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Let’s see…less hours and more money, closer commute, and they’re sending you to training? What exactly are you anxious about? I work a weekend shift and get paid decent. Not much OT unless I want it which allows me quite a bit of time to work on hobbies/projects that I want to. Take the W


>Let’s see…less hours and more money, closer commute, and they’re sending you to training? **What exactly are you anxious about?** Most people are scared of change. I too would take the new job and never think twice. Them willing to send you to Mazak training tells you that they are a serious company. And $35/hr is a pretty decent wage. No need to kill yourself with overtime.


Agreed. Sending someone out for training is a really good sign. But yeah, change can be scary. I dunno I’d probably be more excited than anxious though.


Fear of success is real.


This company makes cnc machines tools like live centers, chucks, tool holders, it is highly rated locally. Now their market is on demand basis, that’s why they don’t have much OT. In the formal onboarding letter it said I was going to be a “at-will” employee, and I know this doesn’t really mean anything, but it does. and I’m just asking myself why they added it there so blatantly?


I've never worked anywhere that wasn't "at-will", that's pretty standard these days.


Right that's my whole state. Lol


It's every state, except Montana.


That didn't seem right to me so I googled it and apparently it IS every state and Washington DC. But there are a lot of states with excepting circumstances


Montana has workers rights? I'll be damned.


Gianforte is trying to correct that


They sound like a cunt


You are likely "at-will" at your current employer unless you're a union member.


The only way around being an "at will employee" is to join a Union. Best decision I ever made.


Seems like a good move up. What is making you nervous?


Honestly I don't even see the debate. Less stress, shorter commute, free training, more money, what's even your hang up? Loyalty? Don't ever feel bad about doing what's best for you, because that company is always going to do what's best for them. If they could find someone to do the work you do for $5 less an hour they would kick you out the door in a heartbeat.


If you’re worried about not getting OT do the math out and see how the new rate will work with your budget. going from high stress to low stress + more training is incredible! Right now you feel like a B tier machinist, maybe that extra training will get you to A tier, only way to find out is to try


OP Don't forget to factor in commute time when you're counting your hourly rate, a job closer to home pays more by decreasing your commute time (not to mention gas)


Done less stress is the best stress. Money is only one reason the keep a job. Sometimes work life balance trumps it.


Take the job, make some money, buy some old manual shit for your garage, and start doing odd jobs for the weird car guys near you in the time you'd normally be at work. Easy money.


It can be nerve wracking to leave a certain (if kind of shitty) thing for the unknown, but you won’t grow if you don’t. Sounds like you’re making the right move. If it doesn’t work out, you were looking for a job when you found this one; there’s plenty more out there.


I had anxiety after agreeing to come to my current job 7 years ago. Came from small job shops with a lot of pressure to do a lot with as little as possible. Went to a company that makes its own products. It’s a world of difference, my only regret is not doing it sooner. Best of luck to you hope it works out great


Run to new job


It’s always scary moving on. Remember that NO company will be dedicated to you when times get tough. Do what’s best for you and your family FIRST! And this is coming from a business owner


The only thing to possibly be anxious about is the mill-turn machine. It is a bit of a different beast at first, but with training and experience, it's just making chips. It's actually good to get out of your comfort zone and learn new stuff, it will make you a far better machinist. Good luck on your new gig, and don't sweat it, you'll be just fine.


Yeah make that move man, I’ve only quit a shop 3 times in my career but it was always for opportunity and never pay, never had a pay cut but didn’t actually get decent wages till I got in a good shop.


I would switch


Well it’s a potential loss of $1,000 a month if you lose the overtime, but if you can afford that and you’d be better off with all the perks of the new company then go for it


I would also recommend moving. I stayed at some shops long after the learning stopped and I regret it. Also my loyalty was met with small incremental raises. Bouncing will get you higher pay and more exposure to other machining strategies which makes you more knowledgeable and valuable. And all the sales people will tell you that multi function machines are the way of the future so leaning how to run them also makes you more valuable. Even if you don’t like it long term, and you jump ship after a year, a new shop will likely offer you $40 based on you saying you currently make $35. How long will it take to get to $40 if you stay? Probably a long, long time. I agree an OEM should be more laid back.


Sounds like a pretty smart move to me. Training is always a big plus. And yes, you will find a very different atmosphere in a production / manufacturing shop compared to any job shop. Good luck! Morty




Bro, congrats on the new job. Dont call yourself a "B Machinist". You got the job due to your experience and they believe they got the right guy. All you gotta do now is focus on the new job. Learn as much as possible and just do what you do best everyday. After the new workplace phase is over you'll be smoothsailing on th new job You got this!


Run, don’t walk, into that sweet sweet new position.


Smile and enjoy your new future you are making yourself


I love mazak. You will always have a job if you have experience with different mazak machines. They are everywhere.


I work for a manufacturer and I like it way more than a job shop. They’re more worried about consistency, and you see the same parts multiple times over so many opportunities to streamline your code or add an axis.


Great move. More time to live. Use it wisely. If the make life less stressful for the people that run your setups, that’s even better. Because then things will run even smoother so the higher up like that. Win win. The more loyal you are I. This trade the more underpaid you’ll be. Enjoy your life. If you can also enjoy your job you’ll be one of the lucky ones.


Sounds like a solid move overall. I think it’ll have a bigger impact on your home life than you think. At will is what it is, just make sure you are well read on your local labour law and how it actually impacts you, vs what boss man says.


Is that 31.8 +/- 0.1 or 31.8 +/- 0.001 ? Tolerance matters in all aspects of machining


Where you located I want to get paid that.


You had me at less hours


Anxiety around a new job is normal. Generally the decisions you make to leave are the right ones. Very rare that once you've decided to start looking that you're going to be happy staying. If you were you likely wouldn't have been looking in the first place. A month or two into the job and you'll forget all about the anxiety.


I was in a very similar position last year, I took the more money/less over time and don't regret it for one second.


Good luck on the new job man. More chili for less stress is always good, skills always level up when in a new environment also, another positive.


For what it's worth. Those mazak machines are damned nice to work on.


$31.80 at 40 hours is $1272/week, at 50 hours is a gross of $1749/week, 31.80 at 55 hours is a gross of $1987.50/week. $36 at 40 hours is $1440, so you’ll make less, but if you can afford to drop down then I’d say it’s worth it, training is invaluable and makes you far more marketable should you choose to leave the next shop.


I think your making a wise choice. Money yes but commute just as important and learning the Integrix will keep your mind busy for awhile. I used to run the only one Theranos had. Remember Theranos? Elizabeth the CEO got sent to prison for lying to investors about her blood sampling machine. I got out just before the poop hit the fan


Do it


Dude make the switch. More money, better tolerances, less responsibility, less travel? Remember that hourly pay is every day and overtime is never guaranteed, and usually doesn't help you make big purchases like a home. Five an hour is still ten grand a year my friend. Sounds like a good company to get on board with, and if it isn't, least you know for yourself.


It was all good until I heard Mazak…. Although, being an Integrex, good chance that they are using EIA over Mazatrol.


go for it!


Look at it this way, your new job will pay you $74,880 per year or $8736 more per year than your current base pay… but if you stay and work the OT you can make $66,144 plus OT $37,206 if you work all 15 hours for a total of $103,350 That’s $28,470 more with OT You’re young, I recommend to work as much OT while you are young bc the bigger your annual income the bigger your social security check when you retire. I work about 20 hours OT every week, that’s how I bought my second house, my wife’s new car, my travel, I’m frugal with my PTO. I’m not going anywhere The only drawback I see is stress that is inflicted on you, the pressure for perfect parts. The problem with that is actually not on the workers but on the process, a good quality system in place will help any shop. I say stay bro, maybe they’ll counter offer and work that OT like nobody’s business