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It was Agatha all along!!


Snap player i presume?




Lol. In snap Agatha is a card that plays your cards for you, and messes up your game. Complete troll card. So Agatha being it all along fits perfectly. Perhaps she was the ceo, and they finally threw her out. Hence the improvement in general


Go watch wandavision


Whats your point?


Cool bro


6 people hate marvel snap šŸ˜­


Some of you werenā€™t around for year 1 and it shows. The original release method was Blitz and you needed to basically be the top 2% on two separate blitz rotations to get a character. Black Widow was especially rough as she was a high value character. And a 100 shard Unlock. If memory serves correctly top 2% gave only 45 shards, plus the Milestones gave 21(??) each blitz. So youā€™d barely get 100 shards. Also both Loki and Sabertooth were originally release as Premium Orb Lottery toons. Not that they were added to premium orbs, but that the only way to get them was by getting a Gold 180 drop from the orb. There was the controversy around Phoenix, she was an OP toon at the time and the Devs literally looked through everyoneā€™s rosters and found the 5 least built characters to make her unlock requirements AND at the last minute made her the only 6* legendary unlock because to many people were able to hit 5* on Mystic Controllers before her release. (Confirmed by old top CC Khasino) And finally Deadpool was released as a Raid Reward from the infamous Deadpool raids. They had terrible trait requirements where the final node was literally Global Villain and at the time it was basically Crossbones and minions, the mode strategy was literally all 4 Alliance mates on each side had to attack and just Ult with Crossbones and hope you did enough damage to clear it. Not to mention the fact that the initial raids were on a 2-HOUR timer. Yā€™all wanna talk about Alliances Splitting up now over raid rewards? lol you children donā€™t even know the nightmare that DP raids caused. People LOVE to complain about this and that, but Scopely has actually really streamlined the release method and made it very possible for EVERYONE to unlock a character at at least 3* with a 4* being common and a 5* being for the sweatier players. I canā€™t even remember the last time Edit - Also just thought about this. BLITZING back in the day had no SIM feature and at the time a non-whale MAYBE had 3 teams that could reliably win at 8.3. And the grind to get to 8.3 was INTENSE because horizontal roster building wasnā€™t a thing. Your roster was basically a RAID team and maybe 1-2 extra toons for the Arena meta. So blitzing was ACTUALLY a chore back then.


Want to add this: wasnā€™t there a time when you couldnā€™t save teams? You had to select them and form the team yourself which is why my hatred for blitz has lasted since the beginning


Yes, and it was awful


For a while at the start (too long a while), I didn't "get" blitz. I literally had "one team" to blitz with, and every 2 hours, I'd do 1 attack with that team. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


God, this brought me back. And all of those issues were a huge reason I quit the game for a few years. So glad they seem to be stream lining stuff a lot better even if they are still scummy in areas


Holy crap Black Widow was a brutal release, if you could call her release a ā€œreleaseā€ as we know it these days. I donā€™t think I unlocked her until Year 2, maybe 3


Wasnā€™t her blitz only on day one of release? I remember not even understanding what blitz was and never seeing her in blitz again. I literally got her unlocked year 2 after I took a 6 month break because I was pissed they stopped giving blitz credits for the rewards šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Yeah she was something else!! I just remember being so incredibly *stoked* once I finally had her only to realize I had missed her Meta by about 8 months, šŸ˜–


I remember avoiding any blitz that had her in it. Then if they had BW and Quake on the squad you know you were gonna lose šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. Newer players hearing Quake was Meta probably think we lying. They probably donā€™t even realize she is a character in the game šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Quake was *incredible* back then!! That AOE slow was gamebreaking. She could clear entire screens back then. Powercreep is crazy looking at current heroes


The days where many early adopters didn't unlock characters until they were out of the meta and if still felt like an accomplishment.


I wasnā€™t year one, but yeah, those blitz releases. And then every so often theyā€™d randomly chuck you in a beginner shard for a blitz so you got less shards! I remember 1 Xmas/NY release, 6 characters, 5 via blitz! And they ran Bishops first blitz, then Iceman the week after, then Bishops 2nd, then Icemanā€™s 2nd, so for each youā€™d have to wait 2 weeks unless you were top of the rankings


This is spot-on. The old days were terrible for toon releases. The only difference, at least, was the release schedule wasnā€™t as hectic. For me, Agatha was the most recent memorably bad release. I think a lot of people didnā€™t realize A) how important sheā€™d be and B) how long itā€™d be before she became farmable again without $


Lol I remember this. I quit msf years ago after dropping close to a grand over a few years of play and realizing the problem I had. I tried to get back in recently but I'm so far back it feels wildly overwhelming to try and catch up


These were the days .. man did I hate blitz ... Hour a cycle


Gosh, the memories!


You are absolutely correct


i remember that, i think that and the raid format were why i left in the first place. geez that brought back memories lol




Don't forget blitz bots when there were unlimited rotations every 2h


I would rather go back to the two blitz events instead of these month long events!


Scopely: you can unlock your characters for freeĀ  Player base: Only if we dedicafe our life to this cams AND have spent money before the releaseĀ  There's been plenty of dodgy business practices over the years but truly the 100 shard blitz releases were horrific to the level my partner would demand to know who the release was that week and whether or not it would take all weekend to do it (no blitz Sim, 8 rotations of full roster baffles with a 2 hour cool down).Ā  Yuck


Dude I miss character campaigns so much....


Recently - the iron patriot release. All time Agatha...and then they artificially scarcity her for a long long time. Peak Scopley


She was a pain in the ass to get and then they made it so she wasn't farmable for a year. Total garbage.


The Nakia event was instantaneous. It was more like a SW:GOH character release. I didnā€™t like the Quicksilver event.


Phoenix when they first started the 6* Star requirement for unlocking.. I dont think any of the ftp players were prepared


I didn't get her for some time after her release. I didn't really care at the time because I was super casual.


Iron Patriot is the only one I can remember where you had a chance to just be completely unable to unlock him F2P, no matter how big your roster was or how dedicated you were. If you got screwed on RNG you just didn't get him


That's why you core a couple of orbs. Before they had that, you really could get locked out of a new character for months. That's why my Defenders are still over built.


What are you talking about? I don't even remember the nakia event so it clearly wasn't bad. Neither was ZIM or zugg. IP was bad. Nothing tops Agatha's.


Nakia required you to have nakia to do the highest difficulty of the campaign. I think that was the first time they had ever done that.


They literally ended the Halloween event by sending everyone free Zuggs shards. And saying ā€œHalloween is supposed to be funā€ Anyone who played last October should have him. Donā€™t know what he meant by that. All the others I understand I guess. Although, I donā€™t know what everyoneā€™s problem with Iron Patriot was? I didnā€™t even try for cabal and still ended up getting IP before his initial release was over. Maybe I got lucky idk


I think the min per orb was 1 shard drop. There were quite a few people who finished the event, but due to the horrible orbs, got mostly or all 1 shard drops and ended up just a couple shards short of the unlock. It was their worst character release event orb in quite a while.


Eh, I think the reason they sent free Zuggs shards was because the event was going kinda poorly. Not quite as bad as the Iron Patriot event, but kinda similar.


Agathas was horrendous


Agatha and it isnā€™t even remotely close


Y'all forgot about the Gambit release with the Gambit exclusive raids that were bloody impossible at the time. It was so bad they never did it again


Agatha and it isnā€™t even remotely close


i wasnt there for agatha can anyone explain why it was so bad?


I remember you could tell how long someone played by how many Agent Coulson shards they had. Pheonix was also crazy to get.


Huh? If you quit before kang this post is really, really sad so I assume you rejoined. When might that have been? The Leader milestone duping thing was completely inconsequential which seems to me like you just scan rage headlines without actually understanding what is going on. Everyone will unlock him through the monthly regardless. The worst had to be Agatha, because it was the first that truly combined a bullshit grind just to barely unlock her if even that, and then not being farmable for a year. Nothing else qualifies as a disaster as you could unlock f2p without ridiculous grinding, tho they almost broke that streak with Patriot


Agatha was the worst but Scopely back specifically held back a key character is each Horseman team where if you didn't get them at their initial event then it would be at least a year before they were released at a decent farming grind


Wasnt as bad, uxmen and gamma were both completely farmable before Agatha. It was fuckin infuriating


I missed dazzler at release, I remember not being able to unlock awhile after. I think I was so burnt out after the Agatha release I just stopped giving a shit.


Yep, Agatha was garbage. That is the only character I remember not unlocking during their event because of how much bullshit grind there was.




Well Iā€™ve been playing since year 1 FTP and I have received precisely 0 Mr Negative shards to date. 41million roster power and somehow still havenā€™t seen a single Mr Negative shards. So whatever tf his release method was, thatā€™s my pick as the worst


Heā€™s in the free claim on the web store. Everyone gets 5 shards a day. Please donā€™t tell me that you donā€™t know what the web store isā€¦


Iā€™ve been playing about 4 years now. Found out about the webstore for the first time about a year ago. I canā€™t be the only one.


Webstore my friend. You get free claims every day.


they all shit with 2 shards drops !! scummy Scopely !!