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bro you don’t have to apologize for other people your age 😭 you’re too sweet. as long as you know you’re doin what’s right, i wouldn’t be too concerned with the other people around you hun. keep at it


God, this kid next to me and my friend litteraly screamed CUNTY FLY all throughout Spider Web, didn't hear the song at all.


I'm shock that kids use the word c*nt so casually considering in some places, it's a slur (I think or vulgar word, the UK and some parts of Canada find it extremly offensive) 😭 but even in places it's not it's still a harsh word to use it's worst then fuck Edit: yall, you can stop telling me the same thing you've told me 7 to 8 times now you don't have to keep commenting the same thing 😅 even in my dms smh getting my hopes up


im from the UK and we toss that word around so casually it's apart of everyone's vocabulary LOL but it's recently resurfaced in online spaces because of the phrase 'serving cunt'


Damn maybe I got the sensitive British family members they'd always be on my ass for saying it 😭


Same lmao


Not ‘we’ and ‘everyone’ 😭


Ngl, I never understood how cunt is worse than dick, ass, or pussy. It's always been my favorite swear word. 😅


My family members would get on my ass for saying the C word or the P word ngl 😩


honestly, I agree. I’d much rather be called a cunt because it’s seen as strong/angry than a pussy because it seen as weak - and both are bashing women equally 😭 i never got why americans were more comfortable with pussy but flipped their shit if they heard the word cunt (coming from an american)


It's not the words that's so off-putting I think it's more so the connotation.


Well cunty and cunt has been reclaimed for some, it's like a positive way to say someone looks feminine and badass lol


cunt is extremely casual british slang, it’s the US that sees it as a “slur” but since it’s been ingrained into AAVE and therefore in popular queer culture


Yeah I'm starting to figure that out and that my British side of my family might be a bit sensitive 💀


A kid i was in front of said every single cuss word and i was appalled bc this girl was 12


same with the us, like except in the gay slang context i as a man wont even say it


girl no im from the uk n i love the word cunt


I'm aware like 7 people have told me already 💀


huh? wasnt even being rude girlie 💀


I didn't say you were? I'm just surprised that many people keep commenting even though there's like 5 to 6 comments already telling me 😭 plus my dms


i didnt see the other comments 💀


Man I knew reddit comment organization sucked but it sucks so bad that 5 to 6 comments aren't even showing now? 😭


Stronger than me I would have screamed at them


Omg you’re not the only person I’ve seen say this!!


That right there needs to be stopped like singing loudly/yelling out the lyrics is normal for concerts(melanie apparently doesnt like screeching but i feel like that kinda comes with the territory especially during the bridge of the song) however yelling out some random shit like that is beyond me and insanely rude to not only the the concert goers but also the artist aswell. It sucks you had to experience that


It’s not your place to apologize for other people. It should be THEIR job, not yours… It would be nice if the people who ruined other people’s experiences apologized themselves, but I appreciate the sentiment.


Thank you for saying that, although you don't have anything to apologize for, it is just nice to hear perspectives from kids your age who are actually respectful and behaved


don’t apologize for other people! but imo there were way too many elementary aged kids at the show i went to. i had gotten up to barricade and some little girl who was 12 at the oldest decided to tell the guards on people coming up to barricade. and even tho i was 3rd row i got sent back to my seat which really ruined the experience for me, especially when there were no issues w security until they decided to tattle tale.


Wdym barricade?


like up at the front? the barriers? there was no pit at my concert bc they put seats in the pit area.. but some people got up to that area


Ohh thx for explaining


Baby no you have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong!! It’s not even just kids your age that are screaming like that. Don’t ever apologize for things you didn’t do


I can totally agree.I did scream but not to an obnoxious level, the venue I went to was also very loud so I can understand why some people would also yell.(i apologize if this came off in a odd way. I have a tendency to do that)


Bro fr. Im 14 and I apologize for my age’s screaming as well. I really hope that I didn’t contribute to it.(I don’t think I did, my friend and I were slightly yelling lyrics but only during the parts that were super personal to us). If I made anyone’s concert experience bad I might cry. It just shocks me that there are people who are screeching and aren’t apologizing for it


Yall are too sweet, have a Melanie strawberry https://preview.redd.it/cvj4tvsphk7d1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6b52f8173eaa6da0922e13bb6841b4e7443737c


I love melberry and thank youuu https://preview.redd.it/muk07j4xhk7d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b7c468d03cb5d9b1ff95dc66800612bc5379a7 You get a screenshot from her insta lol because she is gorgeous


Tank you🥹 https://preview.redd.it/dn5e356tok7d1.png?width=193&format=png&auto=webp&s=870c5cca6e797bb824a5cd032065a1455c76251e


Why is it so cute😭😭omg


Melberry <3




Loud singing along is totally reasonable, it's the literal screaming and screeching that I think gets to people, because it's so hard to hear over.


I don't think leaving when the Portals songs come on makes you a fake fan. Someone people just don't like the Portals album as much as her older songs. There's nothing wrong with that


I think social media plays a huge part in this. It's like young people want to project themselves out to be seen so badly. I didn't experience a lot of screaming, but I did notice a good 25% of the audience filmed most of the concert. The woman next to me was filming Tiktoks for every song. It made me sad that so many were not living in the moment.


i filmed most of it, but my phone was propped up on my lap so i watched everything with my own eyes


I filmed the whole show bc my 4 year old brother couldn’t come and he’s a huge fan proud to say he thanked me by giving me one of his gummy worms 😓


Thank you for being part of the change this Fandom needs. I hope more people follow suit ❤️


Its fine, also you like Hazbin and Melaine? W


Omg thank you so much for saying what I’m feeling. I swear I feel so out of place (I’m 14) in this Reddit bc of ppl bashing us for being loud 😔.. I promise I have concert etiquette and basic manners and respect. The people behind me (in their 20’s) were being so loud and disrespectful. All I heard the ENTIRE show was “WHERE’S THE SNAIL” “SNAIL MELANIE” SNAILANIE” it was so annoying and it was hard to enjoy myself…


This is the most wholesome thing I've ever seen. There were a lot of people singing at ours, we brought our 13 year old, and my husband mentioned how it was more of a sing-along than a concert, but everyone seemed to be having fun. Overall, the crowd was awesome and super well dressed. This was a great post, but you don't need to apologize for your peers. Just keep being awesome and setting an example and you'll be fine


melanie’s music isn’t mean for kids younger than 15 personally. should’ve had a -13 with parent ordeal.


At her toronto stop the entire stadium sang along to every song. So the sound people turned the volume up for her mic and the back track. We had a lot of kids who were under 13 at the concert and it seemed like everyone was well behaved especially the like 10 year Olds. I think singing along to the music at a concert just makes sense but I can see how it would be awkward if most of the crowd isn't singing along. Melanie had a sore throat so us singing along helped her get through the concert without her having to push her voice


Ahh don’t worry! We were all that age before and know what it’s like to be behaved feeling awkward around peers who aren’t as conscious. When people express their displeasure they usually mean in general. Tbh I get more annoyed at a lot of ignorant adults who you can tell never learned manners or empathy for those around them in any setting


You don’t need to apologize at all, but I am glad to see that there is someone your age that is aware. Sadly not even some adults would be as kind as you. Just know its not your duty to apologize.


Literally had a girl screech in my ear all night and scream mother constantly. I would have preferred someone who just sang the lyrics and screamed a couple times. I tried to ignore it but then she was screeching and kicking the back of my husband’s seat.(which he was sitting in because my husband is disabled) yeah I really still enjoyed the show but damn it was an experience.


doesn’t melanie not like being called mother? that girl sounds absolutely terrible


I'm 15 and I went to the trilogy tour. I screamed a lot but I made sure I wasn't screaming for all of it. I went to the palm desert show and I think the crowd was pretty good


Thank you for saying this while I personally didn’t mind my mom absolutely did I’m 16 and a girl behind us was screaming so loud the entire time along with everyone else and you could barely hear the music however this one girl was screaming the loudest and it really annoyed my mom. I sadly had to leave when portals was in the middle because I was with a friend and we had to get her home before it was impossible to get out.


maybe i’m an angry person but i feel like at some point i’d lean over and be like “stfu” to anyone ruining someone else’s concert experience. this poor kiddo shouldn’t have to feel guilty for their age group disrespecting concert etiquette.


I wonder if it depends on where you are sitting too


im 14 and this kinda scares me because i dont wanna be THAT kind of person who keeps screaming 😭 i keep telling myself DONT SCREAM THE LYRICS JUST DONT SCREAM AND EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT


> the people who left when portals started playing geez


You’re so sweet for apologizing but if you did nothing wrong then plz don’t feel so apologetic for your peers. It’s the parents that need to teach the kids etiquette.


Aw man, you poor kid. It’s not your fault that there are people out there who don’t understand how to behave in public. It’s the parents’ faults. You keep doing you, being kind and respectful, and you’ll be just fine. Love ♡


I was in front of a 12 year old, she screeched a little bit but i tried not to mind it bc im pretty sure it was her first concert


I’m 14, i havent been to a mel show before but i can only imagine how bad it could be from what i’ve heard. Feeling awkward about being the only one singing is probably better than almost going deaf from people screaming in your ears anyway. I do wish there was a way to enforce screaming obnoxiously and being annoying during her concerts though, like girlypop you’re not the only one here


I know it's not all y'all's age of people so it's okay, my daughter is 11 and we went together. She screamed a bit here and there out of excitement, but she wasn't doing it the whole time like others. It's honestly all dependent upon the parents or friends that are with them, some of us parents would never tolerate that kind of behavior from our kids at concerts and some people in your generation are willing to call their friends out on them being obnoxious. But I also grew up with hippie parents (boomers) who always took my sister and I to concerts and it wasn't ever super crazy, even when I went to Ozzfest at 13 in 2003. Trying not to sound like an old lady here, but things have changed and concert etiquette seems to have gone out the window a bit. My last big concert was The Cure in 2016 (I go to a lot of small venue shows mostly) and even then it was really chill for the most part. Coming from the goth scene it's a very different vibe at our shows, everyone is usually pretty chill and respectful. Obviously there are exceptions, but I've also been to heavy metal shows and those are also a different breed of show because there's more moshing and it's a different energy. So I get people being hyped for Melanie, but even at metal shows if you fall in the pit someone will pick you up. I just wish people would respect Melanie's wishes. I was absolutely cool with everyone taking their phone's flashlights for Light Shower despite her asking people to refrain from using flash because it was fitting for the song. But I know she's expressed concerns about people being loud and crazy the whole show. I guess that's kind of what it boils down to tho, just being respectful of Melanie and other fans in general because everyone's trying to have a good experience.


Dont apologize its not u its the fricking 9 year olds who only came for k-12 and void and screamed like wtf. Parents just dgaf now (coming from another 13 year old)


Ikr Im 14 and I also know that kids out age can be quite rowdy and disrespectful and teachers and parents dont teach them better I ended up switching yo alternative school cause of it I also tried to not scream through the whole concert half because i got tired one issue I had was alot of teenagers standing up making the people behind them to stand up so they could see I was so upset i had to stand almost the whole time (I have sensory issues and i couldnt really move around so my legs got cramped standing) cause even when the people infront of me sat down this girl infront of them kept waving her arms about so i couldn’t even get a proper video I mainly sang the songs i connected with the most loudly my experience might have been diffrent cause I was at the toronto concert but the screaming wasnt too much the problem because the people screaming where screaming singing and still kinda in tune and with everyone else scream singing it kinda created this one big voice (I have a big imagination so in my mind i kinda imagined it as all of crybabys past lives) it was kinda hard to hear melanie but I could still hear her and i noise canceling headphones on! (Sensory issues again) I do remember that people were extremely passionate even cheering for the dancers most of the random screaming was in-between songs of when there were special effects that shocked people (sparks bubbles balloons candles the arrow fire ect) But ive seen clips of people screaming mid song at other concerts anyways the point is theres alot of stuff kids my age did wrong but i hope the few of us apologizing can make up for it a little bit im gonna stop here before i end up writing an entire book because if i dont stop ill go on forever


You have no need to apologize for your age group. My wife and I went in Denver and the show was phenomenal. We actually talked after the fact about how nice the show was because everyone was singing along instead of just yelling. We go to concerts A LOT. And it was really pleasant. Only thing I'll say is it's unfair to say people who left when portals started aren't real fans, it's possible to enjoy one album and not another. We left during the last song because it was one of the first nights my wife and I had out without our son since we had him! Keep being you and being awesome. Enjoy the concert. Sing along. Stand up. Scream and shout. The audio is loud enough for people to hear regardless. Your concert experience is as important as everyone else's.


I can’t imagine spending money on a concert to only watch 2/3 of it that’s crazy


Thats so sweet of you! But no need to apologize on behalf of teens/children your age, it's not your fault. I haven't been to my concert yet but it is on Saturday, and in a very populated area so i am 50% sure that i might have the experience of screaming everyone has been speaking out on. I just wish parents could do better, and i'm not saying be perfect. I am a parent and let me tell you i am by no means perfect!!! I would never raise my children to be so disrespectful though, it's awful how they act at these concerts. Parents need to do better, not for themselves but for their children. These kids will be the future generation and need to learn these things ❤️


My experience was ruined by kids YOUNGER than you. Please do not apologize for their behaviour.


My daughter is 14 and I took her. She didn't scream much but other kids her age were. Honestly, the tweens and teens screaming and crying, made the show. The whole point of bringing my daughter and dropping all that money was so she could experience her favorite artist in an environment with other fans. I literally started crying hearing these young girls belting their to lungs out to Crybaby. You precious babies deserve to love things and express your feelings.


i’m going to the tour in 2 days and i’m really hoping it goes well


You aren’t responsible for other people’s behavior dear But that’s cute of you💖✨ I’m glad you enjoyed your concert


omg please don’t apologize!! it is not your fault that other people scream so loud, and it’s definitely not just people your age! i had a girl on my right absolutely SCREAMING in my ear, and the girl on my left was silent the whole show (they were both probably about 15-16) at the concert I was at. I never understood what people meant by not being able to hear an artist until that show 🙄 regardless, i had a great time (honestly one of the best concerts i was at), and melanie was absolutely amazing and so so stunning!!


I’m young like under 16 and I’d love to go to the trilogy tour


i’m sorry for all the 11 yr olds aswell, i’m a 11 year old and i’ve listen to her since i was like 8 or 7


THIS. Like literally, some of the kids at these mel concerts are crazy. Luckily, at the concert I went to (The Boston one on June 7th) the crowd there was actually really respectful and you could actually here Melanie sing. Looking at all these other posts on melanie concert experiences literally BAFFLES me. Like I’m 14, and I actually have manners and know my concert etiquette. I’m honestly really sorry for people who’s experiences are ruined by kids my age or close to my age, it sucks that some people had a bad time at their concerts. NO ONE should have their concert experience ruined, these kids should have manners and know concert etiquette. So sorry to the ones who had their experience ruined, we understand your feelings. I would ball my eyes out if some stinky spoiled brat of a kid ruined my concert experience 😭, I would be mad aswell. We understand your feelings, those feelings are COMPLETELY valid. So sorry again to anyone who had their experience ruined, you did NOT deserve that.


Why pay tickets if you're just going to leave it doesn't make sense for people to do that enjoy the full concert use the portal act as a listening party or something idk💀


If more people were as considerate as you the world would be a better place. There's a time and a place for screaming at concerts of course, it's just when people NEVER STOP that it becomes the issue. No one's expecting y'all to be silent either!




What happened? I went to Melanie’s show on Mothers Day with 2 14yo and an 8 yo.It was the best experience ever. We saw tons of young people under 15 for sure but most had some sort of grown person with them. Everyone dressed up…such good vibes…even tears because it was such a good show. Maybe location matters…the merch lines were way too long tho and I think they raised the price in the dress from Seattle to Oakland. But that’s my only complaint.


fr the merch lines were so long, i went 30 mins before mel came on stage so i was literally the only person in line, and most of the merch was in stock. the merch was so expensive


Yeah at my show I didn't even realize it but, I met a girl while I was shopping with my mom and friend a day after the trilogy tour show I attended, according to her she got to go to the front since most people from there left during portals. Like how could you go to the trilogy tour and only stay for 2 performances? The whole point is that it's THREE. Keyword three. If you missed the k-12 and crybaby tour then don't just see the trilogy tour to leave, she made portals for us and at that point just listen to her on digital/vinyl or cd.


Also there were teenage boys making fun of the opener (Sofia isella) and I was like "what?" 


there was some kids in front of me at the concert that were on their ipads and watching tiktok and kept looking at me for dancing at a concert i paid for


watching tiktoks at a freaking concert is crazy


i think their mom was paid to be there and livestream it. it was on this app like facebook but also very different.


It's weird being the same age as Melanie, only a few months younger, and seeing what a mess her fanbase has become from the time I was 19, to now. Honestly makes me glad I don't care for her music anymore. Feels like I dodged a bullet.​


Oh darling this is so sweet but sad! If you have the opportunity to get more tickets I really hope you do! You deserve to have fun, dance and sing your lungs out! We just don’t appreciate the young ones who scream bloody murder and are rude!! please , this isn’t your circus - as long as you are respectful and enjoy yourself that’s all that matters, you don’t have to be silent or apologies because of your peers 🫶🏼


Thanks for apologizing though you don’t have to, my experience sucked a bit as I had a kid next to me screaming “ OMG ITS ALMOST MY BED TIME I LOVE MY BED TIME” or despite me telling them that whenever they use their flash it was hurting my eyes (they were directly pointing it on my face and my sunglasses weren’t covering that corner as I have sensitive eyes and only went to the concert for my little sister) they also had no idea what personal space meant as her legs were on my cup holder the whole show and I’m not that tall but I’m also not that short (standing at about 5’5 5’6)


Don’t apologize at all ! I’m a mom and I brought my 11 year old daughter who screamed when Melanie started all of her songs but just sang along with the song . I had a girl behind me who was screaming at the top of her lungs it was horrible but I let kids be kids and tried to ignore her by the end of the concert she lost her voice . The concert was not age restricted so what can you really do except ask them to stop.


I took my daughter to the show and it was a show for her. Most the people there were younger people. If anyone is complaining about teenagers being loud at a concert they shouldn't be at the concert anyways. I'm so sorry you felt the need to mute yourself. Never apologize for loving something so passionately.


I recently attended the Trilogy tour in DFW. It was the best concert of ym entire life. I'm older, & want to apologize for my LOUD singing/yelling. I am sorry for anyone else's experience I may have ruined. I needed to get this off my chest. 


omg you're so sweet! im going to the trilogy tour in manchester hoping its gonna be okay. btw since you're 13, were you in the standing area cuz i was told you have to be over 16 to be standing?


This is very sweet of you! 🥰 I hope you enjoyed the show and your peers aren’t giving you too much of a hard time at school 💕


the kids in my honors classes are cool, but it’s the immature kids in the on level class i’m in who annoy me