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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/ThePassiveGamer|Reddit: 9|06/18/2017 - 6 Years| | IGN: ThePassiveGamer|Discord: 0|Total: +9 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


But... I like sardines šŸ˜­


Good for you brošŸ’€


I guess I'm alone in thinking it's dumb as fuck.


Iā€™m also wondering why itā€™s on r/market76 ā€¦ you want a fixer for it or what?


Do you say this about the hundreds of other posts that have absolutely nothing to do with buying/selling/trading or only the ones you hand pick to comment on due to the fact that you know you're commenting somewhere with allies and it's going to inevitably turn into a circle jerk dopamine farm?




Not alone.


Nope. Trap camps don't make any sense to me. But I actually want my shit to sell, so who knows.


What the dumb kids are doing today? Nope, we sure don't know.


Some days you generate more scrap in a day than you would farming for a month other days nothing. It is entertaining if you get bored with the game to try and make the most inconspicuous and impossible to beat trap. Then watch people try to beat it because they do theyā€™ll get killed by it 5 times in a row trying to probe a weakness. Trying different glitches and sometimes they work and you have to redesign to prevent that from working again. Itā€™s just a new layer when youā€™re bored as is pvp


you aren't alone


Never alone, my friend.


Whaddya mean, it's real cool to be such a rebel and not have a *nice* camp like all the other plebs! /s I don't care about trap camps as long as they're a bit different and fun. This one is unique I guess but unnecessarily aggressive and kinda trolly which makes it not fun to me-- I would have preferred funnier sillier nonsensical insults or something more unique than just a bunch of punjis and super edgy 'i'm so emo' swears like 'eat shit'. I mean the 'sardine eater' one had so much potential but then he just finishes it off with the mundane insult. I think trap camps can be fun, but my problem with them is that the same people that dish it never seem to be able to take it. I came across a punji trap camp a while ago and I lightfooted it past, but there was an invisible barrier that made his vendor inaccessible, so I gave up and left. Later, I noticed him at my camp shopping (I have a pretty high traffic vendor) so I depoped my camp when he was sniffing around then depoped it again when he went to my other one. He started to angry emote me and it's like really? You want the privilege of vendor hopping and buying my serums and shit, but you want people to fall into a trap and die at yours? Ok bro. Sorry this is a long winded way of saying you're not alone in thinking that.


Lol whenever you hear people say Fallout 76's community is overly sensitive with a bunch of people trying to get their daily dose of dopamine through acting "socially righteous", the people in this thread are the ones they're talking about. Getting their feelings hurt over someone actually acting like a raider in a game with... raiders.. Contrary to what you want to hold hands and tell eachother, this isn't candy land, it isnt all rainbows and unicorns. It's pretty bad when Fortnite kids have more of a spine than the majority of this community.


I think itā€™s hilarious. You guys take this shit way too serious lmfao jesus.


Nobody is upset. It just isn't funny.


I would say that it really depends on the person. I don't have the patience to make a trap camp myself, but I do wish I found them more often. Tbh I think it would be fun to try cracking it. And the consequenses are very small to none. So yeah, I would find it funny to find a trap camp again. And the great thing about them, you really don't have to interact with them if you don't like them. So I don't really understand the opposition against them.


Just to clarify, I'm not upset if you like trap camps, and I don't care if people want to continue to create trap camps. This was in response to a comment saying "we take it too seriously". That isn't the case, I just can't be bothered. Personally, trap camps give "discord moderator" and "kid with a magnifying glass on an ant hill" vibes, and I think the entire thing is a gigantic waste of time. That's all.


Well, I already assumed that you were not upset as you said so in your last comment. It was more of another perspective on them. I did see alot of trap camps when I started playing, or at least were like one year in. And today I kind of regret not having fun with them when I found them. Because you never really see any today. I also have been playing since 2020 with a 1 year pause in between the years. For me at least, at this point, trap camps would be a welcome change for me. And a lot of fun.


Ah yes, the guy playing videos games says he thinks doing something in said video game is a waste of time.. A video game that isn't exactly known for its overwhelming amount of content to keep people entertained that have been around for years...


Just because it amuses you, doesn't mean it amuses everyone. Not faulting you for enjoying it, but I explained my POV from why I think it's stupid. Using your logic any moron who plays videogames is wasting their time anyway, so we might as well just play games at random without preference for titles or genres since it's all a waste of time anyway. Whatever. Enjoy visiting trap camps. I hope you enjoy the shit out of it.


It aint that serious lmaooo




I'm a woman so yeah I guess


So women are sissyā€™s aka weak? Noted.


Itā€™s because sissy is typically associated with ā€œfeminine behaviorā€ sperg


THANK YOU. Also I love your username.


Iā€™m aware, just sounds like theyā€™re accepting/reinforcing the stereotype. Kinda weird.


We get it. You donā€™t like women and want to start arguments anytime they say anything. Noted


Theyā€™re the one who reinforced a stereotype about women. As a women lol. Room temp IQ and failed white knight attempt.


Baby boy, did I hurt your feelings when I didn't reply the first time?


There are a lot of badass, strong women in the world who infact are not sissies, but thank you for telling us you are not one of them.


Literally no one asked.


Thank God you told me!


For your input? Yeah, I'm tracking. Also, this is Reddit. Not sure if you're familiar, but people post ideas, thoughts, or questions for others to comment on. Therefore, by creating this post, OP did ask for the input of others. Best of luck coping.




Itā€™s only trash to you cause of how much you play


Personally if I was that bored i'd just play a different game or something idk.


Kinda sad Iā€™m on Xbox and will never experience this camp.


You can be the change that Xbox needs.


Come to my spaceship ape-man!


Find my camp šŸ˜ˆ


Aight man, what junk you want me to bring? šŸ˜‚


Oh I didnā€™t make mine a trap camp just a funny camp I feel too bad ever thinking about doing a trap camp!


Ayy I like funny ones too!


Oooh edgy šŸ’€šŸ’€


So edgy! šŸ˜‘


I bet he has a tragic backstory. Something like "I was dropped on the head when I was a baby" or "my mom drank through her pregnancies"


Supermassive edge lord.


Glad I'll never encounter your camp knowing I stopped playing on playstion like a year ago


could you get banned for this kind of profanity? Iā€™m only asking cuz I do the same stuff lol


Have you ever read the note ā€œYour the dumbassā€? Or like, seen half the stuff in Fallout thatā€™s absolutely laced with profanity?


I have a punch bowl with a sign above it that says "free cum" pretty sure he's safe if i am šŸ˜‚


But it works or what? Im about to get a PS only to press it with my mouth open


Oh you'll get a mouthful alright. *Of delicious refreshing nukashine*


Nuka Quartz


Nuka Pearl


As long as it isn't a slur I doubt it considering foul language is all over the place


Try that idea with Rockstar where in GTA Online the most random words are censored, even in instances where no other player can see them


Well rockstar has cheaters in 80% of PC lobbies so I doubt they also enforce bans.


I had a giant "welcome home, cocksucker" sign in my camp for actual years, I'm pretty sure it's fine


I have no idea. Iā€™m on PS. The NPC characters use profanity as well so I doubt it. It is in the spirit of the wasteland imo.


I guess I never really thought about it like that.. I need to turn mine up a notch


Well just be careful on the mic though. People can report you for speaking profanity if they are really petty.


When I was on ps4, I had an entire camp named ā€œFuck Shackā€ lol. Had an entire movie studio in it, used the cold shoulder for cum stains in photo ops, fireworks pop as soon as you walk inā€¦.THE meme built with 5 stuffed gorillas standing and sitting behind the casting couch. And Sofia Deguerre was the star in her panties and a nurse hat. No ban. No warmings either lol. Was even named fuck shack on the map šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


They use the same language


that's so awesome you came here and did a ama. luv this community


I have never seen a camp that could keep me out, maybe one day I'll find yours, to be honest the only way you could keep me out is if you stuck your vendor under the map and deleted the way in, or put it in your vault I'm not loading in and out of vaults. traps, floors anything place able there is always a wat around it, often just a long run up will do it, like the enclave bunker bypass all security and enter at any level if you take a long and fast run up to it from white springs station, same goes for anything you can place. or just a fresh jump to your camp, obviously unless I've seen the layout I may not be able to get in first jump, do you have a wired vendor, I often follow the wires before the camp fully loads and often find my self locked in a camp


Random: *picklocks door* Me: *waiting with gun ready to fire* 10 heavy laser Enclave turrets after I shoot them: *immediately wipes player*


No way, itā€™s [you](https://youtu.be/X41TRLKX508?si=xlQhgWaq793tToqa). I was the one stalking the whole thing lol. Super funny stuff.


Yes thatā€™s me. Oh you were cookie lol your trip was so perfect šŸ¤£


Kinda cringe ngl


Whatā€™s wrong with vendor hoppers you want to sell whatā€™s in your vendor right?


Redditors lack any form of critical thinking skills or the ability to process humor of different forms. You really think he feels this way about people touching his vendor, don't you?


No i obviously donā€™t I just wanna see how far his rp will go


You said "cringe", thats not something you say if you want to see how far it will go.


Donā€™t touch my stuff.


What? šŸ¤£ donā€™t sell your stuff if you donā€™t want it to go


Life after death? Trespass here to find out.




Challenge Accepted. If this was on PC and I ran into it, I would chug a lot of canned coffee, jet pack hover near the window and try to access from there. Would be a fun challenge lol


You should add an accessible vendor and fill it with "Your the Dumbass" notes.


1500 copies of the mole miner gauntlet plan at 120 different price points, so that it fills the vendor menu.


Don't forget the Mr Handy Buzz Blades!




I guess a 9 y/o would find this cool..?


Dude about to get Nuked 24/7 šŸ˜‚


What I get from the post is that youre needy


I hate cheap crappy trap camps just for the sake of a pointless death but one with a theme like this and LITERALLY WARNS YOU i find completely fine and a big part of the community. To be fair obviously "settlers, vault dwellers" are going to dislike "raider" gameplay but without raiders the game would not feel like a wasteland. 10/10 from me


I 100% agree with you, cheap cookie cutter trap camps are what piss me off too because they only exist to hurt noobs as they're the only ones that fall for them and I hate that, even though I'm in the minority with that thinking. This one is a little better so I give it props but It could have been awesome. 'Sardine Eating Dipshit' isn't that bad but something like 'Potato Licking Douchenugget' would have been a good one. Dying in front of a sign saying "You're The One With the Stinky Buttcrack!" or something would have been hilarious, way funnier than 'Vendor Hopping Piece of Shit' He could have gone full unhinged with the insults but no. Good implementation, bad follow through 5/10


That sounds more rebellious teenager than post apocalyptic raider but to each their own ahah. I feel like he did a good job insulting people and making his intentions clear from the start and if his goal is to trigger everyone like a raider would then he has achieved that pretty well and in a way i gotta respect it. Wouldnt feel diverse if everyone was friendly and happy in a world like fallout


Itā€™s him :..thatā€™s the hero


Lmao! That's great! Sardine eating dipshit made me laugh.


[An actual vault dweller](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/62d89c925e1530e8d845630ab8310fa503f2c1bbb5f1da2844fb9595e89d2440_1.jpg)


Dog shit camp.


This is a good CAMP. If I came on this myself I would message you to tell you I liked it.


Ermmm yea im a bit of a trollā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Looks so good love the Style šŸ˜


I thought it was funny haha you do you, Infact what a great idea it is to have an unreachable vendor with a few insults waiting for players that you can swap to when your max caps, love it šŸ˜‚ inspired


I have 5 characters with 5 camps each, thatā€™s 25camps total, one of them is a trap camp, got bored and made one for fun or when Iā€™m at max caps. I have warning signs out side (if you to blind to read it, on your own head be it) but I donā€™t take junk I just stand there and laugh as people run to their doom. Itā€™s all fun and game and itā€™s not like these a penalty for dying so stop crying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol this is hilarious.


This is a bold move. Some Karen/Daren will get you banned šŸ˜†


Love this


This community has gotten so damn whiny over the years. Back in 2018-2020 this game was the wild wild west. It was on site alot of the time. Nowadays people would file a complaint with Bethesda before posting an analysis of their incident on Reddit for everyone to give them virtual pats on the back while telling them it's okay, that guy was a big meanie but he can't hurt you anymore. Lol yall are soft as shit, your parents raised some legit sissies.






Yea I get a lot of thumb downs


Cheers šŸ»


Yep but Iā€™m more mad that this guy used up all the thumbs down for the rest of us. Also I love this camp itā€™s hilarious.


Lmao I think this shit is hilarious. Itā€™s mind numbingly pathetic how many people are remotely upset about this. People really need to go outside.


I think you bring up a great point about how easily people can be upset and I also think it can be a very deep topic to delve into. In my experience as a troll itā€™s the little things that push people. But what truly upsets people, and absolutely drives them to behave erratically and irrationally? I have found it to be when you waste their time. Nothing feels worse than wasted time. It feels bad when you waste your own time, but when someone else wastes it - it really can hurt. Time is finite and precious. Humans only live for so long. To have our time wasted can feel like someone is literally killing us. Itā€™s torture really. The traps and the insults. They are pebbles in an ocean. Even the dying from being killed in the game. So long as the dying is an accepted part of the players ā€œgameplay experienceā€, be it by a wanted bounty, PVP, or a trap, it can be a relatively minor offense. But wasting someoneā€™s time intentionally is like dropping a nuke in the ocean. And the waves of emotion that swell up and can become tsunamis of anger and rage. Most video games people play as a past time either alone or socially with others. For few others who perhaps struggle with a personal ailment like mental illness or a disability that keeps them sedentary, this game is often their escape from whatever pain they endure. That is never lost on me and some of the kindest people Iā€™ve met are the people suffering from mental illness, crippling depression, or disability. So I make it a point to not waste their time if I can help it. I recognize that I can be a pest. So it is right for people to become upset. It means theyā€™re wired properly.


Some mixed reactions in the comments but this is just a funny thing to run into šŸ˜­


Some people on this sub don't do psycho or eat people, and it shows


How did you get the items on the table so close together? You have to place all the chessboards at the same time before merging, right? Wouldn't they collide so you have less dynamic spacing?


Itā€™s a blueprint. Place a foundation. Place a chessboard at the edge of the foundation close enough so that you can break it with a flame trap. Break it. Now place another chessboard wherever you need it and as close as you need it to be to the other. Repair the broken one. Now they should be overlapped. Blueprint them both. After placing the blue print if the chessboards are stacked you can use the pressure plate merge to get them lined up onto the same plane. The displayed items can clip through other placed items. So can place lamps and other decor as close as you want. Some people have place decor directly over displayed items as well to combine them. All of the teddy bears can be placed onto a table or bed or couch if you blueprint all of the necessary chessboard to display them all. Only 30 displays are allowed per camp.


Everyone loves to RP but hate when someone doesnā€™t RP the same way, I donā€™t really understand the hate youā€™re getting. Doing this definitely adds variety and fun to the player base, and as long as youā€™re taking the retaliation with your chin up, I donā€™t see a problem.


People need to lighten up. This is hilarious.


This is great advice.


Hes kinda helping them lighten up by taking that junk off of them.


Can you post a video on what happens to players? Like record yourself ā€œfalling for itā€.


I'd love to see this too




Why is ā€œsardine eating dipshitā€ so hilarious to me šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€




ā€œGimmie what you got, I'm only gonna count to ten. Gimme what you got, I won't say it again I'm the one with the gun, this here's my idea of fun. Now gimme what you got and I might let you walk away.ā€


ā€œred eye here!ā€


ā€œColter ended up being kind of a chump, but I mean, you know, I knew that from the beginning, like, I probably could have challenged him right there, you know, made myself the Overboss, but, you know, whatever, I like this gig just fine. Yeah.ā€


Honestly I love trap camps, like, we're on the apocalypse, not everything is flowers and sunshines, I love the community and everyone who's nice to everyone else, but a trap camp once in a while it's part of it, not everyone has to be nice! Like if you've the capacity to picklock something and destroy the entire base because why not, well you're free to it just like this lad is free to troll a bit! GG lad! Shame I'm on xbox, I'd love visit that camp for shit and giggles!


This has to be satire. This looks life a lvl. 5 camp, no offense. Though maybe you want it to look like that to trap people. Eh whatever works


I have 6 camps and they all have a theme. This is a raider camp. So I used junkie looking pieces. I have a raider shotgun build and a raider PA PVP build that uses the camp.


Wish I could post a screenshot of my bunker for this


I personally love it


U on pc lmao


That's awesome šŸ˜‚


This is actually pretty funny, well done lol


Absolutely amazing camp dude. I'm a new player but would love to build one of these lmao


Ok but how are the prices


Honestly? 5k per three star. 500 per plan. Sometimes I scrip the heavy ones.


I love your camp dude gave me a laugh and I nearly choked on my drink as soon I opened up your porta potty. I totally didnā€™t spend 25 minutes last night trying to glitch my way into your vending machineā€¦ That being said what were you even selling? Kinda curious lol šŸ˜…


5k cap 3 stars. And 500 cap armor mod plans, weapon mod plans. The plans sell like hot cakes when I use an open vendor. The weapons rarely sell. But sometimes someone comes along and buys one. Another manā€™s trash is another manā€™sā€¦


Treasure šŸ—æThereā€™s always that one dude out there whoā€™s interested in what you got. Also why am I getting mass downvoted??? šŸ’€


Dude build one next to the scorch queen spot so all those nukes lead to more chaos!


Love the camp. If your vendor is actually accessible but through traps and locks. I would use the light foot perk and clip through the doors


it's beautiful...


This is great and I love how you're such a good sport about getting nuked. Not really an issue if you pay attention. One question, if someone glitches and had light footed, would they get roasted by your camp?


The lightfoot people, if Iā€™m there watching, Iā€™ll trigger the spike board and smack them with it, then trigger the flame trap, and then trigger the siren. If Iā€™m not around I usually come home to find that someone played with my switches to try to lock me out, but I canā€™t be locked out with the way it is wired, or they trigger my traps after glitching the door, but they still donā€™t get to the vendor. If I feel like waiting for visitors I remove my armor, equip my weapon, and then chameleon mutation activates. I get all types. Sometimes a lone wanderer, sometimes a person invites their friend to check it out, sometimes a gang of PVPers will show up looking for a fight.


Kinda funny


Wait... what kind of shit eating dumbass doesn't like sardines?????


Love it, it's definitely part of what makes Fallout, Fallout.


This is what todd envisioned when he saw people joining the crater


Raiders gotta raid raid raid


Thats funny af


I hate the idea of vendor hopping. It's the idea that you knowingly rip off an uninformed player. Trap camps are few and far in-between for me because I don't vendor hop. As far as I'm concerned, any vendor hoppers caught in trap camps deserve it. They go around looking for shit to steal. They are the cockroaches and wealth hoarding whales that ruined the market instead of encouraging new traders to help it grow. Now we are stuck at the whims of wealth hoarders, RMTers, and market manipulating dupers! If you vendor hop, you deserve every camp to be a trap camp. Help new players or Stfu. I don't care for your excuses.


Wtf are you talking about. Vendor Hopping is just to get plans and shit you don't have, like during events when people have multiples of plans they don't want, like the Alien event or Meat Week. The people hoping to get an ultra rare or fleece someone out of a god roll are so few and far between. I have a super high traffic camp with everything unlocked and people barely touch my junk, coffee, tea, cement etc, even when they are welcome to it. I also have the majority of my plans at 2c for newbs and fair prices for the more rare plans and stuff and no one buys them all out. Almost everyone just buys one plan each. Even when I drop serums to 300 or 400 I don't have people buying them all, only sometimes. So it's not okay to 'steal' from newbies but it is okay to trick them in your trap camp, kill them, and steal their shit? Especially when they don't know any better? Imagine playing a brand new game for the first time, finding a cool base and getting instakilled and called a 'vendor hopping piece of shit' for your trouble. How is that 'helping new players'? Besides, newbies can and should price check on legendaries and event items. When I was new I never sold stuff I didn't know the price of. Donation box hoppers are way worse than vendor hoppers imo. >Trap camps are few and far in-between for me because I don't vendor hop. I do vendor hop, especially during events and I still don't come across many trap camps. Who hurt you? Are you on PS5? I'm happy to either block you from buying from my camp or make a trap camp for you if that makes you feel better.


Donation boxes aren't predatory by nature, as you aren't actively visiting the player whose going to be effected to take the items out of their Stash for 10c. Obviously, when you take my argument out of context and apply it to just shopping for plans/serums. Typically, vendor hopping is going from server to server, checking every vendor looking for grolls and rare apparel and buying them for way under their value from new/uninformed players, and you KNEW what it meant. You understood what I was referring to, then took my argument out of context anyway. I'm not on PS5, and I'm glad for it, so I can avoid people like you taking the actual argument out of context. The "Vendor Hopping trash" that the OPs trap camp referring to are the same people. The fact that you could acknowledge it in your first statement and then misconstrue it for an entire essay is almost impressive.