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Yes you can click retreat and save yourself the time it would take to time out.


You get some achievements for battling in Arena so makes sense to see it out. BTW, if you set to auto and basic only, you can lose much quicker as yours won't get new revives.


How do you set it to basic only?


Go to settings and go to advanced settings and there should be an option to activate the “Show Basic-Only Autoplay Option”


As far as I know, you're going to time out. Just dont let it get to that point


Enemy ai always targets Apoc since he's the only one that can end the fight


What? I'm not following what you mean by this. There is no AI hard targeting Apoc


Every time I fight in Arena, the enemy seems to go after only Apoc. Doesn't seem like a way to keep him alive long enough to ult


Same happens to me


who are you using on offense and what's the positioning?


From left to right, Apoc, OML, Void Knight (replaceable), SuS, BK


Hmm - You've got Apoc positioned correctly on the opposite end, away from BK. SuS should be fastest so Apoc shouldn't be getting turn rewound if facing against a HL. There really isn't anything in the typical defenses that would make the AI hard target Apoc. May just be bad luck. Only suggestions I have right now are to move OML next to BK so yours goes first and you might be able to take out an enemy damage dealer before your Apoc gets killed. Try starting with SuS basic not special - save the special to A/B a dmg dealer after you've flipped the taunt on BK. And obviously, build your Apoc as big as possible.


Except the devs coding it as such…..


Sorry, the AI is not coded to hard target Apoc. You'd have every single player complaining about it and there would be dozens of videos on how to minimize it because it'd be guaranteed & repeatable....every time. It's just a combination of chain attacks/counters, bad luck, and sometimes poor positioning. Don't believe it, watch some CC videos and you can see Apocalypse isn't getting targeted. Here's a very good video by Dogbert on arena battles/setup that's worth watching regardless but also it's an example where Apocalypse isn't targeted a single time ([link](https://youtu.be/ERBZfno0MeY?feature=shared&t=89))


This has worked for me but drop void knight for dorm. It seems odd i know, but I've found it to work quite nicely.


Change positions


I've seen this comment a few times and I'm not sure why it's happening for people? I've used OML in arena since I unlocked him and virtually every opponent I've faced has him and I;ve only timed out once - the first few days when I was unclear about the strategy. Now it's simple: Apoc targets OML after using his ult and OML is perma-dead. And if somehow my Apoc is taken out first or can't ult, I lose.


The 'somehow' is what always happens to me




Turn the game off and get some fresh air. Works for me