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Unfortunately new characters are designed to be better than old characters so they have longer kits and/or very specific callouts to counter current characters. I know Logan will be good and just see him when he is released in a few weeks. Kits are normally bugged too so how he will play should be different.


I agree and that's without counting how they put Claws Out at something that will change the match and that is why he starts at 1 energy. Fuck off, he can literally use his ultimate turn 2, might as well start with it fully charged. But yeah, now I only read the toons like, the ones I don't, sure, whatever, stick them in their team and they'll do their job.


It’s power creep to get buyers. Been going on for years now. Look at some of the recent characters. Massive health pools, great kits, huge damage. And each time they make a character like that they have to sell the counter. I mean, I remember when characters like Captain Marvel or Symbiote Spider-Man were godlike characters. Now? Meh. Just okay. Or when Defenders+Punisher was the meta team. The newer characters have to better to get the whales to buy them.


Lmaooooo I'm still flabbergasted that Symbiote Spider-Man is so weak now. My mind is still stuck in 2020 and I'm expecting him to be Captain Sav-a-ho still.


I mean I think people expect legendaries to feel legendary. Some just don't( looking at you iron man and magneto). This is better than the opposite in my opinion


Obviously, he's the Black Knight killer. It takes a lot to counter that counterattacking MF.


I hate Black Knight. I don’t even bother in Arena because of him. Doesn’t matter if I’m punching down with better toon…I always lose


Give them higher stats or unique mechanics... I literally don't care to know how some newer teams work (Superior Six for example), I just know that I put them on auto and they do good things. One turn into the match and everyone has 10+ buffs and I honestly don't even know where from. One characters turn will trigger all characters to do something, sometimes multiple times. It's just ridiculous.


Yeah this exactly. I know Superior Six are great, and I know they'll beat most teams in CC for example. Ask me why and I couldn't tell ya. I just know they slap teams around. I appreciate you highlighting my point!


If you put them on auto anyways, why should they cater to you? You either care enough to read the kits and learn what they do or you put them on auto no matter what.


It's not quite that bad, I dont put them on auto. But when have to deep dive into why x character goes before x on this team versus this team to the point where you have to know the speed of every character, because this one person on this team, has this mechanic that cancels out an ability on the opposing team if they have this character on the team/debuff on them and so on and so forth... well it has to end somewhere.


I think what you're describing here is what a lot of players actually want. They like to strategize and "theory craft". Otherwise it's just well this guy is stronger than that guy so he wins.


You’re upset that the game isn’t so simple a monkey could push buttons and do it, even though a lot of times it is that easy. Having actual mechanics makes for interesting gameplay so you don’t just swing a bigger hammer at whatever problem is there. If you don’t want to learn the game mechanics and read kits fine, but you’re not actually learning how to play the game. Maybe don’t hate on one of the only interesting parts of them game? Food for thought.


The game is literally pay to win so no matter how much you read understand or theory craft someone is spending new car payments a month so they can swing a bigger hammer


No I get you 100%, having wider kits does make the game more interesting for sure, but it's up to a point, right? I mean at some point there just ends up being too much ability information versus so much more extra ability information for every character, it gets hard to keep up.


I get that, I’m used to much more complex systems though. The amount of info that goes into what’s actually going on for most of this is pretty negligible. If you want some complex crap you have to spend hours going over to make sure what you’re doing works right, go play ddo. A thousand choices and cross interactions with hundreds of build decisions on each build. And that’s just the build portion, trying to understand what’s actually happening in combat is a whole other thing that build decisions focus on. Idk maybe it’s just perspective, I’m fine with where they’re at though.


haha yes, its funny sometimes the match runs for 30 seconds - not on auto - without me pressing a single button, ending with both teams being semi dead.


And then there's Star Lord. I can't believe he's a legendary lol.


Who’s that?


Magneto definitely felt legendary when he released back in the day


I can't believe you put Magneto and OG Iron Man in the same sentence there, but sure, okay, Legendaries should feel special, but it's not just them. It feels like every new character these days has this long-ass kit. You could just give Legendaries a bunch of huge stats too. That would also work. Not as exciting, but that's why "Legendary" should only apply to really powerful Marvel characters.


One thing I don’t really love is characters just have stuff like “Nuh uh, you can’t heal block me” in their kits now with no qualifiers.


Which is funny because old man Logan’s healing factor was much weaker in hose comics


First their kits were kits. They they became exam notes Then they were essays Then short stories Then they were novels Now they are sagas. Next they will be libraries


Then you have characters like Bullseye, and his entire passive is just "gaint X amount of Crit". Like Scopely, balance your game. Reworks are a thing, stop pretending you can't do it.


They keep reworking old characters, in addition to the ones that joined new teams, they redid the sinister six and black order pretty recently.


But then there's immensely popular characters like The Guardians of the Galaxy that still haven't gotten reworked


Spiderman, Fantastic Four and Daredevil are all trash. Meanwhile their original characters get reworked like once a year. Spiderman OG has literally never been good. Daredevil was relevant over 5 years ago. It's not cool.


Just wait till we have relics and extra modifiers like swgoh


I'm pretty sure that by the time we finally hit rock bottom in characters and get Pyp the Troll, his basic will be the entire combined kits of Spider Society


Lmao not Pip...shit has me dying. I mean they already introduced the idea of Ben Ulrich, a news reporter. What's he gonna do? Write and research you to death?


🤣🤣🤣 the pen is mightier!


Yu-Gi-Oh is where it ends. Their kits will eventually link to an external 367 page PDF detailing every single ability of that one character.


I wonder where they can even go now that they’ve introduced Trauma and Safeguard. At this rate, a year from now new, run of the mill toons will be handing out 2 turns of AOE trauma on their basics. They will probably make someone able to dispel it, stupid as that would be.


Oh yeah, next thing introduced will probably be either something to remove safeguard or trauma.


Lol just level everything to 7 and you want have to worry then


This game is trash. I quit for 2 years and came back, now I remember why. Feels like I have to pay to do homework, just to have it all thrown away 3 weeks later. See you in two years


Upvote for best comment. I'll check back in with you in 2026.


It ends when the game does. It's a core point of the game.


In short yes


I never read any of that shit lol


The game slowly morphs into Yugioh.


Which Yu-Gi-Oh cuz I just started Duel Links because I started rewatching it. Now I'm worried it's for naught.


They couldn't else balanced characters , instead of feeding th power creep..


Totally agree, the amount of text in each kit is riddiculous by now. Not to mention that i dont think anyone can even remember it... or see if anything works as intended.


Without the kits you'd be ignoring so many different aspects of each character. There's so many characters that are under-kitted if anything. To be truer to the character some will need to have the more than just a few lines. I'd prefer paragraphs and paragraphs for each character, it would make everyone more interchangeable on defense and offense and all game modes


This character is shit, keep up with the times scopely! This character does so much, my tik tok brain just zones out after 25 seconds of reading.


It ends with Sunset


Reading these comments made me realize, most of y'all don't know how to read.


Meanwhile over here in SWGoH, this is legitimately the shortest kit for one of our marquees lol


Yeah, it's crazy. Theory crafting used to be fun. I don't even bother reading the kits anymore., it's too much.


Power creep is starting to become a huge problem. I remember when ultron was amazing and now he’s outclassed by like half the cast


hell no, keep it coming. the longer the better! scopely writers have dreams too!


thats what she said 


Swear this whole community is just complain fest Why do you guys play this game