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The ONE TIME Greenland actually has data on it


As a part of Denmark, it should always be coloured the same as Denmark, making it "No Data" is just lazy and "because its always like that"


I wouldn't agree with that logic. French Guyana is shown as developed here because it's a part of France but it definitely does not meet the criteria.


France is developed. End of story. French Guiana is unambigously France. End of story.


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. It’s fully a part of France just like Hawaii or Alaska are part of the USA.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes (just my theory on the downvotes)


It feels weird because it's a colonial holdover, whereas the US annexed Alaska and Hawaii in the mid 20th century. But yes you are right. It's like if Liberia was a US state, or if Cuba was considered a region in Spain.


Its probably more analogous to American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico.


Have you ever been to French Guiana?


French Guiana *is* an integral part of France, so it's only right that it should be 'shown' as a part of France.


Doesn’t matter


I dare you go there and call it developed. "Yeah, but well.. technicaly it's France!" Yeah, but in reality it isn't. To call it developed is just dumb bad data. The info is that it isn't.


I don’t know what you want me to say? It’s part of France, and on average France is considered developed.


Can't you see how this is simplistic? Can't you go a little deeper than that? Are you really that unidimensional? Sometimes being technical is different from being right/truthful


It’s a map on country level data. How can you argue with that?


You been to Mississippi? It’s still part of the USA. French Guiana is France even if it’s poor.


No not always in a lot of time Greenland get another score then Denmark


Greenland is highly autonomous, to the degree that it left the European Community (the precursor to the EU, 1985), preferring a looser relationship.


Uruguay, you're almost there! What's the hold up?


Our population is stagnating. We just need to have unprotected sex more often.


All it takes is a group that goes around with needles puncturing condoms and you'll reach development!


If the path to citizenship was faster, I'd jump on it in a heartbeat.


Gimme a few grand and a Uruguayan passport and I will sire a legion of young Uruguayans


Dear Uruguay, We wanna fvck too. Thanks, Reddit


3 years not fast enough?


I'm single and ready to mingle! So for me it's 5 years. Edit: plus 2 years of waiting for the actual paperwork and passport to show up.


You could reside very easily, citizenship is not needed. My grandparents never became citizens here and were fine. Curious fact, in Asia most countries would never make you a citizen, not even if you marry a local, they'll let you live there rather easily, but you'll never be a citizen unless you do something of huge public relevance, like save the country from an alien invasion.


I think income per person is more important than sheer population size. African countries and Indian people can breed like rabbits. It doesn’t make the average person wealthy or the country developed


That's actually a sign of being a developed country nowadays :D


The stagnating population is a problem all over the developed world. It's not just positives.


I don’t think unprotected sex will lead to more babies though… It’s U.R.Gay! I’ll accept my Nobel prize for comedy now thank you. Also if you’re from Uruguay please know I love your country, I just saw my opportunity to make a horrible joke and couldn’t let it go, please don’t hate me.


one tip from Brazil: Carnaval


You see, we’re actually aiming to transition into an underdeveloped country


More infrastructure and less polititians


Uruguay isn't a rich country in natural resources like Chile, now imagine if it was? Their economy grows pretty well considering modern data, still they will get there eventually


Keep believing that rich countries are rich because of natural resources.


Romania will soon become a developed country. That’s nice!


I know no one from Romania and i know nothing about the country but i'm still exited about this




you have probably heard of Transylvania.


Yes i have. I also already knew where Romania was located. Can you believe that?


do u want a candy?


All I know is it’s one of the best European countries to see wildlife


Nice! Hoping for the rest of the balkans to follow


We refuse, being undeveloped is now part of our cultural identity and we’re also quite conservative so we’ll fight tooth and nail to keep our traditional values thank you very much.


I am Romania and this is kinda true


You have an amazing country, I was only there for 6 months for Erasmus but it was an incredible experience. Sarmale is top tier


Can confirm, our food is very good. Lived in the Netherlands for 6 years I really missed the food. It's nice to visit and it's ok to live in if you work in a more developed field. If you are a waiter or store worker it's pretty difficult. Our prices also have sky rocketed since COVID. Prices are identical to Western Europe but our salaries are way lower. Minimum wage is about 300-400 euros


One thing I noticed while there was specifically bottled water being ridiculously expensive and alcohol being relatively cheaper compared to my country (Portugal), everything else was around the same with some things being more expensive and others cheaper. I hope for the best for your country and stay strong


*You are an amazing country


And now, Bulgaria is the only developing country in the European Union. I hope, Bulgaria will become light blue and will be a developed country in transition soon.


We are the best country of Chile, but dude, we shouldn't be dark blue


Dunno who we bribed to get the “developed” status. 🤣 Should be the same as Uruguay or Panama.


We are Dewey in the photograph with the other family


Es cierto, la nula creatividad o autonomia a nivel individual avala lo que dices;; a lo mas un ~ficciozo caramelo azul con superficie economica con relleno de nula nobleza. Saludos desde Santiago, Chile.


As an Italian, I can say that we are in reverse transition. we are a country in the process of being enveloped.


Still 8th richest country in the world. Surprisingly.


and I believe it, the state has incurred another 90 billion in unsustainable debt to restructure the first and second homes of the middle class for free.


Everybody tends to shit their home country here on Reddit, especially when someone from a party they don't like is holding office.


If you only listened to reddit you'd imagine the UK is somewhere near Djibouti


Another Italian 100% agree


any chance of improvement ?


the mathematics preparation of an Italian bechelor is the same as that of a Korean high school diploma this year they hired 500k more people in Italy, with the GDP unchanged, so...


HUH? is that so? that doesn't sound tutto bene. i didn't know that the education also slumped. productivity is another topic...


I don't think education slumped. Italy is great when It comes to higher education accessibility, i'm studying medicine for free (a 6 years degree that costs the state 25k € x year per student) and I pay 0€ university fees and each year i get a 6700€ scholarship from the state wich is enough to live with as a student. The problem Is that the job market sucks for most degrees and working conditions and pay are awful once you graduate. Ence why many people leave


No way it will suck for you as a medical student right? They are in demand everywhere on the planet.


Yes, it's one of the few degrees which still have somewhat more decent prospects in Italy (not for much though, since they recently increased university spots by a lot and by 2030 we will probably go from having too few doctors to having too many), but abroad doctors are indeed paid much better and similarly in demand. As a new graduate doctor you could work as general practicioner substitute, in a nursing home, vaccination center or other similar boring freelance jobs without career growth that don't require a specialization and make like 4k net. But you'll have to specialize eventually, and during residency which lasts 4 or 5 years you are paid only 1300€ net for often more than 60+ hours! Your overtime isn't paid, It sucks. As a new specialist you are paid 2700€ net which isn't much considering the years of training. I'm learning German so i can specialize abroad. German speaking countries are a popular destination among Italians doctors. Belgium is popular too


furthermore, expert staff, after 3-4 years of experience, go to other European countries where they earn more, practically what happens to Indian skilled workers with the US and UK


yeah i know that from italian colleagues here in Germany. the money is just hard to compete with.


But italian Universities are known to be very hard, especially STEM degrees


some universities such as the Normale of Pisa or the Polytechnic of Milan are very good, but the average is not, furthermore the human material is missing. Italy has no young people. The country is too nationalist, the companies are too greedy. we cannot integrate skilled expat from other country.


Please provide any links to apply for skilled jobs if you think country is in dire need of employees


What does this mean? Just curious …


As a non-Italian I love pineapple in pizza and break my pasta so i can fit it inside the pot also all pasta tastes the same




Enveloped by what ? Or do you mean shits just getting worse


Panama and Costa Rica should be the same category


If anything Costa Rica is more developed.


Panama in 2 years will start to boom like crazy, the new cheap place for the Americans to invade. (Which they already are somewhat americanized already)


Oman is considered a [Highly developed country](https://www.worlddata.info/asia/oman/index.php)


Yeah that was my biggest surprise here as well.


I wonder how those petro states will survive the energy transition. It all depends on how they allocate the oil money coming in now. Because it won't last forever.


they will be still doing fine, not so great but fine… plastics


USA And Its Friends: The Map


True that


And those countries are good for that


In reality the developing countries actually get favourable treatment. China is developed by all metrics, yet they refuse to be labeled as developed just for cheap shipping.


I think is more accurate describe Chile as "transition":


It's also weird to me that Panama is "in transition" while Costa Rica isn't despite a higher HDI.


Chile surprising


It’s not accurate. Visiting chile as a Chilean after living in Germany has been a wild experience. Light blue would be correct.


Metro de Santiago is way better and more on time than Ubahn or Sbahn honestly 😆


I was surprised too, it feels very poor while also being very expensive. I don't know much about their economy but when I visited 2 months ago it felt like a country that was experiencing massive decline.


Greece economy 📉📉📉 Included in the developed country list 📈📈📈


Greece's economy has been growing the last few years.


Congratulations Poland!


“Westernized vs Non-Westernized” (Plus some friends)


Interesting how “westernized countries” have way higher per capita numbers. Its called being developed.


TIL that Chile is a developed country.


This metric can't be that great if Romania and Hungary are in different categories. I'm Hungarian and one of our newest tortures in life is seeing that even Romania is becoming a better country than us.


Yeah have you seen that average wages are now higher in Romania than Hungary? The reason for Romania’s ascendancy is that we mind our own business and don’t irritate our EU overlords.


Hope you get to shengen. The hungarian-romanian border is always very annoying. There is a night train from vienna to cluj. They wake you 4 times -ticket check in hungary -border check on hungarian side of the border -border check on romanian side of the border -ticket check in romania


Haha I hope so. What Austria does is out of my control. Did you like cluj


Why is Costa Rica not light blue? I thought they were better off than Panama


Depends on what, it's a bit like comparing USA and Canada, one has better social services, the other higher average wages, and more inequality


Too many parrots. Nobody associates parrots with developed countries.


This is every map


Romania's clawing it's way up boys let's goo


Even more impressive when you know we started from grinding poverty in the 90s


⚠️Romania mentioned in a positive way alert⚠️🇷🇴


Hola mi bebe bebe


Dracula is pumping $$$


Ah yes, the highly developed country of Greenland (Yes I know it’s part of Denmark)


Greece being a developed country has to be the biggest joke


Study finds Most Developed countries in the world to be NATO countries. Study done by NATO countries.


So, what non NATO countries do you think should be coloured blue that aren't already coloured blue in the map Also, i see a few NATO countries that are not blue?




China HDI is about as high as Mexico, it's made great improvement but they're still not quite developed although they do have some very developed cities, a ton of them in fact, they have so many people that their developed pockets, while still pockets, are huge, but so are their poor parts I've seen vlogs in Oman and it does look like quite a developed place, i'm not familiar with their stats but on a surface level they do look developed. Qatar and UAE are already blue on the map.


What country do you disagree with here?


Maybe China? At the very least, the country should be in transition.


Their HDI is still pretty damn low. Although often the status is more political anyway. For instance Bangladesh delayed changing their status from "least developed" long after they no longer technically met the criteria because it qualified them for a great deal of development aid they didn't want ended. It could well be that China prefers the "developing" status and will maintain it as long as possible.


A lot of people don’t realize that while the coastal provinces are highly developed, Chinas interior is way behind. China is still a relatively poor country with an on par gdp per capita of Mexico. Just their massive population means their is a lot more wealth in general.


This. Interior rural China is a whole different world than the cities. I visited a few towns without indoor plumbing or electricity in Sichuan province.


China is actively regressing lul


China is very developed, and it’a nowhere near the same development levels as the other “developing” countries


You're confusing the glitzy tier 1 cities for the country as a whole. It is still very much a developing nation. It's HDI is only [0.768](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index), well under developing nations such as Ukraine, Costa Rica, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Turkey, or Sri Lanka. Having wealthy enclaves isn't enough to be a developed nation. Plenty of developing nations have wealthy cities that are much more developed than the nation as a whole.


I mean, most other countries don’t have any city that could compete in development with second tier cities in China. Plus while developed and developing countries have “big cities” of 2 million people at best, middle cities in China have 8 to 10 million people with higher standards of living. Let alone the tier 1 cities. Hell, outside of Santiago, most of Chile could be compared to Albania, yet Chile gets to be a developed country?


Not sure why you think size of the city is important. Yes, Chinese cities have large populations. There are 1.4 billion people in the country though, so it doesn't move the needle as much as you may think. As for Chile, their HDI is 0.855 (ranked 42nd), compared to 0.768 for China (ranked 79th)


But these countries are highly developed. It’s a fact.


For sure


??? Fucking redditor, literally just go to the non blue countries. Its not some grand conspiracy


How the fuck isn't China a developed country?


Well, because the criteria for these things tend to be simplistic. China is very large and developmentally diverse. So its average in income per capita does not reflect its most developed centers like Shanghai or Shenzhen. Even though we tend to think of them first. Specifically, the cut-off point for developed economies is currently $13205 GNI per capita, and most recent value for China is $12850.


didn't expect to see chile, greece and cyprus as developed countries


Why not?


Me neither as a Chilean. What is the source for this “developed” status? 🤔 Don’t get me wrong. We do pretty decent. For world standards, I’d describe Chile as a blue collar, hard working family. Not destitute, but not exactly vacationing abroad every year either. We have little to spare and Chilean families run on debt.


You were not wrong.


Why isn’t Russia on here?


I lived in Moscow and visited St Petersburg and both were very developed. I guess the country as a whole isn't though


because its a supershithole




Portugal is not a developed country trust me


calling greece devolved is awesome


What about Mexico, Argentina, Turkey? Shouldn't they at the very least be "in transition"? 


How is Argentina developing if their economy tanks every other weekend?


Argentina is developing in the sense that it always develops into a mess.


Número uno in developing the prices




I'm from Argentina and moved to Chile, and in the last couple of years Argentina has had noticeable regression on its standard of living, while Chile was constantly making progress for decades. Chile did surpass Argentina in many ways but is not so much different.... Argentina's way of measuring poverty applied to Chile would make Chile have much "more poverty", compared to Chile actual measurements. Chileans still travel to Argentina to get more affordable healthcare and education. Argentina in the XX had such a huge advantage on standard of living compared to the rest of LatAm that in the 60+years of decadence just Chile, Uruguay and Costa Rica did catch up to it.


Well maybe it should be in transition, but transitioning down rather than up


Mexico? They're similar to Brazil, they're definetely not the same as the other 2.


I think Mexico is heading in the wrong direction, tbh


Biggest growth in GDP in decades, second strongest currency in the world relative to the dollar, first net reduction in poverty in 30 years, record direct foreign investment, break away from oil exporting dependency, net positive commercial balance, record foreign currency reserves, surpassing China as the US main trade partner, fastest wage growth since the 70’s with inflation lower than the UK Yeah, definitely in the wrong direction


cartels just.. everything inflation, dictator, unstable neighbours/refugees


And they are


How is turkey on the same development level as syria and half of Africa?


We are definetly not a developed country


[Developed Countries of 2020.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/kgf7fg/developed_countries_of_2020/) [Developed Countries of 2019.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/e8wj1d/developed_countries_of_2019/) [Developed Countries of 2018.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/bhp1gi/country_classification_developed_emerging_and_ldc/) [Source1.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/2/d/11_xLvojzRTUZmmDcLhg578fHFegrc7qE7WjkHuyHtHU/edit#gid=0) [Source2.](https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/least-developed-country-category/ldc-data-retrieval.html)


How was Romania developed 4 years ago but not now? This makes no sense, especially that Greece for some reason IS developed in both maps even though in reality it's not




It says "developed". Politics, human rights, freedom (media, political, human) play a role here too.


Clearly not if the gulf states and the saudis are considered developed. Bunch of monarchies and autocrats.


You are absolutely right. Didn't even see it. Maybe the UAE I can see but the other ones shouldn't be. Edit: so what are the actual attributes to qualify for being "developed"? Strange map.


My biased answer is it is just countries that western money lenders like. Wikipedia gives a good rundown on how developed is chosen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developed_country


So different definitions use different measurements. It's stated in the article. Laughable. That map is meaningless then. Thanks for providing some insight.


Western nitpicking


Are we really surprised that a map made by the west considers western nations and allies developed? Even the word "developed" often has to do with how western like a nation is


That’s because people have things better in western countries. Objectively


This dude doesn’t understand that west is superior c’mon man “russia and friends” don’t count as developed


"Made by the west" lmao, when you propaganda victims say these things it sounds like you think there are like 1000 people in the whole world. Anyway OP posted the data that has been used for measurement, will you go take a look and discuss that, or is it not worth it if you can't complain about the west?


What he says is kinda true tho. There are metrics that unqualify countries like Chile but a country with the same problem like Australia doesn't seem affected.


Which countries do you think should be included in the list that aren’t?


But what is considered to be a developed country?


its various aspects like quality of life, economic power, infrastructure, industry and technological level and so on. I am not sure if it is a must have criteria or what but developed country makes more wealth from services than industry


Bro calls greece developed


I love Greece a lot but sadly it isn’t a economically developed country at all(it’s still better than my country Turkey)


Define "developed"


High per capita GNI.


Would love to see India be light blue one day.


Will take time., still confident that it will happen in our life time


why china is still in developing list, it should be in transition to developed


What criteria decides whether a country is developed or not?


China is definitely developed


Low per capita GNI


I see a few muslim countries on this map. Good ! now they can take their poor brothers and show us how compassionate they are.


the term developing countries is divergent


Why is China still a developing country?


per capita


Myanmar and Syria are in the middle of civil war, and they are not the least developed countries? Both have significant low gdp capita. Myanmar has a lower gdp per capita than Cambodia, and Cambodia is the least developed country while Myanmar is not. I feel that Oman should categorise as In transition. Oman has a gdp per capita of $20k and is fairly developed yet it is categorise the same as Pakistan and Kenya?


Venezuela not being LDC is weird


Just curious, whos/what are the metrics that determine how developed a nation is. My curiosity makes me want to look at the numbers


Countries with large regional industries such as Turkiye and China are referred to as newly industrialised countries. Newly Industrialised Countries have some of the characteristics of Developed Countries but are in a better situation than Developing Countries. Why didn't you add the New Industrialised Countries, this map looks manipulative Poland Slovakia Still Developing Countries whoever made this map manipulates social media [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developed\_country#:\~:text=The%20developed%20economies%20broadly%20comprise,as%20Australia%20and%20New%20Zealand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developed_country#:~:text=The%20developed%20economies%20broadly%20comprise,as%20Australia%20and%20New%20Zealand).




Shanghai and Brasilia could be developed cities, but not the entire country.


I'm brazilian, our position is 100% accurate


First of there are different criteria, but China and Brazil aren't even one of the more likely candidates. This seems like the IMF data/criteria. Which uses multiple metrics. One of it is GDP per capita, where Brazil is 78th(IMF). That's quite far away from the advanced economies on that list. Other is export diversification. Which Brazil also massively lacks. [https://oec.world/en/profile/country/bra?depthSelector1=HS4Depth](https://oec.world/en/profile/country/bra?depthSelector1=HS4Depth) ​ China also lacks on GDP per capita, but also other metrics, I didn't mention.


China chooses if they want to be categorised different, they just like getting handouts like African countries to they stay in undeveloped purposefully