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Still haven't pulled any BK shards out of premium orbs BUT I did pull 15, 30 and 15 again from the event orb over the past few days. Was enough to get him to 5 stars so I'm happy. Cabal, on the other hand... 😆


I’ve pulled multiple 40 Loki, Emma, and Namor shards from the event orb. It’s killing me. Five BK shards would be more helpful than this Ultimus food.


Yeah I've had 40 twice for Loki I think. With a 10 in between too. Not sure if I've even had Namor but definitely had a bunch of Emma. Can't really complain with my BK pulls though!




I need some iron patriot and like 6 ghost rider and I'll be ready for 5 Although I'm also nervous about the cosmic bio nodes, I got a feeling it may be more than "I have SS = GG I win"


Yeah I was looking at it thinking, sweet, Sus... And Nova, nice... Photon, err? Then I was like, oh no, Cosmo and Korg are my 4th and 5th? Better work on Void Knight lol. Also only got four that I'm happy about for Hero skill.


Yeah new spiders should blow away skill, but yeah I'm sus about that cosmic bio set.


No black knight shards from premium orbs or the new event orb, I’m at 3* and 79/80 shards. Starting to think I won’t even be able to do the OML event. I’m not spending a dollar either, Scopely doesn’t deserve it after the recent months


You'll still be able to get a 4* oml. The 4* isn't gated by star level


I didn’t know this! I assumed everyone needed to be 4* for the 4* OML unlock. Thanks!


You'll go and pull like 180 BK shards just before the event (if that's even possible lol)


I sure hope so! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


It is not possible, he’s not in the mega orbs, only premium orbs. Not in any other place either, besides the adamatium orb from the event or offers, and the event orb caps at 30 I think for the jackpot on him.


That's crazy talk. This orb is a 75% Capt Carter, 25% Star Brand orb. At least that's been my experience from opening them


Lmao! I actually got my first Starbrand pull before! (My most recently opened orb)


Pulled 15 shards once. Obviously, not enough to take him to 5 stars


Yeah my cabal is not lookin good. 3y7r on iron patriot, 4y7r on leader. Same with star brand and CGR. Looks like I’ll miss out on this round of Logan


I mean. You can still get a 4y Logan.




The 4* OML unlock has no star requirements.


Can't even unlock BK. I keep getting Emma Frost and Captain America.


Feels extra bad because for Nova, GG, and BC I was able to get 6 star on release as a FTP because I just ground my ass off, now I’m stuck behind a pay wall that no amount of playing will overcome.


You can thank the players movement for that. Just a bunch of whales who are upset they have to compete with competent players who don’t spend nearly as much as them or are somewhat FTP.


I don’t think it’s the players movement, I think it’s the company trying to find new ways to increase profit. Something they’re going to do for the rest of time. “Not enough people buying offers, maybe we can incentivize them more to buy character release offers”


You can think that but you'd be wrong about the players movement


And you would know this how? Are you part of the players movement?


Everyone knows. Sorry you're not in tune with the community enough to know this for yourself


LOL wow. What insight you must have to be able to just say “trust me bro” when asked for evidence.


If the obvious needs to be explained then you're helpless


As someone who has direct knowledge about how the players movement operates, I promise you you’re wrong.


It's not nice to lie on your promises


Is that what's going on? I'm basically FTP. I'll spend maybe $5-$10.00 every two or three months, but mostly just to get like gold or XP programs. If I don't want to spend a hundred dollars, I just don't get Daken, PandaPool, or Logan?


No no. You’ll get the team like all other new toons. They’ve just announced that first time rewards for old man Logan are limited to 4ys uncles you have cabal and OOT at 5ys or higher, basically paywalling the higher stars to spenders only.


Could i get some damn rng with patriot shards please. Damn game.


So you’re saying that we can still unlock him? Cool, because I want to unlock him. I really did hate the days when you needed five stars on certain characters to unlock a new legendary.


You needed 5 but weren’t they also farmable by then?


Originally, like back in the early days, a F2P player wouldn’t have enough time to farm a recently released character that was necessary to unlock the Legendary character when they were first available. You would have to prepare for their second availability in a few months. Players that bought character shards were the only ones who could unlock the legendary the first time.


I remember black bolt, who was the answer to Ultron (the apoc of 5 years ago), needed asguardians, which just came out and were typically blitz's. So most people had like 2, maybe 3 stars. Then to be farmable sif was in the war store which was terrible and hela was in the later campaigns which meant also building sin 6 or hydra. So it was very challenging to have the 5* needed for black bolt. Then the rumor, which turned out true, was you'd need inhumans for the ebony maw. So missing BB meant missing maw and they rolled around every 4-6 months it seems. That time sucked


These youths have no idea.


This. I'm not a veteran player by any means, but I started at the time of the old legendary release method. I had to literally skip some of my favorite characters like Omega Red and Adam just because I cannot farm Kree minions and whatever was required for Adam before. I'll take OML's 4Y any day. I'm sure he'll be a game changer anyway even at lower stars. If he performs as good as Black Knight at 3 stars, that should be fine.


Right? I think this issue is such a non problem for us F2P guys, whales/dolphins are being hurt but we’re still getting a legendary on its first run.


As a FTP, I probably could have gotten a 6 Star Logan on this run if it wasn't for the Star Reqs


My BK et ak are still on 4, as I hate the trial system


Trial system?


Legendary trials - Nova, BC, Logan, GG.


Why are easily farmable toons even in event orbs it’s bs


Annoying for sure, but I also don’t care that much as a light spender. The only way for me to get 5y on Cabal and OoT would’ve been whaling, so I’m content with a 4-star for now. At least it’s not like the original legendary events where you had to build up and get 5 stars on Kree minions just to unlock Fury lol


That shit took me multiple months to do. I worked very hard on those garbage blue bois to get my Nick Fury... only to discover Fury wasn't good *at all,* then later get several hundred character shards and seven red stars from a single event (iirc) a year or so later.


4 star it is so


People who pay more for nice cars drive nicer cars than I do. News at eleven.


So? I'll only get 4ys this time around. Maybe by the next run, I'll be able to get 5 or 6 ys for him. I'm tired of everyone bitching about not being able to get 7ys right away. He's a Legendary, he should be hard to aquire the max stars for. Slow down and just play the game. Everything should not be handed out right away.


ONLY A 4 STAR!!!!!! OH NO whatever will I do lol


Good, I got all my OOT/Cabal at 6* except IP who is at 84/200, so I hopefully can get a 5* OML unless the even is broken like the PD just was


The cosmic bio options don't look good especially without super skrull, only decent characters are void Knight and photon, I would have said captain marvel but I have no use for her because I don't have A-force built up.


But the way the difficulties work it’s really only Cabal and OOT that matter. Many people with 7r SuS will be stuck on d10 while krakens will be doing d15 with the same 7r SuS.


Nova, cosmo, korg..


i haven’t pulled any black knight shards from premium or event orbs. only have 64/100 shards😔


Only one I need at 5 is Starbrand. Rest are 5RS+


This is absolutely the worst. Scopley are terrible. 2% dorp rate in an orb is not farmable at all, never mind the rest of cabal that are not farmable either.


I am trying so hard to manifest 75 Star Brand shards, it's all I need for 5y


"Conveniently", I only need two characters (Starnak and Iron Patriot) to get to the next star level. But the only drops I get from the orb are old characters like Cap and Loki


Thank you for the reminder.


Shit... I haven't worked on CGR at all. Too busy spending resources on Cabal. I hate this stupid game 😂


It's not about having just BK at 7 yellow you need ALL of them at 7 yellow, ALL OF OOT, ALL OF Cabal, and 7 yellow Emma frost and Loki. Lucky for me I have him at 7 already but the problem is I don't have patriot at 6 or starbrand at 6


Depend how they do the leaderboard, 6 and 7 star token for OML will be a leaderboard reward, milestone only reward up to 5 star token. « The first run of Old Man Logan's Trials features a Leaderboard, and you'll only need a run score of 100k to qualify! Climb the ranks and don't miss out on top rewards of 7 and 6 Yellow Star Old Man Logan Upgrade Tokens, Old Man Logan Red Stars 3-7, Crimson Gear, and Teal Gear. » Source: https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/logan-you-still-have-time So in function on where is the line between 6 and 7 star token, likely a 6 star cabal/OoT will be enough. Let’s not forget that 99% of the players will not be able to get past diff 10 because of the 5 star requirement, so the top of the leaderboard will be what? Maybe 5000 players ? Not counting that a lot of people will likely not manage to get 6 stars on all of the characters, so I would not be shocked that someone that do a diff 13 or 14 get into the top 500 easily. I would not even be shocked if a bunch of people that just have 5 stars on the character can get 6 star Logan once the leaderboard drop if they bother doing the event with a bunch of pact.


wtf really? God dammit. You know what? I'm almost relieved. I've saved up a huge [for me] amount of resources and if I can't spend them on PandaPool and co., I'm spending them on my other pet projects. For example, I'm still fucking trying to get all my Horseman teams up to ISO-8/T2/L5 and get Apocalypse.


Is it that much of a rush to take him to 5 stars? Won’t his event run every other 2 weeks or am I missing something


The event won’t reward shards. It will only reward “tokens”. So you’ll need the OOT/Cabal at a certain star level to be eligible for the next token.


yeah, but I’m more referring to the fact that we don’t necessarily have to have everything built up when he drops because he’ll be back relatively quickly


Pretty sure it's typically \~3 months to the second run. I'd guess then it'll be another 3 months after that before they move to the biweekly rotation. Also - as of right now, the 6\* and 7\* are locked behind a leaderboard. They'll likely move them to rewards for beating diffuculty 13 and difficulty 15 when the event gets put into the biweekly rotation (so by my assumptions \~6 months after first run) ....but even then, good luck getting that 5\*, 6\*, and 7\* Black Knight.


We don’t really know when he will be back. Could be 4 months.


Why so salty? This was needed! Got to keep the whales happy! Who else will fund the game? Glorious Scopely is a business after all. If this wasn’t needed and was so bad don’t you think the whale voice movement or envoys would do something like a spending strike or not logging in? Since neither of those things happen you know this is for the good of the game and you!


Nearing 200 premium orbs without a single BK shard. I did get 16 CGR shards and 1 IP shard from aged adamantium. My leader is 5 stars, but no one else is near that. I've had to neglect my raid teams to work on Cabal, OOT, and cosmic bio. Star restrictions are reasonable enough for placating whales, I guess. But having so many F'ing toon requirements is stupid bullshit.


Double down, work on spider society!! XD


I wish. I've got XXmen and Hivemind to finish before I get to them.


But they work for raids AND the unlock! :)


This is not the garbage system in the beginning. Most players could not unlock anything 1st run of a legendary.


And? Would you rather the game die because f2p get a 7 star unlock on day 1 and theres no reason for people to spend? Jesus you people have no idea how anything works do you?


The game was as popular as ever when non-krakens could get horsemen 6/7y on the initial event.


A lot of people in the MSF community are really over reacting to the Old Man Logan unlock event. Is it really that big a deal that free to play players get a 4 yellow 2 red unlock? He is a beast at any lvl and the team will be extremely strong. Also, Scopely has made good on their commitment to making toons farmable after three months so we all should be able to grind most of the required characters to 7 stars in a very reasonable time frame. I concede this will likely not be the case for Black Knight but too many players are throwing a tantrum and acting like they are victims of a kidney heist.


You don’t need a 7 yellow Black knight to get a 7Y Logan (unless they change how it work later, but I lost my Crystal ball so I can’t guess on that side) You can get the 5th star from milestone then the 6th and 7th stars will be a reward from the leaderboard. So technically until you can reach the top of the leaderboard you are stuck with a 5 star Logan at most.


Nope. Check the most recent blog


I just did, and you need 7 stars on the team to do a DIFFICULTY 15 But nothing say that you need to do a difficulty 15 to get a 7 star token Here what was said in the blog in the trial, which is the ONLY time they mention a 6-7 star token « The first run of Old Man Logan's Trials features a Leaderboard, and you'll only need a run score of 100k to qualify! Climb the ranks and don't miss out on top rewards of 7 and 6 Yellow Star Old Man Logan Upgrade Tokens, Old Man Logan Red Stars 3-7, Crimson Gear, and Teal Gear » as you can see, it clearly mentioned the 6-7 token is a LEADERBOARD reward. Unless you can explain where in the latest blog there is an info that come to contradict it, because I browsed it 3-4 time and searched using keywords like « token » or « 7 stars » and I found nothing.


They haven’t fully revealed how the tokens will work ( even though the event starts in 5 days). The most recent blog suggests Logan stars will be limited to your oot/ cabal shards.


Please quote the part of the blog where tbeh said that the Logan stars will be limited to your OoT/cabal shards (well beside the 5 stars token which can be earned from doing a diff 11+) Here was the Friday blog say « And if you've set your sights on 5 Stars or more for Old Man Logan, you'll need these details: » then they detail what difficulty require what level of stars on the OoT/Cabal. But they also say a bit before: « Continue your prep by reading our recent blog post outlining the details surrounding this important Trial, including the big updates that set this Trial apart from the likes of Nova and Black Cat » the whole Logan part of the friday blog is just a repeat of the 2nd May blog about the trial, so the whole thing with 5 star Logan being in milestone and the 6/7th being in the leaderboard (at least for the first run, can change later) is still a thing. If you have anything that come to contradict that, feel free to quote the part of the blog that says it, because even with the text under the eyes, I see nothing hinting that it will not work the way they said it would from the 2nd may blog. As for the token, content creators explained it, let’s say you get a 4 star token in the first run, you get Old man Logan unlocked at 4 stars. If you get another 4 stars token for old man Logan, you don’t get more shard, you get nothing, maybe some ultimus credit if scopely feel generous. It is basically the same system as when they give red stars but for yellow stars. It is their workaround to prevent people from slowly grinding their way by doing multiple run without maxing the required teams. So if you want more stars on OML you need to do a bigger run, which mean having the stars on the spot/Cabal teams, and the corresponding gear level, no way to work their way with the required team at G15-16 and doing a diff 7-8 twice or three times.


Let's put it this way: we don't know the exact breakdown yet, but I suspect Scopely will restrict the tokens to scores only attainable by the higher difficulties. I suspect tokens will be in the milestones, and leaderboard rewards will have Red Stars and gear. Another ridiculous thing they are doing with Logan is having 7r available from the leaderboard. Previously this only came out a couple months after the legendary release. Now you'll have 4 yellow 2 red f2p going up against 7/7 Krakens (with diamonds likely following within a month or two).


They put directly that the 5 star will be obtained by doing a difficulty 11 and the 6 and 7 stars will be in a leaderboard. It is in the blog posted 2nd May (https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/logan-you-still-have-time), idk how they can make it more clear. Like the score matter, but only for the the ranking, the bigger your score , the more likely you will get the 6-7 star token. You could get 2M Pts, if your rank is below the last rank they give the token, well you don’t get token, have to do with your 4 or 5 yellow Logan.


I just don’t see it though. In theory if there is no one with 5s cabal then 4y would top the leaderboard.


Everyone saying it's like before is a clown. And I don't even know where people are getting their info on what it takes to get a 7 because the blog with numbers said their shit was based on 0 scourges active.


wtf I still haven't gotten a single shard of PandaPool, Daken, or Old Man Logan, am I supposed to be getting whole-ass *stars* of these characters?! Edit: I've been playing every day and really pursuing the Mercs for Money events. I just thought they hadn't dished out any shards of these characters. I mean six hundred fucking seventy-five cores for one orb? Go fuck yourselves Scopely, I hope a hedge fund shorts you and you go out of business unexpectedly.


It's 5 yellow for Out of Time/Cabal members to get 5+ yellow Logan. Mercs for Money stars are just needed for the recurring blitz event for now (and likely more in the future).


Or you just do the trials a couple of times..


They changed it to specific vouchers. Like you get a 4 yellow voucher instead of shards. Multiple runs with the same team won't work with this release


So you mean I get more stars the further I progress? Same shit different day.


That’s not true though is it? If we get 180 from the first run with our characters at 4* we’ll get another 180 next run? Surely? 😂


Nope. There are only “tokens” now


Instead of shards? Damn