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They like cops too much


This is why I never touched an All that Remains album after my initial obsession in the aughts.


ATR are worse, their vocalist was on Info Wars, he's an Alex Jones ally


Phil has also done vocals for 5FDP so idk if ATR is worse


I would not be shocked on the least to find out several members of FFDP are avid Info Wars listeners, I simply haven't heard of any of them actually going on the air with Alex like LaBonte did Though I will say, Alex managed to get Dave Mustaine and Willie Nelson on too, so it's not always the deciding factor lol


Weird take but if Dave was 20 years younger people would NOT be so forgiving of his weird politics especially since they do influence his lyrics now. I think he just gets the "boomer pass" to be a right wing nut since Megadeth is a legend and thus so is he.


No you're right, I think the amazing back catalogue of Megadeth is doing some heavy lifting, at least in regards to me. I will say, at least ATR don't have lyrics about Jan.6, when my friends play their songs I at least don't have to hear some shitty slogan like "Go woke go broke" which I wouldn't be surprised to hear in a newer Megadeth song lol


Stupid political beliefs are far more benign than attempting to strangle your wife, and beating the shit out of a random flight attendant while drunk. Not allegations against FFDPs lead singer, both cases have hard evidence.


Holy shit! I had no idea! All the more reason to hate this band


Yeah pretty much that’s why I avoid them.


All that remains is fucking awesome


Oops. I had no idea about this lmao, too late now I got whole albums of theirs in my rotations.


This Darkened Heart and The Fall of Ideals are basically tailor made 00s metalcore albums for me. Learning about Phil's life was... not cool. Sucks bc his vocals on those albums are killer, but fuck that guy


Yeah. I listened to fall of ideals and was hooked.


My favorite part of FFDP is that they are mentioned more here than other more deserving metal bands.. Last time i saw Carcass , a legendary band , there was 50 people in the crowd.. But lets talk about five finger death punch every day


Carcass is the most under appreciated band in the history of metal


For real , also i live in the US so Carcass coming here to play for that few people really is just a slap in the face ... Idk if they planned it beforehand but im from New Jersey , where bon jovi is from.. They did a cover of Livin on a prayer , it was hilarious


Nah. Fates Warning


They're literally one of the most popular bands in metal


and there are still people who thinks they are underrated


metal fans don't go to shows.


I mean maybe that's the case where you live but this definitely isn't true as a whole lmao


i was being sarcastic because a ton of people in this sub have talked about not having been to shows.


Not even close.


I mean that’s a side effect of being a corporate mainstream band. FFDP simply is huge. 7.4M monthly listeners on spotify


Ya , and im not even mad at em , everybody has different taste.. My favorite bands i get made of for too lol .. I just would like to see smaller/better bands get propped up than this musical form of the Kardashians


I also love how they get mentioned here all the time when they're not metal. People think guitars, bass, and drum with distortion and angst instantly means metal. And while I do think there is a grey area with rock and metal, I will never accept FFDP as metal. Not gatekeeping. They're just rock. Some will say it's just me being a hater. I would say thinking a band is rock and not metal is an insult to the band is gatekeeping metal as being the only good music.


I dunno if I agree with that assessment, yeah they arentt the absolute worst metal band ever, but their lead singer is a well known woman beater who has restraining orders against his mother and sister, and is an all round detestable piece of shit. Not to mention he's a boot licker.


Knowing what kind of people are in the band makes it easy to look the other way when I see people shitting on their music


Not Great, cringe lyrics and boring guitar (especially lead) work, I like a few songs (The Bleeding, Wrong side of heaven, Remember Everything) but a lot is it is cringe uninspired shit


i genuinely believe there is no need for this type of music


it's music for people that are angry that their dick is incredibly small so they have to pretend they're very manly to compensate.


like honestly if you're this mad about your dick please talk to your doctor instead of stuffing the music ethos with this shit


I don't even like ffdp but you're talking an awful lot of shit for someone with a flair from the group that brought us Siren Charms and Battles


Hey, he may be talking shit that makes no sense, but leave In Flames out of this! They are legends


Ok, but this is a discussion about the band's values I'm making, and how FFDP is toxic masculinity angry imp dick music. In Flames never made that type of music. Also, Siren Charms is fine. Not the best, but has some cool experimental stuff. Battles, is definitely their worst though.


Quit being such an asshole and let people listen to what they want


why? this band and it's music is one of the most toxic garbage out there. It's better if people listened to something else. This shit is music to empower wife beaters and drunk belligerent middle aged men


Nothing in their lyrics talk about that. You hate the members, not their music


I hate both


I hate their members, their music, and most of their fans. It all revolves around a tough guy bro douche mentality, and I can guarantee you they have fans that are as awful as that singer of theirs is.


You can let people listen to what they want and still shit on them because they are terrible


Finally someone with senses. People need to listen to Job For A Cowboy and Devourment than only they'll mature


Sausage water


Personally, I like the band. I also get where the haters come from; bands such as FFDP may not fit the "metal" criteria for many people, but that's ok. Imo the whole hate thing is more like a trendy/meme thing- the same way people like to hate on Nickelback, Disturbed etc. At the end of the day metal/rock can have many variations and every band has good and bad songs.


My issue with them is the InfoWars/ThinBlueLine/ultra-nationalist shit. Also them being anti-mask/anti-vaxx irks me as my coworkers are literally MDs, DOs, and PAs, so they kinda strike me as ignorant and toxic.


Omg I had no idea about any of this! I guess that's another rabbit hole for me to do a deep dive in,lol. 🤣 >strike me as ignorant and toxic. This is exactly the reason why I learned from a young age to separate the art from the artist. Most of the artists are just talented people in their own art/field only and they are otherwise completely ignorant, clueless and uneducated in all the other serious topics (politics, society, etc) they occasionally try to stick their noses in. To me, their opinions on those topics amount to less than nothing and they only manage to publicly embarass themselves.


I’ve tried to separate art from artist, but certain things strike too close to home with this for me. Also, there’s exceptions to that rule. Lostprophets and As I lay dying lol


>Lostprophets and As I lay dying These cases don't just involve dumb statements; they involve actual crimes and thankfully (well deserved) prison sentences. 😅


Hence the exceptions! Also growing up in the punk scene a lot of artists did REALLY shitty things….


In this case it's easy since the art and the artist both suck.


I do have to give them props for their production. That shit is crispy


I feel the music has progressively gotten worse after American Capitalist lol. That said, they do put on a fun show and still play a lot of the older material.


i think the hate comes from how bootlicker their entire aesthetic seems


Cringe band, cringe image. Some nice songs. Doesn't blow my mind, but they have that nice Arena Rock vibe.


Not a fan but fucked with them heavy when I was younger up until Got Your Six. They're not a horrible band and have made some bangers. But much like with Slipknot and Metallica I grew out of them and have no desire to listen again.


Just comes off as political butt rock to me. Having said that, I do love that track with DMX, but that’s just because of X


What are some of your favorite songs by DMX. Mine would be: X Gon Give it to ya Where the hood Take Control ft. Snoop Dogg No Sunshine The Omen ft. Marilyn Manson. Party Up Ruff Ryders Anthem


Basically It's dark and hell is hot front to back. That record is a masterpiece. I kind of stopped paying attention after the second record where he's all covered in blood on the cover. It's a solid follow up but not quite the same level. After that I would just hear stuff randomly but I liked all of it to some extent.


I don't hate them, but their fan base makes me never want to be associated with them and their music kind of encourages that too so idk, I go back and forth, I won't always skip a song of theirs when it comes on, and everybody loved their Bad Company cover when it came out. I just wish their guitar solos were less boring, it's more or less the same lick played 3 times with a fill on the way out


As someone who considers myself a casual fan of their music, the fan base is one of the main reasons I haven’t been to see them live


I gotta say I am not really a fan of their music, just doesn’t click for me, but they put on one hell of a live show.


Where have you seen them live before?


Louder Than Life in 2019


It’s hard to be fans of guys that wear their own band shirts on stage


Iron maiden?


I heard of My Dying Bride but never heard any of their songs. Give me only one song I should listen from them.


The songless bird




The fact that they are mainstream and that the song writting fallows the pop structure might turn off a bunch of metalheads. I know for my part, what I like the most about metal is that it tends to stray away from those two things. I don’t like FFDP for those reasons. For me they are more of a rock band than a metal band. But hey! Enjoy FFDP! Taste are not to discuss. If it fits you, thats the important part. Thats the beauty of music. Peace.


What are some of your favorite bands?


Right now, I’ll say Solbrud and Afsky. Tool and Opeth are all timers.


If tool and opetg are your all timers I wouldn't needed you to tell me you don't like FFDP. You see this is why flairs exist


Eh. For me, Way of the Fist is a really awesome record. Then the lyrical content just went downhill. Shallow and commercialized. Plus, Ivan is a fuckin prick.


Riding the nostalgia wave at this point. Was a big fan in my mid teens and so they’ll always hold a place for me. But their lyrics are the absolute worst in the business


Wym bro Jekyll and Hyde is so deep with cutting social commentary 


im a casual listener of their but for me the band has always had one great selling point: -the singers voice is the perfect range for music with long screams. i coukd never stand some nu-metal, emo, screamo etc... because their singers just sounded whiny. FFDP fixes that with a nice baritone scream


I just don't like the music. It's not really any more complicated than that. There are probably tons of bands that you don't like, every person on this sub knows of a band they don't like. It isn't some intense repulsion or anything, I just wouldn't listen to them. No biggie there. But what makes them different is that the handful of FFDP fans I'm met in real life have not been people I'd want to be around. My love for metal and their love for FFDB do not overlap. We don't actually share a common interest. And so, unlike most bands I don't really care for, FFDP also has a type of fan base that I don't vibe with. So it's both things.


i dont give a flying fuck what orher people think about them, they have tons of good music 🤘🏻


What are some of your favorite songs? Mine would be Full Circle, Wrong side of Heaven and Wash It All Away


Wash It Away, Battleborn, I Apologize, Wrong side of heaven just to name a few


Honestly the first two albums brought something new to the table, after that it was just the same shit over and over and over and over and I'm assuming over.


I like FFDP. They’ve pretty consistently put out an album every 2-3 years but for some reason only a handful were on my radar. I’m a huge fan of The Way Of The Fist, War Is The Answer, American Capitalist, and F8 and know most of those albums front to back. I don’t particularly care about the drama surrounding the band. They seem pro cop, pro military, pro America and none of that is bad to me. Everything has gotten political so the folks who hate them for those reasons alone I likely wouldn’t get along with anyway. If they hadn’t charged themselves politically, I don’t think they’d be getting any hate, their music itself is pretty good


It’s like propaganda music almost. Not even talking about how it’s mostly bland. It’s military and cop music. Their number 1 fans have oakley gascans glued to their faces. I laugh when people describe Slipknot as “pop metal” because FFDP deserves that label far more.   That said they were one of my main introductions to metal and I really liked them as a child.  Edit: Just searched “FFDP” on spotify to see how they sound to me now, and The Joe Rogan Experience was the second result. Fitting. 


Just relistened to some snippets from some albums that I liked when I was younger. It’s just so bland, simple and boring. And I’ve been on a huge Kublai Khan kick lately. 


fairly sure those guys saw Kill Bill once and intended to name their band after the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique but they couldn't remember what it was called


Got your six and ...and justice for none was absolutely rock bottom. Ivan was so deep in his alcoholism that he couldn't even write good songs anymore. That's why I have so much respect for the tragic truth. It shows the clip of where he had a seizure from trying to go cold turkey. But now that he's sober, they're making good music again


I love five finger death punch. Idgaf


I don't blanket hate bands, they have 10-20 pretty good songs in their discography, mostly the deep cuts. They're definitely not one of my favorite, but if you hate every song a band does because of who they are you're probably pretty lame. They have some good riffs and the singing is probably better than most of metal, even if it isn't my thing.


Love them, discovered them during the War Is The Answer era, been a fan ever since. There are not as good as they were 10 years ago, but still every album has several bangers. For writing catchy melodies/hooks , there are few in the metal scene that can match them. No wonder they have reached the headliner stage of festivals.


I kinda like Wrong Side of Heaven and that’s basically it


Great song man...love it 🤘🏿🤘🏿🤘🏿


when i heard him bark rapping about mickey mouse and coca-cola that was cringe AF lol (the pride) , or that jecky and hyde video lol yeah, lets act like were soooooo burdened to make a video. fake AF


They have like three songs that I like


What are they?


Never enough The bleeding House of the rising Sun cover


I like their music, not the band itself. It's a matter of separating the art from the artist for me


You're using too many big words for your target audience.


What are the big words?


The polysyllabic ones.




they have a few good songs but other than that their music is just boring to me


I get why angry 14 year Olds might like it, crush some monsters and punch a hole through your parents drywall but if your even a bit older it's odd for sure,


Ffdp has always been my favorite band, they were the first band I started listening to. It really sucks that they get so much hate, I just don't understand why so many people judge others because of their taste in music


I love Job For A Cowboy and Devourment.