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All of this sounds good, but we have to wait and see if EA will execute it properly.


Remember how cool progressive fatigue was gonna be?


You don’t love when it’s a game winning drive in the 4th quarter and you see your back-up C, RT, WR4, and WR 5 are in the game? Madden fans man….


I love it when I have my fourth string TE in as #1 or #2 WR most of the game by week 9.


I user multiple teams sometimes and I literally go through entire regular seasons before realizing my best reciever is on the bench and my runningback is my slot reciever shit be pissing me off in my sould


Lol or the 3rd down back spot takes all of the zone runs for some reason. He's a 3rd down back cause he's a good reciever, but I don't want him splitting carries with the RB1. So many basic things they can't get right. I just played a Chiefs franchise in M24 and auto sort lineup removes Karlaftis and Danna from 3rd down edge roles and puts in 60 ovr backups..... like wut. So so so many bugs I'm exhausted with this trashy lazy game


If you call a no huddle in I Form it'll also put FB at HB and HB at FB


Nah gotta turn that shit off


I can simulate the idea of progressive fatigue better through settings than the mode works.


Progressive fatigue is not hard to manage. Don't go for starters and full pads every week.


Tell that to the computer


Yeah because they still haven’t made it so you can put 5 receivers in an empty set afaik. Always has a rb and a tight end


Or execute it at all in some cases. Wouldn’t be the first time they didn’t deliver on something.


I have a feeling they will because the Madden EA team feeling the heat of college football so it will strive I think


"Special Teams, Special Plays, Special *Players*" But is there a Long Snapper position?


LS is a 32 ovr C that just gets cut ✂️


Mine are always 25 ovr TEs


So I’m a college long snapper and I’m sick of the long snapper disrespect.So I have made a way to rank them. 1.Snap accuracy:This is kinda subjective based on the punter but most guys like the ball at their waist/hip area. On field goals you wanna be a couple of inches above the holders knee. So the better the rating the more accurate they are and the worse the rating the less accurate.So if they have a high accuracy rating they will be at or around the left/right hip of the punter depending on whether they are left or right footed and right above the holders knee.The lower the accuracy rating the more off target the snap is (This doesn’t necessary mean that a lower rating automatically means the punter has to jump 5 feet in the air to catch the snap,rather it won’t be at the exact spot where the punter/holder wants it) 2.velocity:Most nfl snappers get the ball back to the punter anywhere from 0.75 seconds at the minimum,and most max out at around 0.65 seconds.Field goals aren’t usually timed but most are snappers range from 0.30-0.25 seconds.The higher the velocity rating the quicker the snap and vice versa. 3.Laces:Sorry Ace Ventura fans,but nowadays at the nfl and college level,it’s the snappers job to spin the ball with the exact same amount of rotations each time so that the laces are facing away from the kicker.The higher the laces rating the higher the chance that the holder won’t have to turn the laces.


No lol


The angle of Goodell makes him look like he's wearing an NFL face mask


I thought the exact same lol


I went on a 10 second mental tirade for nothing. Damn


Lol yea. I saw that & just knew someone out there got far too upset about it too


Franchise revamp? Heard that before 🙄


I’m not gonna get on my knees for EA but there have been SIGNIFICANT changes to franchise since Madden 22for example. Before then we were getting absolutely nothing. I don’t like EA as much as the next guy, I think other companies would do better but let’s not act like they haven’t changed anything.


It's not even about making changes. Football is relatively similar sport year over year. It's making a clean game for once. So many ridiculous bugs we just have to live with. Things that don't make logical sense, weird settings that break the game. Every. Single. Year.


The bugs are by far the worst part but this is just EAs calling card. Every single one of their games has problems with gameplay. At this point it’s something that must be seriously wrong and I don’t think they know what it is.


There was a post here by someone who worked at the game and EA basically just copies the game every year. There's 4 stages of bugs and they never fix stage 3 or 4 bugs, which is why you see the same bugs in the following Maddens


Makes sense why my linemen can never seem to block every year


What have they really ~~changed~~ improved though? The glitch where it rains at every outdoor stadium has been there for at least 3 years.


I’ve almost never seen it rain constantly except in places where it should like Seattle so I’m not sure what you’re saying.


That's crazy because literally every single online franchise me and my buddy do with a fantasy draft it rains or snows during every single game outdoors until a new stadium is built.


I play as Jacksonville, Carolina, Cleveland and St. Louis (Chargers but moved) with outside stadiums and rains very rarely. I probably get as many snow games as rain and it's mostly towards the end of the season.


We've played as pretty much every team possible and we had to stop playing with teams that have outdoor stadium because without fail the games outdoor have weather of some kind


We've played as pretty much every team possible and we had to stop playing with teams that have outdoor stadium because without fail the games outdoor have weather of some kind


they've changed a lot. try playing franchise or something idk or you can complain online


It's literally all I play when I play Madden, and I play it all the time. There have been very small adjustments, but the core functions have honestly gotten worse.


Draft system is completely different, FA, mini drills, practice, assistant coaches, schemes, coaching tree, cutscenes, I mean how can you possibly say nothing has changed? Whether they are good or bad changes is irrelevant as they are modifications nevertheless. I don’t think you played a single minute of Madden 22. You would only know how much different the game is, gameplay aside.


Sorry, I should have said what have they really improved though? I've played countless hours of every Madden going back to Madden 98.


At that point it’s up for interpretation and opinion based. I’m arguing they changed things, whether you liked the changes or not is not my concern and your opinion, but the claim that they don’t do anything but sit around is just incorrect


You're right. They actively remove features and game modes for seemingly no reason.


It’s gonna be like one or two changes and be called a revamp. It will likely be a better/more realistic version of the draft (based on the photo) and probably 1 other thing, maybe rookie minicamps or something like that


The description is also super weak 😔


It's meant to be a basic tease. We gotta wait for the actual reveal.


We’re getting fully customizable teams, that’s an actual revamp we’ve wanted for years


Well, we'll see what that ends up looking like, if it happens at all. It's difficult to get excited about something that was in the game 12 years ago, but got pulled because EA is is unreasonably lazy and greedy.


I honestly don't know why people say they promised a franchise reboot. When they were making promises of making franhcise better years ago, they said they were going to finally focus on franchise, not reboot it. To me, that's completely different. When they said that years ago, I knew they were just talking about adding on to what we already had, but they needed an actual reboot so I never really took it too seriously. In this case, it is supposed to be a reboot with a new guy in charge of it as well.


All I’m asking for is for Edge, Interior DL, Nose Tackle, and Off ball linebackers to be positions. And for the player tags to actually work in franchise


This is so simple too ‼️


New commentary teams is a solid W


Hi I’m Brandon Gaudin




Sounds like stuff we've all heard before. Franchise revamp, Boom tech, pass block logic, etc... Meanwhile I would be ecstatic if they could fix how everytime I go to swat a pass, my DB insteads dive tackles getting a PI. Or fix how a WR can come block me on a WR screen and then I get called for illegal contact. Or fix whats considered a tackle in their superstar mode so I can actually achieve the goals and upgrade my LB in superstar mode. Just simple fixes that shouldnt have made in out of play testing the past few years


New commentary teams is incredibly welcome, got so tired of Gaudin and Davis, but I do think there are some more established names that should've gotten the call before Kate Scott and Brock Huard. Could've brought back guys like Nantz or Colinsworth, or brought in someone like Romo, Buck, or Aikman. I guess they're going for the vibe of a custom broadcast team, and clearly aren't bothering w/ irl dynamics given that Tirico and Olsen are on separate networks.


Great value knock off commentators, they’re just cost friendly


I still can’t believe they use commentary teams as a marketing strategy. A majority of the community mutes all commentary at launch, especially content creators. The continued repetitiveness is off putting by the second game.


Hey, the drag route to the tight end isn't a staple of your offense. It's a staple of mine!


Facts. I simply turn on Spotify when I play Madden lol


Let’s not get too hyped here guys. It’s just going to be a copy and paste job from last year like it always is.


Recharged franchise mode? Pretty sure they've used that marketing spiel over the years...


All just “buzz” words will be a copy and paste with roster updates


I mean you can’t deny the graphics are amazing.


The graphics have been good. That's the least of the games problems. It's the gameplay that sucks.


They gotta remove the old face scans im tired of seeing those. The new ones are pretty good though.


I need new face options or the ability to create and customize a player's features in franchise for the love of God


I think the games graphics are probably it's biggest strength. It looks great in screenshots. When the game is actually being played, that all goes out the window. The gameplay has been really bad for years now. I understand wanting new face scans and I'm not against it, but I really hope they fix the crappy gameplay. I miss the days when Madden was fun and addictive to play.


The gameplay itself is most likely an engine problem, the gameplay isn’t bad I have a major problem with the glitches and clueless AI. That’s just a technical problem and all EA games have it. I’m seriously starting to think it’s something they deadass just don’t know how to fix.


Thats my fear with the new college game as well . If they can only do certain things in this engine, then how much can the gameplay really improve? I think the gameplay is really bad. I used to love Madden. Now I can barely make it through a season before I lose interest. I've gone back to playing older versions of Madden and NCAA because theyre just more fun.


Agree. Ever since they went to that fucking Frostbite engine.


Fix CJ Strouds hair for the love of all things


I'd argue that the Sim and the overall settings + endless bugs, are the worst parts. Gameplay is OK, it's enjoyable enough, but the game absolutely falls flat when it comes to simulating real football. It's an abject failure at that. The bugs are endless, it's exhausting having to constantly tweak settings, player depth, etc just because madden can't figure it out


The Frostbite engine has brought the greatest graphics ever across EA games— at the cost of literally everything else about it


The graphics always look sharper in these reveal trailers. Usually it barely noticed in game.




i'm hoping that they end the every time the corner brushes an aggresive catch the reciever drops it thing. that was so bs. all db play in general this year sucked. but if i did it id miss and itd be a free td😐


Will be so funny when the Giants stadium still has their 10th anniversary SB poster still up.


is roger goodell wearing a mask


No lol it's the microphone.


Hilarious. No one's excited about this. Everyone's more or less like, "Yeah, whatever. I'll believe it when I see it." The Madden team at EA should feel horrible about this being the prevailing attitude, but then again, it takes people with conscience to feel bad about anything.


Seems like a few good changes but it won’t be enough


We’ll see bro


Gimme create a team and the ability to play asap career as a O-lineman and I won’t say a thing about madden this year


they added create a team




in the franchise notes for madden 25


What’s the last madden that didn’t have a “franchise revamp” (or whatever bs wording the used). It’s never a revamp


u/DieselDougRedbeard this looks promising


In the Franchise Revamp slide, is the commissioner wearing a face mask?


No. It's the microphone. Threw me off guard at first Lmao.


I’m surprised they didn’t highlight the updated uniforms and updated kickoff rules. The new rules alone would be good as a selling point.


I’ll believe it when I see it, but this does look a little promising


I might Break my Madden boycott


I would have to play on PC as I don't have a console. Does anyone know if any of these new features would be available there? They didn't allow some things for the previous games.


They got the custom route stems. That’s one thing from the new college game i was hoping to see added.


This is some bullshit




I can care less about atheistics. I want to see what happens under the hood. 32 team control pre-Madden 13 style will be awesome without having to cycle through user menus to alleviate all horrible roster moves, drafts , and free agency. Real coordinators with their own playbooks would be nice


I just hope it doesn’t bug out all these features are cool but all of that could mess up the game to


Cautiously optimistic…


Most of these, especially the gameplay things are said every year. The biggest takeaway from this initial news i have is, two announcer teams?! That's nice to have.


Mike Tirico and Greg Olsen are big upgrades


I mean, I love remaking the draft because I mean, hey, I live for the off-season. I just don’t know if I’m gonna be playing this enough to work buying it. I’m gonna be all over college football.


It’s the best Madden in years imo I got the beta invite on pc


"Kate Scott" yapping all game is all I needed to see to secure not buying this game


Sounds the same as always tbh


Does goddell really have a Covid mask on?




We’re at the stage where some folks get hyped about the game, others tell them the CLASSIC “it sounds good but we’ll have to see if I believe them” and then the game will come out, everyone buys it, and then we all (rightfully) shit on it.


I want the draft to be good so badly but it has a long way to go in its current state. Hard for me to get all excited considering how the last few “draft improvements” in regards to immersion have gone. Teams actually drafting need instead of two qbs in the first round and cpu teams making trades with each other during the draft would add a lot. Graphics and cutscenes aren’t what makes the draft interesting but it feels like that is what the update is going to be focused on


The sweat face pics make me laugh every time. IT NEVER LOOKS LIKE THAT IN GAME BY ANY SPORTS GAME EVER


No Gaudin and Davies? I’m out


They are still in the game. It'll be 3 commentary teams now.


And ya'll gonna fall for EA's junk once again M24 was quote/unquote.. a make or break year for EA .. It was a sales pitch and that's all it was - the game was still terrible and yet everyone fed into EA's bs once again




They need to have it like 2k. Yk how their franchise goes on for 80 years. They needa have that for Madden. I’ll build a team win a couple Superbowls but once I start a very good dynasty team 30 years is up😭


My computer ran Madden 23 but madden24 would load everything worked great until gameplay so I doubt I will be able to do Madden 25


This is probably one of the last couple shots EA has before they could potentially lose the exclusive license. Vote with your wallet. Don’t fall for the same shit, franchise was supposed to be revamped for 22 and then they held it off for 23 and that never happened.




Yeah idk people are taking this a bit far. This franchise mode is unrecognizable from Madden 22. I’m not saying it’s better, but they are at least making changes.


How did they improve it? Covering up the coach main screen? Making scouting worse? The player resign revamp makes no sense 80% of the time. The CPU can not run a team or manage a salary cap at all. The improvements were crap compared to what EA can really do for us.




I like the idea of motivation tags but then you get guys that want to play in warm weather but want to be close to home in Pennsylvania. The scouting was worse, doesn’t mean they made it better. The only reason o care about the UI is it still lags. The point of getting rid of the coach doing things in the background was for ui lag. It’s still there causing lag. They just covered it up with a blank screen


That’s funny. EA and the NFL are making bank together regardless of how good or not the game is.


These are all good changes and things people have been asking for. Hopefully, it's done well.


just fix the fucking bugs and we’ll be happy. i havent paid for madden in like three years


You can call me a negative Nancy but I don’t believe a single word. I just want to play again like Madden 2004. Franchise was fun and quite in depth, and the hit sticks were brutal. Now it feels like a game by an indie developer with lack of content.


All of these words to say « we did the same as the last 10 yars lmao »


When will people learn? It's all bullsht!


So nothing different for franchise…great…