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This kid got the spirit!


I miss being young and living with imagination like this, zest for life in my own little world.


I think we can find that sense of play again even as adults


Oh I totally agree, it's just that back than it was so effortless and like a default setting. Like nowadays, with anxiety or being stuck in my head and having difficult stay in the present moment, it can be a struggle for me to just relax, enjoy, and have fun at times.


Look up the concept of beginners mind in mindfulness; it’s precisely this - one of the core tenets of mindfulness is learning how to see things again the way we did as children; with wonder and curiosity and joy.


[Enigma - Return to Innocence ](https://youtu.be/Rk_sAHh9s08)




Yeah but at the same time a small child doing this is cute. 9 times out of 10 a full grown adult attempting to do this whether they be scrauny or somewhat lean is going to be really cringy


A full grown adult doing this? Like Hulk Hogan? 😂


My thought exactly, I’m like wait … isn’t that what the WWE is?!


Who said anything about a grown adult dressing up and doing this? Lol I was just talking about the general conceptualization, how understanding and dealing with your emotions as an adult comes with far more complexities than it does as a child. Of course, a grown ass man doing this might be a bit weird. Lol


It's okay OP, I knew what you meant.


It's very possible. But coming from a 55 year old, people don't take you seriously when you're running around like a 12 year old in a candy store at the grocery. You have to have grandchildren with you to make any kind of nonsense acceptable. Fortunately since I'm pretty much a 12 year old...I don't give a shit and still dance down the aisles and find myself laughing out loud at myself for doing g something stupid. You only live once.


> You have to have grandchildren with you to make any kind of nonsense acceptable. Fortunately since I'm pretty much a 12 year old...I don't give a shit and still dance down the aisles Amen. One of the greatest tragedies of our adult lives is letting the "social acceptance" and opinions of strangers dictate our lives. Our time is already precious short, enjoy it to the fullest!


The key to that is having kids. My son is a license for me to act like a total goofball everywhere I go.


I've wanted to be Dad since I was 18 and know I would make a great one, but I'm not going to lie I'm absolutely terrified. Terrified of not living up to how good of a Dad I was blessed with, terrified of losing all my free time and all the stress and responsibilities, terrified of something happening to them, terrified of how much the social climate has changed in the world and raising kids in it... I don't know... I'm just terrified... and I'm already 30.


Hi. 47. Father of two. It’s totally worth it. You’ll be fine.


I'm a 2nd Grade teacher and I can tell you that it's entirely possible - BUT a sense of imagination is a creative muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. I think that in the past, people used to have very vivid imaginations and there was a point in the 70s-90s where it peaked. We had all the technology necessary to inspire but not so much to overwhelm our senses. Nowdays, with the level of animation and video editing that we see on a daily basis, most people don't use their imaginations at all because there is so much media being created and broadcasted/consumed. Back in the day, you would imagine or play make-believe what it was like to be a superhero - now there are over 100 live action movies that you can watch. It's almost comparative to becoming a great cook at home - one person cooks daily and uses the skills while the other person orders out every night. I see it even in my own students and children. I have a stronger imagination than some of my 2nd Graders and the ones who are like that are typically the ones who either play lots of video games, watch YouTube/Twitch at a young age, or those whose parents let them on social media like TikTok. My own children have very strong imaginations and aren't in a race to stop being kids, but that's because my wife and I reinforce and model the importance of a strong imagination. Imagination = creativity = innovative thinking It's a phenomenon that I don't think is being looked at because I don't think most adults value imagination in anyway, yet they look back on it with a sense of regret. I think consuming too much digital media and not engaging in artistic experiences can be an imagination killer to some degree. The imagination exists on the screen so your brain doesn't need to do any work - I think it's similar to what happens in the mind when reading a book. Main idea: imagination is a muscle that can be gained or lost. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


If you do some acid it pretty much makes you feel like a kid sometimes. I went to an aquarium while on acid and it felt like going for the first time ever as a kid again. Even though I had been a number of times as an adult sober. Also don't ever go to an aquarium if it's your first time doing acid, do it somewhere comfy and safe.


Don’t lose your dinosaur


Idk for me it takes acid to get that childlike wonder and adventure back


Children’s emotion often seem so pure - they’re 💯% angry when their angry, 💯% when their ecstatic, or 💯% miserable when their miserable, and they instantly can switch between them. Adult emotions seem far more nuanced.


Now as an adult, I can feel depressed and anxious inside, yet on the outside smiling and somehow laughing or making some laugh, all that same time. As a kid, you shed that mortal coil of whatever emotion you're feeling and shake off that emotional energy by acting out, being loud, yelling in anger, whining, or crying. As an adult, you can't get away with behaving like that in public and have to find other ways to release your emotions that takes more time and conscious effort or sometimes are just blocked from getting them out due to your mind state.


I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew, brotherrr! So freaking cute 🤣 haha




I know, right? Dammit, now I'm pumped and in the mood to power bomb my little brothers. And my little brothers are 22, 26, and 28 now.


>And my little brothers are 22, 26, and 28 now. That's perfect, means they won't see it coming now


I like how you think. 🧠 Come Thanksgiving they're all screwed. Might even DDT my grandma while I'm at it.


Nah nah tombstone your grandma on the family thanksgiving table


Rest. In. Pees.


Now that’s what I’m talking about ahahaha


Go for 26 first. Trust me.


Like that was legitimately good. Forget he's six he had moxy and charisma in that delivery. Bright future ahead ☀️


Love this. Got my feels.


Brings back memories. Everything felt so new and exciting at that age. The smallest and most simple things would just blow my mind.


This kid cuts a better promo then 95 percent of current Wwe wrestlers.


Kids such a future WWE prodigy he's already been diagnosed with Wrestle Mania.


vince has already booked his loss to reigns at wm55, 56 and 58.


Hulk was our favorite back in the 80s when my dad watched wrestling with us kids. That was cute to watch.


I'm pumped! I've been drinking green tea all goddamn day. God, I go to church every goddamn Sunday, you gonna bring the demons outta me?


"Sorry, I'm kinda grumpy today, dude. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I was having those dreams again. Ya know, how it's just me in a castle and I gotta fight, like, a thousand wizards and the only way to beat them is to punch them as hard as I can in their faces. Then, when I'm done, all their little wizard wives came out and wanted me to have sex with them." Such a good movie 🤣 so glad you qouted it because I've had it on my "Watch List" for a month now because it's been like 5 years since I've seen it, yet I'm quoting it all the time.


Hahaha, I'm glad you got the reference! I haven't watched it in years. I might need to go back myself, now that you mention it.


What movie is this from?


Hot Rod


The best wwe is when I used to think it was real


It’s still real to me dammit!


For me it was Rey Mysterio! Then a tie between Goldberg and Stone Cold.


Ultimate Warrior was my G. I didn't realize it was just a cocaine and steroid fueled frenzy at the time, but it makes it cooler now.


Goldberg was my favorite even though undertaker was badass.




The WWF days, UW was my fav too along with demolition as my favorite tag team. *Here comes the Ax* *Here comes the Smasher* *We're Demolition, Walking Disaster.*


I used yo love Stone Cold Steve Austin lol.




I think also went through a child emo phase where I was into Sting & The Undertaker. Lol




Holy shit I haven’t seen a reference to that old video in forever. Thanks for the throwback. (For people who haven’t seen ever seen it, because it is legit super old by online standards: https://youtu.be/Yvd3aEsThbc)


It was great being in HS in the 80s actually debating this. I went to event in 1987 and it was awesome. It was crazy live. Playoff hockey level energy. So fun


Well they still doing crazy shit Its not fighting but look at them like Stuntman They still doing stuff like throwing themself from the cage etc


Wait, it's not real?! 😳




Man, I loved it as a kid because it was all real to me, then grew out of it but when I learned about how alll of it was just an act, every single televised scenario, every fan interaction, every time they wore their outfits, it kinda made me respect it a whole lot more


Come on! Hulk Hogans gotta be feeling so good about life! Bravo to that kid!!!


Hogan had a genuine pop when the kid started ripping his shirt, that shit was hilarious.


I like how hulk started with how you still got your shirt on and the kid took it way beyond what hulky could’ve possibly hoped for


What if the Hulk really kicked in, out of muscle memory, and as they shook hands... Hulk picked up the little dude and Tiger Suplexed him through the table and then proceeded to do a Standing Elbow Drop on the kid... then everyone stops laughing and it just gets super quiet.


I think you mean everyone gets super quiet...before busting into raucous cheers.


Reminds me of that old Sting commercial where he just whoops the living shit out of the kid he visits.






Don't worry, he probably charged that kid's parent a signing fee to only sign his new book or whatever project he is working on.




>destroy Gawker Media group Well he did at least one good thing I suppose.


His voice deeper at 6 years old than mine at 26 years old. 😭🤣


I was getting [a Boulder vibe from him](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TtS1Z4200dw)


Voiced by Mick Foley btw!


What a legend


That was adorable. I love how he had the t-shirt ripping planned.


I loved Hulk Hogan at this age too and cried when Warrior beat him 😭😂


What ever you do, do not rewatch that fight. I unfortunately watched it a few months ago and ruined my memory of the fight, it’s so damn bad. I remember Hogan saying Warrior wanted to end it minutes in, but Hulk said no way


Yea they were larger than life as kids but ultimate warrior was legitimately terrible in the ring. also the big splash is the lamest finisher of all time.


Hogan is infamous for making shit up a lot and changing stories year by year (there are very long lists on the internet of nonsense he's said through the years). That match was planned out move by move so no way Warrior wanted to end it early.


Yeah because warrior was gassed out! The way ultimate warrior was, high energy, could only last for so long in the ring.


He needed a way to snort cocaine during the match then he would have been fine


I actually hated Hogan and his ultimate. A freaking leg drop?!? What gave him more weight than any other common move just like the leg drop? We had a name for the thing many of the wrestlers did just before becoming basically invincible: les dio la chiripiolca. A thing in a Mexican show called El Chavo where the guy got this thing that made him look like a statue. Anyway, the moment when Hulk kicks Ultimate Warrior and goes to the rope I was "fucking Hogan not again with the same basic shit" but then UW gets up I was cheering like mad at my old TV lol.


The way Hogan's eyes popped out of his head when the kid ripped his shirt off 😂


enroll that kid in theatre asap, that kid is awesome


This kid cuts better promos than 90% of pro wrestlers right now


He seriously has more charisma than most adults I know! That kid is going places for sure.


Gotta show this at his wedding. Lol


Lol! This is great, thanks for sharing


Happy cake day! 🎂


Hulk just turned 70. I feel old as balls now.


I truly laughed out loud! That kid has something special!


Awesome! 💪🏼


One thing I've always respected and really appreciated about "professional" wrestling is that despite these roided out angry freaks beating each other up in the ring... This is a show for kids. Watch a match, it's 50 - 75% Dad's and their kids. I'm not a fan of the sport, but I'm a fan of that. And guys, dare I say institutions, like the hulk are the chefs kiss on an amazing product


> Watch a match, it's 50 - 75% Dad's and their kids. Maybe in the 80s, but in general the average fan is still a dude in his mid 30s. Those are the ones that spend the most.


Yeah you can tell they love doing it for the fans. If I was hulk and a kid did this to me I would be so proud of myself knowing how much joy I have brought to people


On the first episode of "Heels" there's a montage to the song "Anyone Who Knows What Love Is." That said it all, especially in the show's context of a small regional wrestling outfit. If you don't have some ingrained love for the sport you won't last--it's not an easy life. The latest episode actually touches on the sad long-term impact it can have on a performer. ("Heels" is a really good show. I want people to watch it so we get a season 3.)




That was awesome!


I bet all my money on the young future






I didn’t forget, just didn’t know. Add it to the list




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Hulk is a racist and real piece of shit!


Yeah when the title said the kid called him out I was expecting something different


"Teaming up with evil asshole Peter Thiel to destroy a media outlet and thus undermining the free press in America - even if it was a shit rag - fundamentally let me lose all respect for you!"


As bad as they both may be, I don't think peoples private lives are in the public interest. As with free speech, free press means free from government intereference, not free from consequences.


Also when some wrestlers were trying to set up a union he fought against them and I think maybe ratted them out to management.


Hell yeah brother


I hope they got pics together!


That'll be $40 brother.


I created a list when I was a teen that is basically one question I'll ask a celeb if I ever meet them. Hulk Hogan is on that list. The question? How much fun or not fun did he have doing Mr. Nanny?


That kid is amazing!


Made me smile


I want to meet Hulk Hogan.


This turned out more wholesome than i thought


He’s going places. Maybe county jail but definitely places


This is cool and all but you just know the hulkster's standing there thinking "this kid stealing my spotlight ain't workin' for me, brother"


You know he practiced that in the mirror for months


Seeing massive HULKing men act like this with their younger fans is something that can never be replaced in this world.


That was pretty rad. Kids are awesome.


I was not expecting the shirt! Tears in my eyes!


This kid hogans


He’s got better mic skills than most of WWE


I would enjoy seeing hulk be so loved and known by this kid so long into his career if he wasn’t a huge racist pos and someone who is generally disliked my many of his fellow wrestlers


The dislike is fully earned, too. He ruined any chance for decent healthcare or unionization. People’s lives have been absolutely ruined by the wake of his actions, though, knowing McMahon, maybe it would’ve gone the same way regardless.




Lolol adorable!!!!


When it said "calls him out" i thought the kid was gonna call him racist


LOL. That just made my day


Damm and dapped him up too lol


Hogan was so proud 🫡


Did the Hulk ever get money from Gawker?


Let's get this straight.hogan has wrestled properly on a big stage in over like 15 years.so this kids parents are getting VHS tapes and DVDs and stuff to show him the golden era of wrestling.back when it was most important to have a show that appeals to kids.Thats what hogan dod he literally started the first boom period of wrestling in the 80s.i applaud his parents fit showing him something he likes.even if he don't down the road.and may he get a Hulk Hogan figure


The voice in my head when reading through /r/THE_PACK


50 bucks for a Foto with the Belt, Kid.


Not a fan of Hulk, but that is definitely a good one


Sometimes it's good to meet your heroes.👍🏾


Hulk had that twinkle in his eye, the “what if I launch this kid…”


Did my man just out Hulk Hogan’d hulk hogan?


I'm surprised Hogan put the kid over, he didn't have a tan!


Hulk looks soo proud


He did it better than prime Hogan without having to hork a bin of coke. Kid's going places.


This kid is more hulk than hulk.


Heeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll yeah brotherrrrr.


Give me ur best bruutherrr


Shows the appeal of that character..how it reaches kids that weren’t born until long after he he was an active performer


That kid was well raised ! GG


DJ Khaled trying to get his son out of the way before chairs start flying


Kid just got me pumped up!!


I'm 33. I can't say I wouldn't also mark out meeting Hulk.


So cute🥰😂😂




Let Me tell you something Brother, if it were up to the Hulkster, this little Hulkamaniac would be my son, and that jabroni Nick brother, he can hit the road JACK and if he knows what’s good for him brother, he’ll never come BACK💪💪💪🇺🇸🇺🇸👴


Give that kid the belt!


Never liked wwe/wwf growing up and still don’t but dammit if this doesn’t put a smile on my face! Hulk helped this kid achieve a core memory


His parents did great job hulk don't even wrestle no more and got the whole script down


Hulks lived in Clearwater beach Florida for a long time. We used to run into him at the local gym. Was always such a cool guy and was always cool interacting with people in public.


i love the proudness you can see on Hogans face


This. Is. Incredible!


Thats a super star


Love this kid energy even I wouldn't dare to do that


years ago Wrestling was in town. the next afternoon I was walking down the street and see Hogan and another wrestler coming out of a restaurant. a few kids were there on the sidewalk down from the restaurant. when he saw the kids see him he started in on his buddy. they exchanged slaps across the chest, hammer fists to the head, and The Hulkster finished him off by grabbing dude's hair and slamming his head against a city trashcan there on the sidewalk.


So cute 🥹


The kid NAILED IT!!! 😂


The fact that this is still a thing gives me so much joy lol


How awesome was that!!!


I dunno how he kept a straight face. That kid was AWESOME!


Holy shit, that kid knocked it out of the park!


Props to lil man.


He’s fabulous!!!!


I will back this kid till the end brother


I feel like we just saw the coolest kid on the planet...


If hulk hogan was questioning the meaning of life and what he was doing. This moment definitely gave him some perspective and brought a smile to his face.


More character than half the current WWE roster.


Awesome brother


"The first time I met you I was 3 years old, but now I'm 6 years old, so now we gotta take it to a bigger level, man!"




Top 5 proudest moments of dads life ngl


r/Deadlockpw This little DUDE can go one on one with the real BROTHER, JACK. James, Jawnny, and Tony have competition here, BROTHER. Who's the realest, pastamaniac brother dude in this ham shop?


I can see this kid become a professional wrestler in the near future




I’ve found myself, a near 40 year old man who grew up watching early early 90s stars up through to the early 2000s, re-watching a lot of the old matches. So good. So entertaining. So athletic. So incredible.


That kid is a MASTER impersonator, I have watched this three times now and I’m STILL giggling.


Made me smile…. And watch it 8 times in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lol is that DJ Khalid on the left? Haha


Even at 6 years old, this kid knows how to lay the smackdown with cuteness!


Idk who met who


This is kind of cool


My former boss ran a shuttle service from Denver, Colorado (USA) to various skiing destinations. One of his regular passengers was Hulk Hogan. He said that Hulk was such a very, very nice guy. So 😊 to Hulk. The world needs more nice people.


The kid really went for it