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The quantity of Shiny Coins you can collect daily, without spending lots of money, makes the prices of the gear in the store, and the web event in general, an absolute shambles, unless it is aimed solely at whales and other spenders. With Scopely's track record, it's difficult to decide if it's incompetence or greed that has resulted in this cluster fuck of an event. Probably a heady mixture of both.


a heady mixture of both


Yeah, this event sucks. Asking us to spend 10k daily is insane. Most of the stuff in the store, I don’t want. And anything I do want, it costs way more than 10k. I’m sitting this one out


Said it in another thread, but this is most probably the worst character release ever with the most convoluted event ever created. Web milestones feeding into the Alliance milestones that feed into Pav milestones. You need to use unreleased chars to get points for the Pav milestones. And after all that we will be lucky if you get 100 Pav shards. This is TRASH.


I'm beyond sick of this "milestone feeds into milestone that feeds into other milestone." Its genuinely killing my interest in the game, shouldn't need an excel spreadsheet to keep track of every event and what points help what.


It feels like you have to read a syllabus got every event and track when things change up as well. We also shouldn't have random days of earning milestone or orb frags one way. Then it switches for a couple more days. It shouldn't be this annoying


Truly, the full scope of scopelys skill has been applied to employ their latest team - the Spider-Society - in demonstrating their ability to weave a truly tangled web! Seriously, this event is beyond obtuse in every way conceivably possible. I honestly gave up trying to keep track of it. Sitting on 93 shards (shade of IP) for Peter B. Parker despite *actually trying*. Pulled Pavtir despite *actively giving up* so... whatever I guess?


"Golden Shower." Fucking Scopely at it again.


It's golden shower at us but it's not gold and smells bad ;P




It’s called “Golden Hour.” OP is making a play on words related to the event feeling like being pissed on.


It’s just a leaderboard auction event for the “look at me” whales, anything after the devs payday is an afterthought 


Yet another event where its pointless to core for energy vs just using cores on the character orbs. Sorry Scopely, I don't need g16 garbage or gold promos or whatever trash is in the milestones.


Sadly the G19 mini-uniques are enough of a carrot in the leaderboards that I'm sure a lot of people will ne engaging with this event a lot more than it deserves.


There are things I want to buy in the shiny coin store but they might as well not exist if I want to finish the milestone because you have to spend 10k a day instead of save them up for what you actually want. It's pretty stupid.


My favorite part of this event is that it’s finally pushed my dolphin status into fully free to play


power to you sir


Character shards in the store are absolutely disgusting. 13.5k for 15x Forge, and 22.5k for 15x Nightcrawler. Exceeds the daily milestone by significant amount. They should have broken their shards into smaller bundles. Spending event currency is ALWAYS terrible, but the milestone should have been for full length of event to allow us some choice in our purchasing.


they made it worse by rewarding for the alliance event in the web milestone so every alliance member has to spend those 10k minimum every day. That's gonna cause issues between casual and more active members and we really don't need that...


these type of events dont unify alliances, they brake them up 😥


It’s terrible. I’m ignoring the daily spend thing and just looking for the teal pieces I need to get into DD6. Whatever I get from the dailies is whatever, I’m not spending just to hit that. I already got the Ballistic Weave I needed for Noir and some Dargonite. I need 11 more Dargonite, 2 Security Bypass, and 1 more Molecular Cloth for Peggy. 27 more Carbonadium so I can take Omega Red instead of Phoenix/Jubilee would be great too lol.


If they ignore all feedback please don't ignore the earned is better than spent. There are things I want in the store but not every refresh. Making me spend them every day puts a burden on me that I don't appreciate.


It’s garbage


Right, what do we do if we've already maxed or have an abundance of everything's in the event store? Where is the crimson gear!?


Cry about it


Also u have to check on the fucking hp how many u have allready spend. On my phone this means having to restart the app again.


I am just going to burn the shiny coins on something. I don’t think there is anything I want in the store. At my level


First auction milestones for you, huh?


1. No it isn’t 2. No it doesn’t 3. No it isn’t 4. This isn’t Burger King, you can’t have it your way 5. Whiny bullshit


6.) Get F*d you scopely troll.