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Walker, Kevin and Rúben then?


Seems like it. I think Rodri lost his 3rd place spot after the red as since it happened Ruben has been captain over him everytime I believe


Rúben should always be one of the captains by default, he's the best captain in the team by a mile, he just doesn't have the seniority the others have.


anytime Ruben is on the pitch... he just feels like the captain even without the armband... his ability to lead the line is unparalleled.


Can't be taught, you either like it or you don't. Some players have the necessary mentality for it, most don't. Can't be a good leader if you don't feel comfortable leading. He'll be City's and Portugal's captain for many years.


Rodri is still third. [source](https://x.com/cityreport_/status/1744333441347334478?s=46&t=H6t5dJBAO-QaDET684mDWw)


Ah ty I really thought Ruben had the armband over Rodri nit long ago but mightve been dreaming lol


Ruben was captain against Huddersfield as Walker & Silva were out sick, Rodri didn’t start due to the loss of his mother and KDB didn’t start. Silva would have been after Ruben also. My bad.


Ya that red cost us a win, was pretty stupid move, gotta control your emotions no matter what


I know the players decide their captain and not Pep, but this still seems unusual. Thought Kev was absolutely nailed on, and he's genuinely the beating heart of this team. No disrespect to Kyle, but I've not seen a ton of captain-like behaviour from him this last few months. Couple of bad results an he was nowhere to be seen after the game, meanwhile Rico Lewis is out talking to the press, trying to explain what happened in the last 20 minutes against Palace.


I think Kev is emotional, it’s part of what makes him grab a game by the scruff of the neck like when he goes all red, but maybe just means making sure everyone keeps their composure isn’t top of his mind. That said, if there’s anyone on the team who is prone to a totally brainless moment it’s Walker so who knows.


A player, I forgot who, recently said there was nothing scarier than Kevin when he is pissed off.




I trust the players to know best, we barely know anything about the dynamics of the team behind the scenes. Walker is clearly highly respected by the squad, so aside from showing his junk in public I assume he's setting a good example, this is a group of players that have after all seen plenty of great leaders throughout the years. De Bruyne is our best player and has been for years, but he's also been described as being fairly introverted off the pitch. He himself has said that he acts completely different as soon as he steps out onto the pitch. No doubt he's also respected by everyone, but it's a bit telling that a couple of seasons ago he dropped out of the leadership group altogether, iirc even Sterling was ahead of him at the time.


100% this take. The players voted! It doesn't matter if the fans see captain like behaviour from our lounge rooms. It's about who the squad wants to be their captain.


Coming from Sam Lee via the let me talk podcast a while back (start of the season), Kev isn't very keen on taking on the captaincy role like Walker does. It's to do with the off pitch stuff like making sure everyone is getting on fine, helping new comers and youngsters settle etc.


That’s it right there. There’s a much larger picture than just on the pitch.


Talent does not always equal leadership. De Bruyne clearly does his talking in the pitch, but he may not be as vocal, charismatic, or inspirational in the dressing room as the others. Doesn't take anything away from him as a player as he's obviously one of the best in the world, but that doesn't necessarily imply captain material.


True. He is actually less vocal. David Silva was similar too


ruben dias would have been a better choice imo..walker cant really stay calm


I think Ruben is Kompany's heir apparent, and the next long-term captain, but the players seem to lean towards tenure above leadership. That said, Kev has been here longer than Kyle so who knows, maybe Kevin just doesn't want to be first choice captain?


Spose you know better than the squad themselves? What we the fans see doesn't matter more than who the squad wants to follow


We don't see what goes on in training and in the dressing room. Players talk about how Kyle is always speaking in the dressing room and always helping the young players. Kevin has probably been somewhat absent of late and maybe he's been stuck in negativity due to his injury. Who knows. But when it comes to on-field leadership, I agree that Walker is is hot head who doesn't always set a good example. Edit: spelling


I have to say he would never be my choice for captain. But hopefully he knocks it out of the park


Yeah for me he'd be 3rd choice behind Kevin and Ruben


Not like we are the ones on the pitch


Jack Gaughan just said Kevin has decided to let Kyle continue as captain. That would imply Kevin was voted captain


That would be a development for sure.


If the players voted him captain then hes captain material. Yall can cry about it but it doesnt matter what any of us think at the end of the day lol


I’m actually disheartened at the amount of you who would not rate Kyle Walker, the best fullback England has seen and an absolute essential to this team, as our captain. Not to mention the players voted and they actually see, play and train with the man every day. “Not my first choice of captain” my ass!


fr someone who has common sense !! it's not like if it is the end of the world if kyle was chosen the new captain because kdb was injured long-term. i bet a lot of them complaining are the new city fans who have no ball knowledge. i love kyle and he is one of the best RBs ever and he should be more respected especially within this fanbase.


As a redditor who knows better than the players and the staff, I believe He ShOuldNt bE tHe CapTaIn BeCaUsE tHis AnD tHaT


Why didn't they let me pick smh


Erm guys what does it matter really for a team like man city which is already a well oiled machine and they always play so collaboratively? Does it even matters who wears the armband really? I don't really know how exactly changing captaincy works as success or failure is usually attributed to the manager so


Game against Crystal Palace was a clear example of what bad captain performance is. We were able to take lead but we’re not solid enough to keep it. With Gundogan nothing like this happened


you guys read too deep into this stuff. THE PLAYERS VOTED. That should be all you need to know to see how they feel about him. Jesus Christ y'all go hydrate


He's not in my preferred first 11 but I suppose I understand why they'd vote him captain.


I've been watching footy longer than you kiddo, and I can tell you for sure, Walker is the Prems best RB ever. By some distance actually. Class player.


Did you reply to the wrong thing


Well I think he's more well liked compared to other senior players, but not the best option imo.


God why? This man is not captain material. City have enough players to enable win matches and are not 1 of those teams that needs a captain otherwise they'd be fooked with him as captain. Dias just screams captain with everything he brings


Sure but it's player voted. I trust them


Yeah a sex offender is fit to be a captain for this Club. The rat spent the whole summer flirting with Tuchel and suddenly he’s the captain? Can’t be arsed with the rest of this season. What a load of bullshit.


You won’t be missed.


I feel that's a bit much. Guy wanted a garuntee of playing time after not playing too much last season and at his age, of course of he wants to play regular footy as long as he can. I don't hold the Bayern stuff against him. Though, if something as small as this makes you want to stop watching, then you deffo should.


He’s 34, lost his pace and athleticism, can’t defend, technically limited, doesn’t offer anything going forward. Why should he play?


Stop watching then mate. Problem solved 👍


Thanks for answering my question 👍🏻


Because you're not the manager and pep finds him useful.


No one can explain to me what he does on the pitch that merits starting every game. He even has more minutes than Ederson ffss


Lost his pace? He's not as fast as he was a few years ago but he's still pretty much nailed on to win a footrace against almost anyone in the league.


Go watch United instead then you fickle gimp


A sex offender 😂😂😂


So, if someone at another job starter asking you about moving positions for more money and a different role, you’d just simply ignore them instead of listening to what they have to offer? We like to think that clubs and players are loyal to each other, but clubs and fans won’t think twice to move on from someone who has slipped a bit, so why shouldn’t they be allowed to explore any and all options?


He should explore as many options as he’d like. This is just not the behavior of a club captain. Very obvious he put being a captain in the contract.


It's player voted 🤦‍♂️


You really think pep is the type of person to be blackmailed into making someone captain? He outcast cancelo one of our best players because he criticised pep for his lack of game time look how that turned out for us .


Since Benjamin left Walker is the one hosting the best team building parties so it makes sense


Wise choice


Wise choice


Internally voted? Sounds painful.


Speaks well, plays hard, wants to win EVERY contest. Vini jr tried to heel flick him. He didn’t do anything rash. Won the challenge and applauded to attempt. Big boy.