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Ros Arago IV. Very satisfying feeling to shoot with it and so many good rolls for different builds. Love itt.


I can't remember the last time I saw a world drop weapon with a perk pool as good as Ros Arago's, it's insane how many good combos there are


Crux rocket is good for dps


Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me about it. Also has many different good rolls that work with different builds.


The Maahees-HC4 is a Void Heavy-Burst Hand Cannon that can roll Repulsor Brace and Destabilizing Rounds. It’s incredibly good.


Rapid hit and Frenzy is really nice too. Using it with lucky pants on tether prismatic. I have tac mag and extended barrel with back up mag. The omilon trait and then rapid hit and frenzy make up for the low stability handling and reload.


Rapid hit and frenzy on this gun is so freaking good. I can't seem to get more to drop but I'd really like one with repulsore/destabilize rounds. It honestly does cook with lucky pants, it's my new fave void HC period!


I've been having a lot of fun with rapid hit and dragonfly


Wait what? I have never seen this


It’s new for TFS, it’s uncommon but I got lucky with the god roll.


That would be why I haven't seen it. I know to be on the lookout now though. Thanks for the info.


A volatile proc every 73 seconds 💀


huh? if two enemies stand next to each other, you’ll kill the 2nd guy with volatile and get an overshield. this can happen multiple times in rapid succession.


And then a year later you can do it to one more guy. Also, void overshield is not worth the weapon perk


my man, destabilizing rounds has no cooldown.


It has been known since the perk came out that it is a 3 second cooldown. Not a man. Not 'your' man.


so much for low sodium, lol. 3 seconds is a lot shorter than 73.


I don't think you understand how long 3 seconds is for a debuff as shitty as volatile


High sodium detected.


mods can we solo queue this one into trials




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What do you smell like?




Heliocentric has Heal Clip/Demolitionist/Incandescent, Parabellum has Heal Clip/Shoot to Loot/Frenzy, Crux Termination has a boatload of premium passive reload and damage perks, Aurvandil gets Reconstruction/Chill Clip, Ros Arago gets Repulsor Brace/Onslaught, Maahes gets Repulsor Brace/Rapid Hit/Frenzy/Destabilizing Rounds, Fioritura gets Threat Detector/Hipfire/Offhand Strike/Repulsor Brace, Nox Perennial gets Envious Assassin/Fragile Focus/Controlled Burst/Ele Cap, Senuna gets Headseeker, Marcato gets Slice/Demolitionist/Hatchling/Golden Tricorn, Marsillion gets Envious Assassin/Cascade Point/Explosive Light, Suspectum gets Envious Assassin/Firing Line/Chill Clip Typhon gets Demo/Chill Clip/Explosive Light.


I occasionally run the Heliocentric. The reload stat on that is insane. If you get used to reloading immediately after a kill it makes heal clip seem like restoration.


Is a heal clip/ kill clip heliocentric still good? Can’t get heal/incandescent to drop for the life of me 😵‍💫


Still good on anything that rolls with it.


Mine has to be Duty Bound. Mine rolled with steady hands and dynamic sway. I love the clean and simple scope on it, too


I got a triple tap, fourth time's the charm Duty Bound a few seasons back. It's hilarious to use.


TT/Fourth time? Oooh, that sounds beautiful. I know what fourth time does, but triple tap eludes me at this time. Would you kindly enlighten a titan?


TT is like Fourth Time except it takes three precision hits and restores 1 bullet. So every 3rd hit you get one back and every 4th you get two back.


Now that sounds like a blast to shoot.


Assuming perfect headshot accuracy, you can shoot a few hundred rounds without reloading.


Same thing as fourth time but 3 crits gives 1 ammo


If duty bound gets reprised again, I really hope it gets rewind rounds.


Ros Arago is massively underrated as a general workhorse weapon for a void build


Ammit AR2


Hitting enemies with a wet sock. Deadly sock but still. Love it(when playing muted) Ptptptptptptptppt


Osteo Striga was a go-to for me until the double nerf. The Call is a weapon that's got a lot of deserved love right now.


The call is my current favourite too. I use it to compliment graviton lance whenever it fails to take down opponents quickly enough for my liking.


I finally unlocked the Khvostov and it’s the best feeling auto I think I’ve used Not being to use Khvostov/The Call is deeply unsatisfying, they would be the perfect combo.


Go do warlords ruin and get indept kindness. It’s also a rocket sidearm and it can roll voltshot


And next act (I believe) we will be getting another one. Khvostov and a rocket side arm is such a clean loadout


Yeah true. I’ve seen something about a solar rocket sidearm around here


Yeah next act gets the solar sidearm which can drop incandescent which imo will be better than indebted kindness or the call


Heliocentric. Heal clip/incan for that. Lost signal is bonkers. False idols is nuts with Incan/chain reaction.


i love timeworn wayfarer so much


BXR-55 Wastelander M5


PSi Hermetic Stasis Pulse. It can get headstone which, with the wild card perk can self proc it's detonation. Only weapon in game that can. Combine with strand hunter tangle whirlwinds for hilarious lethality. Ros Arago Auto with Onslaught can hit nearly 1000rpm with full proc. Just shreds.


>Ros Arago Auto with Onslaught can hit nearly 1000rpm with full proc. Just shreds. If you enhance it, Onslaught X3 gets activated on grenade kills. Couple that with the void aspect that gives you Volatile Rounds on grenade kills and not only does it shred, it fucking *rips* through anything.


Slideshot Crux Termination is awesome. Throw on some arc reserves before hitting a flag and you have like 9-10 rockets that can be dumped in 10-15 seconds


Mine has reconstruction bipod and it’s a champ killer. 18 rockets with reserve mods bonkers!


21% Delirium is an older Gambit MG that needed some grinding to unlock back in Season 6 (Season of the Drifter). It got sunset, but can now be acquired through the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower and upgraded to current power levels. It was my go-to heavy for a long time, and I happily pulled it from my vault for Final Shape. I think it's the only heavy MG with the Overflow perk. Heavy ammo that you pick up will go straight into the magazine, allowing you to continue shredding everything at 900RPM instead of having to worry about reloading all the time.


Helped me though the Dual Destiny mission. The Overflow and Kill Tally combo is a cheifs kiss. Just wish it was either Strand, Solar, or Void instead of Arc for selfish reasons.


Battle Scar with shoot to loot and kinetic tremors. Tremors can pick up ammo, and with a mag increase perk, you can get 2 sets of tremors while holding down the trigger.


Heliocentric and Ros Arago are weapons I absolutely love to use. Psi Hermetic is my favourite pvp pulse as well, tho I’m not really a big pvp person so there are prolly better choices


the Parabellum smg can get Heal Clip + Frenzy, big perk pool so it’s hard to find the good good on it but once you have it it’s a blessing. or the Heliocentric with Heal+Incan. idk i’m a sucker for good heal clip guns (summoner feels like dog water imo but to each their own, plus subjecting yourself to trials just to get a bad roll on it over and over does NOT do it for me)


Parabellum would be perfect if it was heal clip/incandescent. It would never leave my loadout. For now though i do really enjoy the Perfect Pitch. Vanguard vindication paired with subsistence is crazy at healing.


id delete one of my characters as a sacrifice if it meant getting a 600rpm or 750rpm smg with heal+incan. ive been loving perfect pitch too, its a good thing i dont have to slog through another sniper or glaive or something to finish my Deadeye gild this time around lol. ill have to keep an eye on my health with Van Vindication + Subsistence. ive been using the gambit origin for speedy movey but that sounds like a next-best-thing to a heal+incan to me!!


Old sterling with rewind rounds + hatchling. An extremely underrated weapon. Field tested intrinsic. Has been a go to in heavy add areas where you are at or just below light level requirements. Has no place in high end content aka raids but in GOTD this thing wrecks the first boss area. Harsh language. Wave frame GL with field tested intrinsic. I have a few rolls but my favorite has been stats for all + destabilizing rounds. An add clear machine on a good void build and with the new artifact mod that boosts void weapon damage against weakened targets makes this weapon really shine. Crux termination IV. This rocket launcher can get some absolutely disgusting rolls. Slideshot, reconstruction or envious assassin. Bipod, explosive light or surrounded. Very high burst DPS options here. Suspectum 4fr. A decent LFR option for stasis builds. Has good reload perk options and great damage perk options. Things like firing line or high ground. Can even get backup plan! It also has viest stinger intrinsic so sometimes you don’t even have to reload. Glissando-47. Strand scout that can get overflow/reconstruction + hatchling. Is actually a really fun weapon to use and this season can stun unstoppables with the mod from the artifact. Nox perennial V. Strand fusion rifle that can get some really good rolls. Envious assassin + controlled burst is my choice here. Hits hard for a special and works well on strand builds.


That old sterling roll is a must on most of my builds. Goated setup


Autumn Wind.


Parabellum can get Heal Clip and Frenzy as a roll. Unfortunately no Incandescent but still a very good solar option for SMG.


Onslaught is available to everyone right? There's some real good rolls on the brave weapons.


i just picked up a lost signal with alh/vorpal today and it’s pretty fun.


That craftable bxr something solar pulse rifle is really good. It's a quest reward I belive. You can focus a typhoon GL with chill clip at banchee, it's very useful. The helios solar sidearm world drop with incandescent and healclip is fucking insane awesome.


Parabellum. Heal clip and frenzy. Very nice


Heliocentric with heal clip + your favorite damage perk


Yarovit MG4 The stasis lightweight smg


I've been really liking the new Strike Auto Rifle, Origin Story. Usually precision frame ARs are not my cup of tea but Demolitionist+Kinetic Tremors on it is super satisfying. Although they've been kinda powercrept, Funnelweb and Redback, both from the gunsmith, are still really great and satisfying to use. And though Veiled Threat is realistically better than Krait, I kinda hate VT's ADS so I still prefer the latter. EDIT: And a lot more niche, but Arctic Haze and High Albedo from Europa. The former of which getting Dragonfly with three different really good ammo/reload perks (being rapid-fire solar means it contends with [and loses] to The Summoner tho), and the latter having some pretty good stats and getting a lot of nice consistency perks


The only world pool drop that's really viable is the yellow arc rocket (don't remember the name). The problem is that every single world pool drop has a better version that can be target farmed in some activity. The last time we had an amazing weapon in the world pool was funnelweb in WQ.


I love using Hard Light. Being able to swap the weapon type is awesome for shields. A bit annoying to deal with swapping mods consistently and sucks that ARs don’t have any champ stuns this “season”