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If they release old megaten titles then this would be a W, but like it’s netflix.. megaten is so unbefitting on netflix.


I think it could be good, they're not exactly similar but they did a pretty good job with Devilman Crybaby


After Castlevania nocturne i rather not have netflix anywhere near smt


If you sub in animation for gameplay, then Castlevania Nocturne has basically the exact same pros and cons as SMTIV:A now that I think about it


Atleast IV A had navarre and gaston. Can't even remember a single good character in nocturne


Come on, man, listen. They had...uh... Alucard showed up!


Alucard showed up but it's still not SOTN for some reason


Good argument, however ![gif](giphy|1woCV96B6CgMNU21KH|downsized)


Devilman Crybaby is the most SMT thing ever tbh and Edgerunners is good enough it made people think a mid game was good by proxy.


If we do get a tv show based on any of the games I think SMT1 and Strange Journey would be great choices. If they get shows though it should stick to animation.


I would give anything for an SMT SJ animation or live action with English voice acting and actors of different ethnicities and stuff.


Nah live action SMT would go hard as fuck


I like the idea but I just know that the cgi used for demons would look off. It would be really cool if it could work though. That is the only reason I thought animation.


Cgi would be difficult but it can be done. I mean they managed sonic (eventually) and I think detectice pikachu had good cgi for the pokemon


The problem is working with a Netflix streaming budget and SMT would need CGI demons on screen all of the time. The two things you listed are both movies. Animated is definitely imo the way to go.


There is no way SMT would get remotely the same budget as those movies.


Plus the little intro cinematic for strange journey, I played the original but forgot, I do know it's in redux already does really good with the anime style


idk man i dont trust netflix. im already worried about them messing up the new Sakamoto Days anime, i dont want them making SMT live action, im mainly worried about how the demons would look.


Netflix dont actually make most of the shows they have though. Anything "netflix original" is just Netflix funding it. Usually its production companies not owned by Netflix. Like, we shouldnt praise Netflix when they release a good show or criticise them when they make a bad one. Thats like praising or critiquing the bookshop you buy a book from. Critique them for their pricing or shitty anti password sharing practices but not for shows they just funded.


That's true for sure, and I am aware that they have other animation studios that work under them, like the ones making Dandadan. However they obviously greenlight undercooked stuff, like Record of Ragnarok. I am not a huge netflix hater or anything, I'm just cautious.


Stay away from that Pixie..😂


I think it has been tried before and didn't look so good, maybe with modern methods though


Likely live action, for Persona at least. Why would persona be getting more anime? Atlus isnt going to have 1 and 2 get an anime, and this is also in reply to Midori's tweet about live action Yakuza. And doing SMT animated but Persona live action seems a bit odd to me.


Imagine seeing a blond guy in a live action TV show based on the SMT games and thinking, "yeah, that guy is probably Lucifer."


You should see Devil Summoners Live Action, it hilarious and fun lol https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Shin_Megami_Tensei:_Devil_Summoner_(TV_Series)


If they're good sure. As for the mobile games, I already don't play the existing Megaten mobile games so I probably won't play the Netflix mobile games.


Atlus has always been experimental with Megami Tensei. It’s been released on 34 different platforms and has a million different spin-offs. This just feels like a continuation of the same strategy. My only hope is that these games have some level of preservation. Live services are doomed to be lost with time.


Netflix doesn't do live-service type games. Other than that you need a Netflix subscription, all their games are free of ads, no MTX's, or any constant patches/expansions, just a one-time download. So I can't imagine it'd be hard for the community to preserve any future SMT title if Atlus does produce one for them.


SMT is a pretty blank slate. Totally possible to make quality TV out of it. Honestly maybe easier than the others. There's more open space for an adaptation to fill, as opposed to being chained to more defined plot and character arcs. No particular reason to adapt a specific one of the games even. Just do a moody demon infested earth with vibes and original characters and I'm on board. Would probably want it to be animated just because the budget to do a live action SMT post apocalypse that doesn't look terrible would be ridiculous. Metaphor we can't comment on because nobody's played it. Persona is more of a when than an if. It's too popular and Atlus milks each installment to death.


I feel kinda indifferent to this news tbh. I'm just out here waiting (coping) for an actual announcement on a Persona 1&2 remaster.


there won't be a smt adaptation let's be real, it'd be the most funny thing ever tho


Yeah, you know they’d prioritize Persona above all else if anything.


SMT is actually easier to adapt for TV series tho


I agree. They could easily adapt the story for SMT 1 for example. Or even create a new story inspired by one of the SMT games. We have seen another post nuclear apocalypse game franchise recently get a successful tv adaptation. SMT 1s aesthetic i think would lend itself really well to a similar kind of TV show. And then it also has sequel potential in SMT 2. similar arguments could be made for IV and IV A


How? Persona is a teen drama


Calendar system


A schedule you can turn into an episodic series?


Compared to a straightforward plot, harder


Why would a persona tv show include the calendar system?


Because otherwise it's not adapting the core of Persona? P4Anime skidaddles the mundane day by day and SLs P3Movie straight up makes Makoto have a character that wouldn't make sense for him to interact with other mfs besides SEES


Human characters would cost less than demons for the show’s budget


Social links can't really be adapted faithfully because they would take up too much of a series. The P5 anime & P3 movies completely skipped most of them and P4 merged like 5 of them into a 2 episode saga that, while entertaining, really came off as filler. Overall, compared to SMT, Persona narratives are just less focused.


it is, but its way more niche, and unlike persona, they would have to work from scratch with an adaptation instead of just putting an already existing anime on netflix. it prob wont happen


If this is how we get official ports for games like SMT 1 and 2 I'd be cool with it, though ideally I'd want those available on consoles and PC lol That said, I think there's interesting options for a Megaten adaptation.


Kinda funny because I remember ATLUS use to do a bunch of their game anime adaptation before like Devil Survivor anime, SMT anime (not main line Tokyo Revelation , I think) , Persona anime and a bunch of other that I probably forget like even Devil Children have anime back then lol. The quality is depending on anime studio so I don't mind it Actually I kinda low-key want those period to come back


"Being considered" can honestly apply to anything, so it doesn't mean much. I'm all for it, though. Live action video game adaptations are no longer box office poison, we can make them decent nowadays.


Do we know that they refer to live action? Because Netflix also fund a bunch of anime too. Although speak of live action Devil Summoner already have live action adaptation in 1998-1999 I don't even know about it until I find on Google search lol.


True. An animated series would work even better, in my opinion.


>Do we know that they refer to live action? No but this is a reply to her earlier tweet about Yakuza live action so it could be. And at least for Person Id imagine its live action since theyre not gonna adapt 1 and 2 to anime and theyve already done the other 3 in anime.


He said "netflix gaming platform" netflix is making a game streaming platform. this has nothing to do with a screen adaptation


Sega being dumb-dumbs again.


I dont think games need movie adaptations, and there is no way we would get anything else from SMT.


I could see Persona adaptation, but SMT? I’m not so sure




None of these will work as a live action show or movie


kinda funny how much more netflix has been leaning into video games. really turning into how it was when redbox was still a big thing where they would let you get video games and movies. i only wonder would that be profitable for either party? cause i can understand if it twas for older games in the series but new releases is kinda strange but either way neato


There are already a number of persona adaptations. The anime??????


Id imagine she means live action since this is in reply to her talking about live action Yakuza


My uncle works at Atlus an said theirs a persona 2 Anime coming to hulu in July.


no thanks


Bro has not even seen what an SMT show might be like. We've had Persona anime done right with P3 and P4 anime. Who's to say they can't do it right in other ways? Recent game adaptations in live action have been great


For me it’s simply because it’s Netflix that’s doing it. For some reason I feel like they are going to completely miss the idea what SMT is about or even worst the tone. Like I can already see them add in some slice of life stuff or even worst make it in a school setting.


It's not just Netflix obviously there's gonna be more people working on it. Arcane is a Netflix original and that turned out amazing.. Also, Midori said a series was considered for streaming services. She didn't say it was Netflix specifically, but the mobile games port were. Have some hope, we're not in the early 2000s anymore where they can get away with releasing whatever those Silent Hill and Resident Evil movies were


Yeah I loved Arcane especially as a league fan. (I still find it funny that they are able to make great media yet their game has a lot of balance issues). But Netflix is really hit or miss. For example the Dota anime was very bad. But then Edge runners was really good. Personally I don’t care for mobile games since I just hate playing with touch controls. It always feels clunky unless it’s a card type of game like TFT or Legends of Runeterra. Yeah I do hope they make something good. It’s just that they are hit or miss. And if they do live action for some reason it better be very good. I don’t want another Death Note live action situation.


If they are truly amazing it would be sad... I don't want to play with those platforms and less paid every month for it


Not surprised that they are doing shows based on their games again. Especially since one of their other IP’s Yakuza just got announced on Prime. I’d honestly laugh though if one of the first adaptions was based on the original book not the game.


Aren't original book full of smut? I don't think Netflix executive would like that lol.


Honestly can’t remember. All I remember is that it is very much not a sunshine and rainbows story. Besides Netflix makes plenty or erotic series or movies. Just look at the Witcher.


At least for Persona and SMT, it wouldn't work. At least not for me. Part of why I love those games is player agency. For Persona, I get to decide who I hang out with, or what to do. For SMT, I can decide what path I want to take, ie law, chaos, neutral. Can't really do that in an adaptation.


It could really work well for SMT. The alignment is the only real instance where the game can take a different path and that's a simple as only adapting one route. It generally doesn't work as well with Persona because the persona games have so much optional content that doesn't further the main narrative, so figuring out exactly what to adapt is more of a headache.


i get that, but atlus has a very strong love for the neutral route in most of their newer games, id say the protagonist would side with neutral and they would base the story on that


Can we please get an Dx2 anime?


Not much of a fan of live actions myself but it won’t be the end of the world. If it’s decent I’ll check it out. Consider that Yakuza (another SEGA title) is getting one October, I wouldn’t be surprised if this leak is real.


I mean its not like megaten is a stranger to adaptations. Hell megaten itself started as one There wasnalsobthat Japanese exclusive devil summonertv show, persona 3 movies, p3 and 5 animations. It Would actually be pretty dope to see more adaptations. Maybe ones of the games that we haven't see in a long time.


The anime adaptations could be neat! The mobile game thing could be hit or miss but megaten has so many old games that could work really well on phones. smt 1,2,if, persona 1 and 2, soulhackers 1. Getting modern ports of those would be great!


This is the most SEGA move of them all


big nope for me on the smt games on netflix. i hate mobile gaming


Depends are they animated or live action. If animated ok great. I don't want to see anymore live action shows and/or movies based on games.


Get the people who did/does Castlevania and a bunch of Megaten Nerds checking their work and it would be a win. Netflix games is a huge can of meh for me.


I think Metaphor being in consideration despite being months away from release is kinda weird to be honest. Other than that, I’d love to see a SMT 4 adaption. I feel like it has a story that could translate very well to a show.


Sees Netflix: nope it’s going to be bad. But an SMT anime would be interesting. It could be something where we have a war between gods and demons and the main character has to consider the consequences of each side. And the writers can decide which alignment the MC will go for. Also it would be interesting to see demons fighting in an anime form. Honestly they could go for an original story if they wanted set in a post apocalyptic world as well. The possibilities seem endless. I wouldn’t want a persona one since we already have adaptations for that series.


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Very low for the streaming service adaptations. Netflix games platform...that's a thing?


A new devil summoner or Smt if show would kinda go crazy


I was just thinking, if done right, an SMT animated movie would be really cool.


I think a Star Trek TNGesqe adaptation of Strange Journey would be perfect for Netflix


Not interested in movie/animated adaptations of SMT or any video game. We got too many as of now. Biggest cash grab right now as the hero genre has started to die. Probably going to be the next cow for 15 years and die the same shitty way.


I think that not everything needs to be adapted to another medium not everything needs to be transmedia.


Well I'm curious about the adaptations, we'll see if that happens and how it turns out. I don't see the appeal of having games on Netflix. If I'm gaming on PC I don't want to have to access yet another platform just to play a game (especially not a sub-based service). Are there really that many people playing games on Netflix?


I just hope they also release it consoles. Wanna play kyuuyaku, smt1, 2 and if on my switch officially. Also, kind of hate netflix games...


A SMT life action could work so damn well... but it would be too expensive, same with persona. Metaphor is already treated as a big deal?, I mean, it was always kind of big deal (the future of rpg and stuff that felt... well, weird since its more like a medieval persona), hope it sales good because their expectations are really big.


I'm happy, we always clown on Netflix adaptations but they have been killing it with the OP LA and ATLA's fine from what I've heard, both of them got renewed for 2 more seasons so let them cook


Second season of Devil Summomer


Could be cool. If it's Netflix, I'm picturing something in the style of Altered Carbon Resleeved as opposed to Edgerunners though. I'm skeptical of the production values and budget. We already have SMT titles that could make a decent miniseries like Strange Journey, Devil Summoner, DeSu, etc so I don't worry about the writing quality. A Persona adaptation is the only one I worry might end up being underwhelming depending on how closely they try to stick to the P3-P5 formula.


I’m not going to do much with this information myself, but it’s kinda cool that they’re planning to “expand” themselves for a wider audience Who knows maybe in the future smt 1 protagonist will be as recognizable as sonic or something


As always try and watch J-dramas. To feel and see the aesthetic of it, quite different from a Western one.


Please don't... Oh god Netflix, they're gonna make everyone black


I think Netflix gaming is probably going to flop super hard but they might as well get the bag while they can.


I hope whatever emulator we need to play Netflix ROMS is easy to install.


Been own by SEGA is a curse worse than death


So, we'll get some smt games on phones via Netflix? If yes, that would be hella cool


I want a show in wich Midori is the protag (she does at the end but it's a hero end) also u/Ninto55 is there with her famous Mitsuru flair 


I would fucking kill for Atlus to pick up that one cancelled persona 2 anime concept again it would go so hard


V Good, I love hearing things like this, not necessarily for what the very next thing to come will actually be, but because the potential of it being a domino that will tip another into something even more exciting, these type of news are always good for fans.


They should put the Devil Summoner TV show on Netflix.


We don’t know what genre the games will be so it’s too early to say. Sounds fun tho as long as they’re just spinoffs.


I mean... Strange Journey would be an *excellent* movie or TV show.


Netflix is possibly unhinged enough to do the series justice, but let's be honest.. their mobile game bs is NOT where the franchise needs to go.


A SMT 3D animation using Kaneko style will be kind awesome. I loved the cutscenes of DDS and always imagine a animated series.


Considering the vast history of dogshit Netflix adaptations, please don't. 


If they don't change the games like at all, this is a huge W to get these games on even more platforms. I actually have a bit of hope for this, as Netflix also handled the android port of Into the Breach, and that wasn't tainted with anything like microtransactions, so I think it would be alright


It'd be Persona 5 even though the much more exciting show would be Persona 4 with live action Adachi I'd assume most of these would be animated. SMT is flexible plot wise but it might not have the IP draw.


I need an adaptation of Shin Megami Tensei 4, the others would be better but this one has a special place in my heart


My opinion is. Can company's go back to games not costing more than a flight to the damn moon? So we don't have to repeatedly sell out to Netflix or "insert company here"


Even a bad live action adaptation of SMT would probably be good schlock. And we would get to see Christians finally realize that the series exists.


I would love to get animated adaptations of some SMT games (specially DDS), if they make something original I'm not against it either. As for Persona this could mean that maybe we'll get the animes on the platform and maybe a dubbed version of the P3 movies


oh no more content


Midori is the GOAT


Anything to help SMT get more popularity.


Praying to god we get a live action SMT. Persona is more likely but they would 100% set it in an american high school and it would just suck. Even if a live action SMT is set somewhere like New York, they could still more or less follow a story of an SMT game without changing too much. But Persona in an american high school would suck so much, unless they do an original story. But lets be real its more likely they do a Persona 5 tv show


For God's sake, I just hope it's not true, I couldn't stand to see one more saga that I love being destroyed by wokeness... May God have mercy on us, I pray


black demifiend, flynn and nahobino (with afro?) yeah can't wait!


Shin Megami Tensei III: Cockturne: the live action Netflix series starring: Black demifiend Trans Isamu (Musubi is now about everyone switching their assigned gender) Chiaki (she's still racist) Gay Louis Cypher Bilzebub Asexual Hikawa (well, he's probably already that) uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Also Kagutsuchi is now a woman. Just a retcon


many downvotes.... I guess megaten fans hate LGBTQIA+ ....


Will see Wirh DEI or not with DEI.


Nanako becomes Niggako