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I only started playing last month, I just picked up Cats & Dogs, Island Living, and Growing Together


Some of my favorite especially Island Living!


I also just started playing last month ( I never played growing up and I always felt like I missed out on a quintessential millennial experience) and just bought Seasons and Vampires! I'm having to hold myself back from buying Growing Together until the next sale because i just don't know if I can justify that many packs at once for a have I just started playing lol.


Nice choices!


Island Living is my FAVE. Sulani is so pretty and there’s so much to do to clean up the world it’s cool.


As someone who hasn’t bought a pack since High School Years, I got for rent and I am satisfied. This is what I wanted, to be able to create my own apartment complexes to create my own cities or improve certain areas.


This is exactly what I want especially since I do a lot of community lots, I need more places for single sims and small families


i wanted to get for rent but for some reason when i do the bundle & save .. for rent isnt an option? honestly really pissed me off bc the other expansion packs i dont have that are available in the bundle just don’t interest me that much


The most recent pack is not usually available for the bundle and save. Try again when Lovestruck comes out!


Oh really? I didn’t check the bundle discounts because I think for rent is the last thing I want right now, so was going to get it by itself but now I’ll have to check it later!


You don’t even have to make the landlord! Panya Li is the default landlord if you don’t make one yourself and I think he’s already immortal.


Oh really?? But then don’t you pay market rate? What if I want one of my heirs to have like $0 rent lol


Update: I picked up For Rent, Crystal Creations, and the party one for my clubs, rec centers and party venues.


I've had my eye on Nifty Knitting. Now might be the time...


Do it!! I love the build/buy, but I love bright colors so I’m biased lol


I have most of them except the kits.


The only kit I don’t have I think I really want still is that party one, just because I love throwing parties lol I didn’t check yet if it was part of the sale 🤔


There are like 6 kitsI think I don't have


Yeah, I was thinking about the party one (not so much for parties but I love making night clubs) and the Riviera one just for the waterfalls because I also love making luxury pools.


I bought the Riveria and I’m obsessed!


The party one would bet very good for Nightclubs with the disco ball and the invisible dance floor.


I like it a lot! All of my venues are getting disco balls and smoke machines now.


I did the assign sim from a household to be landlord thing and it worked for me thankfully. I made the 'Royals' I had in Windenburg purchase a few lots with residential rentals and then I just play sims who moved into the lot with no issues. But I'm not gonna mess around with the landlord family at all just in case haha. Despite all the scary kerfuffles it brought at release, For Rent really has helped me better use one lot for a lot of families. For the sale I'm stuck picking between Crystal Creations and Home Chef Hustle. I like both themes but I'd rather only buy one new stuff pack right now so I'm conflicted.


I LOVE Home Chef Hustle and use it in almost every build, I just bought Crystal Creations today!


This sale I got Eco Lifestyle and Growing Together. I will get For Rent eventually but for now those will keep me amused! Lots to explore and unpack until the next sale


I’m excited lmao, I just got a job and hopefully my paycheck is in on time for the sale 😂 I’m definitely getting For Rent if it does, I’m watching James Turners playthrough and even though it still has some bugs it looks so neat!


My husband got it for me for Valentine’s Day and I really enjoy it. I haven’t played as a landlord yet, but I love the pack and the new interactions that come with it. And, of course, I always love having new worlds and new townies.


I got it last night! Excited to get into it!


I bought For Rent on the last sale ;) I think I'll just be getting the crystal creation thingee this time around. I THINK because I know deep in my heart, I just want more land/lots to work with lol They really need to give us another newcrest and open up some other worlds with more lots, especially Del La Sol - all that beach front going to waste!


Yes I want more lots but I did get For Rent and already moved in three more families, so I’m happy so far lol


I'm trying to build some nice townhouses in Tomarang, but I'm proud of the renovations I've made in my Willow Creek \[community garden, greenhouse & treehouse\] and Oasis Springs \[outdoor cinema & splash park\] parks so far lol


I finally got eco living because I was curious but ultimately not willing to pay more than $20 for it. I’d like to get For Rent but the sale price is I think still $30 - would you guys say it’s worth it?


For rent has really good build buy, I use someone from the pack in every build! I like the clothing with for rent too but it’s a lot of casual clothing imo. I love being able to build my own apartments/condos and I think it’s working well. I’m getting different rental issues which is fun to solve and give some negative play for my cushy sins lives. I did not think I’d like the pack as much as I do. The world is ok but it feels a little empty, I’ve only had one sim live there so far but that’s mostly because the households I currently play with live in a huge condo in oasis springs. As the kids grow up I plan to branch out.


I just got it yesterday, haven’t played much in the world but the build/buy and the fact that I’ve already added four households to one of my crowded works is exactly what I wanted!


Probably can't right now, but I'd probably buy For Rent and Snowy Escape because they're missing from my Console game. I'd by Strangerville for the same reason. The Country Living kit because I've been wanting it. (IDK why I didn't buy it with Horse Ranch.) A few clothes kits and any stuff packs I'm missing that appeal to me for console. Probably Tiny living and book nook for PC. The idea around for Rent doesn't appeal to me much, but it could be fun. I'm really just buying it because I love tigers and for more stuff for kids to do. And I want to see my sims use that unusual squat toilet. (As an American, that's a foreign concept to me.) Also looks like we got a lot of furniture with that one, as usual. If I had unlimited budget for Sims games, I'd buy all the stuff packs for my PC game except Paranormal, probably some choice game kits. HSY and GT for PC as well because those are the two I really want, and then Lovestruck for both console, maybe PC as well, but there's mods. I just want more plushies in the game. (preferably ones you can actually cuddle and aren't just decoration.)


I love Tiny Living and Book Nook, I use them in almost every build! The landlord side of For Rent doesn’t appeal to me at all but I really want to add more households to my world and keep some family members close together, also the build/buy looks amazing.


i unfortunately have bought every pack except for the about 7 kits. i think im one of the only people that likes kits overall and would happily spend $5 on them, but the recent ones don’t do it for me. im just not super interested in them, they all seem a bit… meh. i think im only going to buy them if i have a specific save where i need those specific items. right now, i dont have any use for the new kits and probably won’t play with them if i just buy them just to own them.


I didn’t think I needed Riveria but I picked it up this week and already used it in like four builds but I play a lot in Oasis Springs


Same boat haha. I think I have slightly less than half of the kits? For the most part, I buy them if they're REALLY my thing (the tiny campers kit was an IMMEDIATE add to cart, and the first kit I bought) and then when I'm building something that would benefit from one of them -- such as when I was building an abandoned haunted house with a library, and decided to buy the old clutter kit (can't remember the name) and the book nook kit.


I’m thinking about getting Cottage Living and maybe Growing Together, but I already hate infants enough as it is.


As a fellow baby hater, growing together made things 1000% more fun, I actually play with kids now, albeit not long before I add in a new household but the treehouse is fun, the world is nice and the splash pad/kids jungle gym is fun! I love adding lots of recreational lots and this added a lot to that for me! However, CL is one of the best TS4 packs there is! The animals, clothes, architecture and the townies are great and well thought out, the little errands you can run for others, and it's pretty large! One of the most satisfying in terms of bang for buck :)


Thank you! I think I’m going to take the plunge and get both.


🙌🏽 hell ya


the next ep


Yes, I finally caved and bought For Rent, I can't wait for the apartment possibilities but not touching the landlord aspect cause I'm scared of it breaking haha


I bought it and already put up two units. I have a Sim who is going to own all the properties in this save but mostly playing as tenant. Seeing the neighbor Sims in the community areas is 🤌🏽🤌🏽


I want the pastel pop strictly for the salt lamp but I'm holding our for a free I just can't bring myself to do it


lol I totally get it


I'm not buying For Rent until it goes 50% off, and I'm kind of waiting to get it until I finish with the current generation in my main save. I am eyeing the two new kits though.


I got Riveria earlier this week and I love it


I’m not buying For Rent for another like three years. Still too broken. Same reason I’m never buying My Wedding Stories.


Everyone keeps saying that, but I bought it the day it came out and I've had zero problems


I wouldn't say I have zero problems, but I would say that I have the same number of problems I had with the regular wedding system? Just as many sims sit down, and about just as many things go wrong lol. The dresses are gorgeous and the decor is nice, so I consider it a win


I was actually speaking about For Rent, I actually don't have wedding stories yet but it's on my list


I picked it up today, so we will see how it goes! I have my wedding stories but I just got it within the last year and I have to say I honestly haven’t had any issues but I know it’s one folks have issues with


I bought City Living! I've been wanting it for ages. Don't really want my sims to live in apartments because it sounds annoying, but I wanted the build items lol


On love city living!! Most of my sims have lived in one of those apartments at some point or another, but yes the build/buy is amazing!


Are a lot of the really devastating bugs fixed? I've been holding off downloading it because I'm afraid my save will corrupt or just general "broken can't play any of the features" stuff will crop up.


This is how I felt and I can’t give a testimony bc I’ve had it for like 24 hours but so far so good and I’ve tested both sides. The two pieces of advice I’m following is to build in residential mode and then switch to rental when done and don’t DL anything off of the gallery (but I build a lot so this wasn’t a dealbreaker for me), apparently some of the things in the gallery Apt’s contributed to some of the issues (like too many units on a lot or certain CCs used).




This exactly!!! I have a legacy save in Sulani and I’m tapped out so when I get back to them I can’t wait to build a beautiful multi-unit place. I just completed one in Oasis Springs and I know some folks said they never saw the neighbor Sims but I played last night for almost two Sim weeks in it and I see them all the time. But I also intentionally built garden style with open shared spaces, maybe other designs would be different, I’m not sure


I finally got Get Together, Get to Work and Spa Day. I've wanted them for years but other packs always seemed so shiny. Lol. Now that I have them they feel almost essential. I already don't remember how I was making due before.