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Just play for fun without spending . Don’t chase the meta. You’ll get all of the pixels eventually.


This is exactly what I did. Stepped down as a captain, had a small mental breakdown at my team mates, left the alliance, came crawling back to said alliance. Stopped spending, started playing for fun. Hadn't had an issue since


That's what I do. I don't read leaks. I don't pay attention to anything the dev says. I just play the game... Cos that's what it is; a game.


Over and over again...


This is what I am now doing, however, I think it is important for the game to have a player base that actively cares about the game and its direction. If everyone took the apathetic approach then eventually we wouldn’t have the game anymore unfortunately.


That’s the issue, it’s a f2p game gated by paywalls left and right 


This is the kind of enabler messaging that entitles Scopely to be greedier and less player friendly with each passing month.


Scopely has been acting like this since well before they bought MSF. The idea that you can do anything to stop it is so fucking stupid I can’t even fathom how you’re breathing without a respirator, ya cucumber.


Then go spread your message about how a defeatist attitude is the only way to solve anything and the players have never come together to change anything for the better not even once. Oh wait… is your respirator on?


Hahaha class comment


A wise man one said. Free to play players are here just for whales to feel superior over.


I couldn't agree with you more Dogbert. We need to do something that hurts them in the pocketbook. Taking away money from them might actually get them to open their eyes to the actual player base and not just the Krakens.


Been there done that. Spending strikes were done in the past and they never worked. Whales and Krakens won't stop spending cause you can't complete an event at the highest difficulty. It doesn't matter if light and occasional spenders stop spending, whales and krakens are 95% of their revenue. And FTPs can't start a spending strike, they DON'T spend.


I'm gonna hold them hostage with my lack of ever buying anything. That's the action I can take other than not playing.


When will YOU all learn your opinions mean jack shit to the company making money. Free to play people treating to continue to not spend means absolutely nothing to them.


Dude this game is not that important. Let everyone decide for themselves if they want to keep playing or not. You don't need to make this the French Revolution


Sub feels like it's people who play nonstop and constantly complain about how horrible it is. I mean this post is a person who plays trying to shame us for playing. Pot meet kettle. I understand with no Krakens there is no game, so I get frustrated but understand when it leans that way. And I play for fun, dont take it crazily seriously, if i can't get max milestones on an event it's ok, been playing long enough for my roster to still be competitive and for me to have fun.


Truth is they have an unhealthy relationship with the game/IP. They simultaneously cannot bring themselves to stop playing and feel like they can't keep up with the increased p2w lean. There is no need to for these campaigns, if the game was truly so bad, you don't have to convince others to stop playing it will just happen naturally. No, what is really happening is they can't accept that f2p has a certain place in the game at it isn't at high end. Am I unhappy about the star requirement for the new legendary? Sure, I would be among the population that could probably do a 6 or 7 star on first run but I won't be able to this time because I'm sure as hell not going to have all these toons at 6 or 7 stars. But it's not as big a deal to me because most of the time especially these war teams are so OP, a 5 star legendary is still very very good. If a time comes where low stars on toons make them useless I might quit but for now I know my place and I still have fun


I also understand the need for marketing and the out of pocket player base. But some of these event and unlocks can be a real nut slap to some players. Anyone that is willing to put the time and effort above others, which also contributes to revenue, should be rewarded as such instead of someone that spends and puts little effort in being automatically placed in a higher reward tier. As I said I understand the need for marketing and spenders, but there's a time and place for everything. Disadvantaging players that give valuable time and effort in an event that rewards a new leg for a competitive game mode is not the place to reward spenders over effort. They have made the game impossible to skip building a new team without missing out on future events and releases that domino from previous spending. This is always going to be discouraging to ftp that give time and effort. Not referring to those that do what and when they want and are content never getting ahead. Imo not caring about being competitive makes a game like this a waste of time. Not that there's anything wrong with someone wanting something to do without reason, but imo I won't waste my time if it has 0 value. And nobody wants to give up on something they have so much time invested in, so this becomes marketed. That is business, but not respectable.


well there is always review bombing as the main FTP super power if you really want to do something impactful... I kinda hate it but that would definitely piss of scopely


This comment should have the most upvotes. You’ll do more damage with negative reviews than threats about not spending because negative reviews has a better chance of turning away people not currently playing.


Also most of spending comes from whales and I don't know a way to make them care enough about F2P problems. They will only take notice when it's too late and too many players are gone.


Been there done that. Happened in the past, it doesn't do anything. Google and Apple protect apps against review bombing.


The only further thing I could do is just quit. I've gone from being on 5 times a day to 1. I haven't spent a dime since March. Admittedly, I am so close to being done.


This whole sub is a circlejerk of tears.. its a game, nobody is forcing you to spend money!


exactly, it's people constantly whining while still playing. This post is a person who plays trying to shame us for playing. What is that? The game has to cater to krakens so they can continue to exist, plus there is more to life than MSF. Relax or actually quit and stop posting in here.


Right? Spot on.


It’s perfectly fine to criticize a game that you play. And the spending money part is part of the point. The game is heavily tailored towards people who spend a bunch of money. They don’t want to have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars.


They don't HAVE to spend hundreds or thousands.. they CHOOSE to, just like they can choose not to.


The game will die before a spending strike happens :) This is the way its hard to face reality sometimes I know :)


The only people who want a spending strike are FTP players 😂


lol "they won't listen when we complain, so we must all RISE UP and REBEL by uhhhhh complaining louder i guess" Real talk - they tried being less shitty, and it obviously hurt their bottom line or else they wouldn't be going so hard in the other direction. Based on how every developer acts, the F2P live service model seems to only work at scale if the devs act like predatory fuckheads. F2P games are like going to a bar where the drinks are free, but they make a hundred bucks every time they punch someone in the dick. You can complain all you want, but at the end of the day they're gonna punch some dicks.


I haven’t logged on in two days and it feels good. Like I kicked a habit.


Your poor streak :(


I have never spent a penny on a mobile game. I didn't even realise there were so many people who did.


You would be surprised how many people in just this game spend over a thousand a month. Its like subscribing to the most expensive game that is a shell of any pc turn based game. I still like it as the marvel ip is great but spending on this game only buys you time and its not even close to worth it.


A thousand a month is a mortgage on a house lol


Yeah and thats how much it costs to get 1 character 7 star on the day of release. Its disgusting but it wouldn't be that expensive if some suckers weren't paying it every time.


Lol it's taken me ages and ages to get Hela to seven stars! I just assumed it was a grinding game!


Unfortunately as people quit scopely will increase pressure to squeeze whatever they can out of the remaining player base. These changes are just a moneygate.


yep, it's not like they're capable of innovatiom, or doing something totally off the wall like develop an engaging game


Wouldn’t it be funny if we somehow united, including krakens and content creators, and didn’t even do a run on the trial


I'm doing my part ! *uninstalls*


This is the way!


Oooh burn I will share this if you want me with my alliance


If you think it will actually make a difference




wtf lmao


I swapped this game out for Warframe. Haven't looked back since.


not familiar with that game what kind is it?


It's a game for PC or consoles. The community jokes that it is about space ninjas. I would suggest looking up a video to see what the gameplay is like. Warframe is the kind of game that is a grind with a steep learning curve, but it just clicked for me.




The problem is there is so many out there unless it’s something big in my face I won’t be familiar with it


Lead the revolution, Castro


befriend the krakens and manipulate them into voicing our needs


I stopped playing this game 2 years ago. Can't imagine how much worse it got.


Did you mean "when will this community learn that Scopely will keep screwing us over no matter what"? Any amount of fun people derive from it is an accident, mobile games are so much games as they are money making schemes. What happens here is not exclusive to MSF or Scopely. It's just the way thing goes overtime both as the game evolves and as the mobile industry tries to grow. Capitalism at its finest. They'll try things out to see what can net them the most money - they had legendaries with different star unlock levels, they experimented with mythic legendaries requiring having previously unlocked another legendary, scourges that weren't a one and done and that people would have to spend time running several times to compete on a leaderboard, making 2 teams required, then 3 and making the legendaries available in orbs, then trying to sell awakened abilities, etc. Now it's like they're taking the worst of both worlds (scourge/trials & pre-scourge). Let's keep temporary campaigns where you could unlock 5 stars and instead make a featured team required without the ability to farm shards on the nodes. Players council and envoys have about as much power as Archangel, they're not potential investors, shareholders or management. Their direct line with Scopely merely grants them an informational & advisory role. Scopely has them assist with QA by giving them access to a test server and with community management by collecting information on what the community is asking for to ultimately know what they can prepare to appease the community next time they do something really shitty. Envoys have stated that the envoy program isn't that great overall and although they rely in part on their access to the test server and early access to information to put out videos and get views which is what will make them the money and rage/clickbait/controversy videos are known to get high clicks (not just in MSF). There's not a whole lot they can do beyond relaying concerns when they get the information and highlighting the issues in their videos to encourage people to post salt on Reddit & Discord in an attempt for feedback to gain additional weight & traction. Scopely will listen to the feedback but ultimately nothing will radically deviate from the course they set. They want a previously f2p milestone to require a $100 purchase? They'll be told understandably they are a company and need to make money, but that sudden change won't go down well, let's meet in the middle at $50. A couple of those events later and that has become the new baseline, so when Scopely want a hike to $150 - let's meet in the middle at $100. If they try to go too fast, they'll be made to backpeddle a bit and revise the timeline to meet their goal or find a new way to achieve them, but it won't change the final outcome - think boiled frog metaphor. The player's council has more reach than any previous initiative, but even so, there are a number of players who don't engage in Discords, CC videos, Reddit, etc. that wouldn't take part in what would need to be a generalised action for Scopely to even notice. They are under NDA, so they can't share upcoming concerning stuff to organise a revolt ahead of time. Review bombing has been attempted before to little avail. A bunch of people taking a day off would be noticed but not enough for them to care unless it was done repeatedly or longer, some people would not take part because habit, fomo for a day, illusion that playing while others aren't will help catch up + the number of drama queens threatening to quit when they lose their login streak like it's the one of the worst things to ever happen to them... A spending strike? I remember the last one which resulted in a record month for Scopely... If people stop spending for 2 weeks but then spend a month's worth in the 2 weeks after, the overall numbers for the month will remain the same as ever. I feel if we were to do something, it would have to be showing disapproval of the way they do their events by ingnoring them: not actively engaging in them, just playing the game normally and not trying to min max anything or buying any offers related to the event. Don't normally blitz? Keep not blitzing during blitz events. Don't normally core energy? Keep not coring energy during energy or core spending events. But again unless a majority of people do that, it's your loss and Scopely won't care. Even if a big action was successfully carried out and shook Scopely, they'd make friendly changes to appease the community, wait a couple of months for the backlash to die down while they think of how they can screw us a different way. If we were able to carry out the spending/not logging in on a big scale frequently and for long periods of time, they'd end up throwing in the towel, sunsetting the game and starting over with a reskin of the game with a different IP or a Marvel Strike Force 2 with new features and updated graphics. Unless they find a radically different money making model - and even so, seeing they didn't pass any of the fee processing savings on to the customers by offering slightly lower prices on the webstore, if they ran ads, they'd probably keep the money for themselves without reducing the p2w nature of the events - things are only going to get worse. Some QoL improvements and player friendly gestures might get people to feel things are improving, but really at the core they're not. It's like you're taking it, so you ask for lube, lube dries out and they keep going, you beg for more lube and they give it to you and after a while you wonder why this time the lube hasn't dried up yet, only to realise that it actually had and blood had taken over the role instead. I'm with you that I'd like things to stop changing for worse and that I'd support action as an attempt to achieve this, but sadly I think significant action is unlikely and that said action would only act as a temporary roadblock for Scopely rather than a vector for long term positive change.


Step 1: stop taking this game seriously. Step 2: learn that scopely will do what THEY want. Not what you want. Step 3: stop/don’t spend money on this game Step 4: play YOUR way. Just step back. Optional step 5: delete the game.


this post is brilliant.you have my respect,Sir 🎩


As a retired spender and now f2p player only i can truly say that i really don't care. If someone choose to sponsor my free shit then thank you to them


Dude u can't deal with it just quit the game and stop complaining this is nothing new it's a pay to play game. I'm so tired of players crying it's a business to make $$$. Go start a mobile game and see what u need every month for overhead to keeps ur doors open. There not ripping people off if u want to be get the new shiny toy it's going to cost u. I just do the $20 passes so it's $80 a month but that's my choice and I use cores to open up 675 cores then when they come out on campaign or nodes I'm there either unlocked or verge of it. Just stop complaining when there a business employing people and need to make $$$


Gamer gate vibes. Care so much to make this bitchy post but wants to talk shit about whales and their addiction. I play for fun, if shit isn't fun I don't dolphin. Haven't spent money since black knight because I liked the character. There's a lot of people like me in this game, and this post is sad. Please touch grass.


So let me get this straight. The game developers added additional content in the form of harder difficulties to the scourges and because they added content we are mad? Sure it's gated behind stars but it's additional content on top of what was already in previous scourges that stopped at difficulty 10. Let's not mention the fact that you can still unlock the legendary character at difficulty 8, which means this new content is simply meant for you to be able to push yourself and your roster. And also to top it off these additional difficulties will probably be so difficult that the extra stars would have been most likely needed regardless for additional stat boosts that the subsequent yellow and red stars provide. I think we are being salty here for the sake of being salty......


It's not additional content - they changed the mechanics. Based on the blog, the payout appears to be the new level-up token, not shards. >UNLOCKING OLD MAN LOGAN & REWARDS >A run score of 930,000 will earn a 4-star Old Man Logan Token. This score can be achieved by completing Difficulty 8. You can't get a 5 star OML without doing difficulty 11 (which need the required teams at 5 star). While not explicitly stated, that likely means the 6 star OML is gated at difficulty 13 and the 7 star at difficulty 15. >The five new difficulties will also have Star Level requirements for the required traits. So if your roster is up for the additional challenge, a 5 Yellow Star Old Man Logan Token awaits at Difficulty 11 before tons of Crimson gear at the subsequent Difficulty levels


So it's the same as all previous scourges....... You would max out at 4 stars on the initial scourge and clearing all the milestones. Then once the payout from the leaderboard came through is where you got added shards for more stars. Essentially then, this is the same with added difficulty and you can get even more shards if you have 5 star and above OOT and Cabal.


The existing scourges are not hard gated - as long as your team is strong enough, you can get the 7 star. I finished the scourges awhile ago but with power creep, pretty sure that's possible without 7 star teams. These are hard gated - even if you had a max build OOT (L100/G19) but they're only 5 star, you can't get more than a 5 yellow OML. You need a 6 star team to be able to play difficulty 13 and a 7 star team to play difficulty 15. Getting a 7 star Black Knight is a huge bottleneck. And again, there don't appear to be shards. Just the single token for the specific star level.


If the stars are needed, they should have no problem removing the requirement


I've been playing on and off since 2019 and everyone always complains about the game amd prices or whatever. Like someone else said, stop chasing the meta. I JUST got apocalypse to 7 stars and I haven't even started DD6. No point in stressing because scopley will never change.


This game is light years better if you compare it now to the 6 months pre-players council. For all the stuff theyve made better it seems everyone gets amnesia when something bad happens and people expect them to be able to prevent or solve anything not player friendly. So the question is - what is it going to take for YOU? What do YOU plan on doing about it? Show some initiative and do something and maybe people will follow?


I’m actually engaging the community and have suggested things and pointed out the bullshit both here and in video format. I am all for a day or week without MSF since I stopped spending months ago. I would be very interested in an entire week without msf if there are others who would join and not log in as well. I’d be very interested in seeing how many even log back in after a week without it


Cool, look forward to your announcement on what day you plan on starting. Not sure how many will follow or how to verify but not the point, maybe you will get your point across. Since I'm not nearly as upset about this as most people I can't guarantee participation, plus there is a decent walkback chance, but make a compeeling argument and I'll support it


When I moderated a forum it was always fun to see people announce they were leaving and then sit around hoping to see someone crying about them leaving. They rarely got to see what they wanted lol


I mean, the answer is here; https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/s/PTV0CaRPWV There's only one way to get their attention, it's to get organised and take action.


they have council now , but its a whale thing so as long as they happy , they won't do anything.


Sounds like you take a mobile game on your phone way more seriously than I do. I play it for fun. I don’t worry about all of this other stuff. You’ll probably find things get less stressful if you go that route.


Breathe deep and repeat: It’s. Just. A. Game.


Yes. Let's have a spending strikes, or a game boycott. Because the last ones worked so well.🙄 Dogbert, I really wish you would think before you open your mouth. Stop bashing on the PVM and Council, who incidentally have done more for the game in the last year than you ever had. You hate the game so much, then make your quitting video and stfu.


what have they done? just say oh well it is what it is nothing we can do. oh wait whales need x we got done! What exactly have you done? angerly type on your keyboard on reddit?


What have I done? I've engaged daily with people in the PVM Discord. I've made many suggestions for improving the game. Now, what have you done besides bashing us constantly? And the whale thing is false. Absolutely false. And as far as what the PVM has done, well, let's see. We've gotten more gold and training mats injected into the economy. We've stopped Scopely from gating content behind a paywall ie, Escape from Kyln. We've gotten the farm ability issues of newer characters sped up. We flattened the red star economy. We advocated successfully for Scopely to delay the release of Diamonds because it was garbage the way it was supposed to be originally released. We stopped Scopely from gating Sword Satellite behind red stars. We actively engage with Scopely, where other movements haven't. Is that enough for you? Now, let me ask you again. What exactly have you done for the game? Again, stop talking so negatively, and actually learn about what's going on with the PVM. Or, and this might be better for the community, just quit.


They were flattening red stars anyway, the gold and training mats was just an illusion because of level cap increase. Kylin not paywalled?!? LOL you really are high on something aren’t you? Very disconnected from reality


At least I'm trying to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. And this last run of Kyln was paywalled before the PVM stepped in. And yes, I generally am high on something thanks to my PTSD from serving in the US Army. And the fact is that gold and training mats were increased. The new level cap and gear tier didn't take that away. It's still there.


Too bad the “increase” doesn’t offset the increase cost of gear and levels but you keep on believing in things like Santa Claus, tooth fairy, the whale voice movement, etc.


People spend money on this game? LMFAO! I only play when I need to take a shit.


so do i, which is well often...


What are we mad at today?


It’s not that deep man. If you don’t like a game with micro transactions, then don’t play a game with micro transactions.


Why do people always blame the Player's Council when something goes bad, rather than the very obvious culprit of Scopely themselves? They can't force Scopely to do things, they can't just stop them from changing Trials


im blaming them for lack of action on their part


If you have to discuss taking a break from spending, you are already part of the problem, and shouldn't be lecturing anyone.


i havent been spending telling others stop spending, my course of action will be stop logging in


What do you want to get out of this? You want a 7 star legendary unlock on the first run? How would you feel if you were a kraken and FTP were able to keep up with you.


If the ftp was skilled enough to do it then that would be great


skilled? Its a hero collector. There isn't any skill involved.


Oh but there was. That's the whole point of this current legendary bullshit scenario. Min/Maxxers would spend hours theorycrafting and restarting nodes so they could get the max possible star unlock from past legendaries, meanwhile whales would get pissed because a F2Player smoked em when they sunk cash into the game. You think it took....Time? Luck? Scopely's benevolence? You don't have discord? Don't watch any CCs? Haven't checked out player guides or guides for different modes? Just straight up money? Yeah, that's what the whales thought too.


so you people hating him for the truth willingly paying thousands to scopely and you happy with everything?? i hate this community!! so fucking stupid


What are we angry about now?


Lmao "rise up"


You must be new here 😂😂😂 When was the “players council” created Lmmfao


I'm wondering what happened... Can anyone let me know?


Or just stop taking it so seriously for a free collect em all mobile game?


Question? Is what they are doing illegal? If not, accept it or move on. Just because you “like” something does not entitle it to be what you demand. If it did, Ferraris would cost as Inch as Ford Focuses.


There’s lots of shitty stuff that isn’t illegal.


Get a whale daddy lol. But all jokes aside......seriously get a whale daddy.