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Maybe I’m being cynical but there’s a part of me who thought that he acted the way he did to gain sympathy. I’m not saying that he doesn’t regret his behavior or anything like that but I do think that he was putting on a little bit of a show for the reunion. I mean he’s getting dragged online relentlessly and maybe he thought that looking so pitiful might get people to ease up on him a little bit


So he and Chelsea WOULD have been a good match then? 😂😂


He is! I liked him so much at first and even cried when he got rejected but that’s karma for you. He’s absolute trash.


I think he handled it the best way he could. Any other route would totally cancel him forever lol. I think he has a choice, he wouldnt join the reunion but maybe it’s part of his contract to promote perfect match


Is he going to be on Perfect Match? 🥀😵🥴


I just saw it from some comments that he is gonna be in perfect match


I think he sincerely thought he could come on and look pitiful and repentant and misunderstood and everybody would fall for it.


Seems to be exactly what’s happened


Lowkey asking to leave was a better option than trying to justify actions he does not have the ability to comprehend. Anything he said would have gotten him crucified other than a genuine honest to god apology!


Did they not give him any warning on what they would be asking? I find that refreshing but also surprising


He knew exactly what they'd be asking unless he hasn't access to internet for the last month or so.


I almost fell on the floor from second hand embarrassment


That was probably one of the most shocking moments I've seen in reality television. When he said he needed therapy, my jaw hit the ground.


Lmaoo, my loud and extroverted friend was dead silent with her jaw dropped, and my quiet, reserved ass was screaming, smacking the couch, and falling over.


Why did he show up even lol his story made no sense


It was my favorite part of the reunion. He was not expecting receipts like that! https://preview.redd.it/vuzzrzuchfoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08adbb53de5f8195c860253769916cb00b8288f1


Can I just leave now?


That made him look so weak!


omg someone needs to check on him STAT i was sweating for him lol


I really really really wanna know \- what he was planning on saying that he suddenly forgot \- what prompted him to even show up--was he paid?


Apparently he’s on The Perfect Match season 2


What a mess up with this show


It sounds like nobody partnered up with him from the get-go, so he had to leave the show early on


This was on the Perfect Match?


Yes- there were additional screenshots on social media of a continued conversation between Trevor and the girl he “loves and wants to marry” wherein he explains that he was on the show for less than a week because he didn’t find a match


Sooooo much dirt! Thank you for this. Was the girl that he loves and wants to marry the same girl he was dating before and after Love is Blind?


Yup, same girl, called him “Pumpkin”, and he just lied and lied and kept stringing her along


No match that he's half of is gonna be perfect.




It was hilarious watching a toxic individual sweat and the cherry on top was AD calling him out as he attempted to shuffle through more lies.


“i’m toxic” 😓😅🥵


Incredible reality tv moment, 10/10


Yes, I mentioned the same thing on another commitment. It's probably one of the most shocking I've seen so far. Brutal.


My husband walked in at that moment and he was like “………*this* is what you’ve been waiting for..?” You mean the best moment of the season? Yes


So embarrassing! From his outfit to his reaction and answers. He was so unprepared


What is with this man's clothes? My wife though Trevor had a girlfriend going in, but I was like no way a girl would let her man dress like that. 


He could have had help from a stylist at any department store but he chose to wear a basic outfit that looked like a work uniform.


This look reminds of Kenneth




It’s his eczema flaring up!


I saw the sweat coming down 😂


I felt such second hand embarrassment, I couldn’t even look at the screen, I looked away lol


Right? I wanted to skip it so bad, but I had to watch him crash and burn.


Me the complete opposite. I was there for the tea!


But but but but it's not his girlfriend. He is just seeing her and says he loves her.


AND he wants to marry her!


i get this feeling these dudes are using therapy as a buzz word so they do not have to face consequences of their actions.


It’s what my ex did the… *cough* THIRD time I caught his ass cheating. (I was young and had no self esteem.)


Especially Clay and with croc tears thrown in


I am a therapist, can confirm men reach out to initiate sessions after they mess up (caught cheating, etc) ALL the time.


Not surprising to me. Do these men continue therapy or just do enough to appease the women in their lives?


100% pick me behaviour


Its seems like an american thing tbh…


I don’t think he ever mentioned therapy, did he? Maybe I missed it.


He did mention he needs therapy


Oh so he had a year to do it and only now mentions it when he’s on the hot seat. Got it.


Yeah, he's such a tool bag. Seeing him slink out like a wounded puppy was pretty great.


It was actually very sad to watch that. Cruel person whoever gets off on another person's pain. Would you be happy if he just went and ended himself too. Sickos.


He went on the show with bullshit selfish reasons and then went to the reunion with a speech prepared because he didn't think anyone was going to so directly call him out on his shit. I didn't say I wanted him to kill himself, but I am happy to see him get held accountable for being a trash bag. He deserved what he got, hopefully he learns from it.




I thought he was supposed to be on Perfect Match too but they didn’t announce it when they promoted the season?


I bet Trevor is cancelled. He will get the Renee and Carter editing technique like he never existed. lmao


The ghost cut!


Looks like the comment became a ghost comment.


The whole time I was like “We want to like you dude. Just take the L and tell us what happened.” But he still tried to save face after he was caught red handed


Really though! I would have respected him more if he just owned it and was like “honestly I just wanted an opportunity to be on tv and thought it would be fun” but nope he still tried to cover his ass and failed miserably


He didn't even try to cover his ass at all. He didn't even say anything. He looked broken. Are you all so perfect that you're judge and jury omg


These men are so dumb.


I made a huge mistake not buying popcorn before this reunion dropped


I’m not gonna sit here loving Clay for humbling himself and apologizing while criticizing Trevor for humbling himself and apologizing. About 85% of the principle cast were in some way messed up this season but they’re all just people and deserve some grace. Hard to forgive Jackie and Josh still, but that’s my own person issue I have to deal with.


You deserve grace AFTER owning up to what you do. Trevor continued to lie in his "apologies" so clearly he's not sorry. Not actually dating a girl but telling her you love her and will marry her? Give me a fucking break


He said himself it was toxic and he needs therapy. I know plenty of people who don’t have their shit together so I believe what he was saying was true to him.


Sounds like every other dude who knows saying the word therapy will get the heat off of him. If he was SO self aware, he would have said yeah I straight up manipulated these women and need to be better but no, he claimed the other girl was aware they weren’t together and was aware of what he was doing which is a bold faced lie. Any person who is lying to hide how truly terrible their actions are is not on any genuine road towards betterment.


Exactly this 👏👏👏


What I took from it was that he was in a situationship with the other girl when he went into the pods. I mean don’t get me wrong I think he is in the wrong here, but relationships today are on a spectrum between “f-boy” and “may as well be married” but it’s not necessarily communicated within that relationship.


No one is making you love clay.


Those two moments were not even close to being the same!


Right! Clay didn’t MALICIOUSLY deceive women and make threats to expose them.


Those moments were not close to being the same, I agree. Clay was articulate and meaningful and it was powerful. Trevor made me want to crawl under my ottoman. Buuuut both screwed up in their own way - maybe Clay acting like he loved and wanted AD and then immediately doing a runaway groom is even worse than Trevor. Trevor needs to take cues from Clay and see that therapist tho.


Yes, both screwed up. No one is perfect. Clay is at war within himself. Yes, he hurt AD and her family. But he did not have any secrets and cunning plans. What Trevor did is a flat out lie. A shameless lie that he thought will not see the light of day. He disrespected the show and the viewers, the girls he dated in the pod and the girl he was texting with before the shooting of the show. Even his excuse was an obvious lie. Anyways, both men are cringey for me.


Oh you didn’t hear about the woman that came out and claimed she was seeing Clay during the show?


trevor was soooooo corny and easy to see through. i rolled my eyes when he told chelsea his favorite movie was the notebook *gag* he and jeramay are neck and neck for biggest piece of work this season smh


Jilting someone at the altar is the worse than threatening revenge porn?! One of those things is a literal crime.


Vanessa: did you come here to further your career? Trevor: what career? Vanessa: I don’t know Oof roasted


He was dressed like he was going to try to sell me a Toyota Camry.


Everyone was dressed so formally, literally every single dude there was wearing a suit. And he came dressed like he was interviewing for best buy or something


Best Buy is so accurate 😂


Car sales people near me dress way nicer lol


Watching him squirm and get called out like that sparked so much joy


Hahaha. Especially the awkward silence and the "May I go now?" 🤣


I’m not gonna say I feel bad for the guy, but it was wild to see in real time someone have to confront some of their wildest choices and see them literally realize they suck ass. I obviously have no idea what he’ll do next and if he’ll work on how he moves through the world but if he does change for the better that will end up being a pretty pivotal moment for him. Hopefully he takes it on and works on himself because I ain’t ever seen someone get exposed like that in real time before. That was absolutely wild.




My guy was like I had a whole lie that I came up with and now I can’t event use it lmao


His palms were so sweaty the ink smeared so he had to wing it.


Um so yeah like sure and so I was like not even official when I told my fiancé I mean gf I mean no but like ok and you know I know I need therapy


Like wtf did he expect??? NOT THAT😂


I don’t understand why he would go to this reunion! That was so uncomfy


A huge amount of cash, that's why




No chance. He said himself he had a speech planned to address this. He knew what he was walking into, and the show wanted to make an example of him to the world. He signed an NDA and agreed to come on and be the fool. They offered him a fat stack, I guarantee it


Didn’t even think about that. Hope it was worth it 😬


He should have taken a page from Matthew’s book and just declined going on. However the call out was just too fucking good and I lived for watching him squirm.


I nervous laughed through the whole thing. Best reunion yet


It will be fun, they said....


I feel bad for Trevor. How can Nick and Vanessa go on that this show isn’t reality tv and this is “real life” while giving people horrific edits for ratings. Guarantee they intentionally asked all the hard questions…because it’s reality tv


You feel bad for a man who threatened to release a revenge tape and show it to his exs child? K..


Basic psychology says if you back a scared wounded animal into a corner, it will leash out. He admitted he is in needed of therapy. Let’s hope he seeks it out


That’s why I didn’t understand them grilling SA about her ig?tiktok? Post about it being reality tv and entertaining. This is not some documentary with impartial video. There’s storylines and edits. And it’s definitely for entertainment.


That was my whole thing too. All that was her subconsciously know that she was the villain of the show and she leaned into hoping to soften the blow


The self-righteous high horse mentality of this show is beyond a joke. It's not a scientific experiment. It's trashy reality TV. Regardless of what they try to tell you.


And how can they with a straight face call it an “experiment” and also demand that’s “real life”? Which is it, because it can’t be both. Absurd, especially considering how exploitive it is that they support putting people 1/2 their age in a situation where they have to go to the alter within weeks. I’d love the show if they removed the forced marriage component. Then it would be real life.


Such a joke and I hate the little cliques they all form. Nick basically saying how dare you for coming on for fame is insane. They literally all are. Then he announces 30 min later 3 of them are going on another show lmao. Clown shit


![gif](giphy|l41Y9ZOtahyNumChW|downsized) He was literally speechless 🤣 it was hard to feel bad for him in that moment, honestly. No he’s not the only one that’s applied to this show for fame, but it was nice to see him called out on it….


Why assume it’s for fame? Maybe he’s telling the truth and he came for love while still stringing along someone back home. That seems way more likely given his personality.


Girl back home was a back up if the show didn’t work out. That’s how I saw it. Trevor can eat shit.


Well, yes. But that’s different than being there for fame. I think he would have left his not-my-girlfriend for someone new. I just think Vanessa and Nick are stuck on the need to protect the brand. Not everyone cares about the LiB brand. Maybe he’s just a cheater.


Serious question: Am I the only one who thought he was acting? I just didn't buy it, but I don't know if it's just because of what I know about him?


It was so painfully obvious lol and it’s working cause now dummies here are feeling bad their wounded puppy


Girl, same! I can't believe people don't see this as just another act of his. Do you know more than we do!?


Yes totally. I honestly would not be surprised if he’s on perfect match also.


I felt he was acting too! And it’s working! Look at everyone defending his ass when he came to the show to literally gain fame, smh


Trevor gonna do some Cole level reflection


They should hang out, actually.


I bet, when he agreed to come on the reunion, he thought they were gonna give him some softball questions


I bet the producers were cackling behind his back. "Dont worry, we're only going to lightly touch on this and that" ![gif](giphy|3orif7aLUehOfdmlXy|downsized)


Him and the girl must not be together anymore right? Otherwise why would she share the texts with producers? So confusing how this got out in the first place?


No they’re not together, she exposed him on instagram after they broke up


I think the texts were already circulating around TikTok at that point


If that’s true it’s even more surprising he wasn’t prepared to answer for them.


My only complaint is they didn’t go after him about the revenge porn. Also how he broke up with her like the week before it aired so he would be single when his dms were blowing up


That has nothing to do with the show? Yes, he's horrible, but the reunion is to talk about the events in and around the show. That'd be a really dumb show if they just dug up everyone's past and grilled them on it. That'd be absurd. I'm not defending the action or the man at all to be clear, it just doesn't make sense to talk about on the reunion


It is related to the show though? He blackmailed her because he didn't want her to release the evidence that they were a couple while he was filming LIB - the very evidence that they showed on screen at the reunion. I can not see how it could be any more relevant!


Probably because that's a literal criminal allegation so it's iffy to touch on that if they dont know it's actually true, there isnt really proof of that except the ex just saying that.


What revenge porn??


I haven't heard about this either!


He apparently threatened sending such content to an ex girlfriends child, I think?


I also heard this. This sounds illegal in many places. It’s sexual extortion of a sort. And revenge porn if he followed through. I never did hear the source of this information though. If its true, why haven’t there been charges laid against him? If its not, thats a pretty bad smearing campaign and certainly libellous.


I was watching and thinking "holy shit he is going to have an actual mental health crisis on tv"


YES at a certain point I was like oh my god wait…oh my god hang on. Like was truly alarmed. You could see it in how quickly his pupils were moving back and forth. I don’t know if you can fake that.


Me too!!! I was like are we about to see a panic on TV rn?


I think he may have actually been having one but it’s presenting internally. He’s facing his lies point blank and getting called out. Rightfully so. He’s on the spot. Everyone knows he’s been bullshitting around and now he’s left with embarrassment. His expression and body language said a lot too. Tense and hunched in as if he’s making himself appear smaller in hopes all eyes won’t be on him. Bro was going through it.


I felt like he was trying so hard to shed a tear when he was having his long dramatic pause, but it just wasn’t happening


When he was speaking, it sounded like he was trying very hard to NOT cry. Not that he’s not a douche for the situation, but I don’t think that read is accurate.


I think he was having an internal panic attack and was definitely trying not to lose it. He’s an asshat. What he did was wrong. That doesn’t mean he’s incapable of emotions. Clearly he’s very capable of feeling sorry for him self and mourning the blow to his ego.


Yeah I definitely felt like he was trying not to cry. I cry easily and saw myself in him there. I feel bad for him. He is clearly a good person deep down and has good intentions.


Good intention with the revenge porn as well?


Idk what happened there but I feel for the guy based on the emotion I saw in him tonight. I am not excusing his behaviour but I do think he’s a good person…


Same it seemed to me the long pause was intentional. It reminded me of rom coms where the guy tears up his speech and is like ‘I’d planned what I’m going to say but I’m just going to speak from the heart’. I’ve experienced absolute sociopaths who do the most bizarrely callous shit and then fall back on the self deprecating awkward act. This is the exact act he did in the pods to make Chelsea fall for him, idk why people are believing him now


Steroids causing some emotional regulation issues? Also he said it was a toxic relationship as well.


Dudes probably on tren


Watching it was like watching a train wreck 🤦🏼‍♀️ he definitely needs therapy… there are deeper issues there … he almost seemed like a scared little boy 😐


I’m actually kinda worried for him.


Me too. I’ve been saying this all over this sub, but this stopped too low.


Me too, I honestly feel for him because you could see he truly felt ashamed and embarrassed. Which yes people could say he deserved by my point is you could see he felt remorseful. Where as Jeremey & Sarah Ann didn’t show one ounce of remorse or even emotion. I hope he is okay and goes to therapy, truly.


agreed!!! trevor came across kinda douchey n manipulative but jeremy n matt gave me psycho vibes


I wouldn’t say he felt ashamed. He was embarrassed because he was being called out. And was I the only one who saw him trying not to laugh? I mean it was probably nervous laughter but still. He could have declined coming to the reunion. My guess is he wanted to come on to defend himself and save face and he was caught off guard


Yeah totally. You’re right he probably agreed to go on it so he could defend himself but totally choked and froze. I feel bad but yeah it’s the consequences of his own actions so.


He maybe deserved a little shame and embarrassment, but not on national TV. Yeah yeah, he signed up for it, it's a risk, but this was *a lot*. The texts blindsided him.


Everyone already saw those though. They’re everywhere


Honestly same. No matter what he’s done with the whole side chick situation, I hope he has loved ones he can lean on. The extent of grilling and humiliation he was just put through on stage in front of millions is the kind of stuff that can make some people snap and harm themselves. I’m not saying he didn’t deserve to be called out but also that degree of humiliation… geez… I don’t wish that on anyone even if they were dishonest. He looked like he was genuinely having a mental breakdown. Very concerning.


I think he was just panicking and sorry he got caught imo


No that’s just roid rage trying to keep its cool because of cameras. He threatens someone with revenge porn. He’s horrible


It’s definitely possible he threatened revenge porn. Unfortunately, the same woman who supplied the receipts of their text exchange hasn’t supplied the receipts of his threats so I don’t know if he said this or not and we won’t have proof until it’s supplied. Regardless, I do hope he and all the cast have the support they need through ruthless bullying. It’s insane how quickly people can resort to self-violence when humiliated publicly. I don’t wish that on anyone.


He should’ve owned it rather than say that whole therapy bs. I could’ve written a better speech than that. Here’s an example if I were in his shoes: I’m not going to beat around the bush. I fully came on here with the wrong intentions. I did eventually break up with the person I was with outside of the pods. The experience did cause me to at least acknowledge that the relationship I had outside of the pods wasn’t for me. It was toxic and she had been ok with me going on the show and knew what it was about. I do think I developed feelings for Chelsea and I was a wreck right after. I’m hoping to just grow from here and be a better person. What I did was wrong and there’s no excuse for it. I’m sorry to everyone I hurt by my actions … NOT HARD.


Completely agree this would’ve saved him face, except you had the time to think this through and he has to react on the SPOT. No time to think nice words, as he said, he already had a different speech prepared. He wasn’t expecting to be grilled like that with receipts and all. Live audience, host questioning you, looking at everyone’s faces, the whispers. Boy went through it.


He said he had a speech prepared…


Now if he only had you as his pr person…. That would have been perfect! He’d get a slap on the risk and be able to apply for some other Netflix couple game show


After all this Netflix going to invite him I feel like. Just like the other guy who was a huge pos who came on that other show they have where they brought all the "reality" contestants, Shane and Chloe were there. Can't remember the name though x(


Perfect Match?


Yes then tack on a live audience, Nick and Vanessa Lachey grilling you, knowing you'll be on national television, and bright ass lights.... No longer so easy 😅


Nope, he obviously rehearsed what to say. He can stick to his guns. A lot of the questions were things he should’ve expected. One of the questions was why he told the outside girlfriend he was going to marry her — he knew the texts were out there. He knows what to expect. He didn’t apologize is the thing. He just gave excuses.


He was literally about to implode into a dust ball of preworkout


I cackled


I genuinely thought he needed to be rebooted


Just needs to stop the tren


Notice they never mentioned he was on perfect match


That man was frozen solid!! He couldn’t lie his way out of that one…they had the receipts posted right on the screen!! Once AD said “Say it with your chest!” I couldn’t stop laughing!