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, he could easily just use protection and pull out. Condoms work. It’s totally ok if they don’t want or aren’t ready to, but the birth control excuse is actually insane. To be this afraid is paranoia.


It sounds like both of them are very nervous about kids right now. She posted a long writeup on IG about this convo, how much of it was edited heavily, and it was far more detailed and nuanced than was portrayed on the show. Plus she said she has a genetic blood disorder which she will likely pass down which adds to the stress about avoiding an unplanned pregnancy. Her IG post: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1axf37a


He may have gotten someone pregnant before. Those of us who have had an unplanned pregnancy (either side of it) generally will do anything to ensure it doesn’t happen again.


Yes and using protection is usually a good way to do that. Which is a form of birth control. It’s just weird that to him, a woman being on BC is the only option.


people have different risk tolerances and that's ok. I support anyone's criteria for what they consider acceptable BC.


I swear to god. I feel like he’s taking pregnancy risk seriously and that’s rad, but people are accusing him of just not wanting to wear a condom. She explicitly said he wanted a condom + other birth control! Let the man live. Damn.


If you wear a condom and pull out, the chances of getting pregnant are negligible. If you claim to be doing that and still get pregnant, you're lying. Plan B exists in case of condoms breaking. Sex with condoms does suck compared to bareback but I'm shocked he wouldn't prefer that over no sex at all.




It’s a 90 day reference to asuelu!


Now I need to know what it was 😂😂


Omg they flagged my comment again- here is what he said- https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/8hMUPuGxjw


“Never want a swimmer winning gold” They all agree you have to double up which is what Jimmy wants to do. They need to go do a premarital counseling for this. Somebody that is educated on pregnancy and the types of birth control that Amy could use the types that he can use, etc. Yes, I know there’s only one (plus pulling out) for him.


I don't remember him saying that, I really need to rewatch it 😂 It's so funny, tho!


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She’s anemic so those come with additional risks for her


I’m sure she has lol they also fucking suck


It’s pretty clear imo that Amy shared with him off camera that she would not want to have an abortion if an accident happened and he’s been trying to not mention it on camera. That’s why he’s not comfortable with just 1 method of protection


And we have no idea if maybe Johnny got somebody pregnant in the past and doesn’t want to go through that again. I won’t go so far as to say it’s ‘traumatic’ because it was not for me, but it was certainly upsetting, expensive, painful and not something I wanted to do again.


That's actually pretty reasonable!


Also, if she’s regular with her cycle, natural family planning + condoms is effective? Like wear condoms but if you’re super concerned, just abstain during her fertility window. Not hard. Like a vasectomy when they want kids seems very extreme.


Considering that vasectomies can't reverse 10-15% of the time, it's a terrible idea since they want kids


Tbh it’s even worse than that. Even if you successfully reverse the vasectomy, only like 55% can impregnate again.


I feel like most Americans aren't taught sex ed properly if at all.


To be fair I’m not in the US so I did learn about options but none of my birth control knowledge comes from what I learned in school. So many new products are available now and I generally don’t retain much of what I learned 20 years ago. Thankfully google and doctors exist and are way more reliable than a teacher reading from a curriculum. Sex ed all around the world would teach you that abstinence is the only 100% safe method to prevent pregnancy, so they are actually following that fact properly. For those who don’t know, Plan B is also hormonal. Keep in mind these people have only known each other for a few weeks, so they’re not rushing and are open to figuring it out over time. Get off their case everyone.


They aren’t. Especially now. Believe it or not it was better in the 80s and 90s. They live in a red state too. That means poor or no sex ed, poor women’s maternal health (across the US, those blue states are better) and little to no abortion access. I wouldn’t want to get pregnant there either. Wanted or unwanted.


>I wouldn’t want to get pregnant there either. Wanted or unwanted. Yeah from some of the news stories I've heard, even having a miscarriage can bring you under scrutiny in certain states


Condoms work. Been using it for almost three years. Boyfriend told me to not get on birth control because he heard it messes with women’s bodies and makes them sick.


Your BF is a king 👑


Yup same - 7 years and no babies. I don’t understand people’s trust issues with them


Used a condom once (granted he had it in his wallet…) and it ripped and I got pregnant (because it was old). HOWEVER, my boyfriend of four years and I exclusively use condoms, and nothing has occurred


I know two people who have used a condom and still fallen pregnant..just cause it hasn't happened to you - doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


No birth control method is 100% effective. I remember in highschool a friend of a friend texting the whole group chat in caps YOU CAN GET PREGNANT ON THE PILL because his gf had gotten pregnant while using BC pills 


Pill sucks if you don't take it religiously at the same time every day. Very difficult for high school girls to do. No way I could do it


Can attest to this - 13 years strong with condoms and no unplanned pregnancies. Two planned pregnancies which happened first month we ditched the condoms haha. You have a good man, as do I :)


Same! I’ve been using condoms for over 10 years. No pregnancies yet, even with the odd slippage or breakage.


I stg I can (could, no longer fertile thank god) walk past others having sex in their house and their condom breaks and I would get knocked up. Some people are more fertile than others. That’s a fact.


Amy said that he thinks condoms aren’t enough which makes me think that he wants two forms of birth control, not just condoms, which aren’t always the most reliable. Which seems fair to me.


It isn't fair if he expects her to take hormonal birth control, which can have some nasty side effects.


Yeah, and she suggested that he surgically alter his body, which might be worse. I think wanting a second form of birth control (whatever form it may take) is totally normal.


Then whoever insists on the second form of birth control should be stuck with whatever implications or complications it may cause. If it's him, then he can get the vasectomy.


Idk they both would be stuck with the implications and/or complications since they’re together. If he does get a vasectomy and it can’t be reversed that impacts the both of them — not just him


That’s why you freeze your sperm beforehand


People throw this out without thinking about the $150-$300/year storage cost of sperm, plus IVF which can run like $15,000 or more and may not be covered by insurance in many states.


Yeah but that’s expensive and then you have to do insemination which is also expensive. Not everyone can afford that.


ITT: people not understanding how a vasectomy works


I can see both sides. Condoms are 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. But people aren't perfect, so in real life condoms are about 87% effective. (Taken from plan parenthood) Birth control is better, but I’m someone who hates birth control and stopped talking it no one should have to use it if they don’t want to. My partner and I use condoms, however we have had the conversation about what happens if I do fall pregnant, as there is a slightly higher chance of that happening, and we both agree on what we’d do in that situation. Seems like because they have different ideas of what they’d do if they accidentally did fall pregnant it makes it more complicated and I can understand if he’s slightly more reluctant.


But...but... I can't "feel" anything... /s


I mean, personal experience but my partner is adamant about wearing condoms even though I’m on B.C. and also thinking about a vasectomy and expressed the same concerns as Johnny. I think he’s just extremely responsible and anxious which would make enjoying intimacy hard.


I have always used two forms of birth control, as have most of my friends. I'm surprised so many people are shocked by this 


Amy mentioned that he thought condoms were “not enough” which for someone who reallyyyyyyy wants to wait, it’s a valid concern. He also seemed up to getting a vasectomy.


I mean the hormones in BC \*can\* wreck your body, mental health and cause deadly blood clots. Nobody should be pressured into taking it. It should be a free choice, and ideally a medically informed one. It's funny that people immediately understood the risks when male BC was proposed. Anyway, why can't he just use a condom? Just use them at the times in her monthly cycle when she *can* get pregnant. It's not like it's all month.


he probably just wants to finish in her without getting her pregnant and doesn’t want to use condoms because “ it doesn’t feel good” typically fboy


This has to be the only explanation which is lowkey fucked up of him.


Oh my god, I was thinking this as well


I'm incredibly confused by this issue as well, like there are other options besides birth control and vasectomy lol. It's giving manufactured conflict vibes.


This entire conservation made me want to bang my head against a wall. There are options for BC that are non hormonal, because I completely agree if she’s made it to 28 w/o issue she should not start anything hormonal. But a vasectomy??? That’s a terrible idea if you ever want kids. Maybe I’m biased as someone who is in a situation where both my husband and I have fertility issues, but theoretically as a couple who is supposedly going to get married this shouldn’t be that big of a compromise. You are never going to be in a perfect situation, and it’s the worst feeling when you think you are there and are ready and run into more roadblocks. I hope someone steps in and gives them some insight to not let this affect their relationship so much, because I really like them together.


As a woman, I don't love using condoms... more friction, awkward stopping, etc. I definitely wouldn't want to use them longterm in a relationship. Way back in the day I wasn't on birth control and just used condoms etc instead in a relationship... and guess who got pregnant? It's dumb but if you're drunk or even just feeling confident they can pull out in time when you don't have a condom... it just takes one time.  To this day idk if it was due to pulling out one single time (what I think happened) or broken condom that wasn't noticed (what former partner thought). After that I realized birth control was the way to go.  The vasectomy thing - I would feel weird asking that someone surgically alter their body for me. I also don't think it's really practical for the first few months of dating. This is a unique situation where they're getting immediately married so there's implied longevite but normally, a guy prob doesn't want to have to agree to get a vasectomy just to be with the person they started dating a month ago and you have no idea if you're going to make it to month 3...


Pulling out is an absolute ineffective way to avoid pregnancy. There is a thing call “pre-cum” that happens before the final ejaculation or even if there isn’t one. It’s like it leaks out. I would be more inclined to believe a pregnancy would be from the pull out method over using condoms. You can tell when a condom breaks, the ring at the bottom almost always stays and when the man pulls out, it’s obvious to see when it has broken. Condoms don’t feel as good, but it feels a lot better than childbirth. PSA to anyone using the pull out method (not technically you OP), you can fall pregnant even if the final ejaculation never happens, there is still pre-cum. This also has a life span of 5 days, like normal semen. If anyone ever chooses to not wear a condom nor track their ovulation and use no other type of birth control, expect that you’ll get pregnant, even if you get lucky once or twice. The morning after pill can really fuck with your hormones more so than taking a constant contraceptive but that’s up to the woman. Both men and women have options beyond options of birth control, everyone is different. Side note : sounds like Amy hasn’t ever been on birth control and is and has been sexually active. She doesn’t have a baby and seems to be doing fine using condoms or maybe even a dam. Edit : OP this isn’t technically to educate you, you seem like you know what caused your unwanted pregnancy, but rather this is intended towards anyone that reads your comment and thinks that maybe they can get away with the pull out method.


believe me I know lol. I don't even think it was pre- anything. It was his first time trying the pull out method (which I didn't know, dumb of me to not even check that, having been with someone prior who used it all the time) and I don't think he quite managed... I am pretty sure it was that. Also worth an FYI the morning pill is only effective if you haven't ovulated yet. Does nothing if you have.


Good point about the morning after pill! It’s designed to delay your ovulation so you don’t get pregnant. Personally, I do not engage in sex while I am ovulating if I do not want to get pregnant (per gyno recommendation). It’s only 3-5 days out of the month (was always told women could get pregnant at any time, which actually isn’t true and is a shock when you start really trying to conceive). I track my cycle via an app, which I think is very important and an effective way of both tracking menstrual cycles and knowing when you are fertile. I also have endometriosis which means I can ovulate at different times each month, so along with the app, I also use ovulation tests when I’m not sure to avoid pregnancy. My husband and I also use condoms close to ovulation periods and outside of that don’t use condoms (whilst knowing and accepting we **could** get pregnant, though unlikely). 17 years together and we haven’t yet had any unwanted pregnancies. I think what many women don’t realise (not you! :) ) that it takes effort and learning your body’s cycle (what different symptoms and vaginal discharges indicate etc) to be both hormonal contraceptive free and engage in a healthy sexual lifestyle if you don’t want to use condoms.


He must've watched the one where Rachel has a baby lol "Condoms only work like 97% of the time"


It’s not on the box! -looks- Well they should make it LARGER!


Omg yes I was like how the hell did we go from she isn’t on BC and he may have to get a vasectomy!?? WTH???


Thank you! That conversation was so puzzling on so many levels. Yikes. But of course it’s all her responsibility and he couldn't even think of grabbing some condoms at the hotel shop. 


He is so ignorant and entitled. The privilege of being a man, never having to think or worry or take accountabilty when it comes to sex (or anything lmao)


Yeah and when he was talking to her and freaking out about his timeline, he said something like “I’ve just never heard of a woman not being on birth control” which was clearly meant to pressure her into going on BC. Or make her feel bad for not being on it. That changed my opinion on him and I hope he gets a vasectomy if he feels so strongly about a condom not being enough 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly! you don't want children so badly rn and you don't trust condoms that much then go get the snip. He was totally trying to get her to give in and that is a form of control. He has no say in what she does and does not choose for BC. If you don't like it then don't have sex with her🤷🏻‍♀️ He was so ugly to me in that moment, he sounded like a teenage boy trying to remember what the vulva is. Someone else said it - men will do and say anything to not wear condoms. It's all so uncomfortable and I think it reveals so much about our culture.


What are your thoughts about her IG post defending him and this conversation? https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/comments/1axf37a/amy_provides_more_context_to_her_and_johnnys_convo/


I'm glad someone made a post about this because I felt the ick when I watched it.


Unless one of them is allergic to latex, I really don’t understand! Plus it also protects from STDs which they don’t even talk about!


I think maybe he wanted the double layer of protection? Like ik a lot of people worry about ‘holes in the rubber’


Yeah I think he said something about being doubly protected with previous partners being on birth control


Even then there are non latex condoms - the whole conversation was so weird to me


There are two other sexual options that have 0% chance of pregnancy they could also explore tbh……


Check out the bachelor Clayton’s story with a woman who claimed she was pregnant with twins by him after one of those options. It’s a wild ride. 


Lmaooooo true


I didn’t understand the vasectomy suggestion… like with the intent to reverse it later? Or just saving his sperm then doing it? Or are they not having kids? A condom is a very, very simple solution. Use the calendar method with that and you’ll be pretty darn safe.


Yeah, they need to elaborate on that. I was confused.


Johnny should use Natural Cycles (https://www.naturalcycles.com/) if she doesn’t want to use hormonal birth control, it’s about as effective as a condom when used properly. IMO - asking her partner to get a vasectomy is extreme. I do understand that it shouldn’t always be up to the women, but (again IMO) a minor surgery to fix an issue isn’t a solution either.


This method should only be used in conjunction with a condom. Sperm can stay inside the cervix for days and a woman can ovulate and get pregnant.


lol everyone I know who’s used that method ends up pregnant. It absolutely isn’t as effective as a condom.


Me pregnant with my third because I was sick of birth control, so we tried “natural family planning”


Haha well, I’ve not gotten pregnant and been using it for close to three years. So maybe I’m just one of people it works for 🙃


I mean this in the kindest way possible but do you know that you’re fertile? 👀




I’d not heard that before. That is very good to know. Thank you for sharing, you are absolutely correct you never know! Every women needs to find the right method for them, we are all unique and what works for me might not work for others.


Men will do ANYTHING to not have to wear a condom and it’s sad and embarrassing


I don’t think he is opposed to condoms. I think she shared that if there was an accident, she would not want to have an abortion.


Not all men! When I complained about the side effects of my bc, my guy was like...well, stop taking it! I don't want you to mess up your body's natural balance, we will just use condoms. And that is what we have done for nearly 15 years. So...those guys ARE out there. Just not very common.


exactly what i thought


Im halfway through ep8. I'm shocked they haven't had sex because Johnny thinks condoms are not safe? I've only met one man who had problems with condoms because his penis is too small that it slipped off easily 😭


You can order ones online made specifically for that issue


Yeah I don’t get why they don’t just use one in addition to spermicide if he’s so worried


I mean there is a chance they could break but it’s rare. 


That makes me sad. Mostly for him.


Poor guy


hot take: birth control really isn’t that bad and suggesting he get a vasectomy over her taking birth control is insane. Considering vasectomies aren’t guaranteed to be reversible and sure birth control isn’t perfect either but it has vastly improved to the point that it would be extremely unlikely to let a pregnancy happen. i’ve been on birth control for 10 years, have had plenty of sex. no problems. i know that’s anecdotal but people treating the birth control to getting a vasectomy is wild to me. if i really wanted raw sex i would get on bc not ask a man to do that. or just use condoms forever but uh im a be real it don’t hit the same.


birth control has been proven to make many women suicidal and even have personality changes due to the impact of the hormones on their bodies and minds but SURE it "isn't that bad"... people (especially men) are so flippant about women's bodies and what's expected of us and i'm sick of it


Thank you for saying this, the effects of birth control on some women shouldn’t be minimized. Not everyone can be on it. Amy clearly doesn’t feel comfortable going on it (she said she doesn’t want to) and is comfortable enough with just condoms. So the point is, since Johnny doesn’t feel condoms are enough for him to feel comfortable, he can take the initiative with his own body and get a vasectomy.


You're are so welcome. There is a global issue with people and even the medical industry itself being so dismissive, entitled and forceful about what women do with their bodies (in all senses really) And the real results and realities of hormonal BC are hidden from the public because a) female medical care is nowhere near as researched or as funded as male medical care and b) "how else how will we get women and teenage girls on BC?!"


based on everyone’s takes i’m going to do more research here on the effects of birth control. thanks for bringing it up. i guess i just don’t know anyone who experiences these things that’s on birth control and that’s clouded my judgement. what works for me isn’t for everyone. sorry for being a little cunt today, i’m going to put effort into researching this topic


You probably DO know many people that have experienced these things with birth control, they just haven’t opened up about them to you. There’s lots of stigma surrounding women and speaking about their own health, especially when it comes to reproductive health. They don’t want to come across as though they’re seeking attention, so they just don’t speak about it at all.


Or how about if neither want an invasive form of birth control then they use condoms which are 98% effective. If they are not happy with that then unfortunately they’ll have to abstain.


I’m not defending the vasectomy thing, but for many people birth control really is that bad. Never again for me. Awful.


Birth control literally can be “that bad” depending on a lot of things. Plz.


I agree that treating birthday control to getting a vasectomy is WILD, cause from what I understand is that it’s not always reversible either. I was on birth control for about 20 years, and I’m confident it’s what causes lots of my depression. That being said, I’m no longer on birth control and I’m using an app & Basel body temperature to monitor my hormones and when I’m fertile. Basically I know I don’t want to use condoms, but I still am taking responsibility for my pleasure and fertility.


A vasectomy is a bit much. But I have had no good experiences with birth control and will never go on it ever again even if it was an ultimatum.


Hormonal Birth control isn't necessarily reversible either and it isn't for everyone. If a woman has a family history of blood clots she can literally drop dead from it. If a man enjoys barebacking it is worth it for him to sit down and weigh the pros and cons of a vasectomy. He also needs to be in dialog with a doctor about STDs. I will never trust the American public school systems sex education. In your case however it is your preference, so pushing the onous onto your partner would be entitled. I see your perspective but in this case he is pushing his preference onto her.


It’s not only about pregnancy? Birth control are known to cause blood cloths, brain haemorrhage and mental illnesses like anxiety and depression… plus it screws with your hormones. Saying it isn’t bad is not true… 🤷🏻‍♀️ plus it doesn’t help protecting you against STD’s


Some people use multiple forms of birth control and don’t feel safe with condoms alone.


When used correctly every time you have sex, male condoms are 98% effective. If it’d slip or break couldn’t they just get a day after pill in the US?


Unfortunately, Plan B is not widely available like it should be due to stupid conservative "pearl-clutching" laws.


Afff sorry about this 🥲


Assuming she's not already ovulating, or that she'd even want to take it. Its still a hormonal pill.


Right, but it’s a 1 in a blue moon thing, that may never actually have to happen