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The krakens cried, scopely acted immediately. Apparently big spenders said free to play were earning too many free rewards to fast, causing some spenders to lose leader board rankings to free to play or lower spending players. It was said the biggest spender announced they were cutting back on spending money because of it, so the changes have come in pretty hard and fast lately.


The thing is though, if you give f2p decent rewards, the krakens will spend more to stay ahead of them. There is nothing a kraken hates more than a skilled f2p kicking that ass.


Typical big cry baby krackens. Don't like it when they can't spend their way...


It's dumb, but our fun past-time game is funded by their stupid spending, so pick your poison I guess


Not really I don't think. It's too big of an IP, if it didn't have krackens, they would probably go down the ad route. Which I'm not sure would be better, but maybe they would make the game more fun than it is right now... I dunno.


Did you play dc heroes ( I think that's what it was called ). Games dead now because of that.


Because if which? Krackens crying or them making it more FTP friendly?


It was always free to play friendly, and there was a guy known as the ocean he spent so much money. Eventually even that wasn't enough and they went to ads. Game still died. Making it more f2p friendly would be great for all of us but then krakens don't have a reason to spend money, so we bring out ads, game is dead at that point. Dc heroes was the most f2p friendly game I've ever experienced.


Ah gotcha! I did find the art style of DC Legends really off putting, plus found it really hard to get into a decent alliance so only played it for a couple of months.


league of legends makes money solely off of skins. making your wallet an actual game mechanic is about the most toxic thing you can do imo


What are you talking about? Big spenders fund the entire game.


True, but how much money have they been making on this phone game? And compared to other games? I think they could easily afford to tone it back a little bit, but we know they won't. I'll still log in to complete dailies and do events regardless, when I can, but there's no way I'm paying what they are asking for a lot of these. Their pricing has been screwed since the beginning, though, in my opinion. You can buy a full AAA console game for what it costs to get like 50 shards of a character in MSF. That won't change until maybe, maybe, if the big spenders stop spending. But that won't happen, so I'm not gonna get bent about it. It's not worth being upset over. That's my take.


they make like 5 million a month. $180-$300 million a year.


How many months are in your years? 🙈


Did Scopely do the QA on your math?


Wow it’s almost like they make more money in some months vs others.


Was your ego so bruised that you couldn’t just say “Oops, messed up the math there.” But instead double-down with “it’s 5 million most months except June when they make $200M” in order to cover up your bad math. But it’s not like any of your wildly varying estimates have any basis in reality, so it’s even wilder to stick to bad math on made up numbers.


Bruh I literally pulled those numbers straight from articles. Google is your friend use it. They’re up to over $1 billion in profit since launch.


Ive only been playing 2-3 months so forgive my ignorance but, how in the world would another player know if im a fellow spender or f2p?


When a new character comes out, you can't get it for the first couple of weeks unless you buy it. Small spenders will unlock the character. Krakens/whales will buy the character many times so they have a high star rank (up to 7). The events require you to have highly starred characters that just came out, so it rewards big spenders.


Ah, right you are.


Star levels on newer characters, and Diamond levels on characters that have only had diamonds given away in leaderboard rewards. Also, number of G19 toons.


That doesn't make sense. If it's points attained FTP, then Krakens are attaining those points as well, on top of spending. So the Krakens would still be a top the leaderboards. The only way they'd lose top spots on leaderboards is if they only spend and don't play the game at all, which in turn they don't earn any FTP points, which makes no sense.




Where did you hear this


They won’t be happy will the game cost 99c in the App Store and it’s labeled P2W


I would not try to pin it on krakens, this is on Scopely.


It's both tbf. If the krackens didn't spend the amounts they do, Scopely wouldn't just keep pushing it further. 🤷🤷🤷 When will people understand this. Look at Helldivers 2. The player base didn't like something and they got a change they wanted. Because of how addicted the Krackens are at spending, it's only going to get worse and worse.


To add insult to inury, even if you cored Dakan orbs to unlock him, you need him at 3 stars to get points. 🙃 Just another auction milestone... complete shit.




Same, gone completely ftp now. No point anymore.


Scopely has spent the better part of the past two years trying to incentive spending in more ways than just the items included in an offer.


I think the real question at this point is what is even right with them?


I've noticed a trend, their "events" are getting more and more paywalled. Just shows what a garbage company they are and don't deserve the IP they have at their disposal. Always promising things will improve and going backwards every time. It's utterly ridiculous to release an event where two characters aren't even out FTP yet. Again two fingers up at 90% of the player base.


They pivoted hard recently because f2p were doing too well on milestones. Remember when it was “have t16/17/18 gear on x characters” for milestone points? Now it’s “have 5/6/7 stars on x characters” because that stops f2p getting to the end of any event without whaling. And it’s fucking shit.


It really is mate! It actually feels like they're saying "If you're not prepared to spend copious amounts of money, then we don't want you playing our game" Just a constant slap in the face.


No, it’s “if you don’t spend, we don’t care if you play our game.” You can play it, but they have no incentive to cater to f2p players. I’m f2p, this is just reality.


They'll end up losing too many players though, then the krackens will get bored. So short sighted of them... The games just not fun any more...


Gotta love it I have deathpool and Deadpool maxed at tier 15 but no possible way to do anything else yet another kraken event this game is getting less and less F2P friendly


To me the funniest part is even the whales don't have Old Man Logan yet they release a 24 hr "event" that you need him to complete And I know the "event" is going to be repeated, but it shows how lazy they are sometimes. Like starting something that rewards Crucible points a day into CC.... Could have given a little extra for having Deathpool/Deadpool at 7 stars, but nah, get fucked commander


Milestone 1 l


Agreed. Feels real shitty. I was excited when i saw the rewards then quickly disappointed when I looked at the requirements.


It’s a classic marketing tactic that plays on your impulses. Some people will spend ridiculous money or blow all their power cores just to do this event. Why do you think they run a power core spending event simultaneously? Scopely markets FOMO. That’s all it is folks


Just kraken milestones.. what’s odd? They always cater for their spenders


The problem I see is the players who were light spenders and are now going to FTP aren't even going to make a dent in the income revenue generated by the whales and Krakens. Either quit or deal with it, an unfortunate sad truth.


It's a quick easy event. I'm already done for this weekend.... Take what you get and move on. There's nothing wrong with rewarding extra stuff to people who spend. Not like there are some amazing rewards here we're missing. Just a little gold and pieces of an awakened ability that is war offense locked anyway


you'd be absolutely correct if it wasn't every single event and getting less and less each event as well. that's the problem. paying has always gotten you more and quicker which most of us have no problem with. but now the paywall is getting steeper and steeper. that's the problem.


I don't spend and have never felt gated by any kind of paywall..... The fact people keep getting so up in arms about this just shows how good they are at FOMOing everyone


People complain about everything, like ok it's a star gated repeating event? Big deal, keep playing and you'll eventually hit those stars and progress in the event. Like do people get mad at content creators who have 90% of their roster at lvl 100 3 diamonds and gt19? Who cares, play the game and have fun. There are legitimate things to complain about with this game but a repeating event isn't one of them. My biggest gripe is characters are releasing too fast and then people were bitching when there was that one week with no character events. It's nuts.


Another garbage event from a garbage company. It would be shocking if it wasn’t the norm. The day they actually release a player-friendly event, I’ll sell you my kidneys.


You get a little gold and about 10 shards for the awakend abbility for free, you just need to sim 5 blitz battles in 24hrs with deadpool & deathpool.


Yeah, I'm not sure what everyone is so enraged about. We'll get more points in the next few weeks as we unlock characters. Sure, overall likely won't be enough for the Awakened Ability, but duh? When have those been F2P for these last several legendaries? I'll just enjoy the head start and extra gold


It’s not pay to win. It’s pay for EARLY access. There is a difference.


Exactly this. FYI without the big spenders the FTP would have no game to play.


Nah honestly nothing is wrong with it. Whales and krakens need to fund this game for us. F2P for over 4 years and will continue staying this way. Let them have their fun, atleast we get some gold out of it, but I got my personal game goals. End of the day, they're a business and need revenues so it is what it is 


Y’all gotta stop being so miserable. I just got some extra gold and a head start on getting OML awakened abilities just by blitzing a couple times and will gradually get more as I unlock more of the team on future blitzes and will eventually unlock his abilities over time. It’s a free to play game lol, relax.


Right, people on here just complain about everything. They think they're entitled to getting everything for free.


It is just for the krakens to get the awakened ability for Old Man Logan. Not really a big deal


There is a lot of gold in those milestones


It's a kraken milestone. Don't worry about completing it. Do what you can and move on. You'll save yourself some stress.


They even called them "premium milestones". I don't think I've ever heard them use those words before. Not a good sign.


This is what the whales voice movement has been touting more gold! Look at all the gold they are getting us thru this event! Thanks whale voice movement and thank glorious scopely for being so generous. Game is in the best state it’s ever been!


Amen 🙏


Your competition is ftp player. Why do you have a problem with spenders getting benefits? I bet Apple gives benefits to people buying its latest iPhone.


Why mad? They said what the event is. People have to realize if you don’t want to pay there will be events milestones you won’t complete. That is how these games work.


Unfortunately this isn't new. I'm only recently back after quitting 2 years ago because every new unlock event at the time required fully geared up teams of the previous newest who just released. So you either had to already be swimming in resources or pay to keep up or miss out. I'm much more causal this time around. I'm not giving them money, and if an objective is unreasonable, then I move on to something else. Dunno how long I'll stick around with that though. Edit: i love how i got downvoted for explaining why i quit two years ago, and recently came back. Funny enough, the new event had the same problem, for me and many more. I already uninstalled. Scopely showed me they haven't changed. 🤣


I stay subbed to this subreddit so I can continue to confirm my exodus 6 months ago. Picked up honkao star rail and never looked back. Much better gacha game with better f2p. If they made a marvel version I'd be happy.


I've heard about that one, though I also heard that the story is a bit of a mess


This is absolutely ridiculous. Pay walling yet another event. What the heck.