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Too bad it cut off before dad could process what was happening.


Well that will take years


Ha, and I don’t say this lightly, **ha**


How on earth could he sleep through it all?


I’ve never been so tired in my life as I was with my newborns. That’s how.


Parenthood taught me the same lesson as the army. All you need to be happy is sleep. It doesn’t matter where, and doesn’t matter how. Sleep is a soldier and a new parent’s number 1 priority.


I remember pouring my son a bath (he was downstairs with mum) and getting in to bed with a 3 minute timer to try and get 3 minutes sleep. In good first 2 weeks of life my wife was in hospital with an infection and I had him with me at home. One night (about 1am) I drove him to the hospital to see his mum but also ask the staff for heck because I just wasn't coping with the stress and sleep deprivation - this is coming from a veteran in his 30s!


You will learn if and when you have children.


I could sleep everywhere. On the couch, on the uncomfortable chair. On the rug next to the couch. On the hardwood floor. On the plane and that is really something as I never fit well as I am 6’8”


You are the sleeping giant. (a fellow sleep-deprived dad, much shorter)


Me, on the other hand... It takes me an hour to fall asleep after baby falls asleep. I am tired, but I just won't fall asleep. And the moment I start to finally doze off, she fusses and I am wide awake again even if she falls right back asleep on her own.


Ain’t it so, still, I didn’t sleep until my youngest of three was five. A very active child…no sleep, many years


So true I remember some advice I got from a friend before our first one. It still stands true. Don't care if your house is messy you can tidy when there 18 Sleep whenever you can.


I used to get on a train in London and be asleep before the train left kings Cross. I had to stick a label on me so people would shake me awake at Cambridge. My kid never slept more than three hours straight for 18 months. Still love him to bits though.


That sounds like literal torture. My son is 8 weeks and my partner and I are struggling heavily, even though he will sleep 4 or 5 hours at a time occasionally. When did you start sleep training your son?


We tried to do the whole 'let him cry it out' thing from about 3 months I think. He was next to us in a cot before that, then we tried to move him into his own bed in another room. I swear to god we bought every book going, watched every youtube video. I used to want to strangle friends who were 'he's so good, he was sleeping through at six weeks'. I used to sleep at work to cope, I'd sneak off into a floor no one used, get under a desk, and get half an hour.


Because he has a newborn child. 


It was in the script


…what? (Me every daddit day)


right? This video was a massive disappointment hahah, how is it the top post on reddit. The title makes it seem like there is gonna be some really sweet payoff. But it's just a video of a baby waking up their sleepy dad, like how do we even know these are the first words? i imagine they weren't and she's been calling him dada for a little while, this is just silly clickbait. I feel bamboozled at the lack of a payoff moment


The payoff is the joy of the mundane. A sobering realization that click bait is click bait, even when it is unintentional from many perspectives. The wisdom here, if you can't see it yet, is to appreciate people sharing things that are unfiltered. It's not designed to capture your attention. Think carefully. The ones who posted this may be inviting you to see the humans behind what click bait videos show. Don't just believe me though. Interrogate your own heart and see if I speak falsely.


I am the eagle soaring deep. I travel within or without you. I never spread wings on plots I don’t own, and I never golf above 80. Tell me why I need to be your only one, and tell me why, if all is to be truly gone, why I need to be yours at all? When life is not a lemon, and it squeezes itself dry, the juices are toxic. They bleed you dry like butter on a haystack. Mark my words Jonathon, when life is over with, I will fucking travel down south on a road trip with you - and you only - to gather info about the cave systems.


Unfiltered is the word. I guess people say they want real but they do not.


I know right?? At least the baby was adorable though.


He's not really asleep. You learn to sleep while being awake when your kid is that small.


My son quickly developed an escalation procedure for that.. Step 1, sound: "Eeh! Eh! EEH EEH!" If I keep pretending to sleep, escalate to Step 2: Bat me with his arm. \*wap wap wap\* "EEH!" If I keep pretending to sleep, escalate to Step 3: Putting his mouth over dad's nose. Which is sure to 'wake me up' with a startled "WTF?", only to be met with an incredibly mischievous grin.


There's no way that this is the 1st time Humans are weird. You wake up when your kid makes a sound. I wake up when my dog's nails touch the wood floor. A baby talking? wakes up say's dada the 1st time? instantly up


Yeah a shame. I remember this age with my girls. Finding out what real love is... Like *real* love like your momma loved you type stuff. That'll change a man. And I remember times like these. Still makes me smile. Sometimes the beat things in life are free.


the dad ripped a major fart


Hacksaw Jim Duggan would never do such a thing.




Where's the extended edition of the video?




Nothing. Because this isn't the baby's first words and there wouldn't be a reaction by the dad, so it would ruin the clickbait title.


Source? Or are you just being a fuddy duddy and assuming? I'd like to watch the rest of the video


Release the Synder Cut!


I adore those breathy first sounds and the sweet sighs, squeals and giggles that accompany a baby's attempts to communicate. Such a special time! 🥰


Both my boys first words were Dada and I cherish those memories but I felt a bit sorry for my wife that they weren't mama. It's just that Dada is a bit easier to say for freshly learned mouths so us fathers get it easy. At least my youngest's second word was mama. His older brother chose the much more efficient word of "eat" to focus on next.


My son’s first word was “ship” because his favorite toy was one of those books where you press on the object and it says the associated word. He was in love with the pirate ship picture and just clicked on that one and laughed his ass off. The only issue was that he pronounced it “shit”. So for almost a month he would toddle around the house babbling “shit” and laughing. It definitely made visits from his grandparents hard to explain.


LMFAO, don't even get me started on how both of mine pronounced "fork" when they were tiny hahaha


The excited "OH FORK!" LOL


One of the kiddos back in the day was hyped af for clocks. There was no semblance of an "L" in his vocabulary haha


LOL, that is very cute. One of my good friends growing up had a hilarious first word. It took him a while to speak, but one day he just screamed out *CHICKEN!* when his mom was holding him. She used to love telling that story. <3


My nephew was delayed in his speech, so his first word was “NO!” His second word was a bad word, and his third word was “pop-pop!” Then he jumped to a full sentence “pop pop, [bad word] no!” Honestly, it was hilarious, and he had no idea what was funny, so we just focused on his use of pop pop, repeating it as we laughed.


Your nephew wouldn’t happen to attend Greendale Community College and go by Magnitude, would he?


I'm fairly certain my first word was "no". Hey at least I let my parents know what they were in for! (I said Mama and dada within days of this though). Except, from what I've been told, it was more like MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA


Fellow 'no' here! Represent!


>he would toddle around the house babbling “shit” and laughing. We come into this world the same way we go out of it.


My parents told me that my first word was butterfly, though it was pronounced as butt-ice.


My son was pretty delayed with speech. His first word ended up being "hotdog" lol


HAHAHA omg that’s so memorable and different though! Amazing


My wife tried to teach our son to say papa as his first word, I tried to teach him to say mama. His first word was Dog, he really loves his "dog brothers"


Ha same with mine. We were gunning for 'mama' or 'papa' and his first bloody word was 'Alan'. Alan is our cat. Damn you Alan.


Don't feel bad. Alan is warm, soft, and cuddly. You never had a chance.


My son’s was “hi”. For some reason between 4-6 months old he would wave and say “hi” to all the girls we ran into. He stopped for a few months before going back to the traditional “mama” and another of his first words was “agua” after looking at a picture of a Roman aqueduct. That one shocked the hell out of me because he was only 8-9 months old.


OMG my oldest was *obsessed* with saying "Cheers!" when he was between 10 and 18 months old. We couldn't go anywhere where they served drinks without him forcing everyone in the establishment to clink cups with him before throwing one down.


That’s so precious!!!!!


My daughter's first word was hi also. She'd wave and say hi to every person we saw. I can still hear her little "hi hi hi" in my mind 


I mean, "agua" sounds like it could have been just random baby noises.


Damn, the Roman Empire really does start early for you guys, huh?


I actually remember distinctly a lot of things when I was still a baby, including learning to talk. I went in the kitchen to ask for some water but my mouth said ah-coo-a. My mother wondered if I somehow knew Greek but I think what happens sometimes is a baby will just naturally say “aqua” because it is the real onomatopoeia word for water. 


My first word was apparently a very strong “NO”. Neither of my parents won on that one. I said the cat’s name and several clearly more important words like “spoon” before I said “mama” or “dada”. My poor mother likes to recount (25 years later) that when she first dropped me off at daycare the other kids were crying and hanging onto their parents and I was just like lol ok bye and toddled off to do my own thing. She was apparently very saddened by that at the time. Sorry mom. The dinosaur toys were calling.


My wife's 0-2 on mama first and she's praying 3rd times the charm... She deserves it. I'm a horrible dad compared to her mothering


I think Mama is considered the easiest word for a baby to say. That’s why it’s an incredibly common word in multiple cultures and languages. Father is a much less consistent word compared to mama.


Imagine a baby’s first word being “father,” you wake up to your cute daughter tugging your beard and she’s like “oh, hello father, I’m sorry for waking you”




It's true! Many first words for babies is "Dada". I was crushed at first, but quickly got over it. There are so many adorable & memory making milestones. Each one was special in its own way 💙 I just have a goofy thing for baby sounds, I wanna laugh & cover them in kisses, lol!


It's true! Many first words for babies is "Dada". I was crushed at first, but quickly got over it. There are so many adorable & memory making milestones. Each one was special in its own way 💙 I just have a goofy thing for baby sounds, I wanna laugh & cover them in kisses!


It's true! Many first words for babies is "Dada". I was crushed at first, but quickly got over it. There are so many adorable & memory making milestones. Each one was special in its own way 💙 I just have a goofy thing for baby sounds, I wanna laugh & cover them in kisses!


My Son’s first word was Duck, he’s obsessed with them. For a while everything was either a Duck, Dog or Mama.  He also went through a phase of calling all other kids he saw Babies, including a time he was leaving nursery and turned to say “Bye, bye babies” to a bunch of kids much older than him.


My daughter said "Dada" first and my wife was... Not upset, but maybe a bit jealous. She was as the desk behind the couch while I was holding my daughter, and of course she is all "Dada, Da DA, DAAADAA" and my wife said, "I just wish for once she'd say Mama." Without a second passing, my daughter looks at her and says, "Mama." Our eyes locked and we both absolutely lost it. Complete with jumping around and kisses for my very happy and confused little baby. Haha. Our son is 9 weeks old, and my wife is already hitting him with the "Mama...Mama....Mama..." She's dead set on getting the first words this time. Ha.


Don’t worry, my son countered the balance. The M and D are generally similar in difficulty, and he called me mama for a long time even after learning dada.


apparently my first words were what the fuck


I’m told mine was “dog dog.”


My kid said mama before papa, but p and m are closer than d and m.


It's true! Many first words for babies is "Dada". I was crushed at first, but quickly got over it. There are so many adorable & memory making milestones. Each one was special in its own way 💙 I just have a goofy thing for baby sounds, I wanna laugh & cover them in kisses, lol!


It's true! Many first words for babies is "Dada". I was crushed at first, but quickly got over it. There are so many adorable & memory making milestones. Each one was special in its own way 💙 I just have a goofy thing for baby sounds, I wanna laugh & cover them in kisses!


My twin boys' first words were mama, then stop it, and then dada lol


>His older brother chose the much more efficient word of "eat" to focus on next. Found my spirit Brother/Nephew (depending on his age). The guy has his priorities sorted from a very young age.


>His older brother chose the much more efficient word of "eat" to focus on next. My two boys were similar, but their choice was "more". Only used in the context of food at first, it became a nightmare once they realised they could demand more uppies, more silly noises and, eventually, more cartoons.


My first word was dada and I didn’t even have a dad haha


I read a theory once that seemed plausible. Most babies are primarily raised by their mother, and they're much more likely to be talking about daddy than mummy. Babies say the words they hear the most.


My son's second word was "Mama", right on his first birthday. His first word, however, was NEIN


My 1y/o calls everything dada 😂


right? It's like little baby music. and their heads always smell so good at that age too!


And their breath too. I remember the days when my babies were this size. Their hair smelled so good and their breath was always sweet/neutral. I don't miss the diaper changes and the sleepless nights, but goddamn. They were so fucking precious.


The top half smells so sweet, but the bottom half…


Baby music is the perfect way to describe it! You're brilliant! 😄


Baby music is the perfect way to describe it! You're brilliant! 😄


why thank you! I don't even have children but am Auntie to many.


They smell better than baked bread at that age too.


My daughters first word was "HELLO!" with a big cheery smile To a complete stranger lol Yes, she's an extrovert all these years later :D


Shame I’ll never experience this glad you got to


Sorry life got you like that.


Me too 😭


t’s one of the most beautiful ages of a baby.


Oh the breathing. I had forgot about the breathing 🥰


Right? You know what I'm talking about! I also adore when they talk to themselves but they can't talk so they just whisper gibberish to themselves... and those sweet sounds, especially coupled with laughter or sudden bursts out loud. It's like baby music for my heart 💙


God I could listen to this video all day. I miss hearing my children sound like this! Its so precious.


Ditto. It's preciousness magnified!


Ditto. It's preciousness magnified a hundred fold 💙


Sweetest little sounds!


Was a real throwback for me as well. My youngest will turn 5 soon, their little happy baby noises are so great.


I miss them days, now it's just grief I get from them! 😂


Too adorable! Congratulations Da-da ❤️


if I was him I would've been instantly awoken by my child saying Dada, HE'S SO LUCKY!!! (I am a girl though)


Gosh I miss this age. Not the lack of sleep though. This guy is doing some serious sleep catch up 🤣


It's always a little bitter sweet to look at old photos/videos from this age, but I have to remind myself that I didn't take photos of the constant meltdowns, diaper blowouts, and ruined sleep. It's nice to look back with rose-tinted glasses, but i have to remind myself what it was really like before I get too teary.


My daughter is 2, and I kind of suspect every year older is going to involve both a little bit of happiness that the bad stuff from last year's age is gone, but sadness that the good stuff from last year's age is gone Just a matter of perspective and which one you focus on I guess. I choose to focus on the fact that my daughter is sleeping through the night now and happy squeals when I come through the door, rather than missing what it felt like to watch her learn to crawl/walk, etc From Modern Family: >You know, it's... Thing about babies, you... you fall in love with a baby with the cutest little fat folds, and then... bam... they're gone. But it's okay, because in its place is this... toddler with the greatest laugh on Earth. And then one day, the toddler's gone, and in its place, a little kid that asks the most interesting questions you've ever heard. And this keeps going on like that, but you never get the chance to miss any of them, 'cause there's always a new kid to take the place of the old. Until they grow up. And then... in a moment, all those kids you fell in love with walk out the door at the same time.


that quote, damn..


So true. We can romanticise everything in hindsight 🥹


middle of the day sunlight too. You know that family is operating on nothing.


Absolutely. Up all night. Five children in and boy, I won’t ever forget that part 🤪


I miss my daughter being in this stage but i do not miss that nonstop slobber


My kids are only 9 and 11 and I find myself missing the 4-7 year old age range, but I'm sure as I get older I'll miss the 9-11 age range too. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time.


5-13 is kind of the precious time. Even the best kids are somewhat shitheads 13-20, because they are figuring out what is real on their own.


Aww, that's too adorable 💕 The little high pitched "Da-Da" 😚


my lil girl just learned to laugh today, and realized she has feet. i can't wait for her to hit the next milestone, but I also wish time would slow down 😭


How did he keep sleeping the whole time!


If you ever have a kid you’ll find out 😂


I do bedtime with my 1yo solo due to my wife working nights, I haven't slept a full night since. Mostly because every move or sound wakes me right up. I forgot what it's like to sleep this hard


I was like that with my first, but once we added another one to the mix, I was surprised how hard I could sleep in 30 minute bursts hahaha


How close are you sleeping to the baby?


About 10 feet. Same room, different beds. She's been solo sleeping since birth but due to a nasty wind storm, her room is under reconstruction


Ain't that the truth!


Seriously. The exhaustion is real when you only finally wake up when your fucking mustache is being yanked on at full force. Full force, not just regular force. He slept through that part too.


Did and still couldn’t. Not because I was dead tired but the kid won’t let me.


No way he slept through that beard pull. That's what woke him up for sure.


He's already mastered the "no I'm not awake I'm totally still asleep, maybe if I keep acting asleep the thing waking me up will go away" Man didn't realize that Mom was recording, and was hoping she would come get the kid away from him lol


He is a man, they can sleep through almost anything


My dad once took a nap during a showing of fantasia in imax.


When I was a kid (about 9-10), I went to a friend’s bday party the same weekend as Mother’s Day. We were right around the age where pulling all nighters is this super awesome thing. So we did just that. Weeellll, apparently I was the only kid whose families had plans that day. I managed to sleep through (or at least sleep through the majority of): Sunday school, church service, the drive to Mother’s Day brunch, brunch, and….the cream of the crop….a showing of stomp In case you’re not familiar, stomp is a musical where they bang on trash cans and metal poles for the better part of two hours.


I slept through a Broadway show that was heavy on the tap dancing 🤣


At 36, i have to say pulling all nighters is still fuckin' awesome. What's not awesome is when you can't sleep until 5pm the next day.


This made me laugh- because my dad napped during the live fantasia show at MGM studios.


I would too...boring af....


As a man, I represent that.


Hey! I resemble that remark!


Not true, my dad would be woken up by a slight breeze. Funnily enough he also snored like a freight train.


My dad once took a shower, then sat down to change and immediately fell asleep in his towel. The kicker was that he had put me in timeout for what was supposed to be the duration of his 5~ minute shower. He woke up 45 minutes later and I was still standing there. I never let him live that down.


You aint lyin... once I get a good 30 minutes into my sleep you can't wake me for nothing... Once had the fire alarm going off as a safety drill and everyone had to get outside. My roommate was up and putting on pants, almost ready to get out the door and still had to yell at me to get up while the alarm was still going off.


Cuz dad's can sleep through anything while mom's wake up at the slightest sound. If it sounds like I'm bitter it's because I am ☺️👍🏼


She didn't pull his beard yet


You’re looking at the reason yanking on his mustache 😂


I would start hearing them in my sleep as I’m coming out of it but it’s never a smooth awakening; I’d get smacked right in the eye.


Dada you’re sleeping through _all_ this, _jeeze_!


She’s literally YANKING on that beard, too. 😂


That beard grab. I miss my babies. They’re grown now, but that was such a fun time.


I have a 2.5 year old and I’m about to cry at the thought of her growing up 🙃


That dad is going to cherish this his entire life. He will be thankful that you were there to capture it. There are so many moments where mom is behind that camera, you are incredible.


And now, he will immediately wake up whenever she says Dada for the rest of time. Source: my mom can literally yell my dad's name and he'll stay asleep, I say "daddy" softly and he wakes up.


This is so sweet, so innocent, so PURE. My heart, my heart!


Oh man this is truly one of the best feelings ever! I just had the privilege of coming home from work to her my daughter exclaim Da-Da and greet me at the door for the first time and I thought my heart was going to explode….makes all of the rough nights and long days worth it so much!


The sounds your child makes when they're attempting those first words, it's just, pure joy for me. When my daughter started talking it was incredible beyond words! My little girl! My baby had advanced it was just absolute joy!


Bro was ZONKED out.


Even my Ice cold health melted


Such a cutie. Aw. Sweet thing.


U couldn’t post his reaction damnit


This is how I wake up every morning. I will be so sad when the da da's come to an end. I hope i can cherish it like I know this dad does.


That’s as precious as it gets folks


Bro gonna sleep until next season.


Amazing. Such a little dote.


Aww man, what a cutie! Oh yeah, and the daughter was there too ig


My man woke up not knowing what year it was.


Then you cut off the video where we were gonna see the reaction from the dad? Typical.


Translation: “Dada wake the FUCK UUUUUP!”


omg my heart melted and memories rushed. and i felt that beard pull that finally woke dada up.


That is one tired da-da


I like how she setup the camera perfectly


And now there's dust in my eye. Thanks for that. I have twin boys and both of their first words were Dada. So I've been a bit spoiled, but it still warms my heart to be reminded of it.


Ended too soon


Every kids first word is dada


I listened to that sweet little voice a few times.. makes me smile!! Great for them that it’s on vid!


That is a tired dad.


Video eneded too soon. Who are you people!!?!? What are you doing in my house!?!?!?




Poor guy sleeps in baby jail.


Aw two words!! Hey Dada!! 😁


Man, the first week after my son was born I was tired on a level I never knew existed.


I miss this stage 🥹 having kids almost like me but they are worth it


Hopefully she didn’t come into direct contact with his breath


That motherfucker (lol) is out cold!


But getting woken up by that baby death grip on your beard.....!🤬


Well, that was frustrating as hell. One minute waiting for the recognition and… cut! Perfect. Made me frown.


I bet mom taking the video could have used that nap...


And there’s really people out there who hate kids…


lol - only a man could continue to sleep that deeply with all that going on!


Cuteeeeeeee ❤❤❤ the only reason he woke up was because she nearly pulled his beard off ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Kid went from “gently pat nose” to “facial waxing” really fast


I wanted to know how the daada reacted! the baby is so adorable!


I could listen to this baby all day, what a cutie


God what I would give to sleep that deep!


Aaand that is how he found out he is a father. Congrats!


Post Malone pre tattoos


That look at the end like “wait what did she just say”


I miss it so much. Man. Mine are 15,14,10 and 7 (blended). Videos like this, and old videos of our own kids make my wife and I wanna do crazy things, like attempt a vasectomy reversal in our 40's and try again.


Hard working dad right there