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Why fight it? If you don’t enjoy a game anymore, stop playing?


Sunken Cost fallacy in action.


I did this with Contest of Champions for several years. Kept it around and played it rarely just because of all the time (and some money) I had put into it. All enjoyment was gone and it was a chore to do the bare minimum.






Not really


#Yes. #It's really that EZ.


Well... no. That's not it at all.


How much time and money have you put in , in those 15-16 months. You aren’t a F2P if you accomplished all that in that short time. So be honest or lie, it’s up to you.


You're not getting what I'm trying to say. I occasionally buy the strike or battle passes. It has nothing to do with how much money I've spent, it has to do with the lack of variety in the game. The meta is too small and you just encounter the same teams in every mode you play. That's what I'm trying to say here.


You didn’t answer the question and are deflecting. Try again


I'm not deflecting anything. I don't have a tally of how much I have spent. I told you that I occasionally buy the strike or battle passes. I don't sit there and add it up in a spreadsheet or something. That still has nothing to do with what I am trying to say here. The game modes are too similar and are boring. There are too many of the exact same teams to face every single day. End of story.


You should really tally how much you spend in this tbh. I think a lot of ppl that spend don’t and would honestly be embarrassed of just how much they spent if they did. My brother is by no means rich and I know he’s thrown over a thousand at this game over the years. The shit adds up. I’m strictly f2p myself. As I can never be bothered to spend on f2p like these. Fomo, and p2w ruin it in my eyes.


It’s similar because you are buying your way to the end game where the meta is FOTM or top teams only, if you didn’t pay to win you would experience a much more diverse meta as you have to build for months before having a team. But since you paid to win you are going to be going against other players paying to win. Nobody is going to feel sorry you hit a wall spending money. Thats your own fault.


This. Unlocking big Apoc and Skrull felt like a big achievement for me being F2P, and I look forward to starting DD7 in the near future and finally unlock him.


One of the funniest things in the world to me is when people are so blinded but what they think is correct that they just simply can't understand what someone else is saying. It's like, they are so dead set on this certain incorrect idea that their judgement is clouded and they lose all logic and understanding. They just continue to go down an incorrect path, thinking that the more they say things, the more it will make sense, but it just makes them look even more and more out of touch with what the original discussion was.


Pot, meet kettle.


You didn’t answer lmao, just deflected. I wonder why




There shouldn't be any other replies than this. Just uninstall and the game and move on.


I wouldn't say that I don't enjoy the game. There's potential for it to be fun, and for things to bring challenges, but it's just monotonous with the way the meta in this game is. To me, the majority of the characters shouldn't be trash and the majority of everyday shouldn't be the same process over and over. I just think the way they have this laid out ultimately will lead to boredom. Not enough differences in game modes or goals to achieve. I guess that's what I'm saying.


Decide which game modes you can't be bothered with . I am lucky because my alliance is that bothered about war, so i do my one attack , unless I get a rush of inspiration


I haven't played CC in months because I don't think the scoring makes any sense, regardless of which season we are in. I still get plenty of rewards from it each week. By far the most over rated mode in the game. The thing is, I think the majority of the game modes are way too similar. Add a few bumps to some characters in certain modes isn't really enough to excite me I guess. I just think there should be more variety in the game. That's kind of what I'm saying with this.


This. Just focus on one format. Feels a lot less chore based


When I made a firm decision that I will not do endless blitzing, no matter what kind of event rewards I might miss out on as a result, I started really enjoying the game again. Sure, I might push a couple rotations in a day if it will get me to the next milestone, but interrupting my life to stare at and busily tap my phone screen for 30 minutes multiple times a day was kinda stressful (not to mention embarrassing). And that's on top of playing the game itself. Like or collecting rewards, opening orbs, upgrading toons, I don't consider mindless blitzing as actually playing the game. It's just necessary stuff you gotta do to get to the fun part. So skip as much of it as possible and focus on the parts of the game you enjoy. Whatever you actually do in the game, that's real time you are spending from your real life to do it, so do what you enjoy.


Quit. Solved my burnout


in anything you do in life, breaks are healthy


Almost all games like this are exactly the same. Exciting at first when building everything up, then when you max out it becomes a boring treadmill of just unlocking the new thing. Most of the characters being trash is a design fail, though. They should have made different tiers of characters and made it so you need characters of different tiers to build teams. For example, Phoenix should always be an S-tier character...she might struggle against newer S-tier characters, but she shouldn't ever lose to a minion like Ravager Stitcher. They really didn't think their end game through IMHO.


Take a break - just cruise a bit in the game and farm gear...you kinda did just blow through 6 years of content in \~15 months. Took a lot of people 6-12 months just to unlock Skrull and we had end game accounts. FWIW - You've already got some characters at G19 and if you're doing the highest raids and monitoring the gold store for the pieces you need, DD7 will happen sooner than you think. Feels like we're not too far away from that tipping point when the krakens have all unlocked Mephisto and they increase the flow of crimson gear a bit more.


Eh, I guess. But, I only have one character at G19, and the rest are a ways off. I still think they are going to do what they can to make Crimson gear difficult to acquire. Which I get, but my issue is that you're just going through the same motions day after day with very little variety. DD7 may come sooner than I'm feeling right now, but it's still going to be many, many, many months and the constant farming of gear in the methods that they have allotted just gets too monotonous to be enjoyable in my opinion.


Make a few short term (raid teams) and long term goals (DD and Trials). Otherwise, apathy. I burnt out and took an extended break, but apathy really helped me get back into the game.


I started an alt acc against the boredom ;)


I gave in and quit




I just stopped playing. No regrets.


Instead of msf I went swimming, made a necklace, did some gardening and made pulled pork for dinner with home made bbq sauce. Life is out there and it isn't hard to find.


This is probably the answer of them all. Thank you.


Update: no regrets.


OP, I have 2000 days logged as a free to play. I’ve been checked out of this game since apoc started. Scopley has a long slow burn for this game and it’s just not fun anymore. Every war has the same defenses. CC teams gets smacked by new war teams. Raid teams are more viable than war teams in war. Silent raid updates kill the sim feature. Scopley has just ruined this game from what it used to be. Good luck trying to stay happy though.


I just play more. Can't be bored if you never stop playing.




Well, that is what will happen when you spend a butt load of money on a game, you hurry to the endgame and get bored. lol.


I didn't spend a butt load of money though. What I'm saying is that everything/everyday just seems like the same boring tasks with extremely little variety. Playing the exact same raids everyday gets super boring and monotonous. Blitz has zero purpose whatsoever. I haven't played CC in months because the scoring is arbitrary, inconsistent and often makes no sense, but I still get plenty of rewards. War and Arena are just the same teams over and over and over. And they talked about this Battle World mode months ago but there is no sight of that whatsoever. I just don't think they focus on things to make this game fun and are more focused on cranking out mediocre (at best) characters week after week.


If you didn't pay to win, you'd he having more fun. They got your money and you lost interest due to lack of endgame content. Live and learn man.


I didn't really pay to win though. What I'm saying is that there isn't really a lot of variety in game modes. Everything just feels the same and farming materials is just boring and tedious. It's gotten to the point where I don't feel it's even worth doing because it's so monotonous.


15 months and you pretty much unlocked every character and are tops in your arena..... that says it all. It'll feel monotonous because if you weren't play to win to literally didn't stop playing. That'll happen and cause game burnout. Best thing would be stop playing for a week (or two) log back in and see where you're at. Limit you time to maybe doing just one thing a day after your break.




Start a new account and do it all over again. I have 2 accounts now. One that is pretty much and endgame account and one that’s still has new car smell


Play your own meta game. When i get especially bored I build toons I have no business building just cuz. Sure it hurts the gold and training mats, but right now I know which toons I want to bring to DD7 and its just waiting for those resources to drop. So I spend time looking at someone I like from comics and just building them to a maybe 2 tiers down from max. Back when 7 reds were rare, if I got a 7 red drop on a toon i instantly maxed that character out. I do other things to keep myself entertained when the game can't, that's just one.


Been playing about as long as you are. 36M TCP, 7 star Skrull done a couple months ago. Never spent on the game and this has been my main game since I started. If there's nothing special to do in the game, I play my other games. I'm not worried too much with DD7 yet, before I finished DD6 I also thought that it was too far out of reach for F2P then all of a sudden I actually finished it. I just play my dailies, try to get as much milestones possible for a day. Login to claim the free energy and stuff and that's it.


Take a break from the game. You will find other things. It’s ok. You don’t owe this game anything. You owe yourself the time that you give to a game. That’s it.


I only play because I don't want to lose the streak. Hate that shit


I hung it up day 1ish to 2022 couldn’t take it anymore


I can't speak for others but for me, just build up some toons because you like the character. Before Wolverine had any reworks at all, he used to be in my top 5 of the roster, despite being so garbage but I enjoyed using him and watching his animations. Now he's a beast that shreds most anything in front of him so building someone for fun just because you like the character for who they are, not because they have a good or bad kit, can be a way to bring back a little bit of the joy from the earlier days of the game. Screw the meta, play the game how you want for just a little bit


I can say i combat the burnout by quitting the game entirely its become about the money instead of a fun game. I just switched to playing Marvel Contest of Champions and im having a blast in that game


Start a baby account and you'll have 20x more fun. Just do the dailies on your main in 15 min and leave it. When you get tired of the baby account just delete it. It sounds like a waste of time, but it's not if you're enjoying that time. Obviously just don't spend money. 🤣


Have you tried Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes? :p


Aieee! I started playing this type of game with Swgoh back in 2015, and got on the MSF bandwagon when it released and shortly after left Swgoh cause it was SO grindy, and not fun grindy. If I could go back to 2015 I would have never started playing in the first place.


😂😂I avoided them all and started with the Lord of the rings one last year right when it started and when it died earlier this year I was lost 😭😭


Wow the LOTR game already died? That was fast!


Yeah I don't even think it made it a whole year... Not sure what the problem was but they announced it months ago and it finally shut down in May


In all honesty, I don't like Star Wars... Like, at all. So, not really something that interests me. I tried the DC version of MSF, but it was pretty bad in comparison.


Yeah all these games are the same anyway just with different skins. All just identical BS


I just stopped caring as much and accepted the game for what it is - its a seriously mid hero collector where the only gimmicks are scopley throwing new characters at players constantly to keep things remotely fresh and "engaging", and adding ridiculous rules to different game modes to "mix it up". Dont be weak and give into FOMO tactics. Stop caring about any competitive aspect of the game - Arena system has always been flawed with slingshotting, ELO system is garbage and war/cc is now almost more about the rules than they are about the teams. Mobile games = time wasters trying to gouge you for every penny, treat it as such. The only reason Ive played this long is because of the Marvel IP.


I do my dailies, converse with the alliance then once I'm done. I do something else with my life other than cry.


I do it by blocking all the whining men on Reddit crying for the attention of other men.