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Absolutely. The scariest thing about the debate is it showed serious disunity within the Democratic Party. How can Democrats expect people to vote for a guy they themselves called to be replaced?


Sometimes Democracy feels like that. Eventually we rally and tend to not vote for the traitor.


I've never been a part of an organized political party. I'm a Democrat


I've got some bad news for you.


Anyone with a brain - including Biden himself - wanted him to be a ONE-TERM President and then to pass the baton. That was last year. The DNC decided to wing it, run him again, and now we're fucked. It's not disunity; it's watching something that should. Not. Have. Happened. And not being willing to pretend anymore. The DNC fucked us, just as they did in 2016. They all deserve to lose.


Yeah there's no scenario where a president steps down after one term and his party wins next election Look at LBJ


LBJ was weighed down by Vietnam, and was already facing serious challenges from McCarthy and Kennedy when he dropped out. Even after that, Humphrey almost won, because a lot of people just didn't trust Nixon. Trump is clearly not a popular person - he came off as a raging a\*\*hole in that debate, and I don't think he did anything to alleviate people's concerns about him. If the Democrats actually switched Biden out for someone younger, that person would probably get a boost just from simply not being Trump or Biden.


That's one example. Democrats have Roe in their back pocket yet now we are pretending only Biden could win this thing? Come on man


You seriously pretending a Democrat can drop out and democrats will still win? Come on man. You people need to be realistic


I don't know. I think we're at a point where people are pissed about not having a good choice. Even more pissed about not having a young choice. I think if the Dems presented it in a way that was honest and sincere and still powerful, they'd have a shot. If they came out and said "look we know everyone's pissed. Biden didn't want to run again, he doesn't want to run again. We hear you about wanting change. Here is your new option to move into the future" and then present a young dem, I think it would be fine. Dems will vote blue, Reps will vote Red no matter what, but I think the self-awareness and honesty with the American people would win over the middle of the aisle, which, unfortunately, is the only voting bloc that decides an election.


its not like you've got examples showing it wouldn't work. Just a hunch and LBJ who didn't have Roe. Democrats did fairly well in 2022 despite crazy high inflation. Roe is powerful enough to get any non senile candidate into office


Agree. Plus we are comparing apples to oranges. The speed of information is so much more rapid today. Five months in 2024 is plenty of time - not so much in 1968. Besides - all those arguing against Biden dropping out - which of you would change your vote if he's replaced? It's not about you guys. It's about the casual independents who saw last night's disaster and are going to give Trump the Presidency if we stay the course.


Maybe you're too young to vote but a candidate dropping out will ALWAYS make that side look weak and ensure no one votes. And who is this magical candidate that will definitely get more votes than Biden?


Gavin Newsome would destroy Trump. He’s a serious guy who knows his stuff and comes off as very presidential. Trump would never shut up with: California’s a disaster! to every question and Newsome would counter with: we’re the nation’s biggest economy by far, and a hundred other stats. Trump’s fear mongering would work with his base but this election is not about them. Plus he’s sharp enough to attack Trump mercilessly on his many weaknesses. Biden left way too much on the table last night. Newsome would have made Trump look like a fool to anyone not already committed to voting for him. Independents would see Newsome as a serious man with good ideas, who would not be an embarrassment to the country. Plus he’s younger and new which gives the less serious voters what they seem to need.


LMAO. Newsome can barely run his failed state. Get real.


Okay, Steve Bannon’s brain dead little brother.


biden isn't gonna win either way now so what do you have to lose?


Keep insisting that, brat who suddenly decided to care about Gaza this year


If Biden dropped and they actually nominated someone good, I think it would help them. It’s a big risk, but most people HATE both of the current options. Putting one good option on the table could convince a lot of people.


And who are these good options? Who is this magical candidate you all keep insisting exists?


Yeah, because the opposition party didn't benefit from the leading candidate that would've won in a landslide having been assassinated, if you're going to use historical examples for your half assed opinion at least use nuance.


Sure. Here's nuance: the democrat candidate stepping down will just make democrats look weak and you've failed to give me the name of this magical other Democrat who will totally win


Right, because running a feeble old man and losing to Trump definitely doesn't make Dems look weak. Literally anyone else would beat trump because millions of eligible voters are literally begging for a different option. Trump is so damn unpopular that literally an unknown with an ounce of charisma and can finish a 2 minute response would run trump off a stage. Trump is literally one of the two most disliked candidate ever, only behind.... Oh, the guy that Dems swear is going to win that has a 33% approval rating. You also want to use historical examples? No president ever has won with that approval rating. So you have millions of people just wanting someone else to run and they'll vote for that person, millions more thinking Biden is too old and want to vote for someone younger, but Democrats do what exactly? Oh, force the elderly feeble old man onto us and gaslight the country and swear he is more fit than trump. Trump showed clear signs of cognitive decline and sounded like shit last night but he looked better than Biden, so cope harder with your blue tinted glasses. Don't cry come January because this has been a flashing ginormous warning sign for months. It was obvious in 2020 also but Dems have the economy and covid on their side. You don't have that now, so congrats on being "the good guys" because that doesn't win elections and it hasn't for decades. Cope harder goofball 🤡


You still haven't offered a name of this magical democrat you insist exists who can run now and totally win Let me guess....just started caring about Gaza this Year?


You seem to use the gaza line a lot. You should find a new one.


So good of you to stalk me, creep


You're just everywhere. I see your posts because I keep scrolling and seeing you say the same thing. I thought my Reddit app was broken.


I say all that after hoping and praying that Biden looked good and made trump look stupid, but no, he couldn't even get past 20 seconds of a response without falling off track and forgetting what he was saying. Again, cope harder, because coping definitely is going to be at trump 🤡


Still not hearing the name of this magical Democrat you insist will beat Trump if they ran instead of Biden Easy to bitch and complain. Not so easy to come up with solutions huh?


Gretchen whitmer, who is insanely popular in battle ground Michigan, young woman of color (who are both demographics that you violently need to win said state) who is also popular in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Ya know, the three states that gave Trump the win in 2016. There are a number of younger Democrats that would beat Trump just because they aren't universally unpopular, aren't trump, and aren't 81 showing signs of mental decline. I'm not going to go and list the dozens of potential picks from governor's, senators or representatives. You can go look. Hell as someone from Kentucky I'd be tickled to see Andy do it, he has good character, is moderate, and calm under pressure (something voters have been begging for since the trump novelty wore off). Do I actually need to list them all for you just because you refuse to look or all of a sudden forget that there are more Democrats than just Joe Biden?


Gavin or Gretchen. Heck I would have taken Dean Phillips.


Beshear from Kentucky


I never heard of him. Reading up on him. Thanks for this.


Newsflash: Joe Biden looks weak and no one wants Kamala.


Cool admitting that will definitely make you look strong If Republicans won't make a convicted felon step down why should democrats?


Because Democrats aren't in a cult.


You sound like a Trumpanzee shill


You can point out DNC flaws without being a Trump shill.


This guy is , and your suspect


Buddy I wake up every morning praying I see a news alert he’s dead.


No, they are just reasonable and not dumbasses that are coping hard that an 81 year old with a high stress job is starting to show signs of mental decline. Goofy 🤡


*jerk off motion*


In your own face , you love that shit , The Blast , but I think your a squirter


Unfortunately you are right. They aren't concerned with the voters, they are concerned with maintaining power at all cost.


The DNC absolutely deserves to lose but the American people don’t deserve Republicans in government. When he picked Kamala Harris I knew he threw away succession planning


Lmao if that is true why is he running again and failing miserably.


If what is true? Biden said as much when he ran in 2020, dumbass. It wasn't until 2023 that he and the DNC flipped and chose to go again. That was *clearly* a mistake, even back in 2023.


Oh look the immediate name calling. Sorry though bud I meant is it true he has a brain? It’s Friday and I’m having a great day.


Ah. Just another, lonely troll....


Nice cop out.


A lot of people are just doing spin. The issue is, they are bad at it. They don’t understand with spin you have to be straight during bad performances otherwise you raise expectations for the next debate. Which is why the professionals who were supposed to be doing spin had to be honest.


Because we had Biden shoved down our throat. A lot of us didn't want him to begin with. He sold himself as a 1 term transitional president to soothe our fears that he was too old. He's going back on it. The only reason why we have Biden is because it was to woo the "black vote". He needs to step aside for someone who can win. His hubris is what is going to destroy us all. Grandpa needs to give up the keys for someone 30 years younger.


They will lie cheat and steal to maintain power. They don't care about what the democratic voters want! Republicans WANT Trump. Democrats are forced with Biden, then told not to worry everything is OK, when clearly it isn't!


Here's where I am, and I hope everyone takes it seriously. I think Joe Biden is a great president. Arguably this term has been one of the best presidential terms of my lifetime. I also think he deserves enormous credit for being the only person who could beat trump in 2020 and he has shown people that the path of moderate politics actually can work. However he actually is too old at this point to convincingly show people he is capable of doing this for 4 more years. The thing that is so frustrating about the current situation is that while Biden had a terrible performance, Trump was also disgustingly bad. Not in the sense of being dangerous, but in the sense of being an incoherent social media addled crazy old person who also has some ridiculous mental problem. So to me at this point Trump is insanely weak and insanely beatable by any young, sane, "Biden like" politician and there's NO NEED for Biden to try this again on his own, he has shown us the path and we can easily finish this job. But his age is holding us down in the mind of the independent voter, whereas if any of the Biden like governors were at the head of the ticket this would trivially be a blue landslide. That's where I'm at, this feels like it's not necessary, the man has done what he needed to and really should go out like a hero now and let us finish this.


I completely agree. This is worth quoting and repeating as often as necessary.


Yeah it's like in baseball when you pull your starting pitcher in the 7th. Like man, you did it, you set us up let the closers finish. I know you want to pitch all 9 innings but it doesn't always happen like that. We still give you a standing ovation on the way out though.


Biden for two years and a day, Harris to close, open primary in '28. How's that for a plan?


Harris for president?!?! She's the definition of didn't earn it - she was picked to look good demographically but is beyond under qualified. God help us if she becomes the next president... she isn't qualified to teach a kindergarten class.


She's like Gerald Ford in that way. I hope it pisses Republicans off


The good of the country be damned, right?


Why does this need to be about sticking it to the other person?


Because Republicans haven't won a popular vote in 32 years, and instead of responding to that stimulus by moving toward the center they've instead chosen to move toward the extreme right. They need to accept their defeats and reform back to the center, and I can't imagine a greater defeat for them than Kamala Harris taking the White House


Never going to happen. No one wants Kamala. Its delusional to think it. You're not thinking about winning on ideas and winning hearts, you're thinking about sticking it. How well did that work with AG Garland?


It's happening because the GOP doesn't want it. They may control the media, they may have more money than God, but they will know they've been defeated with a black woman is president


She is qualified (she was a prosecutor and US senator )but I don’t think she would do well in the election.


No one wants her.


Well thank god there's at least something Americans of all political parties can unify behind....


Yeah, I think she was thrown in to win demographics under the umbrella of big tent politics. How well did she do in solving the border issue? Shes done nothing notable than break ties in the senate.


She was litteraly chosen because she was a black woman which is frankly racist as fuck. I mean, a CP pick is actually important; the fact that they risked our entire country for optics tells you how much they deserve power, which is to say, not at all. Lets not forget Joe is not a healthy huy; despite the pretty clear dementia he has now, imho, he;s already had two (or is it three) nearly fatal aneurisms? His brain is broken, and I don't even mean that in a mocking fashion. He should've picked someone hyper competent.


I absolutely agree. It makes me mad that we still have a mentality that we look at voting blocks. We should be winning on ideas not on the count of how many people look like others. Ideas like that were from 50 - 100 years ago. Which explains why we have two people running from a generation born 80 some years ago.. both parties haven't evolved beyond the old voting block monoliths.


A MOMENT, PLEASE... That debate was horrible, BUT I think the best solution at this point is for Biden and the DNC to start emphasizing "The Biden Team". "A vote for Biden is a vote for the Biden Team" which includes all of his Cabinet and his VP...there's no need for America to be concerned, because he has AN ENTIRE TEAM. They have had many accomplishments in the last 4 years ( Transportation, Education, Commerce, Energy) and he should start sharing the spotlight, focusing on the youth and accomplishments of his appointees. This is an approach Trump can't counter because he is a self-absorbed narcissist that wouldn't share a napkin at lunch.


Maybe skip the VP he chose that didn’t even crack double digit support in the primary she ran in


Listen, honestly I want you to know if it comes to that I will be there and we will try it. But I honestly see no reason to do this. Just make buttigeg the candidate instead. He WILL WIN. Trump is NOT strong. He just needs a sane, moderate, and relatively young opponent and he will lose.


Buttigieg will never be president let alone now.


Now? No. Someday? I can see it. The guy is young, articulate, intelligent, a veteran & family man. In a nation where being gay just isn’t much of a thing anymore.


You're blind. He has no chance as a kill American jobs firm guy. You think they wouldn't bring up McKinsey.


So what? McKinsey isn’t as prestigious as it used to be, but they’re not the vultures of private equity. Management consulting is different.


I think you’re underestimating how homophobic the average American still is. 


I know more than a few hard-core conservatives who just don't care about sexual orientation. I think it's more of a generational split than anything, particularly among those who aren't evangelicals. Buttigieg certainly would have his issues, but the people who wouldn't vote for him because of sexual orientation wouldn't vote for him anyway, due to him being a Democrat.


He polled worse than Amy Klobachar the last time around. The kids got gumption and name recognition but He's not president material in this country at least not this time around. On top of that being Mayor is not enough legislative experience for the executive branch.


Very good point


I don't even care that Biden is old, he's still actually getting shit done.


Biden's age isn't the issue. He is basically the same age as Trump. Bernie Sanders would have destroyed Trump. Biden is just weak and ill


Ok sure, but that's because of his age. Wtf is wrong with you?


Trump is virtually the same age. How can he beat Biden if he is so old? Unless it isn't age that matters but health?


Man I hate to break it to you but trump sounds exactly 4 years behind Biden, he was terrible too. He was rambling about post birth abortions and golf. Can everyone stop with the partisan insanity and come back to common sense? If anyone was happy about what they watched they do not care about the country, neither of those people are fit for the office.


Trumps pupils were 3 times the size of bidens. He’s not healthy, he was on a cocktail by doc Ronny Jackson


I will vote for anyone as long as they aren't christofascists. Give the commies a shot for all I care.  As long as they are anti Republican evil I'm all for them. Enemy of an enemy is a friend and all that.


You would rather people die in gulags than let people express their religions?


You would rather innocents burn at the stake than put sane restrictions on religion?


Yeah you’re right. If Trump really thinks he “won” this debate then he is delusional. But, Biden really needs to push for those never-Trumpers, independents, undecided voters and do more town halls. I have some hope that as it comes close to November, Biden will truly redeem himself in a major way.


Trump won the debate.


Trump had nothing of substance and acted like he was the best president ever, when by figures and stats alone he was not. The guy is so in himself it’s incredible. He’ll brag about anything he can. He only had two talking points he regurgitated last night it was very telling on how in prepared he is to lead.


He still won the debate though.


Avoiding every question isn’t winning a debate.


You are delusional if you think Biden even stood a chance. Majority of news outlets and media are saying he got stomped. Trump stomped the man in a debate where Biden made the rules. No crowd, mic cutoff? If he was competent as President he would have had no issue doing things the way they always have been. Everyone can see that Biden is not fit to be President no matter how much you hate the orange man.


Yeah, Trump really established his legitimacy as a leader the Nth time he meekly asked the moderators for permission to speak 😂


Yet if he spoke out of permission you’d call him on that too. 😂 he won get over it man


I didn’t think Biden acquitted himself badly at all. As well as making solid points, he managed to point out the fact that Trump is a proven molester. Sure his age shows but he said the only reason he was still in the game since 2019 was to ensure that individuals, specifically Trump never get elected president again.


Sure but look at how corporate media covers it


Obama's first debate was weak because of tone and energy. He didn't forget what he was saying or lose his train of thought. Comparing the two is incredibly dishonest


I feel like OP and those commenting “Biden won the debate” didn’t actually watch it. It was insane. He lost his train of thought, mumbled incoherently, and was all over the place. I don’t like Trump, but holy smoke it was elder abuse putting Biden up there. He’s mentally GONE


Obama had a first bad debate, that is true. However Obama did not have a 10 second brain freeze on TV akin to Rick Perry's "I'm sorry I forgot" moment. This is a far magnitude worse than Obama's performance in that it wasn't about properly defending policy. It was completely affirming the public image that Republicans have put out of Joe Biden. This is a moment that will stick with the campaign through out the election. There is no "Cheapfake" excuse here. Everyone tuned in to see if Biden was as senile as Republicans claimed, and they got a man who spoke as if he was near death, mumbled, and had a complete brain shut down within the first ten minutes. Also one thing that differentiates the two. Obama only had to wait a week before the Vice Presidential debate, and two weeks until the second debate. Biden right now has to wait almost two months until the next result. That is two months in which this performance will ingrain itself in people's heads.


"Republicans have put out of Joe Biden" Did they "put [it] out"? Or did everyone with eyes just notice and talk about the truth?


Very fair as political observers we know it came from Biden himself. The people on the other hand who have no idea about politics these last few years and are just now paying attention may see it differently.


Thank you!! Democrats do it all the time and it needs to stop


Dems are the only reason we have a planet right now. If Trump was in office, we would not exist. That dumb shit would have blown us up by now.


Dems need to grow a spine and replace him. Biden is no longer Biden. That whole atrocious golf part where he tried to out lie a liar was not who Biden used to be. Completely out of character. Not something you can blame on stuttering or a cold. That was a huge sign of dementia. Trump with his personal and legal issues and the economic facts of Biden's economy being dramatically better in all categories should have made this an easy debate to win. The Biden up until this past year would have destroyed Trump. It was painfully obvious that Joe simply ain't Joe anymore. It's sad, but way too important to avoid. Time to move on.


It’s too late to replace him.


The election is months away, it’s most definitely not too late to replace him.


Who has the capital built up to replace him. Who is well known enough and can raise money. A campaign just doesn’t start from nowhere. The only option is Kamala, no one is starting from scratch.


Cool take…I’m voting for Biden but preparing for the worst. Unfuckingbelievable


I get it, my friend. I like the way you think. I can't get there, though. I think this is a lot worse than Obama debate, and we live in a much crazier world.


Joe is a fighter and he will bounce back better. Look at examples of him when he’s not sick. This was a bad night it seemed set up for failure.




Wow you’re so right.. I never thought of it like that 🫏


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Best Cognitive test taker ever!


You expect people to pretend that he's in tip top mental shape?


For an almost 80 year old yes


I like Joe, but we need someone else. I think he's not in good health. I'm not chicken little, but I'm not a fool either. I myself like Gavin Newsom with maybe a Bernie Sanders as VP.


Agreed. Biden and his team need to engage full damage control. As you say, he needs to pack his schedule with townhalls, interviews, and exposure. He needs to lean into his bully pulpit. He and his team need to slam every lie Trump got away with. I have precisely zero confidence he will. I'm increasingly convinced the DNC is about to throw this election like they did with Clinton back in 2016.


Grandpa needs to give the keys up. Thats what last night taught me. I don't see how this ends well if he's still in the race. I see Gavin or Gretchen winning.


The current president is the only one hurting the current president's chances.


I don't need Biden to be doing handstands, all he has to do is occupy the spot from a fake Christian, wannabe dictator. I'll take old over deranged any day.


I wasn't not really motivated to vote Biden. Now I'm definitely gonna show up for Biden. If DNC did something stupid, I'm gonna vote Trump for revenge. Seriously 😑 Dark Brandon 😎 all the way


An issue with health? Biden is too fucking old and a shit public speaker. We’re up against a convicted felon who will end American democracy, and this tired old man is supposed to save us?


Right the attacks against him are showing that they work. Just chill


I’m voting for Biden knowing that his administration and nominations will be qualified and do their jobs. If you vote for Trump, it’s going to be 4 years of him pushing legislation to expand presidential powers so he can avoid all of his legal issues. Trump voters are voting for Trump to be a criminal


This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


In politics, perception is often reality.


Why are people so shocked at Biden’s performance? We see him fumbling constantly. He’s not cable if anything but rehearsed sound bites of reading a teleprompter. He’s been this way for well over a year. Tomorrow will start the spin….maybe. There was definitely a call for him to step aside tonight. If he doesn’t, Trump wins. He definitely lost the young vote, more of the minority vote and a huge block of independents. They may not vote for Trump, but they also won’t vote Biden. Stick you head in the sand again, it’s not going to matter. Biden is done.


The whole “well he just had a bad night” people are delusional. There’s dozens of clips of him behaving the exact same way last night in other public appearances. Wandering around looking lost, misremembering things, saying things that didn’t happen, etc.


They are shocked because the people on this website instantly dismissed anyone who brought up concerns about his age as lying or making it up.


It was a couple of stupid talking heads. Biden won, easily. Sure, he is an old man. Who were you expecting, Chuck Norris?


Won according to who? CNN says 67% of people who watched the debate say Trump had a better performance.


When 9 out of 10 things you say are blatant lies, you win?


The people who thought he performed better must not have thought he was lying.


It doesn't matter if none of them are paying attention to the truth. This country is vanishingly short on critical thought these days.


About 40 percent of the voters, if it gets that high, yes.


When your opponent can barely finish a sentence or a thought, yes.


I will stick with facts over lies and bullshit, Thank you very much. Trump is not getting my vote.


what did trump lie about?


Everything. The only lie he did not tell was when he said "We had H2O" But then if you can't tell a lie from Trump, then you are just one of the centipede components behind him.


For one he said he didn't sleep with a porn star An easily verified thing He also said post birth abortions were a thing Dude is a liar


He’s not favored by the military 2020 pew poll stats that they favored Biden 51% to 45% Trump Dems aren’t for killing the baby after 8 to 9 months or after it’s born. Trump didn’t have the greatest economy Putin isn’t scared of Trump he’s his cohort He did have sex with a porn star Biden didn’t get him indicted Shall I go on.


you know what the biggest lie is?


That he’s running to save America and not to save his ass from prison


nope, the fact that ur lying to urself that trump is gonna lose


So in order for him to win he has to gain what Biden won. Young voters aren’t voting for him, he’s not going to gain much in the Black vote. With the abortion issue he’s losing women. There still is a large group of never trumpers. Where will he make in roads from last election! Americans are starting to have Trump burn out. He was elected because he was an outsider. Now Americans have seen the true him. Trump lost his uniqueness.


young men are turning, trump is poling in the double digits better with black people. the writings on the wall


That's the thing If ones metric for performing better is just "talked better" sure Trump did better. But he said nothing. Just lies and bluster


Does it really matter if the outcome is more people voting for Trump after the debate? Isn’t that the point of the debate, to win more voters?


Well see what the actual outcome of this is Quite Frankly if people are convinced by blatant lies said half confidently then Biden never had a chance to begin with


Rally behind the rotting corpse, you dutiful sheep. Ignore the evidence of your own eyes. This dead man will lead you to ever greater heights of partisan ecstasy.


It’s not one performance over one night. It was 3 years of narrative building by Rs saying he’s too old and weak being validated in the public minds in one night. There will not be other debates. Trump has literally zero incentive to do so, he is winning. Between alienating Muslims and progressives with Gaza and now this he’s toast. People are sick of voting for the lessor of two evils and are resigned to the fact that government will never work for them only the rich. People won’t switch from Biden to Trump but I can tell you this election is gonna be decided by base enthusiasm and Trump is doing what is needed to energize his base turnout and Biden is doing everything he can to depress his. Don’t blame the nails for being repeatedly slammed by the hammer…


I'm hoping this is all part of the plan, and that he was hoping it would make Trump cocky when it comes to more debates later on where Biden will destroy him. But I know that might be overthinking it.


Sounds like a rope a dope technique Make Trump think he’s winning then push him off and come back swinging.


This is the real deal- being able to “debate” is not a skill required to be a good president. Biden is a terrible public speaker. He has speech impediment and it doesn’t help that he’s older than methuselah . Biden still has better judgment, is a better person and more intelligent and more capable and honest than Trump. I don’t care that he can’t engage very well in a televised pony show. It looks bad but that’s all it is. The debate was a matter of appearance not of substance.


Lol you all are so cooked and blaming everyone else for the bed youve made for all of us


The problem is more that Trump has figured out the debate code. Just basically blast lies and distortion at such a rate that Biden, at his age and ability, cannot respond effectively. That's the best he can do. That's the extent of his weapons. And all this does is shore up his base... But if his base was slipping (which it very well was), then this may be enough. Maybe it is too late to change horses, but the truth is that any younger competent Democrat with a decent resume could bury Trump, and the party has put the country at risk by not committing to Biden being one term in the first place.


They’ve always been chicken littles. The war criminal who stole the presidency at least once who got away scot-free should have told you.


Yup. People are already doom and gloom about the election over ONE. DEBATE. It’s ridiculous but they’re out there panicking


I told my friends I'm voting for the funniest thing. Trump didn't have to run from prison so that's out. Luckily I get to vote for the crypt keeper. Please keep him in the eye of the camera. It's so funny, we have to all pretend he's fine and cognizant. Act like he absolutely crushed that debate.


Honestly they could have wheeled him out in a coffin and I’d still vote for him. Still would be better than the criminal he’s running against


The disunity is so heartwarming


Or else suffer jail time for being gay. !! Or rehab. !


It was ugly. But apostle you no one remembers the 04 debates between Obama and Romney. And don’t under estimate the republicans ability to shoot themselves in the foot. 


Biden doesn't do Town halls or interviews. His media team knows it's a terrible idea. That's why they intentionally shelter him from it. He had a week to prep and that's what you got. Dems are In a full blown panic.


He was interviewed by several people on talk shows. He does fine.


What’s really funny is they were totally oblivious until just yesterday


Biden is completely unfit to be anything but retired. If he was a private citizen there would serious conversations among his family about putting him in a nursing home. He has minimal motor skills and his reasoning abilities are severely degraded. He can’t walk without assistance. He slurs his speech. His mind wanders and falters, even when asked to regurgitate talking points, let alone think and speak freely. This is the man in charge of the nuclear launch codes. This is the man with executive power over all of us.


How often do you observe him in public


He's the president. We all see him every day.


You’re not a doctor, you seem him at campaign stops. You don’t see day to day activities.


Replacing Biden as the nominee is a non-starter and will not happen for practical reasons. If it was going to happen, it should have happened last year. Too late, that ship has sailed.


Yeah, anyone that watched that and was on the fence and/or changed their vote to Trump, was never going to vote Biden anyways. Dont listen to the pundits this week. Trump will soon be sentenced and this debate will be a distant memory. Dems just need to have their ducks in a row for next election and run someone not old.


You assume if Trump gets in there will be another election... he may not take the chance - go read Project 2025


Trump and the RNC hasn’t even endorsed project 2025. Stop spreading misinformation


Biden is done for after this debate. Trump ran circles around him.


If by circles you mean said the same thing over and over then yes. N


it least he was able to speak in complete sentences


Trump for the win.


"Obama had a bad first debate and he recovered!" Obama's brain wasn't melting you ridiculous cultist 🤣


Obama offered “hope and change” no matter how superficial that was. Biden promises “nothing will change” How do they expect to defeat Trump by trying to uphold a political status-quo that already gave us Trump?! If the Democrats had gone left rather than seeking to win a tiny number of conservative swing voters and Republicans, they would have Obama-like enthusiasm and youth support. Instead a lifelong conservative Democrat demonized student protesters while arming a slaughter, supported bans on TikTok, tries to outflank Trump by pushing anti-immigrant bullshit and then limply throws together some student debt relief like he’ll cynically buy some youth support. How many young people do you think are going to door-knock for Biden (out of desire not fear of Trump?) Trumpers enthusiastically want Trump, Biden voters largely just don’t want Trump. This assymetry will lead to Trump’s re-election and the centrists and their 30 year triangulation playbook are as culpable for this as Republican accomodationists.


umm, I think you missed something. He CLEARLY has dementia and the lights are on, but no one is home. That finally got exposed to millions upon millions of Americans. The media has been hiding it, the democrats have been hiding it ("I was in a meeting with him, he was turning cartwheels and is SO smart!"), etc. I doubt his handlers will let him go through that again (they should not - this is elder abuse).


The Emperor Has No Clothes!!!


Arm chair doctors at its best. No one besides an actual can diagnose dementia.


Only you're wrong. None has "rallied behind him" for months. He's a decrepit fossil and is about to hand the country to fascists because he's too proud and arrogant to let go.


You mean the DNC ran him and begged him to stay. They let no one primary him.


Rofl comparing this debate to obamas 1st ... thats as dumb as claiming we are better off under biden then trump


We are better off under Biden than Trump. Economy is way better, jobs are better.


Voted biden in 2020. After this debate, I'm voting Trump.


Okay 0 karma comment bot


What swayed you?




If I'm team Trump, I'm cancelling debate #2 and that's all the American people see. We all know who the democrats are voting for. We all know who the Republicans are voting for. The question is, who will the middle 10-20% of the country vote for? And after that, assuming no changes, it's probably Trump.