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I think people might be missing the point/strategy of the trailer. It was moreso just to show yes it's happening and giving us an idea of where this game that had seemingly disappeared into the shadowrealm is at. Basically they just needed to show it existed and it's a Prime game. I imagine the game will have some unique features that they will probably save for the next direct/future reveals.


I remember the first trailer they showed for tears of the kingdom was similarly disappointing and did not seem groundbreaking, but then when they actually showed us a deep dive gameplay video of the game, it showed everyone what they had spent all that time doing which I expect this game will also do it some point but yeah like you said it’s just to announce this game exists and it is coming.


Personally, though, I found ToTK dissapointing in its actual content. It felt like they spent all their time on tweaking the physics engine to incorporate the building, which I didn't like. So I was left with weirdly small sky islands, a boring underground, pretty much the same base map, and re-doing Ocarina of Time's story again. I did like all the caves they added though. And I'm not being sarcastic, they gave good rewards and went on surprisingly long.


Yes, there will be new moves of course, but that isn't the point. There's an issue if you put up clips from Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid Prime 1 (remastered) and would have trouble telling the difference. Honestly, it's been so long since I played MP2 and MP3 that if you told me those were clips from either of those, I truly wouldn't know if you were lying or not. Being revolutionary and adding new skills are not the same. The morph ball is the exact same. The scanning of creatures is the exact same. The HUD is the exact same. The basic lock-on combat is the exact same. Too much of the FUNDAMENTAL bits of the game look to be the exact same. To be honest, I think the cause of this is the late-stage restart of the entire project. I bet the original was more revolutionary, but when it got scrapped and started over, they couldn't waste time reinventing the wheel again and decided to just fall back on what they already knew worked, potentially skipping 2-4 years worth of development and testing.


It was just one minute of gameplay I don’t think they were gonna reveal whatever the new gimmick is so soon


i'd say that because its just one min of gameplay they have to make it a SELL by showing the gimmick


Not really cause it could be at least 12 months till it comes out and Nintendo doesn’t drop info bombs like that on an initial reveal


The game will be available in one year. It doesn't really matter at this point. They will show everything they have to to sell the game later. This first teaser was for the fans. They wanted to say "we know what you like and it looks beautiful", basically.


And your expertise in advertisement, game development, and general business comes from where?


The game actually existing is enough of a sell right now, we’re gonna see more drops of the game in the coming months


It existing sells it. Pretty sure most of us don't care whether it's revolutionary or not.


People want more Prime, the game looks like more prime thus those people will be happy. You don't want more prime so you aren't excited. it's not rocket appliances


I want more prime, but I also wanted something new, something innovative


Even if it is, which it's far too early to say, no I don't think it's disappointing in the slightest. The gaming industry puts way too much emphasis on "revolutionary" experiences with radically different formulas. While there's nothing wrong with innovative games, games that build off and refine an established formula are equally important and worthy of praise, especially when it's a largely unique formula in the i industry like the Prime games are. The Prime games aren't really intended to be dynamic, movement focused experiences: they're deliberately slow paced to make it easier to engage and immerse yourself in the environment. The Prime titles are all about diegetic storytelling and world building through lore, logs, environmental design, and visual communication, and a slower pace tends to work better for getting the player invested in the world they're in.


I think it's impressive that you can divine the full extent of the game, down to the finest detail, from forty seconds of gameplay footage. Why are you wasting time on reddit? Put that soothsaying to work predicting natural disasters and building a fortune on the stock market.


Well for a trailer that is meant to market a game, that’s kind of the point




Your last paragraph says it all. Why would you be excited about prime 4 in the first place then? I think they’re actually being smart keeping the game “like the old ones” because most Metroid Prime fans are probably old like me and want the game to be like the old ones and not this new crap everybody’s playing now. And they probably went by the very positive reception of the remaster and said yeah let’s just stick with that


We barely know anything about the game, all we saw was a few clips of the opening and one shot of a jungle world. Also, i know it has been said to death on this sub, but metroid just really doesn't mesh with open world. They are opposites to each other in gameplay flow.


Given the ridiculously short amount of gameplay we saw we have no idea what kind of stuff we’re going to be doing in this game gameplay wise, and it has many opportunities to “be revolutionary” I remember graphically tears of the kingdom, just looked like breath of the wild and then once I actually saw what the gameplay was showcasing I shut my mouth because it wasn’t about the graphics, it was about what they implemented gameplay wise, and I am more than willing to assume this game has way more us than what we have seen of the game.


Even hotter take: making such big generalisations about a game for which we've only seen a few seconds of gameplay is extremely premature.


Why are you all so negative? We barely got a minute of footage and there’s like three “Prime 4 doesn’t look that good” posts a day.


You’re right, that is a take, I wouldn’t call it a hot one, but it certainly is a take.


Yeah, it's not really hot, just... uninformed?


Nobody said that it looks revolutionary and I can tell you as a fan of the trilogy that I DON'T WANT it to revolutionize anything. I want Metroid Prime 4. Anyway what they showed was just a teaser, it was "look, it is MP". But of course there will be new things, we just don't know what yet.


I see your point, but just recall the difference between Metroid dread's first and second trailer. Its their strategy to keep the juicy details for later.


will check them out!




Why does every game have to revolutionary?


Some guy on this sub ripped me a new one for me saying I like Stellar Blade, on top of throwing the usual bashing that game gets, he also said it wasn't "revolutionary" as if that's supposed to be an insult.


Just ignore people like that.


I think that I will never understand why people take their time and energy into something they dont like instead of using it for something positive. Why do people think that they like a game just because years went by even though they didnt liked the older titles to beginn with. I am in this sub because I like metroid content and try to enjoy my time. When a new game comes out I´ll wait patiently until that day, I´ll play it and either had fun with it or not. What do I have from interpreting literall nonsense about stuff no one has information about, looking for an redditor expert who can reinforce a negative feeling about something that is absolutley personal an as far from beiing objectevly relevant to anyone but yourself. Why can people not shut up about stuff they dislike , move on and do something where they can embrace their positives. I do not mean those words as an personal attack to OP, but what I have had to read the last days is just out of my mind and a reason to not use social media as much as I would like to.


Point is doesn’t have to be it could be the same graphics as prime remastered and give new power ups and a good story and it’ll be a 10/10


I don't need anything revolutionary, Prime is great, just new areas, enemies etc. is fine by me. Also we've seen barely anything.


It’s not meant to look revolutionary. *Metroid* fans want more *Prime*; this is what we’ve been asking for.


My guess is that this is a cause of the late-stage scrapping of the entire project a couple years ago. I bet the original version was a bit more revolutionary, but when it got restarted and Retro was likely given a short timeline to put it out (as well as a reduced budget compared to had they had the project from the very beginning), the only feasible course of action was to take as much of the foundation they already knew worked and just build maps and a few new abilities. They probably skipped 2-4 years worth of development and costs by using a framework they're already familiar with.


If the game really is just "another prime" when the game comes out, I might agree with you. I personally think, with what little we're shown, it's gonna be like a bait and switch thing where it starts like "another prime" but then later on goes batshit insane.


true, let's hope that's the case


So I ask you this: what even could be revolutionary for the game? Open world is a really bad idea for a metroidvania. Every time I see this proposal I ask myself if the person actually likes the game or just wants it to be like a different one. The way botw did open world shows exactly why it would contradict the base idea of the game. There is no lock in progression, that's the idea of open world, but there needs to be a lock in progression, that's what a metroidvania does. An open world does nothing to make the game better and while I really think they are good games, botw and totk are to me the worst zeldas because the main idea got scrapped. What new ways to move can there be in an 3D game? Sprinting or dashing are the inly things possible but dashing is already a thing, just not in a free way like other games but the lock on combat is THE outstanding feature of prime compared to other first person shooting games. Also you seem to forget that MP is an exploration game first and an fighting game second, unlike other games like DOOM. We also have the morph ball as distinct option other games don't have. Scrapping those or 'revolutionize' them would mean to make it more like other games; if I want to play other games I already have an abundance of those. What new controls could there possibly be? I don't even understand your question there. Unless you make a completely different game a first person game is very clear in the general way it plays out. But it is a prime game, not a new series with Samus so making it third person or anything like that is out of the question (also it wouldn't really add to the game but would be different just to be different while making exploring worse). The revolutionary aspect of the prime games is that they didn't falter to genre conventions of shooters. Why would they now do the thing other games have done a million times already? That's the exact opposite of revolutionary. Other than that there is no revolution possible unless you want to make the game worse. Revolution isn't always good. We saw this with zelda. Its revolution came with the prize of conformity. It now is in its core a very generic open world adventure. If you'd replace the characters with new ones noone would assume it to be zelda. Of that's the prize to pay for a revolution I don't want to pay it.


It also looked quite combat focused. I know it probably only is the opening, but I would have preferred to see some lonely isolated alien like hallways too.


the whole war aesthetic from the intro looks great tho


Yeah it did, game looks great. Just wished for a few glimpses of lonely isolated tunnels. But I guess that will be next trailer.


This game will have been in development for 8 years by the time it launches. It won’t be just another simple Prime game (those took only 1-2 years). Expect it to be bigger and better than Breath of the Wild. First, this is Nintendo we’re talking about. Second, this is their highest quality studio. Third, this is one of their most revered franchises (topped, perhaps, only by the mainline Zelda). Fourth, in 2025, this game will have been in development nearly 7 years by Nintendo’s best studio, and 9 years when you consider the first failed attempt on top of that. It’s almost impossible that this won’t be Nintendo’s biggest and best game of all time. I’m guessing that because of the time and the quality of Retro Studios, Prime 4 Beyond will be open world, and that world will be both bigger and better than Xenoblade Chronicles X and Breath of the Wild. Given all the factors, how could it fail to be anything less than the best game of all time? I think anything less than that could be a massive disappointment for Nintendo fans, and. disgrace for Retro and Nintendo. Have faith, neither Nintendo nor Retro would ever allow that to happen.