• By -


she's not in genuine debt omfg... she wouldn't have a home or net worth if that was the casešŸ˜­ what she meant is when Atlantic provides her something she owes them time and money back for lending her the service. She is in debt to atlantic because they pay everything for her to create art.


People seem to be unaware that almost every rich person ever is ā€œin debtā€. It means nothing. Their quality of life and financial status are genuinely unaffected by it.


right they don't understand there's a contract agreement that declares how much she'll be getting paid as long as she continues working. usually it's make x amount of albums for the contract, maybe after mm5 she'll be given the option to resign.


!!! Had a friend who owned hotels. He was ā€œin debtā€ but living in a million dollar house and bought a Mercedes. ā€œDebtā€ works differently when itā€™s rich folk vs poor folk. Debt for us means we canā€™t eat. Period.


riiiight! recoupment is incredibly common within record dealsā€¦


Melanie isnā€™t Taylor swift though. that money would be diff and no debt would be positioned.


Wish there were more people like you who understood it.


https://preview.redd.it/johtxzghes9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a632494195fb368ccee12e28203e25d64c60a05f People don't understand!


I swear this comment was made over a year ago now why are people acting like it was made yesterday?


Where are we acting like she made it yesterday? Lmao.


Exactly! I donā€™t understand why people canā€™t grasp this concept lol


Is this a American store.. and I don't get it.. what's wrong with shopping at erewhon? Lol I'm Aussie, so I really don't understand.


itā€™s basically a grocery store thatā€™s insanely overpriced, a lot of celebrities and rich people shop there


Itā€™s really really expensive to shop there.


super pricey organic foods. lots of celebrities shop there.


erewon is just a glorified whole foods lol


me too bb :( i live in asia...


Iā€™m american (I live in north america) and Iā€™ve never heard of it either lol but tbf where I am thereā€™s like nothing cool, one of the only things we have that some other places donā€™t is like target and basic stuff like that šŸ˜­


i really wish melanie would not try clarifying anything to her fans because it makes them more confused lol


Lol FR


The other bit they don't understand is net worth doesn't essentially mean you have that money in cash, it's more of how many assets you own.




Happy Cake day!!! >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


It's not my cake day, but this makes me so happy


Pfft there's enough e-bubble wrap for all of us!


Definitely šŸ’Æ


Happy cake day!


Thank you !! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø








I feel like I should get it.. but I don't. šŸ˜­


Classic meme set up.


OH.. oh... now I get it. ;-;


Thank you šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Awww I love this ss


happeh cake da


Thank you ā¤ļø




are you a Greg??!! šŸ˜Æ lol


Yea šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Iā€™m a fan, but you do realise having a net worth that big means you are literally rich and well off.. most people donā€™t have a net worth of 8 million


Fucking thank you. Net worth =! liquid assets.


It's so irritating when they're like yeah well she has a multimillion dollar mansion.. WHERE DO YOU THINK THE NET WORTH COMES FROM????


IKKKK like WHAT? Maybe do some researchā€¦


I think most people do get that, but if she's really struggling like that, those assets can be turned into liquid funds.




OMG fr like why are they so dense?? they pick at what makes their argument sound betterā€¦


They don't pay for her art! She has to pay for her bills, her house, the supplies for making videos, ect! *


she is a employee of Atlantic Records, yes they pay her bills because that's who provides her income just like any other job. She has stated herself multiple times that the label pays for the whole production of creating her art... this is why she signed to them in the first place. She wanted to make mvs for every song on crybaby but couldn't pay for it but Atlantic is willing in exchange for her to work for them.


Also Iā€™m pretty sure she didnā€™t say she was in debt, but that she ā€œrisked going into debtā€ when creating her art




she never said she was currently IN debt, she said she GOES INTO debt everytime something happens and she gets money back to pay the debt and gain money.


People lack basic reading comprehension and it's painful.


Exactly it really shows how much crybabies and honestly the rest of the world just pick and choose whatever helps their opinionā€¦.


And I'M the one who has glasses.šŸ’€


While I do think that itā€™s weird to claim youā€™re going broke and then shopping at a very high end grocery store, I also find it weird people posting about her every move and what she is doing. Itā€™s kinda creepy


you put it perfectly. i couldnā€™t imagine how it feels to have people keep tabs on you and have the internet critique your every move. sheā€™s said some questionable things but damn! sheā€™s human leave the woman alone šŸ˜­


Yeah thatā€™s the thing of it all. I find it completely disrespectful and gross when people take pictures and videos of strangers even celebrities! Let them live goddammit


I think what she meant she goes into debt,she gathers money for her videos and then she has to pay back the people,she goes in debt temporarily and then sheā€™s good,tbh I just think she needed to word it better because some people take it way to deep.Also about the following her move,that is so fucking creepy,imagine just trying to goes to the grocery store and then somebody takes a pic of you just so they can be mad at you


Yeah I can see people who pose as fans just going out there to be creepy


Meh. I donā€™t care about this. Nobody should. This is giving me real ā€œShow & Tellā€ vibes


agreed cause the person tht took the picture is also there sooooooā€¦


happy cake day! But good point


Whatā€™s cake day iā€™ve never heard of that lmao


Anniversary of your account. That's what the cake symbol is


Oh really? I had no idea that was a thing lmao.


that wasnt the creators photo i dont think


Yes but thereā€™s still regular normal people shopping there. Like all the other comments, this is just screaming Show & Tell.


yeah i agree with you i was just clarifying it may not be there photo but yea either way its weird to take a photo like this when shes just trying to shop and i wanted to know what people thought because me personally i dont like how theyre so in her face


Ohh okay. Like idk it seems weird people are mad at her for shopping at a place regular people shop at too. Like get off her back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


im sayinn shes just trying to shop shes a person too who deserves privacy


Well yes but also to get on her for shopping at a place other normal people do too is just weird.


Show & Tell literally doesnā€™t make sense as a song anymore because Verde (Justin/her bf) literally takes pictures of innocent ppl in public, and even when asked to remove the photo by the people in them themselves he still refuses. And on top of that she endorses it, liking any comment that sides with him or any comment that bashes those who donā€™t like what he does. This and tunnel vision both have lost their message since you canā€™t fight fire with fire.


Is there any proof to that because where did yā€™all come up with that


[well lucky for you bb hereā€™s the page :)](https://www.instagram.com/people__beingpeople?igsh=MnY4em52aHhmdXN3) I wouldnā€™t make it up if I tried ā€” as an old og fan I was devastated when I found out


what the fuck is wrong with yall shes literally just shopping. can she not just live in peace?


i agree


My sweet summer child, this store she's in charges $40 for condiments. Things that cost $4 to get? Melanie is justifying charging $70-100 for a tiny candle because she's in "debt." It's insulting to see her shopping at this store.


Itā€™s so creepy when people take photos like this.


Fr. Going up and asking is one thing, celebrities expect that and can say no. But this is just straight up creepy




i do think its strange she says shes in debt and shops at expensive stores but did yall forget show and tell??? stop taking pictures of her in public. its weird.


she didnā€™t say she was in debt, she said she goes into debt when Atlantic gives her money for a project so she owes money and pays it back.


Yā€™all are nitpicking everything she does. Jesus christā€¦ I could not be a celebrity I wouldā€™ve cursed yā€™all out šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø.


Exactly. She's literally food-shopping.




Different type of debt šŸ˜­ doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s downright broke holy shit


Frrr, ppl in debt are not moneyless and brokr either way.


"Its one thing to ask for a picture guys, but to just come up to me is really weird I'm sorry I'm just really uncomfortable" "There are strangers taking pictures of me when I ask no more" Her fans really don't pay attention


right šŸ˜­ like just ask for a picture why are you creepily taking photos of her


i think people are just hating on her for every little thing atp. literally regular people shop there like do people expect her to only complain about how she is in ā€œdebtā€ unless she only shops at the dollar store. lets be real she has money, but at the same time i think the only reason why she wrote that comment on instagram was because she was tired of people acting entitled and she wanted to tell us that however we see it isnt actually how it is and that we only know what we can assume and we dont actually know how much money she makes.


VERY well said.


The other thread got locked so I beg yall to be less toxic


this post wasnā€™t meant to be harmful i just wanted peoples opinions on this because theres lots of mixed onesšŸ’ž


Thatā€™s what I mean, this discussion we are having about Mel is nuanced and everyone has a say as a consumer, but not really as a seller or a celebrity with lots of money. This discussion shouldnā€™t get toxic when the fact of the matter is that some people take this way too seriously and insult and assume things about people when this is suppose to be a community of likeminded people. The mods have been shutting down posts left and right cause of the recent candle controversy that sparked this debate, some people wanna discuss all sides but some people clearly have reactions to this more than responses, you know what I mean?


yeaa i feel you i wanted peoples opinions in the calmest way possible


"There are strangers taking pictures of me when I ask no more" For a reason


Tbh, I'm more upset that someone yet again took a picture of her in public without going up and asking her permission, especially in a grocery store. This is so weird and creepy. It's like the meaning of "Show and Tell" completely went over their heads... People wonder why she's not happy in some videos that she's in with fans or why she's "being rude" and then this happens. Let the girl grab some groceries or eat a meal in peace.


I think the point is being missed by a lot of people here. The fact of the matter is she's shopping at a store notorious for up charging basic groceries that we are struggling to afford! I'm happy she's being exposed for her behavior. This is what people mean by eat the rich: expose them, call them out on their shitty behavior, hold them accountable for stealing our money by charging ridiculous amount on products....now that I think about it, of course she'd be shopping at a store like this.


the person who posted this literally has groceries in her cart....


i think they got that photo from a different person


either way the op of the photo never said they couldnā€™t afford to shop there, itā€™s the fact that mel was talking about how theyā€™re portentously going into debt because of all the hard work and money they put into their art. (even though no one wanted a 4 minute video of a snail chasing a light ballšŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


all artists go into debt, their label gives them money for projects that you have to pay back. Thatā€™s what she says. Every-time she does something itā€™s a risk because if she doesnā€™t get enough money to profit and to pay back the debt sheā€™s in for her label she will end up losing money.


i swear the portal mv's are majorly ai too, however we dont know how much money she has put into them, how much profit they made, or how much her management is actually paying her


Iā€™m sorry but cgi ā‰  AI


you dont have to be sorry for correcting me lol thanks for letting me know i thought i saw some other posts about how the new mvs have been ai created


Off topic but she's soooo pretty eeee!




why would they take a pic of her in public like that??? so weird. do they not remember ā€œshow and tellā€???


Iā€™m on display for all you fuckers to seešŸ§Ÿā€ā™€ļø


let her shop šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ taking pics secretly is creepy asf


The switch up in this comment section is wild. She told her audience knowing a majority are young that she risks not being able to pay her bills & yet here she isā€¦shopping at THE most expensive grocery store possible. Before you come at me I couldnā€™t care less about where she shops, we all gotta eat. I just think itā€™s crazy how a majority of people here went from ranting about how she gaslights us about her money but are now turning around & brushing off where she grocery shops. Despite this grocery store charging an absurd amount for basic things. I can see why this person made this tiktokā€¦itā€™s very much two faced of Mel


I think this is stupid


Iā€™m genuinely curious,whatā€™s wrong with her shopping at the grocery store šŸ§


Its not that she's shopping at a grocery store - it's the fact that she's shopping at one of most expensive grocery stores while previously stating she's in debt. People who are in debt normally don't shop at places that sell an ear of corn for 2$. I'm not mad at her. I just think she's full of herself. Fans have been eating up the high priced merch thinking they were helping her fund the Portals movie or getting her out of debt. It's her Money, she can do as she pleases. But the "broke singer" act won't work anymore.


I mean it doesnā€™t look like a full weeks shop imo. Looks like a couple of sauces, snacks & other condiments. I think her comment about going in to debt was both ignorant and phrased incorrectly too. Idk I think ppl are looking too far into this šŸ˜­


true, but she never said sheā€™s going into debt as in sheā€™s approaching being in debtā€” what she said was she goes into debt everytime Atlantic records provides money to make a project, and then she has to pay back that money. Itā€™s a thing that happens to all artists.


Doesnā€™t sprouts and whole foods charge just as much if not more? My local chain is also about the same, itā€™s like $6-$7 for 4 tomatoes now and itā€™s a kroger store.


Ok and?I just think when she meant when sheā€™s In debt is that when she records music videos,she goes into temporary debt where she has to payback people,but once a few days past she is able to pay it back.I just think she needed to word it better,also where do you expect her to shop,walmart?


She is grocery shopping bro just leave poor Melanie alone. When she says sheā€™s in debt people think sheā€™s living on the street or something? No she just owes Atlantic money. Yall need to stop taking pictures of her if you see her in public itā€™s so weirdā€¦


i didnt take the photo and i agree with you on everything i just wanted to hear others opinions


Itā€™s okay! Sorry if I made it sound harsh itā€™s just directed to the people who get angry at Melanie for grocery shopping!


its not that serious and anyone who is upset by this needs to get a life asap






Should be upvoted more


is erewhon expensive? iā€™m not from USA so i donā€™t know the context of why itā€™s this shocking sheā€™s in therešŸ˜­


Ridiculously expensive. They sell reusable bags at checkout for $300. Fruits like strawberries range from 20-45$. Its absurd and only for people who want to spend a lot of money.


oh GOD that sounds like daylight robbery wtf


It really is. It is for the rich to fit into an aesthetic


Y'all forget that ppl shop here for a specific experience. Is this place overpriced and mid as hell? Yes, 100%. Do we know what she's doing here? No, probably shopping. Maybe Verde is shopping. Aren't they both rich? Mel isn't broke by any means, look at her life style. Some of you guys are so...bleh. She's a celebrity like all the others unfortunately. Stop acting surprised when she acts like one. If stop putting her on a pedestal you won't be surprised by her actions anymore.


You guys are weird. Thereā€™s many reasons that anyone of any tax bracket would shop at a higher end grocery store. Also, feel like we can have a conversation about this without reposting a photo taken without Melanieā€˜s consent. Reposting these things makes you a part of the problem.


i reposted it so people knew what i was talking about? yea i couldve talked about it without reposting but still idc where melanie shops its just the people in the comments were complaining so i thought it was something to care about but its not i wasnā€™t trying to be harmful in anyway my bad


I donā€™t think you know this store well. Itā€™s not a ā€œhigher endā€ store, itā€™s literally for only rich people. Like $20 a lb for basic chicken or a jar of soup, $25 for deodorant expensive. It is incredibly out of touch to complain about finances in any form, then shop at a store such as that. Had she went to Whole Foods (an actual higher end grocery) no one would be complaining.


aaaand this is why i donā€™t wanna be famous!


She is actually telling the truth sheā€™s in debt to Atlanta so I wasnā€™t accusing her I was just saying that they could lower the prices and to stop bothering her


i don't get why people obsess over what she's doing and spending her money on. she's human too and has more money than probably anyone in this thread. yall just haters.


If yall are mad at her for shopping there then be mad at the person taking the pic as well as everyone else in the store at the time


What i said!!


ok i get the candles are overpriced and u can be mad about that, but like jesus she's in a grocery store - at least, that's what it looks like. like, she's gotta eat, we can chill rn.


Let her livešŸ˜­ sheā€™s a rich celebrity let her live like one šŸ˜­


Let her livešŸ˜­ sheā€™s a rich celebrity let her live like one šŸ˜­


Omgggg sheā€™s a rich celebrity šŸ˜­ let her live like onešŸ˜­


she said that like almost 2 yrs ago. ppl need to move on


I think itā€™s weird that people are taking photos of her and that people remind you of show and tell. Everyone deserves privacy. But I also find it weird it doesnā€™t matter until itā€™s her? Her own bf takes photos of random people on the street and uploads them but she doesnā€™t bat an eye at that and neither does anyone else in the fandom. The person youā€™re with reflects your own morals and beliefs


Wtf is an erehwon? Sounds like a disease... or the name of a high-ranking military general or some shit? Idk. I'm probably pronouncing it wrong


These mad fans are under 18 and have never had a job and it shows


These fans that are upset used to and would like to support her, but are in genuine difficult financial situations and feel like her recent merchandise rollouts along with her VIP meet and greet experiences are taking advantage of fans.


Are we not gonna talk about how whoever took the pic of Melanie just took it of her without asking??


ā€œi cant pay my bills šŸ˜æšŸ˜æšŸ˜æā€ *goes to most expensive grocery store in the world*


Me personally... she's just grocery shopping. Like everyone needs to buy groceries, even celebrities. Yall weird for freaking out over a human being going and getting groceries.


Isn't it kinda weird that ppl take random photos of Melanie? Like to ask for a picture with her is okay but like..


She's literally a person and not a show pony, people need to leave her alone when she's in public, she doesn't need to be filmed and have her life exposed cause everyone is obsessed with her, just give her some space, be normal in public, seriously.


i genuinely donā€™t understand why people care SO much like listen to her music, go to her concerts, complain about the merch prices occasionally and repeat. i donā€™t get melanie fans anymore they just suck and care way too much


Agreed. Itā€™s so annoying. Canā€™t we just be chill again?


I mean she did tell us to eat the rich..


Guys please stop being so gullible, this fandom knit picks soooo hard like ā€œshe never said she IS in debt thoā€ ā€œsheā€™s not as rich as she you thinkā€ ā€œshe pays for her own artā€, yall this is all untrue, sheā€™s rich af and more well off than 99% of us will ever even be in our entire lifetime, she gets paid HELLA and clearly affords a luxury life, she did say she goes into debt, YES itā€™s only for a period of time until Atlantic pays her but she makes millions yall she is a rich celebrity.. sheā€™s not a small artist or a small business


LMAO yo that bitch is trifiling šŸ˜­ please defend her $777 cheap necklaces, $75 melted candles, $300 shein dress. PLEASE I would love to hear it.


Blueberries are $13, A single rotisserie chicken is $24, a smoothie is $18 and $100-$200 a year just for a membership? Ridiculous


my girl is grocery shopping leave her be šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œI canā€™t pay my billsā€


Boy who care


me feeling like walmart is expensive. crazy how we are on this planet all together but have vastly different experiences. itā€™s weird how some feel they can invade celebrities space and post what they do with their opinions. granted i can understand fans being upset with some things as of late with melanie and her pricing of merch. but that shouldnā€™t translate to omg she should not be shopping at upscale stores geared towards the elite and famous. her broke and ours is not even on the same wavelength.


Bro, sheā€™s not in severe debt to the point where she canā€™t buy stuff for herself šŸ’€




(disclaimer: i don't kno much of the drama with melanie, sorry!) first of all, its beyond rude to take pics of ppl without their consent. second, she's just SHOPPING. no need to overreact and shove the camera in her face. leave mel alone smh :<


She must have a shitty contract if sheā€™s in ā€œdebtā€ with the label šŸ·ļø perhaps?


No. Sheā€™s said they advise her repeatedly not to make the financial decisions she does for her art. They know itā€™s a bad idea that wonā€™t always pay off, but she decides to take the risks then complain about it.


Ah I see!


When an artist does a project the money comes out of the label, but the artist has to pay that back with hopefully money from the project with some left over, but if he project doesnā€™t go well and they canā€™t make enough money to cover the debt with profits they lose money. Get educated.


I think yall forgot wjat show and tell was about..


"it's expensive and she's shopping there" so is the creep who took a pic of her without her consent


Fr! i donā€™t get people stalking celebritiesā€¦ and then say they deserve it. Like their just humans who put our art for you!! If they say itā€™s creepy MANY times stop doing itā€¦


Sometimes I understand Bjƶrk...






Oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Lowkey agree tho i meanā€¦. sheā€™s a person too i wouldnā€™t like that especially for 4 days.


yeah no sheā€™s ripping off her fans


Of course she isnā€™t better than this. She IS this and has ALWAYS been this.


Any celebrity who shops at erewhon honestly loses my respect and shows how out of touch an "artist" is. With her AI merch and those stupid candles, its just embarrassing to see her here.


Hey guys! This is melanie here! Please please PLEASE buy my shitty overpriced merch so I can afford a pack of 30 dollar ice! I love you earthlings! šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø


gotta put them candle sells to use


Omgggg sheā€™s a rich celebrity šŸ˜­ let her live like onešŸ˜­


why does that not look like her at all




ā€œOmg sheā€™s shopping at Erewhon!ā€ *says the person literally shopping at Erewhonā€¦* Let people be and just let them live their lives. Toxic fans wanna consume artistsā€™ art based solely on their own conditions and then put them up on some romanticized pedestal in their heads. And then they judge them harshly so if those conditions and expectations are not met. Itā€™s fucked. Enjoy her music, or donā€™t. But donā€™t act holier than thou just because youā€™re a ā€˜fanā€™ and yall think she owes you anything in return or any kind of explanation for every choice she makes. Weā€™re not perfect, sheā€™s not hurting anyone, sheā€™s a person too, and a visit to Erewhon isnā€™t a big deal.


Question, where do yall expect her to buy from?


Just because she has debt donā€™t mean she donā€™t want high quality groceries


I saw a slideshow of this with the text "I feel sick because no one realised that Melanie is shopping at Erewhon" or something along those lines


Honestly whatā€™s the problem, if a normal person is shopping there then so can Melanie


I have a lot to say about this, I understand why yall are upset HOWEVER, not only is it weird asf to be like tracking every thing she does, how do we know this wasnā€™t just a once in a while splurge for them??? We donā€™t know if sheā€™s a regular, we donā€™t know why she was there, she couldā€™ve been meeting with a friend, maybe there is a specific item from there they like, maybe she does shop there but truthfully who tf cares, I know people throughout many different income levels that go there, why are we so concerned about where a celebrity does grocery shopping


1. Why are we acting like we know what she was doing? Maybe she was there with a friend, or meeting at the cafe, or picking something up for someone. 2. Erewhon is not just an expensive grocery store. [I took a look at their site and they are certified by many ethical and environmental orgs.](https://erewhon.com/about) Better than a Kroger. If I could vote with my dollar in my area, I would too.