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The little hearts they are holding up ❤️


My favorite part! And they're all unique! So adorable. Bet that was the highlight of the court staff's year Edit: no, my favorite part is still kids in the front row barely able to see


I know the little eyes peeking




They look like the little rascals… of love!!


I like to imagine them all sitting on phone books for a boost to complete the image


I wish there were more events that gave us opportunities to hold up hearts on a stick to show support


Make your own heart on a stick days, be your own heart on a stick day fairy 😊


The kids are so great! This is incredible support.




He's five. I didn't know any five year old that sits without moving in a chair.


One of my kids used to just sit there, all normal and content with his thoughts. Weirded me the fuck out. I’ll probably work for him someday


Before covid, my niece was like that. As a toddler she could just sit in a seat on a bus, train, plane, ANYTHING, all quiet and for the most part still. I would take her on the train into Boston all the time and people would constantly comment to me how well she was behaved. It was so weird having complete strangers, Massholes even!, just strike up a conversation with me how quiet she was. Unfortunately covid killed that precious, well behaved girl. Now she has the attention span of a gold fish and gets irritated very easy. Fuck you quarantine.


Take another look at this post and imagine being the reader before the last two sentences.




I actually read until the third last sentence and I was like, that's sad Then I continued and WTF.






My heart broke and then got very confused. Wow. That was ummm a choice.


I am confused? What am Im I missing . ?


“Unfortunately COVID killed that precious, well behaved girl…” Thats what they are talking about. Sent people who read it wrong for a roller coaster of emotions


> Massholes What does that mean?


I had to google it. An asshole specific to Massachusetts apparently. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Masshole


Yeah Massachusetts people (especially Boston I think) have a reputation for being a certain type of “asshole” lol. Will help a stranger if their car is stuck in the snow while calling them an idiot for getting it stuck in the first place (exaggeration maybe but that’s just how people describe the vibe). We also won’t go out of our way to act friendly to people who aren’t actually our friends. We can also be very aggressive but skilled drivers due to Boston’s unique driving challenges (I personally can’t stand when people with out-of-state license plates drive like old geezers or look more at google maps than the road), which can come across as driving like an asshole. I personally don’t use it because I just don’t like the word, but my parents do sometimes. I also know this isn’t exclusive to people in Massachusetts but that’s just our reputation. I think it just comes from living in New England lolol. Source: from a family of native Bostonians going back generations.


I definitely don't think it applies to all New Englanders. They are certainly prickly for sure, but not rude. I grew up in central MA and people are just so rude and don't even use common curtesy. No pleases, thanks yous or your welcomes. I went up to VT, NH, ME all the time and everyone is so nice! I'm so grateful I had a southern grandmother because I got pinched a lot as a kid if I didn't use proper manners.


Go watch Good Will Hunting.


I was like this. When I was too young for school my grandma would take me with her when she’d clean houses and I’d just sit on the couch and wait quietly.


Same. It was ✨ anxiety ✨


My ADHD sometimes manifested like that. Just daydreaming for hours. But other days I'd be walking around and talking to myself rather than sit still. I really shouldn't have used past tense those are still my two modes lol.


My adhd presents like this too! I’m either day dreaming or having an internal spiral because I need to do something. My 8 year old though, his makes him unable to sit still at all, kid is like fuckin sonic go go go go all the time


You already work for him technically lol


I am 24, I am unchanged, my posture is inevitable.


I’m 42 and still do that. Though excessive coffee consumption might have something to do with it.


If you cant hear colours your not caffeinating correctly.


That explains the woman at my art group who is so good at describing art with sounds




That would have never flown in my house growing up, but I love how he feels comfortable enough to do it!


He excited bro give him some leeway... he's being adopted!!!


Game recognize game


Why does this take so long mommmmmm


Bro is having the best day of is life, there's no way he can stay still


That is perfectly understandable, and I hope he had a nice day 😂


This is great!Sorta related but my 5th grade teacher got married that year and she invited the whole class and I’d say we all showed up. It was pretty neat. And I guess she like us.


My whole class went to our 1st grade teacher’s wedding back in… oh fuck that was 1996 🥲


in 1998 my whole 1st grade class showed up at my dad's funeral.


That must be a bittersweet memory for you.


I hope that's a good memory for you, in a weird way.  My father died when I was 4, and my mother sent me off to live with some cousins for a few weeks while she delt with the aftermath and burial.  Having a chance for my friends to be there for me probably would have saved me a lot of therapy to be honest.  I'm sorry for your loss though, at that age it's really hard.


My brother was in marching band when my dad was killed, the whole band showed up and played at the gravesite ceremony.


How do y'all remember this shit lol. I genuinely remember very little before the age of like 8.


same! but back in 1991, she became my godmother shortly after, truly a gifted teacher, she still teaches the 1st grade!


Did you guys behave? What did you guys wear? Formal clothing?


Yeah! We all dressed up in our Sunday best and went to the ceremony. She was getting married not far from the elementary school so we all went to the church and i think one of the parents took us out for ice cream afterwards lol


So you were not invited to the reception? It's still kinda cute you went for the ceremony.


Oh damn I went to my teacher's wedding as well when I was that age, completely forgot that!


That’s so cool! My 1st grade teacher’s bf purposed to her in front of the whole class at assembly ! When they kissed we all went “ewwwwww!” 🤪 😇 the children were not invited to their wedding lol 


If I kissed my fiancee and recieved a unanimous, "ewwww!" from 30 kids, I'd demand a video. That would be an unimaginably funny, precious memory.


I can’t remember who it is specifically but there’s a somewhat popular tiktoker who’s almost a teacher and his most viewed video is of his parents walking him down the aisle at his wedding while he very very barely keeps it together and all of his students (I think he’s a high school teacher) were standing off to the side lol.


All in the front row, with only noses out. Adorable. God bless their hearts.






Juvenile court judge is one of the most heartbreaking judicial jobs there is... judge is going to milk a good day for all its worth.


when we adopted our oldest, the judge said this exact thing... "in a sea of heartbreaking cases, it is wonderful to sit on this beautiful one"


I guess we didn't appreciate this... We adopted our child from abroad so by the time we went before the judge to finalize the adoption we'd already been together for a couple months and saw it as more of a formality at that point. Thr judge seemed kinda disappointed? We dropped kiddo off at daycare and went back to work.


😭😭😭 you weren't wrong


>they all made paper hearts to hold up So pretend I'm 5 and get a couple to adopt me, and everyone will show up to court with paper heart cutouts... Plan in motion!


You put away those dang onions RIGHT NOW-


It made the whole court’s day, 100%. Family law courts are usually pits of human misery and despair, but adoption day is like a ray of light. If an adoptee’s whole class showed up, it must have cheered everyone up so much.


Me too😥😥


I object your honor! Crying on the witness!


Same. It's so sweet. I'll stop scrolling now. Leave on a high note


Not me I'm happy


Hi Happy I'm Dad!


There are happiness tears, you might want to consider that not everyone's emotional experience is identical to your own.


Thank you for saying that. I have a lot of stories which should elicit your tears but I'm quite busy at the moment, do you mind just taking my word for this and crying? I promise I'll follow up later


Sigh... *Unzips*


Only you would be sad at the sight of a child being adopted. You cruel, heartless, harpy.


Have you not heard of happy tears? I'm hoping you just forgot to put /s at the end of your comment


Of course lol. /s


I was adopted at 15 and had the entire percussion section of the marching band go with me (I was in drumline at the time)


Did they do a ba dum tss when the judge spoke (at least once)?


Forgive me if this is too personal but I'm planning on adopting in the future myself. What was it like being adopted as a teenager? Did you "accept" the situation quickly?


My situation was kind of unique to be entirely honest. I grew up in an abusive household and was kicked out when I was 15 for being queer. But my adopted parents had basically already been raising me anyways. I was at their house every day from when I was like 9 so when I was kicked out they took me in and adopted me. A large part of me was relieved and grateful I was part of a family that actually cared about me, but because of my situation I was also a ball of rage for awhile.


Thank you for sharing. The idea of giving a kid a home is the most precious to me.


It's a selfless thing to do! Every situation is different but I feel obligated to warn you that the kid may battle you sometimes and rebel. After adoption I had a serious "punk rock rebel" phase. If they do have that, don't look at it as a failure on you.


My significant other licenses foster families and I go to different parties for the families with kids in foster care or have been adopted. It warms my heart every time to see how much love people are capable of. The truth is that fostering and adopting a teenager is different than the model people usually have in their heads of adopting a toddler and going through all of the traditional milestones. Because they've already lived a lot of life many people think the relationship with a teenager won't be that rewarding but when I meet people who specialize in teenagers and have, say, 15 kids who have lived with them and are now adults it sounds pretty rewarding emotionally to have affected so many lives. However much time you have with a kid, whatever age they are, whatever challenges they bring with them, as long as you pay attention to the training and have good intentions, I guarantee you are making a difference in their lives.


Yo that’s sick, I’m 15 and in marching band rn!! (Trombone)


What a great field trip to celebrate their friend and to see a positive, age appropriate side of the legal system.


[Here](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50683948) is the BBC article about it.


Oh my God I would've probably been asked to leave the courtroom had I been there because I'd definitely be ugly crying.


Goddamnit, I’m in a bar and and getting a bit weepy.


> the five-year-old declared, "I love my daddy!" as his father visibly welled up. Ugh - damn those onions! Thank you for positing the article!


Be warned,  onion ninjas wrote that article!


needed that today, thank you


This is humanity at its best. Good on everyone for showing up and congrats to the young lad and his family.


He didn’t just get adopted only into a family, he also got adopted into a community.


as an adopted person myself, this is making me cry. this is absolutely fantastic


Same. Good tears though. Love it for him.


Their little faces over the railing are melting my heart. How wonderful.


In true 5 year old fashion he’s already sitting there bored af 😂😂😂


It's a terrible day for rain.


hahaha all those little heads peeking up from the grownups' benches!! and those little hearts! ❤️


During the hearing, each child introduced themselves and explained why they had come to celebrate. "My name is Lily and I love Michael," a little girl told Judge Patricia Gardner, *who wore a necklace of Christmas decorations for the occasion.* I love that she wanted to dress up for the occasion and Christmas decorations are what she chose.


How do I say this. A friends family, the family's very tight knit, and one of the adult sons and their wife was adopting daughter of the wife's sister (her mother had OD'd). The family is the family of the husband, and the daughter is the niece of the wife. The whole family showed up at the courthouse. Grandparents, all the aunts and uncles, all the cousins - had to be around 30-40 people. They said the judge was surprised. That the judge doesnt normally see the ENTIRE family come during the adoption ceremony, and was very happy to see it.


I’m crying happy tears with a big smile on my face. This is humanity at its finest. I love kids; they are truly the best of humanity (I work with kids on a daily basis and they are just wonderful).


As a orphan im really happy about how many more people are getting adopted these days and how less kids will now have to spend there child hoods in orphanages


Inside Edition story https://youtu.be/6JqaDwfuU2Y?si=IZS71n6bk-REsjQI


Their little heads that can barely see are so cute lol I can’t


And the little hearts on sticks.


I love the mom all sorts of every kinda smile and the dad like “yup I’m gonna dad the heck outta this kid.”


This post might be old enough for the five year olds to now adopt kids of their own.


1 hour 52 comments 5K upvotes 5th post on Reddit’s front page Can we just ban these repost bots, fam? This dead internet theory shit is becoming depressing man. Take me back to a lively, creative internet.


As much as I initially agreed with you, a little stalking makes me think OP is just someone who likes hearthstone a lot and happened to get some traction with this post. 


It's a lovely sight to see. I hope he will be happy with his new family.


the lil hearts in the background


Few things are as beautiful as witnessing a legal adoption 🥲 The absolute joy on a child and adoptive parents' faces knowing it's forever.


Look at all the little faces


My eyes are actually watering because I’ve known so many foster kids in shitty situation. Thank God this kid has a family and friends around him this early in life


Real respect for all the moms who brought they kids ❤️


I mean, is it that nice people exist or that children don't yet know how to be dicks? Either way, this is adorable.


Children are just little people. Some are probably friends, some are doing it to be nice, and some are doing it because their parents made them. Children definitely know how to be dicks.


I have none myself, but my niblings only achieve dickishness on accident, yknow like walking up to the person with vitiligo and asking them why their skin is weird out of genuine curiosity but with no tact.


That's not much different than assuming all adults are the same just because your family acts a certain way.


Nah, kids can absolutly be dicks. These guys are just nice (or were forced to be there ny their families / teachers).


I don't buy it. This this little boy is actually a self driven, no-nonsense, corporate lawyer, who's defending his two clients after they were wrongly accused of laundering money through their etsy business.




A lot of people are downvoting you, but you aren't wrong. Adoption is a pretty slow and boring process. Even the kid getting adopted in the photo looks bored out of his mind. It's definitely a nice gesture to go, but I think inviting the class to a nice party after the adoption where they can celebrate it with a small speech, then cake and food, would be more appropriate.


-REJECTED! -Oh goddamit...


I see this is being recycled again


That's nice, I need things like this in my life while I watch my country try to destroy itself. Good for you, little bro. You're obviously a fantastic person who deserves every ounce of love if everyone showed. Not that any kid doesn't but he has obviously made a big impact and that isn't easy.


Absolutely made my day. No, my entire week.


They’re holding up little hearts 🥹


So so sweet


Made me smile. Mission accomplished!!


Love this. Beautiful.


How sweet❤️


Y'all comin to my party homies? vibes


I love that one of the hearts looks like the mom’s crown 🥹💚


The family wrote a book about it call, "Love Rules"


Dude they real ones day 1s lol


This makes me cry


Thank you for making me happy


Awesome kid! 😎


Uh-huh. The five year old boy made the invitations and other five year olds accepted them. Very agentic five year olds. Definitely not doing what the adults around them are telling them to do.


That is the very best news today! Thank you!


That’s the sweetest ❤️




As an adopted dude, this just warms my heart!


What an incredibly memorable moment for all those kids. Awesome!


Those little faces over the jury wall 😍


And all of them stayed awake!


What a seriously awesome idea. Now all the kids are COMPLETELY normalized to adoption, and are probably more likely to adopt in their future. It's also an excellent opportunity to take a field trip and learn about the legal process. 10/10 would recommend inviting your class to your adoption.


Only kids and animals are nice


Congratulations lil buddy. I wish you the best of luck and a happy, enriching childhood. 🥰


The class probably was brought by the teacher but this is still super fucking wholesome, i praise that teacher


Damn, this made me tear up a bit. Having people show up for your important events in life is undervalued on development.


I love everything about this, especially the hearts on the sticks.


I mean, realistically, how much of a choice did the kids have? 


This is so cute! Bless their pure hearts! 🥰


Guys who's chopping onions in here


Shout out to all the caring mums in this community that showed up for this boy


"Yo, bitches, I'm middle class now!"


Now this is news.


Because 5 years old have a lot of control over where the adults in there lives take them....


Damn, that's impressive. My daughter's school wouldn't accept her missing class to watch her mother receive her American naturalization/citizenship.


Bot repost account. You can tell by the name. Verb/adverb_noun_three digit number.


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This is SO AWESOME!!!!


That is both very sweet, and a good educational experience.


Sometimes this world truly is beautiful, love seeing this


Beautiful 😍😍 God bless


Wow, what a support team!!!


I’ve seen this pic over the years and it will literally never fail to make me smile. Hope my boy and his classmates are still close til this day


This guy like: Hey lawyer what was my crime btw?


That's amazing


Things like this just brighten my day. We hear so much about the bad that happens and we expect the good so it often goes unvalued and unnoticed. It should be the other way around. Accept the bad but give more attention to the good.


Homie looks like he's ready to go tf home.


That’s so fucking cute


Those happy people : )


I am so happy for him this is so cute and heartwarming God bless


This is just so heartwarming


This is honestly wholesome.


Aww that’s so sweet


That is a young man who has been sitting in his chair for far too long lol


Way to go buddy


This kid is 18 now


So sweet and the little heart cut outs are adorable


My father was an attorney. He always said his absolute favorite thing to do was adoptions. Why? Because as an attorney, it was one of the few things he could do where at the end of the day, everyone was happy, himself included.


Oh wow! Thats great


That guy has set a precedent for all others to follow when adopted


Those kids didn’t choose to for shit 😂


Support of the class is awesome Congratulations to all


That's so sweet


I worked with the mom, awesome family. They wrote a book about their adoption!